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Everything posted by bander11

  1. bander11

    Surgery in 12 hours!

    Good Luck to both of you and be sure to check and tell your story/experience as soon as your up to it - everyone here is rooting for you....Take Care!
  2. bander11

    October Bandsters!!!

    Can anyone reccomend a good chewable multivitamin or post what they are taking - I am told I need to get one and there are so many to choose from that it just makes your head hurt.
  3. I know the feeling - in pondering dates I keep saying nope can't have that one it's too close to my daughters B'Day 10/2 - she passed away 12/2004. Then there is 10/14 - nope that's when my daddy died but I still have a couple clearances to go through so were shooting for 10/26 or 11/3 don't thing I have any issues with either of those dates. But it's funny how we let dates control us. My daughter did it too - she was scheduled for a Csection on 10/14 (this has been a few years ago) she was exited about having a date for her son to be born - but then she got home and was telling me the date - it hit her - she said oh mom, I can't do that date - she jumped right on the phone and requested the day before or after - so my grandson was born 10/13/2004. I agree with the poster above that you hearing your song was a sign...He's watching over you and I am sure supporting you - he will be there holding your hand until you wake up - Take care and let us know how you are doing...
  4. bander11


    Had Psych Eval today - about an hour - cleared - found out I am not as crazy as I thought I was....
  5. bander11


    I am seeing Dr. Barnett with Surgical Associates at Eden Hill in Dover. I have an option to go to Bayhealth- Milford or have it done at the Center in Eden Hill - I have chose Bayhealth - they are 20 mins from me and something I am familiar with and also the center wanted me to pay $1700 up front - the hospital said they would bill me what BCBS didn't pay and I could pay when due or make payments - with Christmas coming, I didn't want to just jump right out there with money right now. You said you are a State employee as well - mind me asking where you work or what you do - I am a Social Worker for the Shipley Center out of Seaford. Also would you mind sharing your surgery experience and how you are doing now? Do you participate or are you familiar with the Delawell program? I said I certainly hope that they accept my participation with them - I am their scheduling contact with they hold classes in our office for goodness sake - Even when I don't attend myself I am in and out addressing one thing or another. Thanks for responding and hope your doing well.
  6. bander11


    Wondering how many out there have had experience with Blue Cross Blue Shield DE and their approval process. I am a State of Delaware Employee and my journey has begun, have just started the approval process - also interested in anyone that used the States Delawell program as part of or for their 6 month nutrition/weightloss requirement.
  7. Hi Everyone, just joined - I have been lurking as you call it for the last couple of days. I have found your site very informative and wanted to say keep all the advice coming guys. Next month I have a busy schedule with Medical Clearance, Pulmonary and the upper GI tests scheduled - shooting for surgery end of October first of November - also doing some of the waiting game with insurance for the acceptance of 3 months of my weightloss classes (had to have 6 - Insurance is BCBS - Delaware). Glad to be here hope to chat with some of you later on. Thanks for being here!!!!
  8. bander11


    Thank you to everyone that responded to my introduction - what a bunch of lurkers we are huh!? Welcome to you all and keep in touch. Congrats on the weight loss readytogo - I so look forward to being rid of pain I have in my legs as well - so you give me hope - no CPAP here - no comorbidies other than just found out through this process that I am pre diabetic - didn't know that one - Cholesterol and BP good. I love the junk food too - big chocolate lover, so yeah it is amazing what we can do with out it, but it's remembering that and that's where I hope this tool will help out - you know it's easier to say "oh I can do this today etc etc it won't hurt me, I will just tomorrow" but having a tool that can help you train your brain to say "it just might" that's saying something and I hoping that is exactly what it will do for me. I hear the stories of things getting stuck, people getting sick because they don't follow the band diet etc - I am not a fan of being sick or having pain so I will have that in the back of my mind when I go to venture off course like I normally would - right now other than how it can effect the future I don't have that, I guess I have too much of the "Scarlet O'Hara syndrome" - "Tomorrow is another day" Well, I want to change that syndrome and really make "Tomorrow another Day" a good day!! I think we have found the right site - seems wonderful so far. Good Luck to you all and once again Welcome and Keep in touch.
  9. Thank Goodness!! Had me a little worried. Though I am BCBS of Delaware we had the same 6 months - do you know if yours had to be consecutive months - my advocate told me I could do 3 and 3 - I had done 3 through my employers wellness program and then 2 (third is scheduled for 10/5) through the doctors office - they said BCBS has accepted my employers program before with other patients and since I had those three and they were consecutive and as long as i did the last 3 through them consecutive all within the last year it would be acceptable. We'll see, if not I will be waiting til January (whew if they added two more months I'd be looking at March) - I am just so ready, anxious as well as nervous to get this process off and running.
  10. bander11

    clothes shopping!

