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Posts posted by lucky2bLAURA

  1. I just found out that all my paper work was submitted to BCBS today, I was told it will take from 10 days to a month to find out one way or the other.. Now I can't focus on work or anything.... I just have this feeling I'm going to be denied. I've been working at this for 10 months now what with the considering, the research, the deciding and the 6 month supervised diet, etc. I've put all my hopes into this little tool to finally be able to get to where I can look on the outside the way I feel about myself on the inside.... I'm worried about what will happen if I get denied.... will I just binge and get even fatter?

  2. Howdy ya'll!!

    I have to take 6 different prescription pills a day. These are not pills that I will ever be able to stop taking. Is it difficult to swallow medication with the band? None of my pills are huge. And I know of one that I can crush, but the others are extended release so I won't be able to crush them. Any advice welcome!



  3. Please don't worry that you are in this all by yourself... you have this forum. I'm looking at getting banded in May or June depending on insurance and all that, and if it wasn't for all the helpful people on the forum I probably would have given up months ago. I'm scared too, but I'm confident my surgeon is experienced and won't screw me up... :-) Congrats on a surgery date and keep us updated with your progress!!

  4. I have had 2 endoscopys (?). I tore the lining of my stomach up from abusing (not on purpose) Aleve, before I was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis. It was absolutely no big deal. I did wake up during the first one, but I didn't feel anything painful. It felt sort of like I had to burp, and I could feel something moving around in my throat. I remember opening my eyes and making eye contact with the doctor. He said "Oops... we need a little more demoral in her IV" After that I remember nothing... the second procedure they used something different and it was over before I knew it.

  5. I got a call today from the hospital that I have an appointment at the radiologist tomorrow at 7:45am. I'm assuming it's for the Upper GI but no one from the doctor's office called me to let me know anything. If I hadn't checked my voicemail I wouldn't have even known about it at all. I sleep during the day as I work at night, so by the time I got the message the doctor's office was closed. There is absolutely no communication between me and the office. I called and left a voicemail last week regarding the psych eval I had 2 weeks ago, and what they wanted me to do next and never received a call back. Or not until the hospital called anyway. I'm at a loss what to do about it. After all they are supposed to be the professionals, they have to tell me who to call and what to do. I'm not a mind reader. I'm supposed to do my final weigh-in tomorrow and I don't know if I should say anything about it. I cannot handle confrontation, I'm just not built that way.

  6. I'm not afraid I won't wake up after the surgery. I'm afraid I'll wake up *during* the surgery, or that I'll have that "anathesia awareness" thing like in that movie Awake. I tried to watch a surgery on youtube but after seeing the surgeon stick those ports in the patient's belly like he was sticking a thermometer into a pork roast I had to turn it off. I know this will sound silly to a lot of people but I can't help it (I have a problem with paranoia and I take meds for it but it still surfaces from time to time), I'm worried the the surgery team will be talking about me and I won't be able to hear what they say. I have the same fear every time I've been sedated for various procedures. But I've never been completely knocked out or cut open before....

  7. I've tried not to really think very far ahead. I'm about 300 give or take right now (I won't weigh unless I'm forced to, I hate scales). I think my first goal would be just to lose about 50lbs. Then I'll set my next 50lb goal.... then the next 50 lb goal then I should be right within the healthy BMI range at about 150 lbs at 5'8" tall. I think since body types are so different that you should go by how you feel and how clothing fits rather than just the numbers on the scale.< /p>

  8. I had to do the 6 month supervised diet also... I'm halfway thru my 5th month, and I'm getting a little discouraged. Things aren't going the way I thought they would and I keep wondering if I'm even doing the right thing. At the seminar I was told that in the 5th month we would be getting all the other necessary requirements met so that it could be sent to the insurance company for approval right after the 6th weigh-in. I'm not really sure what's going on and what all I need to do and what appointments to make. It doesn't help anything that I work nights on a 12 hour compressed workshift. I know it will all work out in the end. I think I'm just getting scared because I've never had surgery, so I'm looking for things to go wrong.

  9. I have to agree with Gonnabeslim1day! I started the process in December and just found out today that I had to do the 6 month supervised dietician before my insurance will give the full OK. Although I was a bit let down because I am ready now, I think it will just help better prepare me for life with the Lapband after all is said and done. I too have reservations about going all the way through the 6 months and then being denied but my clinic assured me after talking with my insurance that I wouldn't have any problems as long as I maintained the weight I'm at now. I am waiting for the scheduling gal to call and set up my first appointment. I am so ready to start this journey!! 6 months will fly by. Good luck to everyone!!! It's definitely a process but one that I have faith and confidence will be worth the wait!

