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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crzytchr

  1. The dreaded Aunt paid me a visit the day of. They didn't even issue me the undies...said it was no big deal and to the OR I went. I was mortified, but they didn't even bat an eye.
  2. I saw your post in a thread and was wondering how your tt went?

  3. crzytchr

    Starbucks fanatics unite!

    I drink Starbucks every single day. I have a venti non-fat caramel mocha. I use only 2 pumps of mocha and 4 pumps sugar free caramel, no whip. It only has 220 calories and 17g of protein. I prefer it to a regular protein drink, which I have NEVER been able to stomach. I drink this instead of breakfast and it holds me until 11:20 at lunch.
  4. crzytchr

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I hope we hear from Michelle when she feels up to it. My surgery was outpatient, but I wound up being put back in the hospital for 4 days less than a week later. I had some kind of infection that they never identified. I just had an elevated wbc count and fever. Within a month, I had felt better than I had in ages. It IMMEDIATELY got rid of my migraines. It is second only to being banded as the best thing I had ever done for myself. Kat, I am sorry to hear about Manda. I hope she heals quickly. Tracy: you have a support system here. You can fight this. It is very difficult and I also struggle with it everyday. I think the only reason I continue to maintain my loss is because I work everyday. Occasionally, candy ( I AM in an elementary school) overtakes me, but for the most part, I do well during the day. The evenings are a struggle, but I have started going to the gym. I have come to realize this will be something I will actively have to battle my whole life. Luckily the band helps me, but it dang sure doesn't do it for me.:smile: My daughter has put on 15 lbs this year. She became complacent with her eating. She usually eats basically a Sugar Buster type diet about 80% of the time. Well...this year her new boyfriend has fattened her up. Taking her out for milkshakes, burgers, Taco Bell and bringin her doughnuts in the mornings :thumbup:. It snuck up on her, and now she is furious with herself. She knows she must eat. I don't believe in starving to lose weight, so she has recently begun to watch her diet (taken out the junk and Taco Bell) and goes to the gym with me. In a way she is lucky. She won't be the female who is naturally thin her whole life and then packs on the pounds later. She knows that she must live a healthy lifestyle and exercise to be fit. Heck, our family history of joint and heart problems DEMAND we take care of ourselves.:smile: HUGS everyone! Oh, I will try to post a before prom pic that shows the evil enabler with her:w00t:. He is really sweet. Like she says, "he didn't shove the food in my mouth, he just gladly bought it!"
  5. crzytchr

    Yawns, burps and nose blowing, OH MY!

    I think the runny nose signal is from your body producing extra fluids to "unstick" whatever it is you are eating. When my nose begins to get runny, I know it is time to stop. If I CONTINUE, I become stuck and will sometimes pb. :eek:
  6. crzytchr

    LESS restriction at NIGHT?

    This reminded me of an RN that used to post a lot whose doc told her that the more dehydrated we are, the tighter our band will be. Earlier in the day, we are usually less hydrated from not drinking at all for 8+ hours overnight. As the day progresses, we drink fluids and hydrate ourselves, so our band loosens some. So, if you are experiencing tightening that definitely isn't related to a fill at all, I guess maybe you can try drinking extra water in the evening and see if you notice any difference at all. I would be able to eat lunch if I wasn't stressed. Because I teach and the lunch isn't duty-free, I must stay with Soups.:eek:
  7. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. When I was banded, it was my first surgery ever, and I was terrified. When I got to the hospital I requested, and was given, something to "chill" me out. Let them know how you feel when you get there and they can probably give you something. Oh, and don't worry about the naked thing. It isn't something they haven't seen before. Good luck!:eek:
  8. crzytchr

    public vomit.....SMH

    You can take children's liquid Motrin for the swelling.. As far as never being normal again, I eat pizza about once a week (whole wheat, thin crust). It depends on how tight you need your band to be successful. You may need it tight to succeed for now, but later you can leave it a little looser so you can eat some of the foods you enjoy. I eat whatever I want, but I eat a LOT less of it now. Take the motrin, then stay on liquids tomorrow and that will probably help.
  9. crzytchr

