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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by surfmama

  1. Good Luck Dawn!

    You know what will be interesting? If you stay out of fast food restaurants for a while and then go back, tell us how the smell made you feel. I have never been a fast food junkie, the smell really turns me off. I often wonder if it's just me or if others feel like that too. None of my friends really eat fast food and no one in our family does (except my MIL occasionally).

    My 23 yr old daughter has never had a Mcdonalds hamburger, and it has nothing to do with me!! She can't stand the smell either.

    Maybe we are just weird.

    I'm still only 12 days post op, so I am a newbie. Good luck to you and everyone on this journey!

    Fast Food! I love the stuff and cant get enough of it. Mcdonalds, Wendys, Burger King well you get the idea. I would have eaten every single day if hubby had let me. The other downfall I have is Mt. Dew I would have the stuff as soon as I would get up in the morning and then all day and right before bed at night. Mix that with no exercise and I am what you get.

    Im changing all that now though! I havent had mt. Dew since October 3rd. Fast food...not since I started the pre-op diet on the 5th. This is the "new me" and I am loving every minute of it!!!!!

  2. Well I am just a week post-op so I am still a newbie but more importantly I am a foodie, that will never change. I didn't gain weight from fast food or soda. I have always been a foodie, my kids grew up with fresh fruits and vegetables, I never bought frozen. But there lies the problem. I cooked, REALLY cooked all the time. In the summer I BBQ or use my smoker to smoke pork, beef and lamb. I make fresh roasted vegetables and I EAT, no such thing as Portion Control for me. My husband and I are also restaurant junkies. My favorite websites are chowhound and menupages to search for great places here in NJ or NYC.Our kids are now in their 20's and live in Brooklyn and Queens, they both work in great restaurants in Manhattan so we go where they work to visit them too. I live to eat, i think about it all the time. My husband is a surfer so the most he has ever had to lose is 10 maybe 15 pounds. Right now I am still on liquids, but hey.. I have some great Soup recipes and i can think of some great Soups in my favorite restaurants. ALSO, Trader Joe's has some fantastic meals for my hubby ( all kinds of international foods), and tonight I had Trader Joe's creamy Tomato Soup with 2 teaspoons of TJ's avocado salsa verde. yummy. and under 200 calories!I am so ready to lose weight.

  3. I am 4 days post op and feeling pretty good (except no bowel movement yet)!!

    I am drinking carnation instant Breakfast with fat free milk, lots of home made broth, chinese takeout egg drop Soup,

    and popsicles! thats it. I think I am running about 500 calories a day, I try to have a bit more, but it still seems to be between 500 to 800 calories..

    I'm not real hungry yet but this morning reading the NYTimes I saw a recipe for chicken cutlets and my mouth watered. haha.

    I have had a pretty wicked headache today, so I am drinking more Water than usual.

    What is everyone else eating and drinking?

    ps.. I'm having a gin and tonic tonight come hell or high water. It's Saturday night!

  4. Good Luck! I went through it yesterday, It's not bad at all.

    Hi all,

    I am getting very excited. Tomorrow is finally my day to join bandland. I never thought i would make it through this 2 week liquid diet. I did and I am so proud that I did not cheat (although, I was tempted beyond belief) I have never had so much bad food offered, handed to me, eaten in front of me, than I have had in the last 2 weeks. But I came through on the other side . I am stronger for it. I have built up some will power. I am truly ready for the change that is about to come. I want to say thank you to all of you that have shared your experience, questions, concerns thus far. It has been a huge help and relief to hear from others that are going through the same thing that you are at the same time. Noone else can truly appreciate and understand the process like you all. Best of luck to all upcoming bandsters.

    Take Care

  5. Surgery went well. I was very nauseous upon waking up. I can handle the pain, but not being nauseated. However the nausea stopped after my drive home. I don't think I handle anestesia very well. Anyway, had to be to the center by 9, surgery was suppose to be at 10, didn't start until 10:30. Was on the road home by 2:30. Came home and slept. I have gotten up and walked a lot which helps. I am taking the pain meds and nausea pills. But overall, doing fine. I have tolerated popsicles and just barely had a 1/2 c. of homeade chicken broth. It was delish, but not at all hungry yet.

    Hope all of you are well!

    congrats. be well

  6. I have a question as a newbie on this forum. Who have you told about your lapband surgery or up coming surgery? My surgery is next week on the 18th and I have told no one except my husband and kids and 2 very close friends who would not tell anyone (they know how private I am about this).

    I haven't told my mother in law who I see at least twice a week mainly because I have lived under her scrutiny for so many years, she would be watching me constantly. That is mainly the same reason I haven't told

    anyone else. We all have to eat to live, but I don't think I could eat in front of anyone who knew. At least not right now.

    i would love to hear how everyone else feels about this.

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