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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfluff

  1. I have noticed this sometimes during and after eating, but not all the time. It may be related to the stimulation of the vagus nerve which is supposed to pass through your stomach and is also connected to other organs such as your heart.
  2. Your Type is INFPIntrovertedIntuitiveFeelingPerceivingStrength of the preferences %22626211 You are: slightly expressed introvert distinctively expressed intuitive personality distinctively expressed feeling personality slightly expressed perceiving personality
  3. 2muchfluff

    Hair Loss Finish Line?

    I am nearly 11 months out and had significant hair loss from about 3 months on. It has just started to slow down and is almost back to pre-surgery losses over the past couple of weeks. I have to add that I have had extremes in my thryroid levels during this time, which could be to blame for some of the hair loss. I do not have my thyroid gland so I have had a hard time keeping my levels correct during weight loss.
  4. I had to go to support group meetings for 6 mos prior to surgery per insurance requirement. But I actually enjoyed them. Mine are a 2 hour drive away, but they are definitely worth the drive. I have been to one other group that was one hour away, but there was no comparison as far as quality. We usually have a very interesting speaker and have a great time.
  5. 2muchfluff

    Am I in denial?

    I only told a select few (my husband and finally my daughter) because I did not want to be scrutinized as to what I was eating, how much weight I was losing, etc. But after the surgery and seeing myself melt away, I freely tell people now. I just did not want to hear any negative comments that would discourage me before I got a chance to see results. I feel very comfortable with it now and everyone I have shared with has made positive comments. It is kind of hard to hide it when I go out to eat with a group and order my tidbits of food.
  6. 2muchfluff

    My Darling Husband

    Awwwwww! That is so sweet. My husband had the same concerns for me, but most of all wanted me to be healthy. Unfortunately, he did not survive to see me realize my dream. But he was super supportive when he was still here. My surgeon consult was scheduled in June, and he landed in the hospital. I refused to go to my appointment and was going to cancel it. He put his foot down and ordered me to go. I had never left him while he was in the hospital before. But I went at his insistence. The last voice mail I have on my phone is him telling me he is fine, just laying around. He died the very next week and I had to go through surgery without him. This was very tough, and I wanted to back out, but his wishes kept haunting me. Unbeknownst to me, he had spoken with my daughter and asked her to stand in for him during my surgery if he was not around. She was with me all the way and has been ever since. My dear husband was definitely a keeper in every sense of the word.
  7. 2muchfluff

    New girl needs moral support

    You are definitely on the right track to improve your health. I just wish I had had this opportunity years ago. I would have saved me a lot of health problems and misery. Hope you can get your surgery in whatever way seems right for you. The great thing about VSG is that you don't have to worry about the malnutrition and other issues with some of the other surgeries. You just have a tiny tummy, and I love mine. In the past, I could stay on a diet very well for a while......Then I would mess up and found it hard to get back on track. My greedy brain would block my efforts. Now, my tummy will not allow me to mess up. Lovin' it! Wishing you all the best in your efforts!
  8. 2muchfluff

    Weird question

    I am a stomach sleeper, but couldn't do that for the first week or so. But, when I first came home, I slept on my side with a small travel pillow supporting my stomach was the most comfortable. I had surgery on Monday and was off pain meds by Friday, so it wasn't a big problem.
  9. 2muchfluff

    So....what's it like?

    I was a huge drinker before surgery. I was also concerned about not being able to drink my fill after surgery. I can seriously say that I can now drink to my hearts content. I usually exceed the 64 ounce reqirement, by about 32 ounces. I can take huge gulps if I want to. I do not have any health issues, other than consitpation, and I am working on that. I do not take any medications that I took before surgery. I only take a multiviatamin and a b 12 lozenge each day. I used to drink tons of Pepsi Max and I do not miss it at all. Have so much more energy and feel healthy. High blood pressure is gone and not retaining fluids as I used to. Blood sugars are back in the normal range. Best decision I ever made. I feel like I am getting my life back. Hope you do too.
  10. My surgeon says that I will probably always need at least one protein shake a day. I am good with that as I drink mine as hot chocolate in the morning instead of coffee. And I am not usually ready to eat solid foods first thing either.
  11. Most likely caused by dehydration. Uric acid becomes concentrated and crystalizes in joints. Try to up fluids as much as possible.
  12. My favorite is the Chobani. When it is stirred up, it has the consistency of ice cream. Add a little flavor and it is really a treat.
  13. 2muchfluff

    Protein Bars???

    I am looking for a low carb protein bar recipe. I may just have to experiment if I can't find one that sounds good. I have found a lot of recipes, but most are super high calorie, or high carb or both. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. 2muchfluff

    Protein Bars???

    Thanks a bunch for the ideas!
  15. My hospital had a couple of small pillows for propping, and holding if needed. I have never heard of a cough test.
  16. 2muchfluff

    Dont want the Sleeve

    My surgeon also told me that my sleeve could be modified into a bypass later on if need be.
  17. 2muchfluff

    Dont want the Sleeve

    Do your research on both surgeries before you decide that your surgeon has done you a disservice by steering you toward the sleeve. Just because bypass is the most popular surgery does not mean it is the best surgery. I was determined I was going to get the band until I researched all the available surgeries, and that research pointed me definitely toward the sleeve. The main thing is to get comfortable with your choice and work with it. As everyone has stated, you can eat around any of the surgeries. But so far I have found that a difficult thing with the sleeve.
  18. 2muchfluff

    Surgery in 3 days. Scared.

    I was really surprised at myself. I don't usually get nervous about things until right up until they are about to happen, then freak out for a short time, but I did not even bat an eyelash. I think because I had been mentally preparing myself by going through all the 6 month insurance requirements, etc. and attending support groups, and basically immersing myself in the idea of the surgery. Then, too, add to that the fact that I was supposed to be scheduled for December 16th, and I got a call the day before Thanksgiving asking me if I wanted to come in and have it the following Monday! I was too busy trying to get everything ready, clean house, pay bills, etc. that I didn't really have time to get nervous. It was really an easy surgery for me. Less pain and quicker recovery than gall bladder surgery. At a week and a half, I could not even tell that I had even had surgery.
  19. 2muchfluff

    What brand of yogurt

    I like the texture of chobani. It reminds me of ice cream. I get the plain and put in sugar free syrup, or blend up some fresh strawberries and add a little sweetener. I have also added a sprinkle or two of chrystal lite powder in a pinch.
  20. 2muchfluff

    Fruits and Veggies

    Since I have had it pounded into me to eat your protein first, I usually don't have room for anything else. I would like to eat veggies, but just can't. Will this improve?
  21. 2muchfluff


    My surgeon told us that type 2 would be either cured or greatly improved. I was in the early stages of type 2 with fasting sugars in the low 100s, now fasting sugars are back in the 80s where they should be.
  22. I was not on anything but liquids 2 days before and clear liquids up until midnight the day before. All was good. It is good to cut your carbs preoperatively to help reduce the size of your liver so the surgery will be easier.
  23. 2muchfluff

    Amazing feeling

    You look wonderful. I am also off BP meds and water pills. The only thing I take every day now is my multivitamin. Ain't it great????? I already feel much better after only losing 30 lbs. Can't wait to get where you are.
  24. 2muchfluff

    So cold

    I have been cold for a while anyway since I have been hypothyroid and that causes extreme coldness. At times my temp is 95.6. It had actually gotten up to 97 prior to surgery. So I guess I am just used to it and can't really notice that much difference.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
