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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KristeyK

  1. KristeyK


    I just checked nutrition labels on Google, and what you wrote is correct. However, a lot of people on a few different sites said the taste is HORRID. (It was for the pink lemonade though, can't say anything about the sour apple.) I had my hopes up that maybe someone finally made a clear UNFLAVORED Protein drink. If someone makes one that tastes like good old Water, I'm ALL OVER it. lol
  2. KristeyK

    very sick!

    This is NOT NORMAL!!! As others have said, you don't want the potentially large bills that come with it, but you NEED to see someone ASAP. Yes, the weight loss is awesome, but your surgeon needs to be concerned about the rest of your health too! Either head to the ER or find someone who will take these complaints seriously. What is happening to you isn't just a pain in the rear, it's downright dangerous.
  3. OH.EM.GEE!!! You have that Paula gene too!!! I swear good old fashioned Southern cooking, and it's recent rise in popularity, is the reason so many of us are obese. I'm a Navy brat, so not a Southerner by birth, but I was raised by Texans, so my entire life has been all about BBQ beef, steaks, fried anything that grows, and homemade ice cream. We also all managed to find our way into baking cakes for EVERY occasion. (And FRIENDSHIP BREAD!!! YES!!! Along with those luscious coconut layer cakes! lol) I do not envy the first few times I head to my daddy's house after he throws some baby back ribs on the smoker for the day. I'm really hoping that my sense of smell and taste will change like my sister's did. Maybe I won't want them then! lol. Good luck, I am sure you will do FABULOUS!!!
  4. I kind of find it sad and funny that the word "Decepticons" came programmed into my phone, but Auto Bots wasn't...Hmm.....

  5. "when the space shuttle returns, we should all dress up like apes." - Every Man

  6. Dear Mr. President, I heard you say you will not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Why is it the scare always has to do with SS, Medicare, & our Soldiers pay? Why not stop your own pay or all of Congress to save much more money for our country? Why use the Seniors, Soldiers, & our Needy as examples? Take the money from those who take no risks and reap the benefits? Repost if you agree.

  7. Dear Trico Electric Coop,Are you guys INSANE? I keep my air set at 80 when I'm home, 84 when I'm not. I turn off lights when I am not in a room. I only use my ceiling fans when I am in said room. What else do I need to do to keep my electric bill under $280.00??? Why is it that I used twice as much with Tucson Electric Power and my bill was FAR less than half that amount?YOU SUCK!

  8. And if you're lucky, they'll have the screen turned toward you a little where you can see it. It's REALLY cool!
  9. I feel your pain. Like SeattleSue said, people don't engage their brains before their mouth. They mean well enough, but don't realize what it does to a person. I'm lucky in that my sister broke this ground for me with our family and friends. They see how well she has done in three months, and I haven't been dealing with the same BS. The closest I've come to that is one of my RN instructors asking me a few times whether or not I was sure this is the right decision for me AT THIS TIME. Otherwise, everyone has been fully supportive. Now...one thing I did tell my sister to tell everyone was this: "I live in my body ever single day and I know what I have fought through over the years. I know what is best for myself, my body, and my family. I have the support of my primary care doctor, my pain doctor, and most importantly, my husband. That's all I need." It worked! Good luck and remember- even though the comments bug you, the people really do mean well. If you're as non-confrontational about that kind of thing as I am, shrug it off and continue on knowing you are making the best decision for YOU and YOUR FAMILY. You are doing something for YOURSELF, not everyone else.
  10. KristeyK

