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Everything posted by allycatt98

  1. allycatt98


    I am not ignorant of my insurance. Completely the opposite. You must be lucky and not have a large out of pocket. I know how much everything costs and what I will pay at every moment. And that is why I will never pay a penny, nickel or dime up front. If I am cash pay then that's different. But with deductibles it's all about who gets the bill in there first. I am not willing to give a hospital or doc several thousand when the anesthesia and radiology will get in first. I will owe them that money. So I pay when I get an EOB or a bill and never up front. That happened to me once 5 years ago. I was $4500 away from the deductible so i paid $1000 to the hospital up front with promise to pay $1000 a month after. Well surprise I got was anesthesia doc charged more than hospital stay was allowed. No joke. The anesthesia charges were $18.000. And the hospital allowed from insurance was $4800. Anesthesia was out of network so they got paid and wanted my deductible, and guess who got his bill in first? Needless to say hospital got fully paid and took me 90 days to get a refund from them. Anesthesia took a lot longer to come to an agreement and a formal filing of complaint with the medical board for excessive fees. I paid them nothing. They put it on my credit report I filed another complaint and lawsuit. I understand your methodology, but how often are you able to get away with it? I don't want to, but I often get stuck paying the "estimated" fee and getting refunded later. I'm definitely EOB happy and glad to see that I'm not the only one. My surgeon's office initially told me that my consult would be $240, but later decided to just bill me once they receive the pre-determination estimate from insurance. Just got my EOB and my responsibility is only $94. ; )
  2. allycatt98


    Yes my coordinator ended up giving me what I'll have to pay and I pay it at my pre-op appointment but I'm hoping by the end of my 6 month supervised diet I will have met my oop max in which I'm about $231.00 away from meeting. I'm so jealous!
  3. allycatt98


    Well being that I am the one that posted it my issue was that 2 months into the process financials still had not been discussed by my surgeon's office advising me what or when I needed to pay not the fact that I had to pay. My insurance company can't tell me what the surgeon or hospital fee is or when they require it only what my policy covers, my deductible, oop max etc. DonaiA,Your insurance company actually can provide you an estimate of charges just as they provide it to the physician. The estimate will be based on the contracted rate for the surgeon and/or procedure. It's just a matter of giving you the negotiated rate that will be in your EOB up-front. But what they can't tell you is how much the physician will require up-front. I can understand your frustration on this point. I won't be having surgery until July, but I contacted the hospital to get more info about payment expectations. When I told them the surgery hadn't been scheduled yet, they didn't want to talk to me. I've got a $3000 deductible and $6000 MOOP. I can't wait until a week before surgery to find out how much they want to collect up-front. Were you finally able to get the pricing info from the office?
  4. allycatt98

