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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by reallyrosy

  1. Ooooh! Scary story, you had no symptoms and no pain and there was a leak? So what do they think caused the leak. Does that mean you had to do the barium swallow again? (Hiding head under arm). I'm so sorry to hear about this setback. What actually causes leaks anyway? It doesn't seem rational to think a big swallow of Water will do that. Here u have these titanium staples and there is plain old h20. Nah! I think my lower abdomen is alwas warmer than the rest of me. The tenderness is scary and I can't tell if I'm swollen or not. Well, I don't have fever or pain or headaches etc. Trying to think positive...
  2. Thank u for the clarification...it makes a world of difference! Nobody in the surgeon's office has officially been identified as a nutritionist. The nurse who is serving in that capacity tells me she is known as "GI Jane" and she is very stern and strict. Although we are encouraged to ask questions, I personally would rather not get my head bitten off so rein any q's in. If it didn't say in handwritten letters "if it is not on this paper, you can't have it" I would've asked for the moon, maybe. Right now I'm finding that my lower abdomen is tender and warm to touch. I prefer 1/4 packet Water flavoring to a whole packet. I have not had any sensation of hunger, yet. And, I'm continuing to lose 1 to 1.5 lb per day. The ketosis taste seems to have dissapated (or I got used to it?) Tues is my 2 wk follow up. To quote Kermit: "time's fun when you're having flies." Enjoy
  3. Capt derel, Yep. I personally don't think the boards are the place for definitive answers. We each bought a particular surgeon's program and that's the one we need to follow. When we go nuts (guilty yer honor) because of the set of restrictions we bought, we might take to the boards and seek to state our outrage at the dumb stupid plan our surgeons throw at us and hire military style rule enforcers to deal with our inquiries, protests and hissyfits. Each one of us is reeling after surgery and clutching our pre surgical logic driven means for survival modes of living to muck through this horrid scene we find ourselves in whilst our 'friends' chomp, slurp, and offer advice right to our faces. If you want to eat chocolate covered potato chips the first week after surgery I bet you can find the support for it on the forum! I'm sticking with what I bought. I still reserve the right to complain and to garner sympathy and beg for hugs. If you found a way to allow yourself to take the meds you want and are convinced that program knows better than the one that sleeved you, then I would say you are risking the "change horses at mid stream" move. If you're prepared for the consequences of your program discovering what you did (and they prolly won't) then o.k., do what you think is best. But if you want to practice discipline that attends compliance and sticking to it with what I started, then try to hold on just a bit longer. We won't be in our surgical program's thrall for ever. My mom and I used to say "we can get thru anything together." I'm here for the together part. I offer my support to you, too. And hugs if u want 'em, Reallyrosie
  4. Mememeeee What an apt name! Perhaps YOU were placing too many restrictions on yourself. Perhaps my situation is a wee bit different. I was NOT asking folks to say what they can/can't do with bragging rights included. I was asking for support and empathy which most respondents provided. I did distinctly post thefact that id come to accept what my surgeon's office was offering. And here you're promoting your nutritionist's advice to you. Your solution is better for you. I'm glad she helped you. Have a good weekend.
  5. It specifically says "if it is not on this list, u cannot have it!" That includes gum and sf Jello. They will send me the new diet Monday nite and I am not to start eating any of the new diet before I see the surgeon on tues. There is zero leeway in this. Zip. Zero...nada...zilch Nice try! But they aren't playing any games.
  6. The nurse in my surgeons office said sf popsicles are unlimited. If it wasn't so darn cold, i'd be scarfing them down, too. What I've started doing is mixing two flavors together in a cup...letting them melt down to mush and eating with a spoon. But I am still on Clear liquids. I'm amazed your husband can eat wheat thins. Wow! (And drool).
  7. That's an upbeat mssage...my doctor said the surgery was the easy part and the hard part comes afterwards but I assumed I knew what he was talking abut and didn't even think to ask...what does he know, anyway? Oh well. I'm down another couple of lbs this a.m. will get a move on the day as I have to pick up the doggie. I hope I'm equal to the beast coming home. Anyone want a rescued, biting, barking lahsa apso mix? What? No? But she's adorable! Free. Ok $50 to the first one to take her safely off my hands....$55???? Ps thanks for verifying exactly what I was thinking: the whole forum is a scam to get people into the surgery....paranoia will not be denied! <grin> Pps: I'm resigned to mucking thru the next 4 weeks. I am not looking for an alternative, at least I don't think I am. Does that mean I grew up? <bronx cheer>
  8. Hi realtor, My niece stayed with me the first few days but she had to get back to her family. Since I'm older and essentially live alone I asked if I could have a vn. She was here for just 3 visits. Very helpful, too. I did have some excessive bleeding during the surgery and I had other pblms as well so I think it was a precaution, too. I'm just starting to feel some soreness in my lower abdomen. Is that something to worry about? Haven't had any abdominal pain that could be numbered.... Maybe doing things backwards. How are you doing?
