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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Catracks

  1. I just needed to vent. If I didn't tell her and she found out that I told somebody else and not her she would get bent out of shape -so I tell her and she gets bent out of shape. Yes, the God made you that way so deal with it argument is like the guy on the desert isle that ignores the boat, plane and helicopter because he knows God will save him. He dies and then God says, "come on!, I sent a boat, a plane ..."

    The interesting thing is that I really don't care if she's supportive or not. I've got plenty of that from my husband, my daughter and you all :D I expected her reaction, but it irritates me all the same.

    Basically, I know me. I've had to major abdominal surgeries (C-section and fibroids) and I basically want to be left alone. My mother will not understand and will take it personally no matter how well I explain it.

    Dee, I like your style. I will smile and nod a lot.

  2. This is what I get in response to clearly explaining the procedure and telling her about all of you:

    "What does your primary doctor say? Does he recommend this?

    I worry because any kind of surgery has side effects. I do not feel like celebrating something that is unnatural. God gave you a stomach just the way it is and not to be cut in half."

    I want you to be happy. I did not realize that you were unhappy. So, you are saying that if you were thinner, you would be happy.

    No, healthier!

    and then the guilt trip:

    "I have had more heartache than anyone can imagine. It seems like I always have to be dealing with something or another. "

    After she said it was unnatural I lost it and fired back: "having your appendix out is unnatural."

    Immature I know, but God put that organ in her and she had it out. Ugh!!

    Perspective anyone?

  3. Yep, I had eczema pretty bad on my arms and back, they felt like sand paper. Since my weight loss it's all but cleared up, my arms are smooth and my back has a lot less scaly Patches and hard dried oil deposits - and I can actually reach around and touch dang near all my back too!

    I have eczema on my calves that will spread to the backs of my arms, stomach and back if I flare up. I also have rosacea. The dermatologists could find no cause, no cure and no real treatment. When I lost a lot of weight before, the skin problems went away.

    One thing to add to the list:

    Not being able to stand still for any period of time without back pain. I'm in a church choir and must stand through a large portion of the mass. I should be thinking about what's going on, but can't because I hurt.

  4. Being an inch from the steering wheel and barely able to reach the pedals.

    Not even bothering to go to amusement parks anymore because it's so embarrassing to be sent off a ride for not fitting properly.

    Being afraid to go out for dinner and being put in a booth that will not accommodate me.

    Getting in and out of said booths.

    Being asked to be an extra in a film, but do NOT want to have your fat self in a movie forever. Also, being afraid there will be no costume that fits you.

    Not wanting people to take pictures of you and having your family pissed at you when you delete/destroy really bad photos of yourself.

    Not going swimming because any thought of getting into a bathing suit terrifies you (and you don't even have one that fits anymore).

    Wearing the same 3 pairs of pants because you simply cannot motivate yourself to buy the next largest size.

    Not being able to put on sandals because reaching around fully to the left side of your foot is now a memory.

    Not looking good in ANYTHING.

    Skin problems that I am fairly sure that are related to obesity.

    Being too tired to do ANYTHING after a full day of work that you used to love like taking care of the house, the garden ...

    Being too uncomfortable and self conscious for sex (sorry if TMI).

    Feeling guilty for over-eating.

    Not being able to horseback ride because your neighbor needs you to be under 200 pounds for the horse's sake.

    Be terrified of connecting with old friends because they will see you like ... this.

    It really goes on and on ...

  5. I walk and ride my horses right now. Well for the last two weeks anyway. I haven't had much weight come off in the past two weeks either but I have lost many inches. Went from a size 16 to a 12 in a week. I really want to get in the gym and start working out but I work 2 jobs and it's hard for me to find time. I just keep walking about and hour a day and increase when I have a little more time to.

    Julie, Up until a couple months ago I was riding my friend's Morgan horse. She was so sturdy that my weight didn't bother her. My friend had to move and sell her. Now I am horseless. I could half-lease with other people, but they all say nothing over 200 lbs and I do not blame them.

    I'm so glad you have horses. To me there is nothing better than being in the saddle. Don't ever take if for granted. Congratulations on the weight loss. I hope to be on the losers bench soon.

  6. Just for THAT reason it has taken me YEARS to finally start down this road. I had many skinny doctors tell me that since i couldn't lose weight i didn't have the discipline needed for WLS. I asked them for help and they gave me low fat diets to follow or under pressure offered me expensive diet programs like an 8 week Medifast type thing.

    If I had done this sooner, I would not have the high blood pressure or many of the co-mobidities.

    What in the hell is wrong with these people?

    Maybe your surgeon could recommend a local doctor who has his/her head screwed on straight.

  7. Okay all, I just posted pictures of my sleeve surgery on my blog if anyone is interested. It's not pretty! :oI'm so glad I don't look like that on the outside! :lol:


    Thanks for the pics! Awesome. Yours will be the second blog I am reading. I really have come to appreciate these blogs. I like to know what I might expect and it's sort of like having a friend to go through it all with me.

  8. Don't get me wrong. As stated, I know she cares, but this stems from old issues. On it's face there is really nothing wrong with what my mother said. It's how she views me as a person -- how she always has and it's never been on the mark.

    Also, every person has their own comfort level about who is in the know about the surgery. I personally want people to just see me as becoming more healthy rather than "The girl who got WLS" as SittingPretty said. That may change later. Who knows. I may even blog about it. I'm reading someone's blog from this forum right now and it's helped me to know what I might expect.

  9. I know they care, but seriously? My mother said: Be sure that this is what you want to do and I know you will thoroughly look into it and weigh the side effects of such a procedure.

    Well DUH!! <_<

    I really shouldn't have told anyone outside my immediate family. I told my mother to keep it under wraps, but I'm sure she's told her friends, my uncle, her hairdresser, etc. I could kick myself.:angry:

  10. Newbee here. I haven't even gone for my first surgical consult yet. I know this is what I want and had to weigh in on the clothing thread.

    I have clothes in storage from size 16 down to a size 5. I never throw away clothes I like that are still in good condition. I am going to have such fun going back and trying things on. These clothes are not really in any exaggerated style so they will all work.

    Yes, I did buy a lot of clothes hoping to fit into them at some point. Most of those are in the 14-16 size range.

    I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but as silly as it seems, I am looking forward to this.

  11. Thank goodness for this thread. I was considering Lapband because I didn't know Gastric Sleeve existed. After I went to the orientation, it became apparent that the sleeve sounded better (no getting stuck, fills, not being able to eat certain healthy foods, etc.) Now I know that I have made the right decision. I love fibrous and raw/undercooked vegetables. I also like fibrous fruits and Pasta - something i read that most could not tolerate on the band. I would have had to say a permanent goodbye to popcorn and eat all my meat mushed or sauced to death.

    I know I may still have issues with some things, but I also know that I have a permanent tool with no foreign objects in my abdomen.


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