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Everything posted by quazarfrog

  1. Hi everyone, I was sleeved on Nov 3 2011... so I'm nearing the 5 month mark and I've only lost 27.5 lbs. In the last 2 months I've only lost 4.8 pounds and I just feel like I wasn't a great candidate for this surgery. I had hoped to have lost about 40-50 pounds by now and as you can see - this isn't the case Anyone else out there like me - seriously slow loser? I'm eating everything... ok Bread isn't very fun to eat as it sits and makes me feel terrible. I am eating some chocolate ( yes I now - and I've given myself a talking to about that) I'm really hoping to push past this stall and lose about 2 lbs this week... any thoughts on how? Or any words of wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks Darcey
  2. quazarfrog

    Weird Results

    thanks guys, I started at 214lbs, I exercise and try to eat right... my goal weight is to be down to 135. I'm 5'4". My plan was for this to tae a year and maybe not have to deal with much loose skin.... I'm focusing on getting in more protein, and my water. Then I'll check in a week to see if I've boosted myself
  3. OK folks - I am 4 weeks out today. what a month it's been let me tell you. One thing I;m just not sure on is the rate at which I'm losing weight. I am down 15.4 pound as of this morning. This does not include pre surgery weigh loss( only 5 lbs anyways) I read many stories of people dropping 20 pounds in their first week or two and here I am at 4 weeks and not close to 20 pounds. Does this make me a slow loser? Please don't get me wrong - I have gone down 2 clothing sizes ( 18/20- 16) and my weight is at 197.6.... I am grateful for the loss and I know that it's still an impressive loss when compared to dieting and exercise. I honestly just want to see if I'm "normal" Maybe the slower loss will help with the hair loss I've read so much about and also with the loose skin issue that we area all bound to face at some point. Anyone with similar results or an encouraging word?
  4. thank you - it's all relative I guess. I weigh in once a week to check my weight progress but I couldn't do it every day because I'd go crazy:) I am now wearing an xl in old navy which is a huge nsv for me because when I got sleeved - I didn't fit into any thing there. . Small goals are helping me along the journey.
  5. Thanks so much guys - I do feel pretty good about it......but there is always in the back of my mind that I'm not:) time to shake the negative!
  6. quazarfrog


    hey Tina - congrats on having a date!!!!! I have to say that right before my pre op diet.. I went a bit nuts and had big helpings of every favourite food lol Good luck and keep us posted!
  7. ok - I;m 2 weeks post op... eating almost all normal stuff now but of course in very mushy consistencies :) feeling great

  8. quazarfrog


    Just a case of the " this is new and has lots of restrictions". My friend you weight loss should boost your spirits. I'm 2 weeks out and only down 10 lbs... not sure why I'm losing so slowly compared to everyone else on this site. Keep a stong outlook and know that the weight is gone for good and eventually you'll be able to eat normal food again
  9. Well - I did it... I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it all just yet but I'm sure I'll be happy I did it... I still feel guilty and right now.. Nov 8 - I'm right back into the swing of raising 3 small kids and 3 dogs..... and today I feel like crap - there is no way to sugar coat it. Yesterday was a great day - actually Nov 5 and 6 were great days, I even went shopping on both days and just enjoyed myself. Today however I felt rushed to be"normal" and so I did too much laundry, swept and bleached the entire main floor of the house and now - I'm paying for it. I went with my sister in law to get the surgery done and we both had exact opposite recoveries... and now that we are home - her mom is here so she sleeps all day to continue recovering while I chase 3 kids.... I'm feeling very jealous and I'm embarrassed to even say that. I'm also dealing with my time of the month ( was at the last day and then surgery totally screwed with it and it's like I have to deal with it from the beginning... as if I never had it) I went into surgery at 213 - next day I was 217 (lol can we say fluids????) today Nov 8 I'm weighing in at 210.. so I'm hoping that the next few days of recovery go well.. I'm hoping for more energy and being able to eat something. It's been text book recovery - for someone without kids lol
  10. quazarfrog

    Ideas for "mushy" foods please!

    what is the ricotta bake? sounds yummy
  11. Hi fellow pre-oppers I am getting sleeved on Nov 3 in Mexico which means I leave my home, my kids Nov 2 and won't be back until nov 7.... I am getting nervous about the whole thing. leaving the kids (3) and also the surgery. I have never had an operation before so I'm ignorant on the topic and I think that is providing me most of my stress. I have a friend that got sleeved last march and she has walked me through the whole process but I'm still pretty nervous. I'm going with my sister-in-law (we are getting sleeved on the same day) and our husbands will go as well... should be interesting. I'm on day 3of my liquid diet and it's not going well for me. yesterday I ate a piece of cheese ( about the size of a quarter)and right now I'm wanting something to eat... I think it's just head hunger - how do I get past this? I don't want to show up for surgery and then be refused because I cheated on my diet Thanks for listening to me. Nobody else in my world understands how I feel. D
  12. quazarfrog

