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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by KateWindsor

  1. Many start Stage 1 with Protein drinks ready for post surgery. Some good, some bad, some cheap, some pricey. Let's share info on Protein Drinks to help us all.

    When you post about a Protein Drink and/or mix........Please include -

    1) Brand Name and flavor

    2) Size tub and price

    3) Where you bought and if available online, please include the website.

    4) Nutrition Info - amount of Protein grams per scoop, Calories, net Carbs

    5) How you used the mix to make your drink/shake

    Thank you!

    Great idea! Also, in another forum I copied and pasted your KISS regimine to help make sure one gets all your protein/liquid in until I advance my diet. But I know despite not being so dependent on Protein shakes for sole nutrition that they will be an important part of my trying to continue to stay healthy, so thanks for the tip! (PS Is your doctor really mohammed ali?)

  2. Lol i think i felt your pain in this post. I decided to drive my friends son home who came over to do some yard work... Its only a few blocks and i am on tylenol now for pain... Ill be fine! Well my dumb butt didnt figure into that picture that i drive a jeep! Not was climbing in a pain but just the bumpyness of the ride killed me... But i kept the brave face so he wasnt like what the heck! So i dropped him and decided to make it worth it and got an ice tea at sonic... It was a nice treat and to not fi jsh a small compared to the Rt 44 i use to get... That was strange! Tomorrow i am suppose to see a movie with a friend?.. Wish me luch on that one- oh and I go back to work Monday! Yea me!

    Hey, I did that today (went to the movie). It was great! Had a Protein Drink packed and sipped through the movie. And water bottle of course! Unfortunately, sitting there helped collect a big gigantic air bubble and I had no Gas X strips, so I made my family let me walk home. It was maybe a mile or so (I guess). Even wth the 6 or 8 I have lost so far, walking felt just a little easier today!

  3. Hi. was banded in December 2010. I lost 40 lbs and am at a standstill. Again I am one of us that "eats around the band" I am a fast eater so whenever I eat a real meal it comes back up. An hour or so later I am starving and go for the ice cream, cereal,chips and dip. I haven't gained any but have not lost any either. :blink: I was going to go for a fill but since I am throwing up I don't think it is wise. Any suggestions on how to get back on track. I have a very busy life. i am a nurse. I work until 5pm. I have two 7 yr old twins, one is autistic and is on a special diet and my partner is cooking challenged. Please help.

    I'm troubled about what you are describing and you do need some help (listen to me, Miss week-old band!). Get back into your doctor ASAP and make sure that all is well health wise. There could be, as you know, some underlying health problems going on or, depression/anxiety that needs treatment. The may recommend meds and/or therapy. If those issues aren't addressed, it would seem that just following a diet restriction would not work for you. Perhaps when you are well, you and your doctor might discuss your band fill needs, or maybe a plication. You could put yourself on high Protein liquids and Vitamins for a few weeks to repair yourself a little.

    Another suggestion would be to go to the new forums (pre-op maybe) and, kind of get yourself back into the Pre-Band mode. You obviously have knowledge and experience, helping others and getting out of oneself can be very therapuetic I am pretty certain of that. Thats what the AA groups and such promote, keeping yourself sober by helping others get and stay that way.

    Good Luck to You! No Excuses, OK?

  4. Omg. Just had some cream of Tomato Soup. Sooooo good. I filled up a coffee mug. I took like 10 small sips and was full. Lol. That can of Soup will last me all week. But it was so good.

    I am laughing! I have a covered jar full of (blended) cream of chicken soup in the fridge that is taped so no one can get to it! I was irritated today that my child grabbed a heaping glass of MY NAS apple juice. I can only have pretty much full liqs now and am becoming possessive of the foods I can have! I have a space in the snack cabinet for all my diet paraphenalia and I threaten people with throwing their stuff out if they put it in my space (which is often). Don't know what everyone else's Protein Drinks are, but I really love them right now which is weird. Feeling good 6 days out post banding with plication. Wondering if it is normal to not have any BM's since surgery? Don't even feel the need right now. I do see the doctor soon so I guess I will find out for sure.

    Love hearing the tips and tricks out there!

  5. Nice to hear from the newly post op. Me too. Had a banded plication 9/19 and woke up this am starving half to death. Luckily time to go to full liquids which seemed to stick a lttle better. I wish I could burp. No problems with gas the other way. I have been trying to move alot in order to prevent gas problems. That was my biggest fear. Best of luck to all!

  6. I had a band with a gastric plication Monday. So I know I am nol expert here. What I have figured out in this short amount of time is that initially I have absolutely no decisions to make whatsoever. I eat (or rather drink) what they tell me, I sleep, and I walk. Tomorrow I get to experiment with full liquids. I am imagining that as I lose more pounds and feel better and better, that those feelings are going to reinforce themselves. I guess what I am saying is that a day at a time is a great way to look at things.

    Best of luck on your surgery!

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