    Too Funny - LMAO, I have said that too - I think it's to trick you into thinking; well if they have that in my size I could look that good too - been there done that. I have a multitude of sizes - I am refusing to buy clothes right now - don't have much but will make do with what I have and hopefully some things that I have will just fit better and I can gradually fit in to some of the things I have that don't fit - I had a big bag filled up for our community yard sale this year and I said "ya know what - I am going to hold onto them one more year" though I said I was tired of saying maybe next year whenever I go through summer or winter clothes - this year I am saying "well hopefully I won't need this next year" my favorite is - I have had the same black (slimming - yeah right!) bathing suit for the last 3-4 years (lost count) it's either a little too small or a little big and this year a little snug - I am keeping it out - because I am going to hang that thing up where I can see it and I am saying "I absolutely refuse to put that thing on another year". Good luck on your Jouney - my office is shooting for End of October Beginning of November - so I am right there with you.
  11. bander11

    Psych appointment

    What is MMPI?
  12. bander11

    Psych appointment

    What is MMPI?
  13. bander11

    Emotional & goodbyes

    Hope your Surgery went well. As everyone said you hit the "nail on the head" I use to get the "You are so good looking from the waist up" I am now in my upper 40's and it's spread so I don't even get that anymore. You wonder why people can't see beneath but now that I am older I guess you can compare it to the saying "Live on Love - Money can't buy you that" (was 17 when I got married and once thought I could do that too) But in this economy little hard to live on Love as well - Love makes the world go around but doesn't pay the bills. I have also been experiencing comments made by a long time male friend of mine and my husbands that is recently divorced - he recently dated a woman that reminded me alot of myself, I always thought he cared and had a lot of respect for me - he broke it off with the woman and makes comments such as he just couldn't handle her size - did nothing for him sexually and then every woman he see's her size or mine he has to comment about though other than being overweight they are very beautiful women, it just gets under my skin and I guess I can honestly say his comments hurt (though not directed at me) especially since the woman he was dating reminded me alot of me (looks - body size - good hearted) but you know what, I didn't make this decision for fools like him - my husband has loved me for over 31 years through every pound gained and lost, like you I feel very fortunate for that but I too still will not let him see me naked - after 31 years - God he's seen it all - Good Lord - I am doing this for a granddaughter I am raising who I see starting to struggle with weight issues and self esteem issues - I want to help her but I have to help and turn around me first - I also am doing this for me because I see where I could be very quickly if I don't do something and I want to spend the next 31 years with my husband healthy and active - I don't want him and or my children/granddaughter having to take care of me.... Good Luck on your Journey, keep all of us here posted on how your doing. Remember your are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  14. A Test!!! Good Lord - Have hated tests since High School - Can we do extra curricular activities to bring up our grade - LOL!! Use to do that in High School because I didn't test well. I have my Psych Eval on Wednesday 9/28 - My husband says for what - I can tell them your crazy... I saw somone posted about having BCBS (Nebraska) I am BCBS Delaware - All joking aside - I think mine is a 1 hour session as well - Crazy how alot of things are done differently from state to state and doctor to doctor as well as insurance to insurance.. Take Care everyone!!
  15. bander11

    October Bandsters!!!

    Got Approval today from BCBSDE for EGD for 10/12 - One down - getting closer.
  16. bander11

    I've Schedule the Band!

    Reading the posts on here I am beginning to feel that "Great Minds Think Alike" and that this may be the best Birthday Present we or anyone could give us - My Birthday is November 11th and that is what I said to myself when told I could possibly have as soon as 11/3 - I said well that's my birthday present for this year to myself - a Healthier Life!!! Take Care and keep us updated on your progress...
  17. bander11

    New member

    Welcome - and Good Luck, I am aiming for that date myself - waiting approval for 3 months of the weightloss classes out of six that I had to do, when I began this journey I had already done 3 months prior through a program with my employer - then I did 3 through the center's program so we are waiting to see if they accept the first 3 months - if not I will have to do three more and should be banded around Jan. Lucky your insurance changed - what insurance did you have. Alot of insurances are changing from the 3 months to the 6 - my mother in law is waiting to hear whether hers has - she was originally told 3 but then a week ago the dietician we see told her they changed to 6. You know other than being anxious to start the journey and see results the classes can be informative.
  18. bander11

    New also

    Congrats!!! Keep us up to date on your progress.....
  19. bander11

    surgery the 23rd

    Happy Birthday!!! I am saying the same thing now - I will be 47 on November 11 - I am shooting to have surgery (pending insurance acceptance of 3 of my 6 month weightloss) around my birthday too and said the very same thing, if I can make this happen by then it will be my present to myself - a better healthier, pain free life. If those 3 months of weightloss requirement that I did earlier in the year are not accepted then I will do 3 more months pushing me into January so then I guess I will consider it a New Years Resolution only thing is like most of us I have been there and done that resolution so would rather not - I would rather enter the new year already on my way.....Good Luck and keep us informed as to how that Birthday Present is working for you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