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Room: GROUP HUG Tracy: I think it is amazing he won. He needs to surround himself with smart people who do not allow him to blow it. If you have ever seen those specials where they check up on people who have won the lottery, it is depressing. :biggrin: Kat: my FIL has been having the same problems for the past 4 months. He is also over 80 and is in the ER every 2 weeks or so. They do, now, however, call the dr. instead of us when he has a problem. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. It is scary for them and for us. Horrible storm here now, and supposedly all day long. I woke up to lightning striking right outside at 6:30:scared2: My daughter has prom tonight and now I am freaking out about the weather. They are meeting us at IHOP after and we are feeding them breakfast. I am supposed to leave in 10 minutes to go to the bank and take alex to her hair appt. $50 for hair that will fall from the weather:huh2: ugh! I hope you all have a great Saturday.
  10. I find with my band, I guess I am on a diet, technically, since I eat 1200-1500 calories. This is what most healthy diets suggest. The difference since being banded, is that I am SATISFIED with that amount of food, instead of feeling like I am starving. I think WW works well with the band. Most WW points will put you in the 1200-1500 range to start, depending on your weight. Then, as you weight drops, so will your points. Try it, it can't hurt. If you find you cannot eat the foods that you should, even if you are chewing carefully, then I would try to get that small unfill. Good luck. WW works for most people, especially if you have the support of others around you doing the program also.
  11. Click on "quick links" at the top of this screen. Click on "edit options" Then, on the left-hand side, click on "edit avatar" there you can upload your pic for the avatar
  12. crzytchr

    Who did you tell ?

    This is EXACTLY why I tell everyone. Someone at work was banded over the Christmas break a couple of years ago. I commented a few months later and ask her what she was doing, because she looked great. She coyly looked at me and said I am just eating less and exercising. It made me feel like great big failure, because I couldn't do it on my own. My friend that taught next door to me found out 5 months later that she was banded. So, we made our appt together and were banded within 2 weeks of each other.
  13. If it only happens when you eat too much and not just from eating, then it is probably a good thing...sorry. If you are eating slowly, try to be more aware of when you are satisfied, not full. It sounds like being full is going to be a painful experience for you from now on.
  14. crzytchr

    I'm getting banded today

    Congratulations and good luck today.
  15. crzytchr

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I am glad to hear it isn't THAT ex, at least. I thought about your daughter on Sunday when we watched Whip It. I remembered that you said she played roller derby. I am so sorry to hear she was hurt. I hope she is able to heal properly and quickly. Hopefully when she sees the orthopedic she will get some good news.
  16. Congratulations again on the weight loss. You are doing great!
  17. crzytchr

    Pregnant then banded

    They definitely should have done a test before surgery. I had one prior to surgery even though I KNEW I couldn't be pregnant. That doesn't make sense. Have you had sex since surgery? If you have PCOS, do you skip periods anyway? If you have had sex since surgery, maybe the pregnancy is extremely recent. I am grasping at straws, but you should definitely call your obgyn and get in asap. You need to know how pregnant you are and then go from there.
  18. crzytchr

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Jeez...I still want some meatloaf!!!:thumbup:
  19. crzytchr

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I watch Ruby also, and I am waiting to see what she finds out about her childhood. I, also, can remember almost NOTHING from my childhood. I remember nothing before age 10 or so and then only bits and pieces. It is weird. It bothers me at times that my brothers remember everything and I remember nothing. Oh, and I want some meatloaf!:thumbup:
  20. crzytchr

    LESS restriction at NIGHT?

    From what I have read on here, it seems many bandsters have problems in the morning and then as the day progresses they loosen up. I am tighter in the mornings, but I CAN eat, but don't during the school week, because I don't have time to sit and eat my breakfast like I should. Many times I don't eat real food for lunch, because I have to stay with my students and have about 10 minutes to eat when I sit down. I COULD eat solid food, but don't have time, so I usually have Soup. Talk to your doc and see if it would probably be more beneficial for your to get a small unfill to be able to eat food earlier in the day.
  21. crzytchr

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    It is good to see you check in, Jenn. I had forgotten you had the dinner to work on. A running training class? Jeez..
  22. crzytchr

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    A size 8...mmmm....NOPE, not even a distant memory. Is it possible to just skip a size completely? I literally don't have any memory at all of any single digits. Shrinknme: if there are people around me that feel that I was "cheating" by being banded, they have been smart enough to keep that info to themselves.:confused: I told everyone, because I felt that if it helped anyone else make the decision to be banded, then that was a good thing. I haven't had anyone be negative with me yet. Hopefully it won't happen. Oh, and your "friend" who says that to you may just be jealous.
  23. That is a good idea. You are doing great. I hope you find a doc who will give you the aftercare you need. I need to go get a fill now. My last fill was Nov '08. As soon as school lets out next month, I will go in.
  24. Congratulations on your 3 lb loss. That is a step in the right direction, but if you are still relying on 2 of your meals being shakes, you still may be a little tight. If you are fine with having 2 shakes per day then you can keep it that way. I still think it would be good to get .1cc or even .2ccs out to help you eat food for lunch instead of a shake. It seems to be normal for people to be tighter in the mornings, so many people do rely on shakes for breakfast. As far as being a little stuck and then walking, yes it does seem to ease the stuck episode. So, that is perfectly normal. Again, congratulations on the weight loss!

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