  9. Deigh, Wow. I was truly fortunate not to have to be on a liquid diet prior to surgery but because of that, I decided that I would severly restrict myself....it was easy when I didn't have to. But after all this talk and support, right now I'm content. I am determined to make it thru to the first check up and I am determined to get thru these diets, as well. Its been so interesting discussing this with everyone. I don't want to take it to a private chat mode because I think our experience will help others out there, too. I've had 3 btls of Water, my 6 oz of ensure and a couple of ice pops. I'm quite satisfied. Look forward to tomorrow when I pick up my doggie after nearly 2 weeks and that will be another challenge for me...she bites! Hugs to all Oh pdxman, for some reason the signatures don't show up on my android phone. I'll check it out later when I turn on the computer.
  10. That's awesome! Pdxman. How long ago were u sleeved? Tell us all the particulars because "inquiring minds want to know" and "ve haff vays of making u talk" grin How did u.deal.with the time after you'd eaten your portion? Was it awkward? I'm guessing u were out with friends???
  11. I hd no idea what a challenge it may be for us to eat out. My friends are leery of eating in front of me and I did offer to make popcorn while playing cards with some vistors but they demurred. I was curious to see what it would feel like to see them eating and drinking while I'm sipping. I wanted to test myself also with the smell. They simply wouldn't alow. Am I nuts? Nah just finding out what this new body can/can't do. I suspect your 'cheating' is of a similar vein. I see that you got back on track and I hope you are able to stick with it. I know when you do something for someone else's sake it can suck big time but as you tell me, it will be useful i n the long run to be able to escort your daughter down the aisle when its time and to be there for her thru her life and yours. I also am a people peeper: ooh look, someone bigger than me is what I always scanned for. Usually I would not find anyone who couldn't fit in a booth or needed other accomodations. I check people in the street, too and shopping. Most are 'normal' from what I can tell. But I am learning here (til the next blue funk) that comparison is not what this is all about. Its about me. Hello??? Am I home? What do I feel? How do I feel? What will I do today. What is there to think about? Scary. I never wanted to know and never bothered to inquire. Now, I am introducing myself to my new tummy and engaging in a veritable "organ recital"in my head. Perhaps now I will allow myself to bring it all together. That will be a huge victory. Hang in. Reel in those sticky fingers and engage in something creative...a bow for your daughter or something? Get them occupied. Play with her coloring and building and you and babe will grow up together. You must be awfully young to have a 2yr old on your hands. I'm so glad you caught yourself early on. You do know that sleeving will allow you to have nachos down the line, don't you? You won't be limited to mush and animal feed bags forever! Good luck!
  12. Thanks for the lengthy reply. I don't regret it 24/7. In fact, I can't mark how many times I said, d*mn sorry I did it cuz they admittedly are few. But when it hits, it hits. I don't currently take an anti depressant because I don't think I'm clinically depressed. I do work with a shrink and that's not really an identified issue at this time. Up and down, yeah...always have been but the fact that talking it out with u and others is working for me a lot like therapy. S I say, I did make I to the gym and I'm goin to walk after "lunch" soon. Where do u find support groups not connected to your sugeon's office? My surgery was in a hosp 45 min away. Id go to something more local if I could find it. I'm so glad the folks here are in compliance and push for it. Especially when I get crabby, I need those hugs and encouragin words. I hope I can be equally supportive of all. Thanks for your rep. Good luck! Ps: why were u upset with eating out with ur bf? Can't u eat anything or what???
  13. Hi all... I heard from the nurse: they are going to fax me the new diet for tues next week. I still don't know what it is but I hope low sod veg juice is on it as that is something I crave. I went to work out at the gym this a.m. and a brief side trip to the drug store. Visiting nurse was very encouraging and all my vitals are good. So I venture into the weekend a bit less timidly. Will probably update my blog, too. Only thing is, I have to do that on the big puter...can't from the phone. Thanks to all for the staunch and tangible support. It worked. I'm down another lb, too. Good luck to all of us Rosy
  14. No caffeine and no nsaids of which aspirin is one.
  15. You're funny. A sundae wouldn't even make me blink. A potatochip, maybe but not a sundae! I don't feel attacked and I don't know where I wuld be without th forum. We all need to learn to seprate the chaff from the grain and blow it off. Not everyone has the ability to respond but all who respond do care at one level or another. I can't believe I actually slept! Thanks.
