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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sHeLLaBee

  1. I went to a few diff docs over the years that also said, in passing, they believed I had it. After trying to get pregnant for over 10 years with no luck I started Googling and made an appointment with an Endocrinologist. They just do some blood work to check out your hormone levels. Based on those results and some other symptoms you may have they diagnose. I really don't think it's an exact Science because there isn't much known about PCOS or how to treat it. The symptoms I really want to go away, due to the weight loss, have not subsided. Those being hirtuism (unwanted facial/body hair) and infertility.

  2. Ahhhh! I know what to do. I know how to do it. I've been good for almost a year and now I start flaking?! No snacking! ...even if it is healthy-ish, it leads to more and more and more. Exercise! I don't care how tired I am, I need to workout in some way at least 5x a week! It's not impossible! Get off the couch! Relax when I am dead! ...or at least wait until I am at my goal weight. =) My brain knows exactly what to do, it's making my body get up and do it that is the problem. I am so close to my next goal! I want to be 100lbs lighter! 22lbs is nothing after I've dropped 78! I want to be 176 by my birthday on Halloween. I can do this. I will make this happen.

    Today is a new day. I'm starting fresh and going to do it for me. I want to be healthier and happier with myself.

    Thanks all for listening!

  3. Just heard about it this morning on LBT and decided I'm doing it! I've always wanted to run, but was too big in the hip area. Doc actually told me I could dislocate or break something if I tried. Still not small :) but I can get my jog on! So I started tonight. Day 1 of Week 1. It felt pretty good. I couldn't figure out how to get the app working at first (my volume was off, duh) but now that the little voice will actually tell me when to walk and jog I can be more accurate. Tonight I walked at a brisk pace and jogged as long as I could, usually 4-5 houses worth, but I did it as often as I could stand and I liked it! I took my hubbies baby (Daxx the minpin) with me because my 2 are too old for that amount of exercise, and he did great! Kept me motivated to keep up with him! ...and I felt safer having his little bark there to alert me through my headphones.

    Has anyone else started, or completed, this challenge? Any success stories? I will totally keep you guys updated everytime I jog and let you know how it goes and if I can hang. Hopefully it will help me get to my 100lbs lost mark by my bday!

  4. The national requirement for American insurance companies is a 40 or higher BMI. It doesn't matter how much higher. That .2 will make the difference. I wouldn't worry. I think you should be ok. They may require a 3 or 6 month plan prior to surgery, but you will most likely be approved.

  5. Wow. The main reason for the pre-op diet (based on my docs opinion and my extensive Googling) is to shrink the size of your liver prior to surgery. The liver lays on your stomach and they have to move it out of the way to insert the band. Obesity causes it to be oversized and rapid weight loss causes it to shrink and be lighter, so that after surgery when your liver is sitting back on your stomach that was just tugged and pulled and stitched... It is supposed to be less painful. I have actually heard of people going in for surgery and their liver was too large to peform it and it was put on hold. That must not be a concern to your doc?? Not to mention it helps you get used to eating NOTHING! Haha. I'm sure his decision is based on your particular situation and things will be fine, but there is nothing wrong with asking questions or putting yourself on the diet, just to be safe.

  6. Thanks for all the input! Here is a small sample of my regular daily regimen...

    Breakfast: Muscle Milk Light Protein Shake

    Lunch: Small Cobb salad (maybe 1/2 a cup)

    Snack: Hidden Valley Granola Thin

    Dinner: Salad and chicken with a veggie

    I try to keep my mela sizes small enough to fit into a tennis ball (doctors suggestion). Personal trainer 2-3 days a week for an hour. I do different stuff every time I see him. Not normally a snacker (I actually feel like I'm doing something wrong), but I need a little something extra before working out. My downfall is ice cream. =( I eat a vanilla cone 4-5 times a week. They are fat free, low in calories, but it's still ice cream. It's kind of my go-to item when I can't get anything else down. I want to walk twice a week as well, but never seem to have the time. My goal for September is to make the time!

    Based on what you guys have said I think I'm going to make a few new goals for September... NO ICE CREAM! Make sure I'm walking twice a week and make sure I'm eating all my calories! I want 12lbs gone by the 30th! Cross your fingers for me!