    UHC Approval In 3 Days

    Theard, I was a Pre-Auth Nurse so I will share what I know about the process. 1. Some offices try to flood you with paper (labs, office notes, imaging, etc.) -- it's annoying and it doesn't help the patient's chances for approval. I couldn't stand it. Seriously, 100 pages! How about giving me the info I need to make a decision? 2. Missing/Incomplete documentation: All the required documentation must be submitted. If five years of documented weight loss is required, then that's what the nurse is looking for. If there is a nutritional counseling requirement, then the nurse is looking for complete records from the practitioner that include diet, exercise, etc. You'd be amazed how many people miss this one. The NUT and Psych documentation must include all the elements required by the insurance company. Many of the commercial plans have templates available that you can give to your practitioner. 3. Medical Necessity isn't met: This one is a biggie and will often cause an immediate denial. Those letters of medical necessity that the docs send in are often a waste of time and are usually only useful at the time of an appeal. If criteria isn't met, then your Doc needs to be prepared to discuss the reasons why you need the surgery with the health plan's Medical Director. They can call in while the case is being reviewed or do a peer-to-peer review after it is denied. Basically, the doc has to care enough to prove your case. Some do, some don't. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. P.S. The 30 day timeframes a quoted are BS. Medicare: 14 calendar days for standard (non-emergent) requests with an additional 14 calendar days if an extension is granted because it is in the best interest of the enrollee; i.e. additional time to submit required documentation or have tests done to meet criteria. The health plan is required to advise you in writing if an extension is needed AND you have the right to file a grievance if you disagree. Medicaid: every state is different (i.e., New York and Missouri require a three business day TAT. But if additional info is needed the NY cases are allowed to go up to 14 calendar days). The default for all Medicaid states is typically 14 calendar days. Some states require an even shorter TAT as mentioned. Even if an extension is granted it is typically only for up to 14 calendar days. NCQA accredited health plans: If the TAT criteria listed above does not apply (i.e. Commercial Health Insurance) then check the plan's accreditation. NCQA requires a no more than 15 calendar day TAT with an additional 14/15 calendar days if an extension is granted. However, you still have to be notified in writing than the Health Plan granted an extension AND the notice should specify why it's being granted. I know I typed a lot. Hopefully it helps. Sorry for any typos, I'm on my iPad. Ally.
  5. I have UHC with the Optum Bariatric Resources Program. So my physician/hospital choices are extremely limited. There are approximately ten hospitals in my area, but I can only use one of them per the plan and I'm not going to Tampa General. I can do better for a $3000 deductible. Other than that, my requirements aren't bad: 6 months of nutritional counseling and a psych eval. I go for my third visit on Thursday. So I'm projecting a July surgery date. Nutritional counseling of course isn't covered by the plan, so I opted to use the RD sessions offered at Florida Hospital's Wellness Center -- 6 sessions for $250. Next, I have to go see my Hema/Onc to develop a strategy for surgery bc of my bleeding disorder and then take care of the psych eval. I'm scheduled to go back to my surgeon for the pre-op right after my last NUT visit late June. I'm anticipating a three business day turn-around for the approval. Ally
  6. Jess, Gallbladders are tricky. Many people experience Biliary Colic and don't attribute it to their Gallbladder. It often resembles indigestion. Some women like me find out about their gallstones during pregnancy as a result of the OB Ultrasounds. I was probably experiencing the symptoms for years without knowing what was the cause. Was this enough to make me have it removed? Nope, but add-in upcoming sleeve surgery (hopefully in July) and now I'm ready. Rapid/Frequent weight gain/loss can contribute to the formation of the stones. I take Zofran as needed for nausea and digestive enzymes for acid, fatty or spicy food. I was sooooo relieved when the surgeon said he would just remove it at the time of the sleeve without forcing me to pay for additional imaging (ultrasounds, HIDA Scans, etc.). I have a $3000 deductible and don't want to incur the costs. Does your surgeon require an abdominal ultrasound prior to surgery? If so, then he/she can make an informed decision about your Gallbladder. Not everyone needs a Cholecystectomy after the sleeve. But those that lose the weight really quickly may be at a higher risk. Hope this helps. Ally
  7. allycatt98


    Hmmm that's interesting. I think a lot of that may have been in response to insurance requirements. I had one dr tell me I needed a referral and letter of medical necessity from my PCP. I pushed back because it wasn't necessary. I just checked a different Drs website and he performs the esophageal motility testing, but notes additional clearances may be needed based upon your insurance. No other standard clearances are required.
  8. allycatt98


    Like what? The Psych eval is standard, I have to get that one too. What other types of clearances are people getting?
  9. ChiChi search the forums for Squatty Potty. I'm so glad I came across a post about it. While I am pre-op, it has still been such a great help. You can also find more reviews on amazon.com. Ally
  10. allycatt98


    Are these clearances the norm for everyone? Or is it just based upon your health history? So far the only "clearance" I've been told to obtain is from my Hema/Onc prior to surgery.... Really it's more of a formality since I was going to her for an Iron infusion prior to surgery anyway. No ultrasound needed (my wallet is grateful) because I have a recent history of gallstones and the dr is going to remove my gallbladder at the time of surgery. Other than Wellbutrin I don't take any meds or have any comorbidities.... I'm wondering if that's why he hasn't mentioned other testing? Ally
  11. allycatt98

    Any opinions about Paraguard?

