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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BroadwayBaby

  1. BroadwayBaby

    January 28Th Check-In

    My stall finally broke - after 3+ weeks! I am down to 182.6 this morning which is a 2 lb loss for the week. SO happy!
  2. BroadwayBaby

    5 1/2 Months Out And Stalled!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  3. BroadwayBaby

    5 1/2 Months Out And Stalled!

    My story is almost exactly the same! I was sleeved 8/15/11 and have lost 57 lbs since then but nothing at all since the beginning of January. I have been running, walking, lifting weights and other exercise 3-5 times a week, tracking my food - getting in 70-100 g protein a day, keeping my calories around 1000 and drinking tons of water/diet snapple. I wake up every day and hope that I have dropped a bit but have stalled out at 184 as my lowest and then up and down a lb or so from there. I am falling into a bit of a depression this week because I worry that I am done losing. My goal is 140 - I am 5'3" so actually 140 is the very top of the normal bmi range for me. Dr's goal is 125. Don't really want to call my surgeon's office since she told me that I might get to 190 and that would be considered a success. I also have PCOS - not sure if that plays into this at all. I wish I had a crystal ball to see what is ahead so I wouldn't stress so much about it. This week I even have been trying to do protein shakes instead of breakfast & lunch but still haven't seen a difference...
  4. BroadwayBaby

    January 21St Check In :)

    Thanks! I am just really starting to wonder whether my body is going to fight me every step of the way. I can not understand a stall that lasts this long this early out. I do have PCOS and so wonder whether that plays into it at all...
  5. BroadwayBaby

    January 21St Check In :)

    I almost didn't want to post because I am stuck, stalled, flat out scale not moving stalled at around the 184 mark and have been for almost a month. I have upped my workouts and am walking 4 days a week (about 2.5 miles) I also walked two times one day last week for a total of about 5 miles. I have tracked my foods, etc. and things are just at a standstill. Every morning I wake up hopeful that I will have gone below the 184 point but it is up and down all around that number but never lower than 184. UUGGGH - so frustrating! I keep reading all of the info about waiting stalls out and changing things up which I have been doing but I can't lie - it is extremely frustrating to keep on looking at the same number every day no matter what I do. Hopefully next week there will be a change. I hope you all have a great week!
  6. BroadwayBaby

    January 14, 2012 Check-In

    I am finally back down a little but still haven't gotten below my lowest weight. I had hit 184 last week and then was up and down a few lbs over the past week. I weighed in at 184.8 this morning. I have been walking 2-2.5 miles almost every day and have tried to cut back on what I am eating. I really have pretty much been at a standstill for the past few weeks. I'm hoping that will change this week. Trying not to get down about things and just press on!
  7. BroadwayBaby

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    I'm in too. I currently am 184 but have bouncing up and down the same three lbs for over a month it seems. This week I have eaten only Protein with very few exceptions and exercised every day and I've still not seen any significant loss - I also really upped my Water intake to 75 ounces. Hoping this passes soon. I want to be 179 by the end of January and 175 by Valentine's Day. Here are my stats VSG - August 15, 2011 HW - 241 SW - 235 CW - 184 GW - 140
  8. BroadwayBaby

    Need A Little Support Here

    I am sorry for your loss Lissa! I agree with the above poster who said that you should not hold in your grief. My Mom died when I was a teenager and I went to a psychologist who told me to cry whenever I needed to, get angry, talk about the loss and about my Mom, etc. It really did help. Nothing will make the pain go away as quickly as we'd like and there will probably be many difficult times, especially through the first year but getting your feelings out might help - it did for me.
  9. BroadwayBaby

    January 7th Check-in

    I am struggling to take much weight off. Earlier this week I was at 184.6 but inched up a bit at the end of the week. This morning I weighed in at 185.6 for a one pound gain. I feel like I am losing and gaining the same 2 lbs each time. I know I need to cut back a bit on the carbs but I don't think I have been eating enough to gain. I definitely need to get back to tracking every day. I do feel like if I don't walk I don't lose and I wasn't able to get as much walking in this week as I had planned. I need to get going - I want to be in the 170s by the end of this month!
  10. BroadwayBaby

    Continuing "success" - How Do You Do It?

