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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. MeMeMEEE

    April 14Th Check In

    Welcome back Kristina! I understand the slowing down - me too! I am down 1.4 this week to 148.2. I'll take it. I'm less than 20 lbs to goal and have done very little exercise through it all (half my time with a leak) so I know it's time to start exercising faithfully. I need to use this week to get in to a routine. The goal I picked isn't in the normal BMI range but slightly above it. I would love to lose and get in to that range but if I don't I am ok with that too. Right now I need to do some major toning.
  2. MeMeMEEE

    Left Shoulder Pain

    Please please please track any left shoulder pain!! This was the ONLY symptom of my leak! I never had gas pains, the shoulder pain was intermittent from about 3 weeks out until it got unbearable at around 6 weeks out. My leak was discovered around 9 weeks out. I went to my chiropractor, had massages, took vicodin, upped my PPI (I was told it was acid reflux). FINALLY at 8 weeks they discovered an abscess while doing a CT scan of my chest which finally got their attention - I had exploratory surgery and they put in a drain for the abscess and a feeding tube incase it was confirmed a leak. The second leak test they did showed the leak, only when I rolled on my side. As soon as they started treating it, the shoulder pain went away. It was referred pain from my diaphragm which the abscess was pushing on.
  3. MeMeMEEE

    Complications With Sleeve

    There is a section of the forum about complications - you can get a feel for what sort of problems that are possible. They are rare but do happen - I had an abscess and leak myself. Today, I would do it again. 6 months ago no way!
  4. MeMeMEEE

    Shake Help

    Take smaller sips or try thining them by making with water or half scoop until you get further out.
  5. MeMeMEEE

    My Job Is So Freaking Nosey

    I know at my company a completely different company handles the FMLA specifically to keep it private, it is called FMLASource. They do not tell your employer anything, simple approved or not. I have had FMLA for my surgery, leak and previously for my mom's cancer.
  6. I hate it for you! I had that too. But here's the thing. It made me think of all the other surgeries I've had.... eyes (multiple, I was born cross-eyed) - could be considered cosmetic, my parents made the choice on them all except the last one tubes in my ears - could be considered elective 2 c-sections - one was necessary and the other I could have tried for natural birth but didn't so another elective procedure tubes tied - definitely elective So the way I see it, I have had ONE surgery that wasn't elective. I did great with the surgery but I did have a leak at 2.5 months and let me tell you those negative people? Oh yes, they rubbed it in my face and told me it was my fault for being so sure I wouldn't have any problems. Ugh. There really isn't a win-win with that type of thing. I am 8 months out now, all healed and less than 20 lbs to goal. I am glad I did it.
  7. MeMeMEEE

    April 8Th Check In

    Happy Easter to everyone! Today is my 8 month surgiversary. I am down 1.6 since last check in to 149.6. Just under 20 lbs to goal for me. Congrats on being on the edge of goal, Renogirl!!
  8. MeMeMEEE

    Confused About Carbs

    I mix with milk and that is the one carb I don't worry about (I am down to one shake a day though). I try to stay away from white carbs (sugar, flour, starch) because if I don't I don't lose as well. I don't count them perse.
  9. MeMeMEEE

    GNC Wellbeing Chewable Calcium with Vitamin D-3

    is this calcium citrate or calcium carbonate?
  10. MeMeMEEE

    Need Protein Information

    No, it's still true you should have whey isolates. Most other proteins are incomplete, I believe. Congratulations on your surprise sleeve - I hope you will be very happy with it!
  11. MeMeMEEE

    8 Months! Before And After

    You look great! Congratulations!!!
  12. Congratulations! I can remember reading religiously how you were feeling in the early days! I loved hearing from you and have wondered many times how you were doing!! You are totally going to make it!! Keep it up!
  13. MeMeMEEE

    What Did I Do?

    Alot of people have regret the first few months. I am 8 months out tomorrow and had a leak at 2 1/2 months out and I did regert it for a while, but now that I am all healed, I don't. I pretty much eat when and what I want, in much smaller amounts. Everyone told me it would get better at 3 months - of course for me it didn't but it was a different situation. Hang in there. This forum is a great place for support!
  14. I'm almost 8 months out started weight watchers as part of my 6 month weight loss prior to it so the picture is over the last year! I'm about 20 lbs from my goal.
  15. Well I am down 5.6 since last time I checked in on February 25th to 151.2. A little more than 20 lbs to my loose goal of 130. I'd really like to get to 120 or maybe 115 being 4'11''. Went on vacation 2 weeks ago and did lots of walking and driving, more than I have done since my leak. I think I really needed that, it kicked me in to gear and got me back in the swing. How is everyone else doing?
  16. I'd say half the sirloin - I think palm sized is 3-4oz. I wouldn't eat all the potatoes either.
  17. MeMeMEEE

    Before And During Picture

    Aww! that's so sweet! Thank you so much!!
  18. MeMeMEEE

    Before And During Picture

    Hopefully from my arms
  19. MeMeMEEE


    Is this the one? http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/22264-anyone-use-myfitnesspalcom/page__hl__karibrenmom__fromsearch__1
  20. MeMeMEEE

    Just A Little More

    awesome job! You are almost there!!
  21. MeMeMEEE

    Clear Liquid Confusion?

    Sounds like they want you on clears EXCEPT for milk/protein shakes. There are very few clear shakes out there (Isopure is the only one I know of).
  22. MeMeMEEE

    Folks Who Have Had Complications

    Hi! I like that you have compiled this list - it gives anyone with a new complication a place to look for someone who has experienced something similar. I did want to let you know I had just 1 leak (1 time) - thinking maybe you are thinking of the abscess - it was discovered before my leak, but caused by my leak. Best of luck with your journey! I know that revisions are a bigger risk so lots of prayers your way!
  23. MeMeMEEE

    I Had My Surgery But

    I wouldn't weigh any less than weekly. That way, if you are getting out of hand or of track you will know before too much damage is done. I actually weigh daily, I know my body and it's small fluctuations don't bother me. I also know ME and when I avoid the scale for any length of time it spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E...
  24. MeMeMEEE

    Still Throwing Up :(

    I've heard this called the slimes or frothing and have been told it is from eating too much or too fast.
  25. MeMeMEEE

    Quick Approval

    Yes, alot of employers select what they cover and the insurance company itself has no say.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
