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Status Updates posted by KristeyK

  1. This is what sucks about having furry creatures as family members...I think I am going to have to say goodbye to Calamity in the next couple of days. Such a shame, as she's been a good girl her whole life. However, she's almost 10, had a good life, and I don't want to see my beloved dog suffer at ALL. :(

  2. Well that test sucked ass...

  3. Please note: Facebook is going to start charging in the next few weeks. To prevent this from occurring, slam your head repeatedly into the nearest hard surface, email me your credit card information, purchase some swampland in Arizona, and switch to a diet strictly of gerbil pellets. Finally, copy-and-paste this into your status so Mark Zuckerburg will come to your house and personally backhand you while the people who actually fact-checked before spamming every asinine lie point and laugh.

  4. Dear People of Facebook,For the love of God, stop posting that Facebook is going to start charging. Snopes.com or your friends with more than a half a brain can tell you it's false!!!

  5. OK!!!! HERE IS THE REAL DEAL AND HOW TO GET BACK THE OLD SETTINGS!!! Finally, instructions on how to change your FB back to the way it used to be...... To change the Layout BACK to ORIGINAL STATUS, you MUST get NAKED, stand on your dining room table and do the Macarena, all while singing ”I Will Survive”. After filming and sending it in a private message to me, then, and only then, will Mark Zuckerberg come down your chimney to tell you that your account will stay the same. Pass it on, it mus...

  6. FIRE STOOPS!!!! Ugh this is hard to watch.

  7. Congrats to the Marana Broncos flag orange football team on another win!!!!

  8. Oh...YAY D'BACKS!!!!!!! Welcome back to the post season!!!! It's the magical 10 year anniversary! I'd love to have a reason to break out my World Series jersey!

  9. Irony at its best...someone here at the carwash has a bumper sticker on their car about how awful big oil is. The kicker? It's on a Suburban!

  10. Quote of the day so far...(From the stupid feed on the right hand side of the page...)"Real men like making floral arrangements." The random crap that shows up there is ALMOST worth the annoyance of having it there. LOL

  11. Wondering why Facebook can't stop playing with itself...

  12. Totally felt the birthday love today! THANK YOU!!!! :DNow me hearties...go and take ye a shot o' somethin' before International Talk Like a Pirate Day is no more for another year!

  13. OK...what parts of San Antonio are the good areas????

  14. Arrr!!! Not many of us lucky enough to be havin a birthday on ye Talk Like a Pirate Day. Avast me hearties! Hoist the sails and have yer a shot o rum!

  15. All the rain last week was awesome! The downside? The weeds have exploded, as has the mosquito population. Ack!

  16. WOOT! The Raiders lost!!! Otherwise, it has NOT been a good football weekend. (Oh wait, ASU lost yesterday too. YAY!) BOLT UP and LET'S GO CHARGERS!

  17. Did they have to remake The Thing AGAIN????

  18. Dear Greg Byrne, Athletic Director here at the U of A,Could you PLEASE find us a football coach who has the ability to take us to the next level? KTHXBYE

  19. Game day!!! Wish I could be there, but I'll be here cheering for the Wildcats with Jack at home. BEAR DOWN!!!

  20. HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!!

  21. Anyone have any ideas as to how to foster a competitive spirit in my five year old boy?

  22. Man...why doesn't it FEEL like Friday?

  23. Night TWO of no internet connection. This sucks! How am I supposed to get my stupid paper written for school if even the qwest technician that came out today couldn't fix it? Grr!

  24. Oh man!!!! I think I just saw the satellite fall. Gorgeous sight to see! Hope others got to see it over Tucson!

  25. OMG...hospice is interesting and seems like it would be a rewarding job, but I am so BORED! Love my pt. today though.

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