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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JMV

  1. People can find another topic if they don't like what you're talking about. I didn't read any rules that say everyone must read, like and comment on every post that is made. I personally enjoy praising the Lord so I choose to read them.

    “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Exodus 14:14

    “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have unwittingly entertained angels.” Hebrews 13:2

  2. Awesome list! (I love the "don't weigh every day" rule...I'm putting that on MY list!)

    My list is basically everything here already mentioned here:

    Listen to your doc AND your body

    Read the forum

    Eat properly and exercise when cleared to do so

    I have notes on my mirrors (I look at them and tell myself daily that I AM BEAUTIFUL, I CAN DO THIS, I WILL WEAR THAT < BY (DATE), I LOVE MYSELF AND THE WAY I LOOK, I WANT TO BE HEALTHY, etc.)

    Clothes hanging on my closet door so I see them morning and night (smaller sizes than I can wear)

    I use MFP to log my intake and exercise

    Also remember that immediately after surgery is YOUR time to rest and let your body do what it needs to do naturally. You should do just fine. Remember you are doing this for YOU and nobody else!

    Congrats on your journey and good luck!

  3. My daughter has very fine/thin hair and she takes Biotin. It does work. I think after about 3 weeks she could really start seeing a difference so it also worked rather quickly. (She hasn't had any surgery; just thin hair.)

    OP ~ If my calculations are correct, your BMI is currently 26.4 (not 30). WHEN you lose that other 15 pounds, that should put you at 138 pounds and your BMI will be 23.7!

    Keep going and you WILL get that other 15 pounds off and I can't WAIT until I'm in the 150's!

  4. You're a true inspiration, Missy. What a great attitude you have! I know a lady with MS and I'm not being judgmental here (well, I might be but I don't like to think of myself as one who judges others) but honestly, she uses it as an excuse as to why she CAN'T do anything instead of finding reasons that she WANTS to. God Bless you, sweet one!

    OP, keep on keeping on. You have to really make sure you're eating quality foods and not just empty calories. My band is a 10cc and has 4cc in it and I'm very satisfied. I was so discouraged from Nov 2010 to March 2012 with only 10 pounds gone. My appointment in March was to discuss taking my band out. I didn't do it and instead had a fill and I see my doc once a month. I don't eat fast food and I only use a portion plate when I eat so I make every bite count! Look at the results I've achieved since March, I was 202 and here I am at 175 with only 50 pounds left to go! We can encourage each other!

  5. In addition to everything Missy said, how about exercise? Are you doing anything to burn calories/fat and getting your heart rate up?

    ANY level of physical activity will make a difference. I personally do not like walking on the treadmill because I feel like a hamster but if I have to, I have to. I walk at a local lake 3 times a week, play tennis 2 nights a week and there is a Zumba DVD that is a 20 minute ab workout that I do on the days I don't walk at the lake.

    I was banded in 2010 and lost 10 pounds. It wasn't until March of this year that I made up my mind that I was going to get this right! I have Post-It notes on my mirrors; I see an outfit that I must have and I buy it a size smaller and hang it on my closet door so I see it morning and night. Since my changes in my lifestyle, I have lost weight, built muscle and feel so much better.

    Hang in there, keep a journal and set some personal goals. It does work and I know you can do this!

  6. Oh yes, I set a goal at the first of every month and when I reach it, I celebrate! A new outfit from a "real" store is always a prize. I buy something I can wear now and something I really love in a size smaller. I hang the smaller outfit on my closet door and every morning when I get out of bed, I'm forced to look at it; same thing when I go to bed at night. Post-It notes on my mirror are another one of my goofy tricks but hey, it's worked for me so far.

    Thrifts are my favs! I love finding my treasures and paying next to nothing. Great finds on the $4 tops! I love those kind of trips! ;)

  7. Congrats on your loss! Doesn't it feel so good to need new clothes? :)

    I saved some of my smaller clothes as I outgrew them so I have a few things but I'm a thrift store-yard sale QUEEN. I have bought many a nice things and never paid much over $5.00 for hardly any of it. It lets me get what I need until I am ready for that new, entire wardrobe.

