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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KristeyK

  1. Holy Mother of Gawdz...I actually made it through the day. NW lets see if I can finish making it home.

  2. OMG...I don't think that 1900 is going to come soon enough.

  3. The good thing about insomnia? Dishes are done, kitchen counters and sink are scrubbed clean, and load of laundry #2 is in the wash. :D (Because I KNOW everyone's interested in my housekeeping habits. LOL)

  4. KristeyK


    WOOHOO!!! It's amazing the food you get excited about when you can only have clears isn't it? lol. Good job on the WL!
  5. KristeyK


    WOOHOO!!! It's amazing the food you get excited about when you can only have clears isn't it? lol. Good job on the WL!
  6. KristeyK

    Leaving to be sleeved!!

    YAY!!!! Good luck with the surgery, I'm sure everything will be smooth for you. WOOT!
  7. Would like to wish the bestest sister in the world, Lisa Perkins, a VERY happy birthday!!!!

  8. EXCELLENT!!!! I am very happy for you that everything is going well so far. And yeah, just a tad bit scary that your liver had started growing around it. YIKES!!!! Keep us updated with your progress.
  9. So much for getting to bed early for clinical in the morning. I am SOOOO not tired! YIKES!!!

  10. KristeyK

    How long from A-Z?

    It REALLY depends on what your surgeon and/or your insurance requires. I'd have had mine completed within 6 or 7 weeks if I could do the surgery this month. (Have to wait until the end of August for school break EEEK!) Some people it does take upwards of a year though.
  11. I have hope for the future. My dear, dear cousin, Rory Toma used to want to throw up EVERYTHING that wasn't drowned in ketchup. Now here is, all grown up, cooking AND eating things like pasta in a white wine reduction with swiss chard. Maybe Jack WILL eat something other than hot dogs and beans when he grows up! :-P

  12. Dear Casey: Some advice. If, down the road, someone steals your stuff, don't take it back at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room. (Stolen from Todd Grant)

  13. WOW...another murderer gets away with it...SICKENING!

  14. KristeyK

    Woot!!!! Happy dance

    WOOT!!! I bet you're happy about that!
  15. KristeyK

    I'm wearing 2x pants and shirts

    WOOHOO!!!!! And yeah, know that move ALL too well. LOL!
  16. I would like to thank Lawrence Collins for getting Hot for Teacher stuck in my head. If it's still bouncing around in here tomorrow, I will TOTALLY blame you when I go on my rampage! :-P HA HA HA

  17. KristeyK


    Hello and welcome Manda!!! You will find all KINDS of support here, along with a wealth on information. How exciting that you're only a week away from your big surgery date. YAY!!!!!
  18. KristeyK

    Here I go!!

    You will be GREAT!!! Don't sweat the complications...even if it's a major one, it's still able to be taken care of fairly quickly. Just follow your surgeon's orders to a "T" and make sure to get your liquids in. I'm excited for you! My date is still about 6 weeks away, so the only anxiety I am feeling is "HOW LONG WILL THE 6 WEEKS TAKE???!!!" lol. Let us know how everything goes! Oh! Hints...WALK, WALK, WALK, WALK...as soon as you are able to be on your feet, make sure you get out of bed and walk as much as your pain level will tolerate. Also, DO NOT let any pain get out of control. It shouldn't be too bad, but expect a little bit. Just make sure keep what pain you do have in check. Now...go get a nap!
  19. KristeyK

    Strict Doctor

    The four weeks after is his insurance to make sure your stomach heals properly. It's a little long, but if you ask him I bet he has a VERY good rationale for it. Mine was that way for my band, but they've since updated it. Pre-op diet is two weeks of two shakes a day and a SMALL meal, post-op is a week of clears, three weeks of full liquids, then two months of mushies. Mine doesn't even allow things like chicken or beef for six months. (Man I hope I will not miss my few bites of steak like I think I will!!!) Take heart...it's going to be HARD, but you can do it.
  20. KristeyK

    60+ Sex after VSG

    If you're off all of those meds, I am sure you'll be fine. I say give it a try!!!
  21. Luana Rutherford and Tina Knowlton Bowman...Jack is very sad today because his two girls "broked up on me. I wanted to marry them." HA HA HA HA!!!!!

  22. 。☆。*。☆。★。\|/。★Happy 4th of July!!★。/|\。★。☆。*。☆。

  23. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

  24. LOVING the sound of the Arizona Monsoon Weather rolling in! (Now let's hope Marana actually gets rain out of this!)

  25. I think for a lot of us who are married, not wanting to embarrass your spouse is a huge thing that has turned our lives upside down. I mean, I don't want to be the cause of my hubby being laughed at. Who does? I haven't let it stop me from DOING a lot, but I am also not the extrovert that I used to be, and I kind of miss that girl. You are totally doing what is right for you. Your husband could seem "meh" about it due to the fact that he is so far away. Also, he may not want to hurt you by saying the wrong thing, so he doesn't say anything at all. Good luck to you in your journey. I hope we continue seeing you here!!!

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