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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. MeMeMEEE

    Soooo Close!

    Just did a bone test - it tells me I am large frame! Whoever heard of someone 4'11'' being large framed?? hmmph! Oh well, it does give me a better range for goal 117-134 and right now I have myself set at 130.
  2. MeMeMEEE

    Hostility? Why?

    I've had the same thing happen a few times lately, it makes me sad too but I am glad this board has gotten me in touch with those who are helpful and now I also ask them for help in different venues such as facebook and MFP. If it wasn't for this board, I wouldn't have the great support systems I have in those places now!
  3. MeMeMEEE

    How Do I Handle...

    I agree with the above also!! If it's in the evening, you can always say I have another dinner to go to later or something!
  4. MeMeMEEE

    What's In Your Fridge?

    I keep cheese (string, laughing cow, squares and whole blocks), lunch meat (budding Turkey and deli meats too), milk in my fridge. I have tilapia, shrimp, frozen veggies and fruits in my freezer. I keep beef sausage bites, nuts, tuna and soups in the cabinet. I drink water and decaf mostly, besides my 1 shake a day. I work from home so no packing a lunch but still go for easy things, no time to cook a meal during the day. I have found if I make black beans I can freeze a few servings. I used to drink soda (diet coke) but have not had caffeine since July 2011 and don't want to start again. I have tasted decaf flat soda and it just doesn't interest me!
  5. I did weight watchers and went to the meetings the whole 6 months. I lost about 20% of the total I need to lose, 21 lbs, then another 7 on the 2 week pre-op diet. I followed WW pretty close but didn't kill myself with it. Show them you can follow a plan - it isn't so much about losing alot as showing them you can commit to a lifestyle change.
  6. MeMeMEEE

    Is Running Fever Normal?

    I agree, watch your temp. I will say, I had a leak and only a very low grade fever but also had severe shoulder pain. I think you would have other symptoms if you had a leak.
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Symotoms Of A Leak?!?!

    Watch you temp, even low grade. My main symptom was left shoulder pain and it was severe over time.
  8. I have to go pretty much carb free with exception of my milk to lose a significant amount.
  9. MeMeMEEE

    Protein Shakes Without Dairy

    There is a cherry nectar one I make with diet v8 splash. I second making them with coffee.
  10. AUGUST ALL STARS!!! 1 BigSexxy, MamaMcKinzie, heygirlfriendB, chelle622, rubyspring, newdaycomn, RuthiieBabiie 2 brookb, MissBliss, Gaylebco, Heatherr, Lynn225, TipsyNoodle, texas123, melaniec 3 zetagirl210, irene 4 Julie76, skyblew, angel1 5 trizzy35, happyevraftr, BigManIndia 6 7 8 SunnyinSD, Ladybug86, MeMeMEEE, Kayla, Toyia, Casuzarry, Lynaa4life, Forensikchic, Tarada9, MAKF, Wondering1, LisaM 9 nurselisa22, LindaS, red dress girl, Shell77, 2nd chance 10 Indymom, Happylife, Houston_Rich, cinderella123, lisak119, spiritus 11 Jimmy James, missjanab, hereigoagain, 12 Ms.girl, sdorr, kala 13 14 15 Treequeen, WyomingMountainGal, BroadwayBaby, Dadams2102008, ranoodle, TexasSunshine 16 Miss Hope, E.K., birdlady, ScentsyLady (Sonia), smiley2604, bigjoe102, HDubSleevery, Sassygirl06, TheOldOwl, phished10, imnotfat_momsay, rimchubby, 17 ~winecountrygirl~, TLC's VSG 2011, csal 18 Kimberlina 19 Beach Baby, Shakin-n-Atlanta, PsychSleeve 20 buzydebb, IsThisReallyIt 21 22 JELLYBEANS, pamblan, blkhulagirl, mimimermaid, nurseteela, caycaye, Michelle Peruski, Slimming Sara , NewLife2011, ScaleWarfare 23 RachelinTX, LVbigmom, LR6909 24 KristeyK, KristinaRN, Intime, Kami, laladotdot, FloraBamaGirl 25 Jenny A., renogirl, butterly, Sleeveme2011, red_delicious 26 27 28 29 eyemallrt, ShellBear, A Little Less Dave 30 CT Fats, Tallnlovely, Beautyjunkie824, mamaof4boys, lpully, Lissa 31 Lisha
  11. You can always use benefiber, it is what my nutritionist recommends.
  12. MeMeMEEE

