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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by reallyrosy

  1. reallyrosy

    65 and over

    Sweetness...just drink 2 oz of protein drink 3x a day and dont say "but I wanna" your d9c knows what you need. It will all come flying off pretty soon. Stay off the scale. Walk drink protien and sip water...go!
  2. reallyrosy

    How much weight did you lose preop?

    My doc did not ask for any loss or diet prior. He was focused on the insurance which disnt get thru til last minute. So he scheduled fast before they changed their so called minds again.
  3. reallyrosy

    65 and over

    It will never be easy. I'm 69 and had vsg 2011. U never can gp back to potato bread pasta comfort...NEVER. I think of simple carbs as monsters.
  4. reallyrosy

    Sorry for myself!

    Aww mokee...thats hard to bear! You were so UP and into the moment with planning and using your brain at max and the nlife threw u a whammy. Kinda makes u want to swear off feeling productive and mindful forever dont it?! But like someone said...keep it in mind that u guys will still take advantage of all this planning and preparing and it ll be even better 2d time around. Keep us posted
  5. reallyrosy

    Antidepressants !

    You sound like me b4 surgery only u look alot younger. I was over 425 for a long time. I also ate antidepressant and anti-anxiety pills. Guess what? I had the surgery. Yeah I was actually afraid to go home from hospital. Didnt believe any of the support group I put together for me was going to guve a crap abt me. But most of them did. I am between 188 and 195 now. I went to wales and britain with every pill in my arsenal and I did not need to take one. When I got on the plane and buckled seat belt I started crying. The last time I flew I needed 2 seats and 2 seatbelt extenders. You cant deny the ups of losing weight. But I cannot vouchbfor maintaining it being easy. It isnt. And no, I still am depressed. But there is a glimmer of lite in sll the sh*t. Your choice. Hope its the right one for you.
  6. reallyrosy

    Antidepressants !

    Hi mokee. I have that problem with every antidepressant on the market. I take it for a while: it works and stops working fairly fast. Switch and see the same story. Finally stopped all. Still struggle with constant depression. Sleeved 12-5-11 and lowest weight was 188 while I was on vacation in july. Now up to 194. Am going to try a support group for depressed older people in October. I think the whole deal sucks...but thats my monkey brain talking.
  7. reallyrosy

    65 and over

    Hey...enjoyed reading your path to surgery. How did it go for you? How u doing now?
  8. reallyrosy

    Discouraged and Heartbroken.

    I am so sorry to learn this and please forgive the ill timed words preceeding. I had hoped to share that with u in a timely fashion. And how are you coping with this now? People usually say they will get thru it but I have found that it is not something we get thru at all. Rather something we grow through and emerge completely different. It was that anticipation that kept me curious and going. No, im still growing, I find...
  9. Was on it for several years monitored by heart specialist. No kidney probs. It does work
  10. It worked for me. Lost and kept off 100 plus lbs. But when started to regain after several years had vsg surgery.
  11. reallyrosy

    Discouraged and Heartbroken.

    Im.sorry for your husband's dilemma . One thing I do know: when he does succumb, and u dont know when, he will be gone but you will still be here. You need to think about your lives now while you are together and do what you both want. But you also need to think about your life after. ..and plan not to make it so much harder by being 20 lbs heavier. It wont help. Hugs
  12. Right! If I knuckle down amd attend every bite I can hope to lose weight but I cant or dont want to have that on my mind constantly. I want to live with the sleeve and not have the sleeve become my life. Thats whats making me disgruntled and grumbly. Im trying like nuts to get back on a 64 oz water gig. That really does take uo some slack. Before, when I said I eat cheese and nuts well I also try to steer to veggies first. I 'found spirulini and use it with zucchini but it lost novelty value in a couple weeks. I romanced dried kale and that lost novelty value soon after I spent the dough on a 9 shelf hunk. I dunno what I want exactly...maybe the same magic the sleeve came with initially. I think for all that agonizing and worry and blather the honeymoon should've lasted longer. I feel shortchanged. B8t im glad to have a grump fest. Thanks for listening!
  13. I havent eaten 800 a day since the first year is over. I was sleevedv12/2011.
  14. Nobody ever gave me a calorie limit!
  15. I definitely can eat a full restaurant meal and feel hungry again an hour or two later. I do spare carbs and eat protein first. Do not drink during or closely after eating. No liquid with calories. Crave 'fudge' 40 cal ice pops. Try to snack on string cheese and nuts. ALWAYS HUNGRY thats how I was b4 the sleeve. I weighed 428 and am now at 192-95. Lowest was 188 in july. Yes i work out religiously and walk the doggie. I know the struggle is constant but I did NOT expect to be thinking abt food every minute. Its boring!
  16. Is there another url? I cant seem to click on that link and would like to read it
  17. I would not do it again. Im struggling daily since 12/5/2011. I work out at gym with perdonal trainer 3x week. Currently on prednisone so am junry all the time. Hate being conscious of my weoght daily. Do enjoy spme of the benegits but not all.Hhi
  18. reallyrosy

