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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. former_vbg I would love it if you can find your posts (or even give me ideas on title) ldydrgnkpr - thank you for the link!
  2. You can always stop by the family home and take a dish, drinks or some paper goods, express your condolences and let them know you won't be able to attend.
  3. I'm more concerned after the 2 year mark, not in the losing stage where it seems you are, TNT. I have some documentation and I do plan to talk to my surgeon - he uses 40, originally used a 32 but changed due to less complications - I don't want a 32, would be happier with a 36-38 than a 40. I completely understand that the chance of complications is larger with the 32 - again, not what I want. He told me he used the middle - what I am finding that is more of a 36/38 with the range being 32-40. This is a one time thing, I am not interested in converting later on to DS or RNY,
  4. I am very concerned because the little bit of research out there suggests the higher the bougie the more chance of weight regain - that is my concern, not that I lose faster or more but that it be the tool I need to help me keep it off.
  5. MeMeMEEE

    Anyone Else in August?

    12 days until I get submitted for insurance )
  6. My mom and my husband keep saying I can't believe insurance will pay for this, it's elective. Very frustrating - I try and educate them but oh well. I am doing it for me, I want to be healthy and this is the tool to keep me that way.
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Oh no :( HELP

    Tanita scales are the best - very consistent - I weigh in at WW each week and my scale is consistently 1 lb more than theirs. I have owned two and they are the best - hard to find in store, I bought my second one online (the official weigh in scales at WW are this brand as well)
  8. I will tell people that I had VSG - honestly, if knowing I did it helps just one person, that is a good thing. Hiding it is why there is such a stigma. Now after saying that, I won't tell them unless they ask how I am losing - then I will explain it all - the diet and surgery.
  9. MeMeMEEE

    Hot Date - 4 days pre op HELP

    My pre-op allows unlimited non-starchy veggies - can you get a veggie plate?
  10. MeMeMEEE

    Returning to work

    My Dr says 4 weeks - I work from home and have a very flexible schedule and he said he might consider 2. Most everyone I have heard say they went back after 2 says they were really tired the first week back so I am thinking 3...we'll see I guess!
  11. MeMeMEEE


    First, call your insurance directly and speak to them about bariatric coverage!! Second, my insurance states as below. You may even try looking around their website for their medical policy. NOTE: The initial BMI at the beginning of a weight reduction program will be used to meet the BMI criteria for the definition of morbid obesity used in this policy.
  12. I do have to do the 6 months for my insurance. I am really impatient but at the same time, there is so much more to it than the "diet" - I have met with a physical therapist to talk about exercise routines before and after, social worker to talk about any issues in general, nutritionist to talk about changing habits before surgery and several nutrition classes. That is above and beyond meeting with my primary Dr each month just as a check in on my weight and weight loss. I can't wait but am thankful at the same time that there is so much learning involved!!
  13. MeMeMEEE

    Melting Pot

    I think it would be an easy choice - everything cubed smallish, dip as much as you want, good choices of fruits, meats and cheeses - just stay away from the dessert-ish cake/bread things. I guess when I went we ordered a cheese one, a chocolate one and a meal one and 3 of us shared it...
  14. MeMeMEEE

    Take vitamins all at once?

    My program gave us the following sample schedule - Sample Vitamin/Mineral Schedule With Breakfast (i.e. 8 am): 1 Bariatric Advantage Tropical Chewable Multivitamin 1 Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Lozenge With lunch (i.e. 12 pm): 1 Bariatric Advantage Tropical Chewable Multivitamin 1 Bariatric Advantage calcium citrate Lozenge 2 hours after Lunch (i.e. 2pm) 29 mg Chewable Iron Supplement (ferrous fumarate)With dinner (i.e. 5 pm): 1 Bariatric Advantage Tropical Chewable Multivitamin 1 Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Lozenge Before Bed: 1 Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Lozenge Sundays (or 1 day/week): 1 (1000 mcg) sublingual B12 tablet
  15. MeMeMEEE

    Filed with Aetna

    Good luck on a quick approval and date! I think alot of it is being proactive and calling your insurance yourself to be sure you understand all the guidelines they require. It breaks my heart when someone has been working toward the sleeve only to find out their insurance doesn't cover it.
  16. congratulations! you look GREAT!
  17. Congrats on taking back your life )))) I have seen a few others on the board mention they are June 27 as well! Should have a nice peer group! Ticker how to is here: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/13516-ticker-tutorial-for-vst-lbt-with-pictures/
  18. MeMeMEEE

    My Journey and Rebirth

    Congratulations! What an awesome loss!!
  19. MeMeMEEE

    Surgery alone

    Great question! I was wondering the same - I am planning on having my daughter or husband drop me off - an additional question I would have is can someone under 18 take you home? My daughter is 16.
  20. I have NEVER considered RNY - ever! And as I get closer to being submitted for insurance I am so worried about making goal! I want to lose the most weight possible! And it freaks me out that there is no long term stats on VSG! I mean there are some big flops out there as far as WLS goes and I am sooo afraid I am picking the wrong one! But really I know I'm not, that it's the best for me and any weight I get off is better than none....ugh I am sure this has to do with not knowing but one person in real life that has had it done and she isn't even a year out....she made goal but what about in 5 years? 10 years? I know it's a tool and I should be able to use it anytime I need to, any time I feel the pounds getting out of control....
  21. MeMeMEEE

    Lost 37lbs and STUCK!

    If you are drinking juice all day you may be drinking all of the calories you need. There are 130 calories in one cup!
  22. MeMeMEEE

    Anyone Else in August?

    I should be August as well! I don't have a date but my last MSWL visit is July 11th then they submit to insurance and I should have my Sleeve within a month of that!
  23. MeMeMEEE

    BCBS of Illinois

    I have just one (!!!!) MSWL visit left before submission - I emailed my insurance person for the program just trying to see when I can hope to get in once submitted and here is her response : If all of the information is in place they will send through an approval, but to be honest Blue Cross hasn’t been very easy to work with in the last few months. They have been sending through denials for unfounded reasons, and we have had no problem overturning them, but it does take a little longer to get an approval when that happens. It would not be unheard of to get you on the surgery schedule in around 1 month’s time from the time that we submit you, but that depends on Blue Cross. YAY!!! I am so excited and nervous!! Possibly will have surgery in less than 2 months!!
  24. congrats on wining! I voted for you as well!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
