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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lostalongtheway

  1. lostalongtheway

    Was not going to post

    You will be in my prayers.
  2. I'm currently doing this as well. The time goes by so fast once you get started. You'll be fine.

  3. lostalongtheway

    6 Month Supervised Dieters

    Congrats!!!! My 3rd month starts tomorrow. I haven't been to the doctor for an official weigh in yet but from my scale at home, I'm down 15 more lbs (27 in all) and I'm happy about that. It's hard work but I'm not about to give up. I can't wait until I'm where you are just waiting for approval and to finally get the call.
  4. lostalongtheway

    All the single ladies

    Omg, people are posting this all over the place, lol.
  5. lostalongtheway

    6 Month Supervised Dieters

    I will be going into my 2nd month this coming Tuesday. So far I've only lost 12lbs. I feel as though I could've lost more had I stuck to my healthy eating the way I had done during my first 2 weeks. I have to get my BMI down before I can have surgery so hopefully I will do that by eating meat / veggies, low carb, no sweets. It was fairly easy for me this time and I haven't had any cravings for things that I cut out of my diet. I just wish I could speed these months up because I'm so ready to get this done. I know that once the time comes, I'll be a barrel of nerves.
  6. I wish you all the luck. I hope to be where you are one day soon and I can't wait to read how it went.
  7. I just blew it on some barbecue chips my son had lying on the kitchen counter knowing chips are my weakness. I've been doing good all week but I feel so guilty now, like I shouldn't eat anything else for the rest of the day. What do you all do when you get off track?
  8. lostalongtheway

    Letting go of the Armor...

    Good for you!!!
  9. lostalongtheway

    Deevah's Diatribe

    I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey!
  10. No, I saw both my pcp and gyno about 2 weeks ago and they were both very supportive. In fact I was too nervous to bring up the subject with my pcp thinking that she'd be against it and I was so relieved when she brought it up to me. She went and got me a list of doctors and everything.
  11. I can really tell a difference. It's so nice that your so is so supportive of you and is influenced by you. Keep up the good work.
  12. lostalongtheway

    Un-Sleeved Introduction

    I don't understand why you're pissed at the govt programs. It's not their fault that insurance companies that people are paying their money too aren't covering what is needed. I think that is a problem that should be taken up with them personally.
  13. This should be interesting. I need to know as well.
  14. lostalongtheway

    newbie here

    Hi and welcome to the board. You will get loads of information here. I'm new too and I've learned a lot already. Good luck with your surgery.
  15. Hey Jennifer, thanks for adding me. It was nice chatting with you as well. Will do it again soon.

  16. I've got to do 6 months.
  17. lostalongtheway

    What is a honeymoon period?

    Gosh I want to be in the honeymoon phase now!!!!!! I bet it's such a wonderful feeling.
  18. lostalongtheway

    Decision Made!

    I have not had the surgery yet, but congratulations to you. Hope everything works in your favor.
  19. I'm so overwhelmed by all of the wls information. It wasn't until recently that I finally made up my mind that this is something I want to do. When I started researching I thought the lap band would be less invasive. At least that's what I heard on all of the commercials. In reality, it's all invasive. It never dawned on me that I'd have this foreign object inside of me for the rest of my life or maybe I would need a second surgery later on down the line. Well, I've been doing more research and watching youtube videos about the sleeve and I'm thinking that this is the way I want to go. But I'm so overwhelmed......with finding the right surgeon, getting all of the requirements done, getting insurance approval, preop, who would go with me on surgery day, who would help me aftewards, etc. It makes me a bit apprehensive. In a way I think I'm just fearful. If I could just make the first step. I pray about this every night that one day I'll know what it feels like to be thin. I've been overweight most of my life, but no where near where I am now. When I looking back over my life, I feel as though I have not lived, only existed. I'm at my highest weight and it's depressing. I hate looking in the mirror because I don't feel beautiful anymore. When I'm out and I see someone that hasn't seen me a long time, I avoid them because I know in their mind they're thinking, "Wow what happened to you?" In the past I've never been self conscious, I kept myself up and very social. Now, I hate leaving my house, when people invite me places I make excuses as to why I can't go and one thing that I've noticed is the fact that I don't make eye contact with anyone. This is not me. I don't know the person that I am now. I feel trapped. I can't just walk into a store and buy clothes. I have to go to the big girl section. I want to run, that's something I can't do now. All of the things most people take for granted, I wish I could do. I'm so frustrated!
  20. lostalongtheway

    Trying to bring me back to life

    Thank you ladies.
  21. lostalongtheway

    Mentor/ Buudy needed in GA

    I'm in Ga but I haven't begun my process yet. Still researching doctors and what not.
  22. lostalongtheway

    Hi, I'm new here

    I'm sorry, posted in the wrong place.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