    surgery fast approaching

    my dr is sergio verboonen . im flying into LA and driving to san diego. diet went well today- no slips or cheats! pretty awesome id say given that i took the kids trick or treating lol
  13. wow, people from Edmonton... sweet! i go for my sleeve on Nov.3..... getting close and im nervous
  14. Hi guys, I'm starting to gather my stuff to make it through the pre-op diet... Which is why I need canadians to help me out as our products are a bit different than the USA However any bits of info and help are completely welcome. Ok I need the low calorie Protein shake.... and of course it has to have less than 6 grams of sugar and be low in carbs as well. My flavour of choice is vanilla or strawberry so any brand names and where you got it would be such a big help. OK -my question for post-op.... liquid Protein. What do you like/ what was terrible, where did you get it. Just incase you think I'm being lazy - I have 3 kids and am looking after my in-laws - they live with me... so it's really hard to get out on a fact finding mission.. I really appreciate any help that is thrown my way. Thanks so much everyone.
  15. I find myself sitting around and wondering how my life will change. Will I be more mobile to play with the kids - goodness I hope so. The wayI usually attack change is expect the best but try really hard to prepare for the opposite. IN this situation I find myself expecting the best but not feeling really sure that it will work for me... I am delving into my inner self and I find that I don't think I deserve to be thin... seriously?!?!?!? how the heck did I come to that?I have no clue but It hit me yesterday that I don't feel worthy of the operation. I feel that the money could be spent on other "worthwhile" things... Holy smokes, when did my health become not worthwhile???? I used to be a gym rat and feel like I should take this weight off on my own. Does anyone else feel that for whatever reason that they are not worthy? How do I get around this thinking? I know I'm a good person my kids are excited for it I want to be able to active like I was I exercise now My husband doesn't think I need it but is %100 on board with me if I want it done ( he doesn't see the extra weight I'm carrying - God love him) Sooooo - the next few days are going to be spent on me... me looking at myself and knowing that I deserve this surgery and am totally worth it. Thanks for listening D
  16. quazarfrog

    H E L P!!! Why am I not losing weight?

    maybe your body is just in flux right now.. gaining muscle too I bet
  17. well I got my first negative response... I told my Aunt ( husbands Aunt but we have become close) last week that I was getting this surgery... I saw her this weekend and all she did was walk into my house , look at me and say," you still doing it". I told her that I was indeed still doing it. Her response to that was to turn around and walk out. I said - so now you're not talking to me? she said ,nope - I looked it up online and I can't believe you're still doing it. End of story... no longer talking to me. How did you all handle this sort of rejection? I seriously need a cyber hug right now. Darcey
  18. quazarfrog

    June 2011

    wow - his is very inspirational! way to go pretty lady
  19. quazarfrog

    Confessions of a Shopaholic

    Oh no- you're not seriously planning to fail are you? Heck no! Get rid of all but one pair of jeans... Look back at them and remember ... And be proud of how far you've come
  20. quazarfrog

    surprise response

    Thank you all so much for giving me the shoulder I needed to lean on today. My Aunt is usually the one that is on my side when others aren't and that is why I was so surprised by her reaction. I have since talked to her and she still doesn't want me to do the surgery so the next 3 weeks will be hard on us..... But once allis said and done - I think she will be happy for me. I'm getting nervous but excited for this new phase in my life. Thanks again. D
  21. Surgery has been set for Nov 3.... oh my gosh

  22. Hey there, I am going in for my sleeve on Nov.3 and I have only told a handful of people.... those being the people that will care for my kids and dogs while I'm having this done ( and my dad) I have not made it public knowledge or even ever talked about the options of WLS to any of my friends. Now that I'm nearing the date and I am starting to think about the pre op diet... I am wondering if I should tell my friends.. None of them are overweight - at all. I have lost 100 on my own and when I did, I managed to lose a couple friends along that way. Now that I've gained back a bunch - they are "friends" with me again. So I feel like the token fat friend in that situation. My real issue is that I know I will need emotional up port along the recovery path but I'm not sure that they have it in them to give it. Maybe I should just let them watch the fat melt off lol any ways - I'm just wondering how you told your friends/if you told all of them and how your news was received. Thanks
  23. quazarfrog

    Weightloss Per Week?

    - thank you!!!!! This is exactly what I was thinking but I needed someone with experience to tell me:) Thanks again
  24. quazarfrog

    Weightloss Per Week?

    ok I hope 'm not alone in thinking this... 2 lbs a week sound like what you would get on a regular diet like weight watchers... I am not slaggin the process at all - just not familiar with the process. I go for my sleeve Nov 3 and I'm really nervous I guess the difference is that it's constant losses versus lose 3 one week and gain5 the next.. maybe someone can help me understand? I see the total numbers and get it then - but breaking it down to a weightless per week - it seems low... what am I missing.
  25. quazarfrog

    who did you tell?

    I guess my fear comes from not wanting to be judged and that all my friends are tooth picks... one has been super supportive after I tod her this afternoon. She is struggling with the exact opposite issue and is not able to gain weight - so I figured she would understand... and she says that whatever makes me feel better about myself so that I can finally see me the way others see me.. then she's supportive of that

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