    However, I do reward myself with a trip to the mall when I hit my goal for the month and in my opinion, 35 pounds is AWESOME and you deserve something new! Try corset tops that adjust and there are also pants and skirts that have adjustable waist bands (they have elastic on the sides and buttons on the inside) they are very comfortable and stylish.

    Congrats again and keep going!

  8. kiki, don't get discouraged. I was banded in Nov 2010 and I had only lost 10 pounds and I think the majority of that was from stopping my Dr. Pepper addiction. Some life-changing events caused me to keep my band but just have it empty until things settled down. In March of this year, I made an appointment with my doctor to discuss having my band removed. We talked about it and I had a fill instead and set up my goals. I've been doing what I am supposed to do, had my fills and this is where I am today.

    If you are getting sick, you could be too tight. Have you talked to your doctor? You are supposed to be able to eat but just control the portions. Proper nutrition intake, Water and NO empty calories combined with exercise and you should start to see positive results! Hang in there...you CAN do this!

  9. Congrats on your decision and the start of a journey that will be worth it in the end.

    The Heparin injections after surgery are not uncommon and they are not painful. You will bruise VERY easy and at the injection site so you will have to alternate the sites but the needle is very tiny and doesn't hurt.

    Good luck and just try to stay focused on the prize at the end...a new, healthier YOU!

  10. Thank you so much, everyone. It has been work but well worth it and lurking the forum and reading the posts has really helped.

    Tricia, you WILL get there (here) and it is a great feeling! Best of luck to you and just keep going!

  11. I just had to share that I created a plan, I have stayed with my plan, today I weighed and I hit my goal of 175 pounds before Sept 1st! (The scale really has 174.4) but I am so happy I cried. It's been a long time for me to be where I am and I am just so thankful!

  12. Keep in mind that this is NOT the band that failed but rather my uncle's wife who wanted to lose weight and lose it fast! She of course blamed the band, the surgeon, the hospital, etc. but she was just not going to do what they told her.

    She thought it was going to be "Oh, I'll have this band put on my stomach and I can eat what I want to and I'll just drop all the weight." Things like that is what she was telling everyone. So, she was banded and when she got home, she did not follow the diet at all. Instead of liquids, she wanted to eat "real food" and so she did. She started eating and throwing up and would eat again and then throw up again. In 2 days, she was back in the hospital. Had a meeting with a nutritionist and went home...she wasn't even home 12 hours and eating a Big Mac. Sick, throwing up, hospital. Band removed and she had thrown up so much, it was not easy.

    Again, this is just someone who wouldn't do what she was told and it had to be removed. She tells everyone it was horrible and made her sick and almost killed her and so forth and so on. Not once in her rampages does she ever tell anyone that she wouldn't do the liquids, she ate like a horse, etc. That's what happens sometimes though...always looking for someone else to blame.

    I know that there are some who have complications through no fault of their own but this is a great support system and I enjoy reading the posts for my own, personal motivation. Just do what the doctors say and you will be fine. What I have learned is that people who fail will only tell one side of their story.

  13. My uncle's wife had to have her band removed just 2 weeks after surgery. Her problem was she just flat refused to do what she was told to do by her doc.

    I had some major life events right after I had mine (NO problems with the surgery or band) but I talked with my doctor and did eventually get to where I could start having fills and I don't regret anything.

    Hang in there and stay positive; you will do just fine!

  14. My only problems are bread and smoked meats.

    My hubby does competition cooking with a friend and they have a huge catering trailer and we have a custom meat smoker that he uses for holidays and such around here.

    There is just something about the meat that makes me really sick and it's so horrible because it's so good. It doesn't taste like the smoked things you get in a store; this is different but it's really strong. If I DO manage to get some down, I have disgusting indigestion for the next 24 hours and even Nexium won't stop it. So, I just do the obvious and don't eat it (although I might sneak a VERY TINY taste here and there). :wub:

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