    Am I too old?

    I thought the same when I was 66. now I am 68. I changed some things. the old habits are still there. but being 190 is better than being 320 or even the 428 I carried for 10 years. go for it
  19. excellent idea. . Please keep me informed on progress.
  20. reallyrosy

    Senior Sleevers

    Strange there are so few of us in this discussion. Its sep. 2013 now and I am down to 190-194 depending on the day. This seems to be "my" weight. I still work out 3 to 4 times a week. Have eaten a few apples blue berries strawberries a single peach. Still worry abt weight and cant find a comfortable routine or "diet". But I gotta admit im pleased with what ive done. Im not sorry I did it. food is just food. I dont crave anything. I cannot tolerate snything sweet. A cooked carrot is just too sweet for me! Not sirry about that at all. Would still love to have a free munchy food other than kale chips...or a way to keep kale chips crisp aftwr a few hours. But I am ok with this. My thyroid med is way down. Dont need the cpap anymore. These are positives. Uf any other senior was reading this for advice...id say now "go fir it" and again...good luck Ps: you still need to make your own sunshine lollipops and rainbows.
  21. reallyrosy

    66 and sleeved!

    Greetings all! Last year at 66 and 326# I had my surgery on 12/5. This year, at 67 I am 198# and while I haven't learned to ride a horse, yet, doggie and I walk for 2 to 4 miles without so much as a second thought. I am still working 3x wk with personal trainer and 2 x without. I can ride the recumbant bike in the gym now - before my stomach prevented me from getting close enuf to the bike to turn the pedals. I'm kinda, sorta pleased @ that. I worry excessively every time I put something in my mouth that I didn't do last year...no, haven't added too many carbs yet--certainly no simple carbs-- but if I spray oil on veggies to grill, I feel like I'm going to go over 200 tomorrow. So I'm spooked and don't know if I could stick to a normal food diet at all or if the gremlin of "must have more" food is lying dormant just waiting for me to cave in. I don't trust myself -at all-. I still wanna learn to ride a horse. Going to ask the personal trainer to give me some sort of test to see if I can get my foot over and my tush in a saddle. Wonder if they have senior citizen horse back riding...wonder if they use old horses for old people??? Any one else do this? I've started accupuncture for my arthritis and hope that'll make moving easier. And a friend has given me a full hour massage as a gift. Wow. So that's my followup. If I knew how to change the heading, I would. The only caveat I will give to anyone reading this who has not yet been sleeved is: don't expect huge changes in your life other than the wt loss. Don't expect things are suddenly going to change in general. You definitely will lose weight. You will certainly have people react differently to you because u are smaller and look like a normal person. But life will be what you've made it and will continue until you change it. I'm still learning that lesson. Good fortune and happy new year to all.
  22. reallyrosy

    Connecticut Sleevers?

    When did he do it for you? Neither tishler nor papasavas would do it for me in 2010. They only wanted to do the band. They claimed the insurance (medicare and anthem) woulnt cover sleeve. Less than a year later, yale was able to get coverage from the insurance companies for vsg. I'm down to 197 from 330. I'll have my 1 yr check up in a couple of weeks. I still miss being able to have Soup. Wonder what they will allow one year post surgery.
  23. reallyrosy

    Sandy !

    One yr ago, I had the exact same pblm! Was without power for 11 days so am happy postponed til 12/5. I am @ 30# from goal now. Went from 320 to 202. Hang in there and don't worry ...this isn't a hex on your surgery. It'll be good. Let us know how u fared Sent from my SGH-T839 using VST
  24. reallyrosy

    female sleever from connecticut !!!!!

    Do any of u ct folks wanna meet? I'm in the hartford area...where are u?
  25. reallyrosy

    Happy Anniversary To Me

    How much did u lose so far?

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