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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crzytchr

  1. crzytchr

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Tina, I am so sorry your family did not respect your request. My dad tells everyone, but I was telling everyone anyway. Well, at least everyone that I thought should know. He, on the other hand, isn't as discriminating. I decided not to let it bother me. If anyone asked I would have told them anyway. Being banded doesn't embarrass me, and Lord help the person who tries to claim I took the "easy way out". This is still work, and believe me, I will tell anyone and everyone that it IS WORK. Please don't let it bother you. Stick up for yourself if confronted. Try to anticipate what others might say to criticize and come up with your response. Please don't skip Thanksgiving unless you really feel you won't enjoy yourself at all. You shouldn't allow others to make you feel uncomfortable. You deserve better than that. Your weight loss so far is a great accomplishment. Really, that can speak volumes.
  2. crzytchr

    Wii Fit

    Target has them in their ad today. Normally that means they put some aside to put out for the sale. Sorry I didn't check my paper earlier. Call your local Target and see if some are in stock!!!
  3. crzytchr

    Needle Phobia

    I dont' know whether problems are normal or not, but my friend was banded 2 weeks before me. She has had 2 fills and I have had 1. The PA at our surgeons office does them and for both of us it took only a minute or two and they were completely painless. I even had to be stuck again to do an unfill, because I had too much at first. Not a problem at all. Please don't worry.
  4. Wow, I am sorry you are going through this. It can not possibly be easy. You seem to be taking care of your boys' needs, that is signs of a good mom. BUT, you also need to take care of yours. You need to stay healthy emotionally and physically for them. Questions, many of which you may not know the answer to yet: Is there any way that you can also go to therapy? This has affected you too. What recourse do you have regarding the false allegations that were made? Do they really HAVE to still go to visitation in a hostile environment? Do they (ex and new wife) really still WANT them to be there? You may learn that they find it a hassle and don't want them every other weekend. Maybe it can be spread out a little more. As the boys go through therapy, they will learn they aren't responsible for the behaviors of the adults. This situation really sucks and no one, especially the children, should have to go through this. Again, I am truly sorry.
  5. I agree with Misty. Please make sure you are getting between 1000-1200 calories per day. Any less than that and your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to every bit of fat it can. Stop worrying about letting other people down. Give yourself a break. The worrying will only make you feel worse. If you can, get some extra walks or other forms of exercise in. It will make you feel better emotionally and physically. That being said, you may need another fill, but please do check your calorie intake. Also, make sure you are getting enough fluids each day. I find that is the hardest thing to do. Keep us updated and good luck! And remember, STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF! Even if you feel you aren't doing well, you HAVE lost weight, so that is a move in the right direction.:thumbup:
  6. crzytchr

    BEST NSV EVER! This make it ALL worth it!

    How wonderful for you! That must have felt amazing. You are a true inspiration for bandsters. I have seen your posts here regarding your journey with your band and through your plastic surgery. You are an amazing person who always seem to have good advice to give. Thank you.:thumbup:
  7. crzytchr

    help me through this!!!

    Jacole, you sound like you need another fill. Cell, you may have a slip, I don't know. If not, it sounds like you need another fill if you aren't getting full. Either way, you need to call your doctor.
  8. crzytchr

    Restriction but not losing

    I agree with Sue. Honestly, you may not be eating enough. Are you logging your food intake on fitday or dailyplate? You may be surprised to find you are eating less than 1200 calories a day. :thumbup:
  9. crzytchr

    Introduction :)

    I totally agree. Try to get that Thursday and Friday off as well. You will glad for the extra recuperation time. During the liquid stage, for Clear Liquids I found the New whey Protein bullets (42g) to be the easiest way to get my required protein in. Each one is only 3 oz and has 42g of protein in it. You can get them at GNC. They have a tart flavor and are kind of thick, so some people mix it with sf tropical punch. I just drank it straight. 1oz consisted of maybe 3 sips, so it was easy. During the full liquid stage, I really liked cream of chicken soup. I mixed it with skim milk instead of Water and added a little garlic powder, sage and pepper. It tasted so good, that my daughter took it to work for lunch! Make sure when you move on to mushies that you even practice "chewing" that. I chew everything well and haven't pbed or slimed yet, thankfully. Congratulations on your decision to change your life! :thumbup:
  10. Definitely ask your surgeon. I was told nothing over 15 lbs for 4 weeks! :thumbup:
  11. crzytchr

