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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MeMeMEEE

  1. At 9 months out, I have found I LOVE their grilled chicken club, minus mayo and bun. Lots of protein. You can always just order it with no mayo and throw the bun away. Breakfast wise the egg mcmuffin minus the muffin is good too.
  2. Hey sleeve sister! 9 months seems like yesterday huh! I hear you on losing momentum - I am in that feeling sorry for myself stage - my friends doing weight watchers are losing more than I am at this point. I allow myself a day here and there where I eat what I want but try to still keep things out of the house. If it isn't here I won't eat it. I notice the carbs really affect me at this point, if I don't keep them super low I don't lose. So I do keep them low or try to at least 6 days a week or so. I bought myself a fitbit this week - really eye opening on how many calories I burn and how many I eat. I figured I was really undereating most days barely making 800 calories but I wasn't doing much exercise so I wasn't burning that many calories. So now I am trying to be more active and it freaks me out a bit at how much hungrier I am after exercising :/
  3. I don't believe you will be able to swim - ask your Dr. If you can, I would think only pool. The incisions need to be completely healed. And I wouldn't take a chance on ocean Water and germs at that point. Not that pool is much cleaner.
  4. Let's rock it :)

  5. Let's rock it :)

  6. I would say take your time driving, stop often, eat as needed, stay hydrated. What will you be doing once there? Lots of relaxing or sightseeing? Main thing, take the time to drink and eat.
  7. MeMeMEEE

    Insurance After Surgery

    If you plan to get it through an employer, you are automatically eligible. And I believe if you are in the US, the Affordable Care Act will be doing away with "pre-existing" somewhere in the future as well.
  8. I agree - I am at 70% at 9 months. Here is some of the most up to date statistics I have come across: http://s3.amazonaws.com/publicASMBS/GuidelinesStatements/PositionStatement/ASMBS-SLEEVE-STATEMENT-2011_10_28.pdf
  9. MeMeMEEE

    Highs And Lows

    If you are working out heavily you need to eat more than 600 calories if possible. 2 lbs a week is great,
  10. MeMeMEEE

    Phone Call

    I called maybe 2 days after it was submitted and it was approved the next day.
  11. MeMeMEEE


    If you are allowed your protein powder, try mixing in some chocolate or vanilla - you'll want to cool it down a little first. Also, you can use Torani or Davinci SF syrups - they are clear.
  12. Ok read your symptoms. The left side pain is something I had - they never said it was my leak but I think it was somehow related. Also my Vitamins and Protein shakes made me sick. I am glad they have done a CT scan for you and have an upper GI scheduled - make sure to ask that they let you lay down for it and roll from side to side - my leak did not show when I was standing, only when I was laying down and rolled to my left side. I had to ask to lay down because I was feeling queasy. Best of luck that they figure it out for you soon! Keep us posted!! BTW, Dr Hammer is my Dr.
  13. MeMeMEEE


    they let it heal on it's own I was NPO and on a feeding tube
  14. MeMeMEEE


    My leak was discovered about 9 weeks, I believe it was probably there for several weeks before it was found, The blood work that led to its' discovery was done 4 weeks before. My doctor was in shock that it was so far out (again, I think it was there for several weeks but I didn't get sick sick with it until after they found it). When it healed (at 6 months) I asked what are the chances of this happening to me again? He said it's unheard of - unless you smoke - then all bets are off because it really inhibits the healing process. So I would say by 6 months you are good, probably by 3 months even.
  15. MeMeMEEE

    Fast Protein But No Shakes

    I buy these http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_7?url=search-alias%3Dgrocery&field-keywords=old+wisconsin+beef+bites&sprefix=old+wis%2Cgrocery%2C319 6 pieces 5 grams of protein (the turkey ones have 6 grams, I just don't like them as well). I sometimes pair it with the laughing cow babybel original for a total of 10 grams. I also like these http://www.amazon.com/Emerald-Cocoa-Almonds-Chocolate-Canister/dp/B001EQ55RW/ref=sr_1_1?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1336008937&sr=1-1 6 grams in an ounce and a little chocolate fix, plus crunch. Even a glass of milk will give you 6 grams. Do you like eggs? Make some of these http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2010/09/glee-day.html - I play around with them and she has lots of different recipes, I put them in to myfitnesspal and the ones I have made have about 3 grams per bite, I usually eat 3-4 of them. You can freeze them or keep them in the fridge for 4-5 days. She has some protein muffin recipes too - I just made these http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2010/12/12-days-of-chocolate.html with some peanut butter in them - 4 grams in mine for each mini muffin. Good way to use up protein powder if isn't agreeing with you in liquid form also! Can freeze them and just grab a couple and run.
  16. MeMeMEEE

    Mi Cocena

    I think eating melted cheese would be ok... is it all that is in it?
  17. My programs rules are 15 mins before, 30 mins after. I complained about this in the beginning to my NUT - she said it was ok to sip if needed to wash things down or if you are dry. I try not to but if I need to, I do it.
  18. I believe you have to request to join them
  19. In my program the require it for 3 months, my understanding is that the acid can inhibit healing of the staple line. I still take it at 8.5 months out because I get a "gnawing" feeling if I don't - I mistook this as hunger for a week before I realized it showed up when I quit my PPI. My Dr has refilled for me.
  20. MeMeMEEE

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    You can add me - I am karibrenmom there - most of my friends are sleevers, look through them and you will find lots of familiar user names
  21. MeMeMEEE

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    Make sure to check out the May 2012 forum as well! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/197-may-2012-sleevers/
  22. MeMeMEEE

    How Much Salad Can You Eat?

    I can probably eat a 1/2 cup of lettuce at 8.5 months. That being said, my program has very strict guidelines on how long to eat - you should take no more that 30 mins to eat, if you do, your stomach begins to empty and that is why you are able to fit more in and it can lead to overeatting. Also, I eat veggies and lettuce for the Fiber more than anything else and lettuce and leafy greens are a great source.
  23. check in the April 2012 forum http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/196-april-2012-sleevers/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
