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Jo Jo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jo Jo

  1. WOOOOOW!! You look amazing!! You don't even look like the same person!! Congrats girly! It was inspiring to see! Im at just about 4 weeks out, and am so up and down..im very untrusting of the sleeve, and feel its impossible for something I want to badly to come to pass..So Ty for sharing!

    HI I saw what u said about being up and down. You mean your weight is up and down? It will get better I promise. I went through hell the first month. I cried all the time and I regreted that I did it. I'm 11 weeks out and I can eat what I want, just get full and I've lost 48pds. Hang in there.

  2. HI,, I am 11 weeks out now. I didn't have that but I will tell you that for the first month was the hardest thing ever. Getting used to eating hardly nothing and all the Water and Protein. I was an emotional wreck and I was even regretting it. I can tell you I'm down 48 pounds, gone from a size 18 to a 14 and I can eat pretty much whatever I want, I just get full faster. It will get better each day I promise. Get up and walk as much as you can, that will get rid of the gas.

  3. OMG I can't stand people sometimes. I went through the same thing... You know what I discovered, is the people that had neg things to say was people that had their own weight issues. They don't want to see you get thin and beautiful. You will find out who your true friends are in the long run. You know You..... You know how long you have struggled with your weight and how hard it must have been or you wouldn't be in this boat. It's not that dam simple to just eat soft foods and drink Protein Shakes for a year without surgery. The surgery forces you to eat right or u will get sick. Some of us need an extra tool. Do this for yourself and your health down the road. The hell with what anyone says. You have to carry around the extra pounds or end up dead from being over wieght. Sorry but it's true. It bothered me too, but now that I'm one month out and 27 pounds lighter, I don't care what anyone thinks. It's all about YOU>>>>>>

  4. I am two weeks out and the first week all I did was cry...I was used to eating whatever and whenever I wanted and now I have to plan my meals and blend my food and eat stuff I'm sick of eating. I'm already tired of the dam Protein Shakes and the Jello and soft foods. It bothers me everyday and makes me wonder if this was the right decison. I'm like you, I know I would have continued to eat and end up bigger than I was, but I't s not easy. You are not alone trust me.

  5. Thank you Lisa..... Good luck to you as well.

    It all makes perfect sense! This is a big decision and it will change your life so you should be questioning yourself and making sure you're doing the right thing. Someone once posted that when you feel like that you should write down all the reasons you wanted to do this and for you, all the reasons you've worked sooooooooo hard to get to this point. It's ok to be scared though. I'm scheduled for October and I go from being excited to anxious and everywhere in between.

    Hang in there, don't be so hard on yourself!



  6. It has been two years of one thing after the other to get a date for this surgery. I just told my friend today at work that I have finally given up and I wasn't going to persue it anymore, then I come home and I saw that the hospial had called. I don't know exactly for sure but last I heard a month ago they would call me with a date. Now I am freaking out scared. I've gone through hell and back to get it and now it may be here, why am I soo scared. I'm scared it's too drastic, of the way I will look, the attention I may get, if I will make it out safe, if I will be sick and never be able to enjoy the foods I love. You name it I've thought about it tonight. I'm 42, 5' 5" and now 245 pounds. I've been skinny minny my whole life growing up, then once I put it on, I've battled with it for 20 years now. Losing and gainning and now been this big for long it has become normal to me, and I'm scared of being small again... I no this makes no sense right?

  7. Hey Heather, I am kinda in the same boat. I went for the band because my husband felt like it wasn't as serious as the others, but then I found out they will not do the band because I have alot of gerd and the band will make it worst. I went back today and asked about the sleeve because I have been reading a lot about it. They seem to think this might work for me. I have found out that I have been listening to too many people and getting their opinions and all it does is confuse me. What I have learned is I am tired of being unheathly and obviously I need more help then what I can do myself. My best friend had the band done and lost 75pounds and ended up in the hospital for 25days with an infection or ulcer. I know the sleeve and gastric sounds so drastic but I keep telling myself that I have had my gallbladder and appendix out what's the difference if they take a piece of my stomach. lol Make a decesion with your Doctors and what u feel is best for you. Others in our lives including our husbands can not totally understand unless they are in our shoes. Good Luck. If they okay the sleeve I am going for it.

    Hi, I have always weighed alot, and have always had a problem with will power when it comes to eating and exercise. Initially when I went to meet with my surgeon I was resolved to get the Lap-Band, and when I met with him he said that my insurance now covers the VSG and he thinks I should do my research on it since it would work well for me. I am currently 327.2 pounds, and my highest at new years was 344. I am working very hard at eating right (per South Beach) and increasing exercise, but my weight still fluctuates up and down 5 pounds. I need to be at least 322 by february 17 to get scheduled for surgery.

    I told my husband 2 nights ago that I was researching it a bit and he flipped out. He thinks it's a very risky surgery and it sounds like the easy way out. We have been back and for the past 2 days, and I told him, I'm not an idiot, and it's my body. I told him that I will make a decision and I'd like him to support me. Well, even after going back on the Lap-band boards today, I'm still not satisfied. I really need to lose at least 150 pounds to be "healthy". My aunt had the lap band and she was in the same place as me starting, and she still hovers at 225-230 after 2 years. I wouldn't complain much about that, but I wouldn't be fully satisfied. Right now I am trying to get a hold of the counselor I had to go to as part of the application process and see if she does marital counseling. He needs to realize that it is my decision and I need to take care of myself, once and for all.


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