    I'm a former OB nurse and I had a Mirena inserted in the early 2000s without a problem. I loved it. Then when I had it replaced after my son was born I had one issue after another. It worked better for me when I was in my twenties than in my thirties. I had recurrent UTIs and other side effects. It just wasn't worth it anymore. My situation might be different. I did not and do not use oral bcps.... So my body wasn't used to the changes anymore. I got tired of the changes and just opted to use condoms. If we were to have a slip-up, I would just buy Plan B over-the-counter. Best wishes to you!
  12. allycatt98


    I'm in the Tampa Bay Area and I'm hoping to be sleeved by Dr. Koppman in July.
  13. allycatt98

    marijuana smokers

    Anyone that is a smoker has an obligation to report it to their surgeon. Smoking increases your risks of a leak in addition to other post-op complications. Your doc can't prepare or plan for this if you aren't honest. There is a possibility that your surgery will be cancelled, but isn't that better than all of the what ifs that could happen? If something were to happen, you may lose any recourse against the physician because you weren't honest. Either way, I'm wishing you the best for your surgery and new life. ; ) Ally
  14. I'm really grateful for the info that you've all generously posted here. It's helped me mentally prepare in so many ways. Now I'm at a crossroads of my own. I'm totally comfortable making my own decisions, but a little feedback from others in the same situation doesn't hurt either. Synopsis: I live in FL and have UHC insurance with the Bariatric Resource Program. Within a two hour radius, there are only three approved hospitals. I finally decided on a hospital and surgeon only to find out they want a ridiculous non-refundable $600 "Program Fee," in addition to me having a MOOP of $6000. So total estimated costs are at $6600. The alternative path would be venturing to Mexico for either Drs. Lopez or Osuna at Specialized Bariatrics -- estimated costs $4200 - $5000 (surgery, flights and incidentals). Yes, there are flight costs and no follow-up, but considering my initial FL doc choice was over two hours away, I doubt I would necessarily return to him for complications. But if I opt for a Florida doc, I wouldn't be alone. There is a chance that I would be alone going to Mexico. So what are your thoughts? Would you opt for Mexico for a savings of $1600 - $2000 dollars?
  15. allycatt98

    Flying in to San Diego today!

    I'm so happy for you and jealous at the same time. Please once you're able, post your experience with Dr. Lopez. July can't come fast enough for me.
  16. allycatt98

    Insurance vs Mexico

    Additional surgery may not be warranted regardless of the location of your surgery. There isn't a crystal ball to say that you will need your gallbladder removed in the future and I doubt insurance will pay for removal without there being evidence that its necessary. There are plenty of people who make the decision to go to Mexico when they have insurance coverage for reasons as varied as financial, the wait being too long, they feel they will receive better care, more surgical experience, etc. I'm glad you have come to a decision you are comfortable with and I hope you have a smooth surgery and recovery. Thanks for the reply. I really don't think you understand any of this, but that's okay.
  17. allycatt98

    Insurance vs Mexico

    Thanks to everyone that replied to my post and was willing to provide their perspective and recovery information. I feel a lot more comfortable about my decision to move forward with the surgery and I'm encouraged by all of the success that you all are having. It feels like I've been driving all day. I drove three hours away for a consult and then turned around and came back home....Whew! I like the doctor and I've heard great things about the facility. Based upon my past history of gallstones (they were actually noted during an OB Ultrasound two years ago) he recommended removal of my gallbladder at the time of the sleeve surgery. The rapid weight loss experienced with the sleeve would only aggravate my poor gallbladder even more post-surgery. There will be additional charges for the Cholecystectomy but I dount my responsibility would be much considering that I would've already met my MOOP after the sleeve. So it looks like I will be remaining stateside.... at least for the sleeve. Once I reach my IBW (Ideal Body Weight) I'm definitely jetting off to MX for a total body lift. Ally
  18. allycatt98

