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Status Updates posted by KristeyK

  1. Thank you on behalf of Jack for all the birthday wishes!!! He had a FABULOUS day. Transfomers 3 in 3D, Toys R Us for a new bike, Swensen's for a burger and ice cream, then a new monster truck after all of that. YAY!!!

  2. Watching Transformers @ again...don't be jealous!

  3. Today is the last day my little man will be four years old. How did this happen so fast???

  4. Holy Mother of Gawdz...I actually made it through the day. NW lets see if I can finish making it home.

  5. OMG...I don't think that 1900 is going to come soon enough.

  6. The good thing about insomnia? Dishes are done, kitchen counters and sink are scrubbed clean, and load of laundry #2 is in the wash. :D (Because I KNOW everyone's interested in my housekeeping habits. LOL)

  7. Would like to wish the bestest sister in the world, Lisa Perkins, a VERY happy birthday!!!!

  8. So much for getting to bed early for clinical in the morning. I am SOOOO not tired! YIKES!!!

  9. I have hope for the future. My dear, dear cousin, Rory Toma used to want to throw up EVERYTHING that wasn't drowned in ketchup. Now here is, all grown up, cooking AND eating things like pasta in a white wine reduction with swiss chard. Maybe Jack WILL eat something other than hot dogs and beans when he grows up! :-P

  10. Dear Casey: Some advice. If, down the road, someone steals your stuff, don't take it back at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room. (Stolen from Todd Grant)

  11. WOW...another murderer gets away with it...SICKENING!

  12. I would like to thank Lawrence Collins for getting Hot for Teacher stuck in my head. If it's still bouncing around in here tomorrow, I will TOTALLY blame you when I go on my rampage! :-P HA HA HA

  13. Luana Rutherford and Tina Knowlton Bowman...Jack is very sad today because his two girls "broked up on me. I wanted to marry them." HA HA HA HA!!!!!

  14. 。☆。*。☆。★。\|/。★Happy 4th of July!!★。/|\。★。☆。*。☆。

  15. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

  16. LOVING the sound of the Arizona Monsoon Weather rolling in! (Now let's hope Marana actually gets rain out of this!)

  17. Farmville friends....can y'all go to my wall and help me expand my barn???? Thanks!

  18. HAPPY CANADA DAY to my friends up north!

  19. Getting to work in labor and delivery was really cool, but damn I am sore today!

  20. Cool! Lightning and thunder. I <3 the monsoon!

  21. 5 Pearls of Wisdom:1. Money cannot buy happiness, but it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than it is on a bicycle. 2. Forgive your enemy. But remember the bastard's name.3. Help a man when he is in trouble, and he will remember you when he is in trouble again. 4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.5. Alcohol does not solve any problem, but then neither does milk.

  22. Dear Big Ass Palo Verde Beetle,Please go away so I can go back inside.Thank you.

  23. There, their, they're...do YOU know the difference? :D

  24. Fun day with the boy, and still not having any luck writing a presentation that's due in two weeks. (Though I would get it done and out of the way this weekend before I start clinicals again. HA!)

  25. OK, I had to chuckle when I read your signature. I ALMOST feel your pain on the height. I'm 6'1". I wish I lived near other Amazons. :-) YAY TALL GIRLS!

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