    You look great! Congratulations
  11. BroadwayBaby

    1 Year Post Op Checkup

    You've done amazingly well! Congratulations on all of your success!!
  12. BroadwayBaby


    I was a diet coke addict before surgery and drank it up to the second before midnight before I went in for surgery. I haven't had a drop since the surgery and I honestly don't miss it. I now am drinking diet Snapple raspberry and peach tea and they are my new favorites. I find I am sleeping better and getting up earlier without the caffeine high I was getting from the d.c.
  13. BroadwayBaby

    I Need To Get Back On Track

    That is what the new year is for - a fresh start. Get back to protein first and the cravings for the other food will subside. You can do it!
  14. BroadwayBaby

    I'm Always Cold!

    Love it! I might have to follow your lead...
  15. BroadwayBaby

    One Month Of Running And...

    Great job!
  16. I definitely don't think this is the easy way out although I still sometimes feel guilty when I talk to someone and they mention that I've lost weight, ask how I've done it (usually because they want to lose some) and I tell them I've had surgery. Often the response is "oh...." and nothing else. I have fought for every pound I have lost and I have radically changed my eating and exercise routines. I know that I have to watch everything I eat to make sure that I don't fall back into bad habits. I agree with those who've said that if you have trouble with something find a better way to do it. This was a better way for me!
  17. BroadwayBaby

    First Weigh In Of 2012

    Awesome! Very inspiring for the New Year. Congratulations on your success
  18. BroadwayBaby

    12/31/11 Last Check In Of 2011

    Happy New Year everyone! I lost 1.6 lbs last week - down to 185.4. I did eat what I wanted on Christmas Day but held things in check the rest of the week. This weekend we went skiing and did quite a bit of walking and it felt great. I'm hoping to kick things up a notch starting this week when my kids are back in school. My loss has seemed quite slow but at least the scale is going down and not up! Have a great week everyone!
  19. BroadwayBaby

    13 Weeks Out And Over Halfway To Goal!

    yeah! You are doing amazing!!
  20. BroadwayBaby

    - 100 As Of Today!

    Wow - you look amazing! You look like the daughter of yourself in the first picture - so young! Congratulations
  21. BroadwayBaby

    No Support From Husband...

    I too have PCOS and my husband was not happy with the idea of me getting the surgery. I think he felt like I could do it on my own and he doesn't truly understand what PCOS is since I haven't had any symptoms that directly affected him. When I decided to go ahead with the surgery I told him that I was doing it on the advice of my endocrinologist who specializes in PCOS patients and asked him if he thought he knew more about health issues than my doctor. He had to admit he didn't and then he was a bit more supportive. He finally admitted that he was scared that I might not make it out of surgery also which I completely understand. I am 4 months out now and he is very happy with how I am doing and has become 100% supportive. As for me I was always hungry before surgery and while I still do get hungry sometimes I am much more able to control cravings and my eating habits. Good luck with your decision!
  22. I have PCOS also and I have lost 52 lbs in 4 months. The weight loss has slowed a bit so I am trying to up my exercise and lower carbs. I have an IUD so haven't had a regular period in a few years. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 29 and am 40 now. The main thing I am noticing is that my already thin hair has gotten much thinner recently. I'm hoping some of it will grow back but I think that some of it is due to prolonged PCOS so I may just have to live with thin hair. Good luck! I am so glad I had the surgery and am looking forward to more loss and ultimately reaching my goal.
  23. Alright, I just need to vent.... In the last 2.5 weeks I have lost exactly .06 lbs. I am exercising, eating right, etc. and it is SO frustrating to continuously see the same numbers on the scale. Last night I weighed before I went to bed and I weighed 191. I was excited because I thought I might hit somewhere in the 190 or even 189 range this morning (I usually see a few lb loss in the morning). Nope - 191 exactly again this morning. I've been bouncing around there since before Thanksgiving. UUUGGh. I know all of the vets say "keep doing what your doing" and it will come off but it is painfully slow. I am frustrated!
  24. I LOVE your video - especially the part with your kids holding up the sign for you! You have come so far and I'm excited to see what is next for you! You are very inspiring!!
  25. You look beautiful and your hair cut is so cute! Congratulations!!

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