    Easy To Get Too Much Calories

    There are a lot of different protein options out there, Nectar and Jay Robb are a few I use, and they are only 100-110 calories. I am down to one a day so figure around 200 calories for that. An ounce of cheese (or two) are 100-200 calories, chicken, lunch meat around 50-100, eat that a couple times a day. Maybe an extra glass of milk for fluid and protein. I usually hit around 800 calories a day, eating and drinking the whole time. If you are losing, you are fine. If you are concerned you are getting too many calories, you might talk to your nutritionist or look in to different proteins, some are made for people trying to gain weight or who work out very vigorously so they do have more calories. It sounds like you are newly sleeved. Do you use a tracking website? There is a large group of sleevers on myfitnesspal and sometimes it is nice to see what others are doing.
  13. MeMeMEEE

    Low Iron

    You can take a stool softner once a day or/and you can also use benefiber, my NUT told me to use one serving per dose of iron.
  14. MeMeMEEE

    Will This Ever End?

    I had a leak and was NPO for about 3 months, didn't have any problems when I started drinking fluids or with foods. But if something doesn't feel right, question it. Also, you may need to be on liquids longer than just a few days before moving through the foods. If your tummy can't handle full liquids, back up to clear liquids.
  15. Congrats on your loss so far!
  16. MeMeMEEE

    20 Years Old...wait?

    I think you should look in to it, talk to a Dr. It is a very big commitment in time and eating style. I know my daughter who is almost 22 would have a very tough time sticking to the rules but others may not.
  17. MeMeMEEE


    They can check for a leak with an upper GI - they have you drink a contrast liquid then watch where it goes - hopefully it doesn't leak from the sleeve. If you have this done, make sure they do it while you are standing up and laying down - my leak did not show except when I was laying down and rolled to the side. Do you have any symptoms? Fever? Left shoulder pain? Nausea? Make sure you are getting plenty of protein to help your body heal.
  18. MeMeMEEE

    Back/chest Pain When Inhaling

    What side is your pain on? I don't understand how they can tell you fluid around your spleen isn't a leak - my leak was right between my spleen and stomach. The leak can cause pressure on you diaphragm and that pain radiates to your left shoulder. I was not sick with my leak fever or vomiting at all, only the shoulder and left side pain. The abscess (fluid) was right between my spleen and stomach. Go to your Dr and insist they look in to it further!!
  19. I would - but I would press harder sooner when I didn't feel well!!!
  20. My surgeon and his partner do surgeries together - however you still have one that is your primary surgeon. I had an abscess and developed pneumonia the day before they were going to operate on it so I went to the ER per my nurse. My Dr was out sick and his partner refused to come over and see me in the ER until the ER Dr yelled at him. The ER proceeded as if I was going to have surgery that night yet when the partner got there he just said "You can wait until tomorrow when you are scheduled." The ER Dr admitted me, I was septic. And I had the surgery the next morning, with my surgeon and his partner. I do not like the partner, it just blew my mind how he treated me.
  21. You are going to do great! I do understand the socialness of drinking and eating - I was just thinking this past weekend after eating out several times and not really enjoying much of it that I don't really want to eat out. A meal is too much food, an appetizer is usually fried and the kids meals are unhealthy. Frustrating to spend good money and not enjoy it! So I am looking for a new healthy hobby too - other than reading!!
  22. MeMeMEEE

    Is My Body Just Done?

    What is your height? I would say if you are still losing inches you are still losing!
  23. MeMeMEEE

    Out Of Pocket Expenses?help!

    You may be able to have a physical with your primary Dr and ask him to do that testing as part of the physical then just fax results to Dr Umbach. Many times physicals are covered 100%.
  24. My doctor does 40, he has found the least complications at this size. Unfortunately I had a leak. My restriction has been great so far though.
  25. Oh I am praying for you! I hate that you have the vomiting now too!!

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