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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by reallyrosy

  1. reallyrosy

    Celery A Slider?

    There wasn't a food I "despised" before surgery and I still haven't found one I don't like after surgery, either. Except MAYBE low fat pepperjack cheese. Hmmmm wonder if I should ask the doc for a refund
  2. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    I am leaning that way. I'm surprised that some people feel able to make a decision so quickly. That's never been my style...besides, how do I know that any objection I have toward a new shrink wouldn't really be some sort of resistance on my part. I think I have to give it a few weeks at least...its just that I was surprised to hear a shrink who had surgery himself, say exactly what i'd said before deciding to have surgery. It was like "oh, my objection was valid!" He is still not obese again so I am curious as to what strategies he found to change his lifestyle. I was thinking only a profound trauma would change a person. . .
  3. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    Dunno if this is a rant or not (but eventually everyone accuses me of ranting or being sarcastic so why not just start with a rant definition and get it over with?) but am sure someone will tell me.... Anyway, went to a new shrink. He used to weigh over 400#. He had one of the wlsurgeries --didn't specify which, and said "wt loss surgery don't work. You have to change your life style." Ok. I knew that because wls doesn't change who I am. It just gives me a head start on the changed look (thinner). But it wrankled me to hear him say it. Point blank. Wls doesn't work. That means when this 'honeymoon' is over I'm due to live to fight some more? Sh÷+_-t.
  4. reallyrosy

    Celery A Slider?

    So you don't feel bad when u eat it....but does it fill you up? Tats the sensation I was going for and missing. Get more with red peppers...
  5. reallyrosy

    Sweet Potato Bake

    I made chicken soup and chicken in the pressure cooker yesterday and then a whole head of cauliflower that I seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic and onion powder. When it was done, I mashed it with "smothered" (without fat) onions and that's called faux mashed potato...delicious. but it doesn't heat up too well.
  6. reallyrosy

    Leg Cramps

    Used to get them all the time and each time I did, was sent to lab for ultrasound to see if there was a clot. Its so painful to get ultrasound on an already painful leg...and each ot the 5 or 6 times it happened, it wasn't a clot (thank gd). But you gotta keep off the leg and keep it elevated until the phlebitis is gone.
  7. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    Oh cut it out! Are u telling me to shut up? Why? I'm not permitted to comment on a topic I started? Why not? I'm not permitted to ask for clarification of an unclear statement? I enjoy designing and making earrings...what's your hobby?
  8. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    Say what??? " Some people's opinions are the best?" What on Gd's green earth does this mean? We were having a supportive and intelligent discussion. We weren't having a contest or presenting golden globe awards for the "best" contribution. Why discussions evelove into epithet flinging matches means only one thing to me: members got too much time on their hands.
  9. reallyrosy

    Celery A Slider?

    Ok so where are thetwo stalks I ate unstrung and natural??? Does this celerey ball happen right away or builds up like a furball?
  10. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    How do *I* know I'm not gonna still be the yoyo dieter after this 'honeymoon' with the surgeon wears off? How do I know that vsg is going to help prevent it? I've lost 40 lbs and am putting old clothes into vietnam vets of america donation bags to be picked up later. But I've tossed many other bags and the only reason I have s omething to wear NOW is because I hadn't got around to tossing the smaller stuff. I'm fighting this "losing battle" since I'm a kid. I don't know why I'm ble to lose wt now. I have no proof its bcse I had surgery 12/5. Frankly, the unknown scares the stuffing outta me
  11. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    A hammer doesn't build a house...I like that!
  12. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    I'm figuring the shrink'll be one of the tools...yeah? Whatever, I need the support. Thanks for your feedback.
  13. reallyrosy

    Celery A Slider?

    Wish I could join u but my throat closes up when I eat raw carrots.
  14. reallyrosy

    Celery A Slider?

    If that's the case, why didn't if give me a sensation of being full? I ate 2 stalks!
  15. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    After the "but" part above, is exactly what he means. So why dump him? I don't get it. You really expect one meeting to be able to judge the provider? I don't. This isn't rocket science. Itss dealing with emotions and feelings.
  16. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    100%??? And I know what he means by "wls doesn't work" he means unless its accompanied by a lifestyle change...so why would I object to that? How can u make a decision based on just one meeting? Maybe he knows how to effect a life style change??? And if I dismiss him out of hand, I'll miss that?
  17. reallyrosy

    Celery A Slider?

    Gah...I ain't a cat tho I have 2 of those beasts. Nah,didn't do nuffink for me or against me and I ate some stalks with teeth I don't really have. I'm almost 40# down at 6 weeks
  18. reallyrosy

    New Shrink

    He's offering to help me make lifestyle changes. Should I keep looking? He's the only one who 'admits to' or has a rep for working with bariatric patients.... I felt a bit "put off" by the blank pronouncement and the validation of my own arguments prior to surgery...but we all know it ain't the magic feather...there IS NO magic feather and probably any shrink could help? Right? And the world is full of unmarried marriage counselors...still a skinny shrink won't understand as well....
  19. reallyrosy

    Another Hair Loss Question...weird?

    Now that's strange because these multi vits say 30mg is 100% of the RDA. My hair is more dry than anything. I'm not averse to taking more biotin but wonder is this a Water soluable nutrient or something that has to be moderated. I know I'm not getting enuf Vitamins a and c
  20. reallyrosy

    Another Hair Loss Question...weird?

    My multivit has 30mg of biotin which is tallied as 100%. Is that enuf?
  21. It stops in a couple weeks. Don't sweat it.
  22. Yep. Question is: how do we reeducate our devious noggins? Exactly what iperceived one week out from surgery. My mind can triger a desire to eat even tho there's NO physical reality to it.
  23. yep info sharing is gold but not all info is created equal. I think Dave and I have as much right to post our opinions and feelings - even of a negative sort- as do others who have positive opinions. And all of us have the right to reject and or question what we think is bogus information.
  24. None taken, rhonda...I did say in one or two threads that I had stuffed myself ...but NOT to prove or disprove the leak theory...trust me. I've been struggling with a disconnect between my stomach and mouth/hands . The former says stop eating but the later says no no, just a bit more and you'll feel better! But that was temporary and I'm not experiencing that need to make the sleeve hurt. As for finishing something open, that is me before the sleeve but hasn't (to my memory) occured since. I'm familiar with the mental baggage...in fact, I resemble that remark.
  25. Well, thanks for that. None of the powders have no calories. The lowest I saw at GNC was 99 calories...so much for that argument and glad it got checked before I engaged in a discussion with the surgeon. He would've had a good laugh.

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