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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by reallyrosy

  1. reallyrosy

    Eggface Love It But

    Alex...why does it say I don't have permission to see who is online? Am I flagged or something?
  2. You got it...as soon as it stops crashing.
  3. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    The only thing u can miss is your own story because no one can write that for you. Take a deep breath, remind yourself what YOUR reasons are for having the surgery and then pull the plug on the puter. You'll be back in 2 wks with your own amazing observations of what happens during your surgery. Period. And I promise.
  4. reallyrosy

    If You Had Sleep Apnea...

    Granted, b4 surgery sleep was different...now, well, my dog ain't complaining a snore and I fall asleep and wake up pretty normal...(all things being equal...<grin>)
  5. reallyrosy

    If You Had Sleep Apnea...

    Idk...its an assumption i'd be tempted to make cuz if you aren't breathing right your blood ox likely should be low but....they say the machine prevents strokes so I honestly don't know how safe it is to thumb our collective noses at the device....much as I hate using it myself. .a shrink advised me not to treat all docs as I they were god...even if they think so themselves. Makes for a lot of confusion for me.....
  6. reallyrosy

    If You Had Sleep Apnea...

    Thingy on finger measures blood oxygen saturationn. Electrodes measure how many times during the nite you stop breating among othr things...
  7. reallyrosy

    If You Had Sleep Apnea...

    Love it! You stuffed it in the closet <grin> you can't give these away, u know? I think its an insurance scam. I like the idea of home studies. I had asthma attacks all nite during my first 2 because of the smell of the glue. I'm not going for any more studies either.
  8. reallyrosy

    If You Had Sleep Apnea...

    My machine malfunctioned in hospital and I just stopped using it when I came home. I do think @ it but I haven't used my asthma meds either since surgery 12/5 and don't wanna take a sleep test (bleah!)...will see pulm doc march 1 to determine if I still have asthma...????
  9. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    Leslie...are u on thyroid med ? Maybe ur freezing cuz it has to be adjusted. I had mine reduced from 274mcg to 200 within 3 wks of surgery. My pcp sent me for a blood test....just a suggestion
  10. reallyrosy

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I log in from my fone...too lazy to fire up computer and yes, it gives the food values from the daily or weekly summary page. As to ratios...no, not expecting the prgm to provide that but wish the doc would. Shoot. Frustrating as all get out.
  11. I resemble that remark: haven't found a replacement for comfort. I crave bread...a rotten white ciabata roll would do the trick...for .5 seconds. Not worth it. I watch tv, go to bed early and read and look at the forums. I don't see exercise helping me at 9pm. Gotta be something else...
  12. reallyrosy

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Not an expert but when you enter the item u ate, the program analyses it for the various nutrients. When you click on nutrients on the tab, it gives you a count for the day...click on weekly for the week. Did you get a ratio of fats/carbs/protein? I didn't. I wasn't even told calories. Sigh.
  13. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    Waitaminit...I didn't know @ the gummies and tooth decay. My teeth have been hurting so thanks foe letting me know! As to boob wise...I'm losing weight all over except there. Went into this 4x all over and 44D and am now 2x and 44D. What gives?
  14. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    Mina Wondering if the pain thing relates to method of surgery. Did those who had open surgery have the pain? The laparascopic method incisions itched like nuts but weren't painful at all. Most stateside people attended abt 9 hrs of classes or seminars @ the surgery where your issues abt the magic of wls were thouroughly debunked. Even the surgeon said its not magic. That his part is easy and the hard part, after (mine) is hard. All the doctors said that. All the nurses said it, too. So I'm sorry for your disillusionment but wonder where/how you prepped for this. Glad you're doing well now.
  15. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    I wish smeone had told me the only way id know I am full after the first 2 weeks when the burping stops is when my nose starts to run...feel like I was put back together wrong or with a piece left out
  16. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    Invisble woul be nice right now. Both to others and to my stupid critical eye. I don't like this. I lost the 1.8 and now at 50.8# at 11 weeks out. Everybody out there who saw me before: thanks for noticing, now shut up and let me deal with it. Gah. Where's my atavan???
  17. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    I was fully aware of the stress and strain. From past experience and reading the boards here and OH but cannot find a resource foe dealing with being noticed. I WANT to disappear
  18. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    Prolly won't happen for you...I didn't have nausea and they gave me a huuuge bottle of liquid painkiller to bring home and I never needed to take any of it. Also, keep in mind, some of us responding are old geezers and some are younger so...each person different. I actually was advised on these boards to stop reading the board 2 weeks b4 surgery because I was freaking out, too.
  19. reallyrosy

    Ask The Person Below A Question, Answer The One Above.

    I'd invite my future husband to dinner because I deserve a romantic evening...first I gotta have a date, tho Question: does anyone want a 4 yr old lhasa apso...free!
  20. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    I wish id been warned about the one ounce cups for sipping and the restriction from drinking the whole ounce on the second day ...only spaced over one hour...a sip every 15 seconds. Ridiculous. I wish id been warned big time @ ketosis and how u taste and smell like roadkill. I wish id been warned that even sf chewing gum was banned, that I wouldn't be permitted liquids with calories and that the doc wouldn't give me a guideline of x amt of protien/fat/carb so I can pick and choose what to eat after the 2d month. I wish id been told I would be on injectable b12 because the place where that's absorbed is removed. And I wish someone had talked @ developing emotional resources for dealing with being noticed when u lose weight.
  21. reallyrosy

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    No. I didn't have the tube in when I woke up. Don't worry.
  22. reallyrosy

    B Complex (Blech!)

    I take b12 shots and get the others from all purpose vitamin
  23. reallyrosy

    Should I Be Worried?

    Please ask ur doc @ crushing meds. Some may be, some not. Some capsuls can be opened, some do not allow that. You can't decide on your own. Please ask.
  24. I don't ever remember being 135# I was 428 and lost 128# on phentermine. Then wt started creeping up (lowest on drug was 285). Put myself on diet when planned surgery and went from 320 to 308. Surgery 12/5 @ 308 and have complained my way down to 261 as of this a.m. I've been overweight all my life except for 2 very brief periods when id lost 86# and 100 something the first time on Preludin. I think I kept it off for all of a week or two. If I ever reach goal of 155, I hope I stay there for more than 5 minutes. Its a weird feeling not having the 3d tummy when I lay down....
  25. reallyrosy

    We All Scream For Ice Cream :)

    I pour walden farms choc. Syrup on plain yogurt. (It has no caloric value) and now that I can eat nuts, I mix plain yog, with that syrup and almond butter. Delish. I was forbidden even to chew sf gum at your stage. No comments but agree u might hang in a bit longer

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