    I have noticed that it seems like just yesterday that I went for my first appointment with the surgeon. I remember thinking I'll never last until March, it will be too difficult and I'll just give up on the surgery. But I've stuck with it. I think about it constantly. And before I knew it, I was here at month 5. I still have to see the psychologist and the dietician, but I'm supposed to set all that up tomorrow when I go for my weigh-in. It will pass so quickly. Good luck!!

  10. Thanks for all the helpful information. When I went to the seminar the month before I actually decided to have the surgery, the doctor didn't say there was a set amount of weight to be lost. However I was reading in some of the threads here, that the insurance wants to see that you at least tried to lose weight. And I haven't exactly tried to lose, I've just tried not to gain. If diets had ever worked for me in the first place I wouldn't want to get the surgery. All I know is that going into my 5th month (weigh-in tomorrow), is that I'm really starting to get nervous. For one reason, I've never had an invasive surgery like this. I'm actually excited about changing everything about my life and how I relate to food. Thanks again for all your comments. You've set my mind more at ease. :-)

  11. I have a Healthometer scale. It seems to work fine, it's digital which I prefer. I've had it for 5 or 6 years, and only replaced the battery once. I think it was $20-25. I got it at Walmart. I noticed the other day that my doctor has the same exact scale. All my doctors now use a digital scale come to think of it.... I hate those that they have to move the bar across on... I carry my weight pretty well and they always start out at 200 and then say oops and move the thing to 250 and then move the little thing across the top. It makes me feel so ashamed. :-)

  12. That's a really great idea...

    I've been working on a few little things (I have 3 more months to go before surgery), so far I've given up carbonated drinks. I had no trouble at all with that. I do not even miss them. I'm trying to work on taking small bites and chewing thoroughly before swallowing, but I tend to forget what I'm trying to do and end up wolfing it down like usual. I'm going to practice not drinking while eating, that's my next step.

  13. I woke up once during an endoscopy, it didn't hurt or anything but I remember making eye contact with the doctor and him telling the nurse to give me more of something. And I had a rhizotomy in 2007 and they couldn't get me to wake up after, the nurses said I was crying and moaning softly. But I've never felt nauseous... I'm a little scared to have a major surgery, I've never been cut open before. I sure would hate to wake up during that... eek.gif

  14. sorry to hear that you've gained.... I'm halfway thru my 6 month and I've gained 6 lbs. I'm getting a hold of it and try to lose some before my next weigh-in. I'm pretty pissed at myself, because I know what I've been doing wrong. But it's like I can't stop eating...

    You'll do better... you have what it takes! All of the posters on these forums have what it takes... just look at all the people that are succeeding! Good luck!

  15. I'm in the 3rd month of my 6 month supervised, and I've gained 6 lbs. I know it's because of all the sweets... The people at my work like to Celebrate EVERYTHING and in Oct there was Halloween candy. In Nov there were pumpkin and pecan pies, plus T-day itself, and now it's all Cookies and fudge, and little pretzels with white chocolate.... I really like those, but they surely dislike me! :-(

    I don't even want the crap but I can't seem to make myself stop. If it's around I will eat it. So I told myself that the day after Christmas I'm going to start actually working on trying to lose at least 10 lbs before my 6 months is up. I'm all prepared and I'm going to start walking a couple of blocks everyday slowly building up to a mile....

  16. I told everyone as soon as I started my journey! I'm quite adept at putting rude people in their place and no one has had the nerve to ask any rude questions!! Also I know a lot of really nice people.... Everyone who has said anything to my face has been very supportive. They've watched me gain 60 lbs over the last 8 or 9 years, when I was already too fat. And I straight up said that I could lose 30 lbs on my own, but I would just gain that back and more.... And since I need to lose at least 150 lbs I need help losing it, and I need help keeping it off. And I'm ready for a major change. Also I think most of the ladies I know want to marry me off when I get skinny.... but I ain't having none of that!!! :-) hehe

  17. I'm sorry to hear this also... I hope you get better soon! A couple of years ago I had a thyroid cancer scare also.... I went hyper for about 6 weeks TSH at 0, I lost 15 lbs and was fainting and sweating all the time. I had an ultrasound that showed 5 abnormal masses and a giant cyst, so I had a biopsy and that was a tough few days to wait for the results, which were negative. After more tests turns out my thyroid gland just burned out. But my doc did say that if it had to be cancer then thyroid was highly curable, so hopefully yours will respond to treatment and then this will be over soon. Stay strong!

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