    Viagra in his suitcase before trip

    I'm so very sorry, but I do NOT think you are crazy. It is POSSIBLE he is telling the truth, but highly unlikely; otherwise he wouldn't have lied by saying it was in the suitcase already. Had you not seen it the day before, you wouldn't have been any wiser and he would have gotten away with the lie (probable). Aw, geez, this sucks bad. I am so sorry. :thumbup:
  12. crzytchr

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome, and wow, nice loss! This is a great site to get and, in your case, give advice to fellow bandsters. :shades_smile:
  13. crzytchr


    It was about 4 weeks before I could sleep on my side. As far as belching, I do that all the time now and very loudly.
  14. I am take regular pain medication. Normally tylenol since having surgery. It seems to do well. I haven't had any problems yet.
  15. crzytchr

    Recently banded and..

    You can find stories on here of bandsters that didn't lose. Some also lose slowly. The ones who lose the quickest seem to get their fills regularly and exercise. Listen to your stomach. Eat when you are hungry and eat only the amounts you are supposed to. Chew your food well, and when you think you are finished chewing, chew some more. Start off with the 1/4-1/2 cup when you first begin foods. Eventually you will get up to a cup for each meal. If that doesn't fill you up, it is time for a fill. If you are hungry sooner than 4 hours after eating, it is probably time for a fill. Try to follow the guidelines that your nutritionist gives you. Eat proteins first, then veggies, then fruits if you have room. You must get enough protein in each day.
  16. crzytchr

    I am being banded in the morning!

    Good Luck! :lovechoc:
  17. crzytchr


    Welcome! This is a wonderful place to find support. Ask any question you may have and someone should be able to answer it. Good Luck!:lovechoc:
  18. We were lucky in the past few years. Nothing until now since Katrina. Now we are having to watch that danged Ike. He is turning toward Florida and Cuba.:lovechoc:
  19. Thank you for asking. Gustav kicked our butts. My family is fine. We were very fortunate. Big tree uprooted in the front yard, 8 ft wooden fence down in the back and some roof damage. Baton Rouge, in general, is a complete mess. This area has never seen anything like it. We are quite a ways inland, so the most we had ever gotten prior to this was 70 mph gusts. This storm gave us sustained winds of that and over 90 mph gusts. It is awful to drive around and see the city. I just got an automated call from the school board and my kids don't return to school until MAYBE the 15th. I teach in a neighboring district and I return to work on Monday. Like after any disaster, people are tired and frustrated. It will take a little while, but we have a lot of help and it will get better. Oh, and thanks for the tip about the banana pudding. It sounds yummy!
  20. My SF pudding saves me every time! Have you tried the new dark chocolate, chocolate mint and banana supreme with chocolate? YUMMY!!!!
  21. I still get hungry, it just takes a little longer and I get satisfied from a smaller amount of food. I am happy that my band helps me in this way. Do I still have head hunger? Yes, I do. I will continue to struggle day to day with the horrible "head hunger". I think we all wish the band could fix that.
  22. crzytchr

    just had a weigh in

    I am hoping that I will continue to lose so I can have results like yours. That is wonderful. Please stop crying and pat yourself on the back. Go buy a new outfit and Celebrate your weight loss. You have done an amazing job.
  23. crzytchr

    So hard to decide

    Take your own advice. You are smart. You will still be doing this. The band is not a magic wand. You will still have to make good food choices, better actually. Once you get restriction, the amount of food you should eat will be reduced, so you will need to make good, healthy choices to get the proper nutrition. Most bandsters who are successful. Make better food choices than they did before, follow the guidelines, and exercise. Not all, but most. Don't sell yourself short and think you won't be earning your weight loss. This is work, but the band is a good tool to help you take and keep it off if it is used correctly.
  24. crzytchr

    Can you eat the day of a fill?

    You should call your dr to make sure what he/she wants. Mine has no restrictions for before or after, but I would not eat immediately before and I had soup the night of. The following day, I ate normally.
  25. crzytchr

    Need ideas for quick meals

    Vera, that sounds really good. I plan on giving that a try.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