  16. Wow viking fan! The pill situation is partly what makes me resistant to taking everything the surgeon says to the strictest letter of the law! I'm not any type of scientist but I knew that nexium couldn't be crushed and shouldn't be opened but the doc said I should open the capsul and swallow it that way (mixed in liquids). It wasn't until the visiting nurse called the doc's office for me to report that those little round pellets were showing up in the excreta that they allowed me to swallow that pill whole. So tell me something: how come they didn't know what I knew by reading the package insert??? How come my report to the nurse in the doc's office telling the same thing didn't get a response? Why does what I say not carry the same weight as what the VN said for me? My friends are all "OH GROW UP AND LEARN TO BE COMPLIANT1. WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO PUSH THE LIMITS?" But that ain't how I stopped them from giving me an IV shot of blood thinner after they said I would be swallowing my pradaxa that night. I'm self advocating. Doesn't anyone do that anymore?
  17. Ps Lissa I did have a couple cups of reduced sodium chicken Soup that I thought was the answer to my prayers only to realize that reduced sodium is waaaaay different from LOW sodium : u wouldnt believe the guilt! I'm also down 11 lbs exactly...I can tie my shoes without sitting down and raising my leg to bring my foot closer. So I am hitting some important strides...just drives me nutz some folks can do it with one week of clear and one week of full etc. I don't know what this program has in store for me after I see the doc on Tuesday. So I can't anticipate nothing. Maybe he'll opt for another 2 week clear. At this point, I may walk out of the office and not look back....
  18. Lisa, ocean and all, You are all correct and so am I! I think we all paint too rosy/easy a picture to people just researching this procedure. Yes, my reaction is emotional....yes, I read @ that before and no, I'm not surprised that I'm feeling like this. What surprises me is that I'm not feeling or behaving worse than this. The ketosis breath stopped yesterday. I don't know if that's common or not. Everyone talks about how much they run to void and I just have a major bout of voiding in the morning after my medication (I am allowed to swallow nexium, cardizem synthroid and pradaxa). It takes me 3 hours to get up and ready to leave the house. The rest of the day you wouldn't believe that I'm drinking 3 to 4 btles of plain Water or low sodium broth. I remember asking the q about having regrets an almost every post vsg'er said "only regret is not doing it sooner". Well, how can I go wrong, if that's the case? But truly all of u taking the time to respond: u don't know me from adam but you care enough to take the time to write an impassioned, mostly encouraging, reply. For that I am very grateful and thank you all for being here! We're a motley crew and I feel a deep sense of belonging....
  19. Ps...I'm referring to blue diamond brand
  20. The 40 calorie almond milk has fewer carbs than skim it tastes better and it doesn't cause phlegm.
  21. No nothing except clear liquid and if I could have egg drop soup id eat I but it has to be LOW sodium not reduced sodum which tastes like sticking a rag in Water ad sucking that! U honestly think sugar free Jello is going to wreck a titanium sleeve? Or stretch the stomach? These post op diets are so blankety blank arbitarary, I'll bed u the rent that no doc actually know why they rx them as they do. Mine was made for rny but they say it doesn't matter what kinda surgery...no substitutions in great big cap letters. Wouldn't even allow chewing gum (sf). I do suck ice...sf ice pops and my lips are frozen. This isn't a joke and I don't believe stretching the sleeve or causing a leak is the issue. They are testing compliance. Its a hunk of bull bleep. I hate it. I regret it. I d not recommend it. I want a refund. Its a big mistake. If u are reading this pre op don't do it. Change your mind. I'm not hungry but I want something in my mouth
  22. I'm 10 days out and didn't use milk pre surg. I wanted to ue the almond 'milk' I drink post surg but the office (that great arbiter of what goes into the sleeve in the sky) won't allow any changes in the printed 14 day post surg diet. I'm sucking my lower lip, for pity's sake and I can't even have sf Jello. Am I sorry I sleeved...yes, I am.
  23. Think u might follow up and question the people who wrote the reviews????
  24. reallyrosy

    Bad Taste In Mouth

    I have no pain and bascally the burps are so much quieted down. My doc just gave the first two week part of the diet and I will see him on the 20th and discover the rest. Its all clear liquid. Low fat low salt broth and um sf ice pops the only respite from rhythmic sipping (which word will be excised from every dictionary near me, very soon!) My drain hole had closed but with me screwing around walking and trying my old exercises, the hole popped open again and a very pale pink liquid emerges. The nurse says common and don't worry. The only major pain in the neck right now is the taste in my mouth. Sounds like we're basically the same....I sleep sporadically but when I do fall asleep it is a very sound rock solid snooze. Are you working or retired (like me) or living off the fat of the land
  25. Hi. I'm doing ok 1 week post surgery but have a rotten taste in my mouth as if I'm not brushing my teeth or using mouth wash. Used to do it 2x a day but now feel like I need to do it every hour. Anyone have any clues???

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