    Insurance vs Mexico

    Uhm okay. I didn't have any questions about insurance coverage... I'm good in that respect. My post was to get different perspectives from people regarding the insurance vs. MX issue. All things being equal (quality of care, etc.), would you consider having surgery in MX as a cost saving measure. Consideration would have to be given for any extra fees charged by the MX surgeons for hernia repair or a Cholecystectomy as this reduces the potential cost savings. It really doesn't make sense to have the surgery in MX but then come back to the states for additional surgery.... It would be an all or nothing deal. There's no need to pay for surgery in MX then come back to the states and pay the MOOP I was trying to avoid for additional surgical procedures.
  19. allycatt98

    Insurance vs Mexico

    I disagree.... A hospital discharge is not indicative that the person no longer requires medical services or follow-up. It simply means that they no longer require the level of care required for an inpatient stay. This is one of the reasons that home health care has evolved into its current model. So yes, some people may require the services of a nurse (i.e. home health) after hospital discharge. It happens everyday and from a financial perspective, it is much more cost effective than an additional day in the hospital -- especially one that is not quoted/covered in the package price. So considering the availability of home health services as a factor when picking a coordinator is sound. For the most part, a majority of people can be discharged safely after a 1-2 day inpatient stay and I'm extremely encouraged by this. The point of my post wasn't to debate the merits or efficacy of surgery in Mexico. It was to get a different perspective regarding insurance vs. MX. If I didn't have insurance and MX was the only route for the surgery then I would "chin up" as you mentioned and opt for the trip. However, I have insurance so my decision making process is a bit different. I'm concerned now that if I do require additional services (i.e. hernia repair, gallbladder removal, etc.) the cost of the trip to MX will end up equaling if not exceeding my original insurance projections of $6000. I'm glad you had a great experience and I hope the same for everyone else. But this surgery (regardless of the location) should be thoughtfully considered. I want to make sure that I've performed my due diligence.
  20. allycatt98

    Insurance vs Mexico

    Hi CiCi, I'm going up to St Augustine tomorrow for my consult. I'm dreading the trip (almost three hours each way), but I look at it as a necessary evil. I need to find a surgeon and be done with this. I'm really hoping that the doc and I hit it off tomorrow. I totally respect skill and expertise, but at the end of the day, I need someone that is capable and willing to listen to my concerns and act on them. Sometimes that's hard to find. I'm wishing you the best with your MX preparations. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow. Who knows, I could totally end up in MX this July. Ally
  21. allycatt98

    Sunny Florida

    Hi Sassy, I'm in the Tampa Bay Area hoping to get sleeved in July by Dr. Koppman at Flagler in St Augustine. There are only a handful of hospitals that United will allow me to use.
  22. allycatt98

    insurance question. ..

    Ha the process is purposely bewildering. : ) I would try to go on the insurance website and research information on your own. Knowledge is always power and it helps you hold onto your money. Best wishes to ya! Ally
  23. Referrals and physician orders are completely different. I was referencing the orders you would need for the testing... Why rack up additional charges right now if you don't need to. Use the money to pay for any pre-op testing.
  24. allycatt98


    I bought one last month. It's awesome! But I will admit to giggling when I read the reviews on Amazon.
  25. Your BMI is what it is. Besides you can't do any testing without an order anyway. Let your surgeon determine the best course of action. I'm assuming that you've been at your current weight (or more) for over a year right? If so, a pound or two lighter isn't going to make a difference. Your previous medical records should be able to document a BMI of 40 or more so don't sweat it. People fluctuate all the time.... Your weight during your initial consult is what will be considered....Unless this is a recent spike. But if you've consistently been at 40 or above you should be good. Ally

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