    Fab 40's shout out

    I'm Kristey and stone's throw away from 41. WOOT! Been married for 14 years and have a FABULOUS son who's barely five years old. (He starts kindergarten in a month...sniff, sniff...) Having my sleeve done on Aug 24th. I cannot WAIT!!! Told the hubby that I want to be able to fit easily into a coach airline seat, so that when he takes me on some fabulous vacation for our 16th anniversary, I can be comfortable. LOL.
  11. I'm not sleeved yet, but I go to bi-monthly support group meetings. There are MANY people there who have had their sleeves for several years. They live like normal people do, rather than being obsessed about food. (Still cannot imagine that...LOL) They are all vigilant about what they eat, but not HYPERvigilant. Protein first, then some veggies. They have learned what they can order off the menu at most restaurants...things like that. I think right now it seems overwhelming because you're in that "first semester of school" mode, where you look at what it is you have to learn, and it looks like a LONG, overwhelming road ahead. Once you retrain your brain, it won't seem so bad because you'll have a lot more of that necessary knowledge. KWIM? Good luck!!!
  12. We all feel pain differently. You have to work fairly hard to tear any of the stitches/staples you have. (Which is why we're restricted as to how much we can lift for several weeks.) My guess is that your pain med(s) wore off in the middle of the night, you turned in bed, and BLAM-O...pain. If you still feel as if you need the stronger pain med, then by all means get it from your Dr. Just make sure to alternate it with the Tylenol as he directed. Lortab can be habit forming if you use it too long, so keep that in mind too as you ask for more of it. Also...Lortab contains Tylenol, so make sure you're not taking more than 4 grams of it per day. (Lortab usually has about 325mg of Tylenol in it...1000mg per gram.) Ask if maybe you can take a liquid Ibuprofen, since it's an anti-inflammatory, and MAY control that type of pain better than plain Tylenol.
  13. The surgeon's office makes sure they have EVERYTHING together before they submit for auth. Luckily, the girl at my surgeon's office has her act together and was able to submit the same afternoon I got her the last piece of the puzzle she needed. UHC took two weeks to approve my surgery. There won't be anything that shows up on MyUHC until the claims start hitting, right now all the Dr's are getting is PREauth. It won't show until they start asking for payment. (And yes, they can only take up to 30 days to give an answer.) Good luck!
  14. You sound like me...I LOATHE not knowing something is 100% sure or not. Your situation would probably drive me over the edge!
  15. I'm getting a VSG due to complications from the band. I am done with this thing. If you go in to have the band removed and a sliding hernia repaired, I'd want to have it done in the hospital anyway. The sliding hernia repair is something that should require an overnight stay. Good luck with everything. If you end up getting the VSG, it will probably be better in the long run anyway. I cannot say for sure yet as I still have 5 weeks before I get mine. However, my sister is 11 weeks post op and has lost more weight with this than I EVER did with the band. (And she had a lot less weight to lose.)
  16. Seriously...Psych nursing from a scholastic standpoint SUUUUCKS. I read my book and wonder how ANYONE can be an RN in a psych facility. (And thankfully, people do, because this class is going to drive me to an inpatient facility! lol)

  17. I am off every Saturday and Sunday!

  18. Thank you on behalf of Jack for all the birthday wishes!!! He had a FABULOUS day. Transfomers 3 in 3D, Toys R Us for a new bike, Swensen's for a burger and ice cream, then a new monster truck after all of that. YAY!!!

  19. KristeyK

    On 8 weeks out, too soon?

    In my opinion, it is way too soon. I'd wait until you're closer to your goal Besides, any surgeon worth his/her salt wouldn't do it until then anyway. Think of it this way-out it is a very painful procedure, if you did it now you'll probably okey the results, but in a year when you're at your goal, you'll wish you would've waited because the girls will be sagging. :-D
  20. KristeyK

    Hi, new and SOOOOO ready to start my process

    Insurance companies typically use your starting weight to go off of to gauge your BMI, not what you lose. They want to see that you're going to take it seriously and willing to make the changes necessary. As for your surgeon...surgeons notoriously have TERRIBLE bedside manner, but that's also more the old school ones. lol. Frankly, I'm more concerned about how good he is both in skill and knowledge than how well he plays nice. KWIM? As for books I have the Weight Loss Surgery Coping Companion by Tanie Kabala...it's excellent. I also bought Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery. I've started using both of them in hopes of being better prepared when I have my surgery in August.
  21. KristeyK

    Anyone Else in August?

    Diggin the All-Stars too.
  22. Watching Transformers @ again...don't be jealous!

  23. KristeyK

    I have a date finally!!!

    Hiya KristinaRN...I am Kristey, RN student! WOOHOO for NURSES!!! And DOUBLE WOOHOO for the 24th!!! I will also be having my surgery that morning.
  24. Today is the last day my little man will be four years old. How did this happen so fast???

  25. There are several people at my support group meeting who are several years out from their surgeries. These are life changing surgeries we are having. They still work at it. Even though they're maintaining now, they still have to be careful about what they put into their mouths. From my research, statistically, sleeves lose better long-term. There was ONE surgery that did better, but it one that VERY few surgeons perform, and has a higher risk than anything else. (If I remember correctly, it was the duodenal switch.) Long-term success is achievable with the sleeve, if you're willing to put in the long term commitment.

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