  7. Ok guys, HONEST OPINIONS!

    I was banded 10/7/11 at 276lbs. I am down to 198.8, as of 09/01/12. So, down 77.2lbs in 48 weeks. Breaks down to about 1.6lbs a week average. I know that ANY weight loss is good and not everyone loses the same and all that politically correct stuff, BUT I have seen people on here that have lost over 100lbs and barely had their surgery in April! Which is amazing for them! ...but do you guys think I'm losing what I should be or should I be pushing harder?? I would really like to be down 100lbs by my birthday, which is 56 weeks post op, but at the rate I'm going not sure I will make it.

    Has anyone discovered any crazy secrets about different foods or exercise that have helped push them a little further?

    Any help/opinions are always appreciated!

  8. I am at 7cc in 10cc band. I was filled to that pount about 10 weeks ago. The first few weeks were really a struggle. Couldn't eat hardly anything, but I think it was more my fault than anything. I have since learned how to slow down and chew a lot more and am not having that issue so much anymore. What I CAN NOT eat is bread, Pasta, rice, tortillas, most red meat... I CAN eat (if chewed properly) chicken, fish, veggies, salad (I request it to be finely chopped), mashed potatoes... I don't eat much variety because I am full so fast. I get my Protein in first and foremost, then I usually do a salad and finish filling with whatever veggies I can get down. Over the last 6 weeks my band has seemed to loosen a little and I am considering a small fill at my year appt in October. I won't see them again until April, so I want to make sure I am good now. Good luck!

  9. Name, real or screen~ Shellee

    Goal weight for September 29th~ 187 lbs

    Weight on September 1st~ 198.8 lbs

    Age~ 32

    Dietary goal for September~ No snacking! Ugh.

    Exercise goal for September~ Couch to 5k 3x a week. Trainer 2-3x a week.

    Personal goal for September~ Enjoy my weight loss, instead of stressing about losing more.

    Date banded~ 10/07/2011

    Total weight loss since banding~ 77.2 lbs

    What is your favorite Fall Activity?~ Halloween! ...which is my birthday. :) pumpkin picking and harvest festivals. Starbucks Fall flavors!

  10. I am 4 years out with no fills and to goal. My BCBS of Arizona funded through the county does not cover the doctor in Las Vegas where I had my surgery. They told me I need to get a new doctor in Arizona. I called a couple of bariatric doctors and explained the situation and they said unless you have a problem, you should not need to see them. Not sure that was the answer I wanted but I go to my regular physician once a year and get blood work and get weighed in. I never had any fills and don't plan on getting any so that is not a problem for me, but just wondering if you really need to go to the bariatric doctor for a regular check in? My family doctor wants to make sure that all is well and thrilled that all my blood work comes back without needing any medication again for another year. I walk a lot and watch the calories so this is not a cure all getting banded, but it has saved my life no doubt.

    WoW! 4 years and never needed a fill! That's amazing. I have had 5 fills and am at 7cc in my 10cc band and I think I am perfect right now. I'm glad it worked out that way for you! No copays for fills every couple months! =)

  11. I love my Leaf! So far, it is amazing. I really have to be careful about my miles and make sure I don't get myself stuck somewhere. My fave choice for the plate was LUVHERTZ, but it was already taken. =( ...so, I went with SPK4TRS. It's from the Lorax and is all about saving the planet. LOL. It's perfect. Very excited.

    Thanks all for your input!

  12. Silly question for this forum, but you guys are my go-to's! =)

    I just bought a Nissan Leaf and want a clever personalized plate. I'm in Cali, so it's 7 spaces, A to Z and 1 to 9. It's light blue and 100% electric. I would like to keep it cute and girly. Some of my thoughts were...

    TR33HGR - tree hugger

    BLULFLT - blue leaflet

    IMALEAF - I'm a Leaf

    I wouldn't mind it being associated with my weight loss or something if the name is cute enough. Give me your ideas!!


  13. I researched all of the WLS options thoroughly and decided on the LapBand for many reasons. I didn't like the idea of a part of me being cut away. I also didn't like the idea of my body not absorbing nutrients correctly (bypass). Another reason was that I didn't want to lose 100lbs in 6 months and have tons of lose skin. I exercise regularly and am able to keep up with that. Of course I still have some extra skin, but nothing like a sleeve/bypass patient. I like that I can remove it in the future if needed. My main reason was I want to have kids and I don't want my WLS to affect their nutrition during pregnancy and breast feeding. With the other surgeries it is possible to stretch your stomach pouch and there is nothing that can be done. If we stop losing we just go in for a fill and the weight loss is jump started all over again. There are people, for health reasons, that have to get something else, but if it's an option for you I would absolutely get the band. No you don't feel the band itself. You an feel the port when you push on it more and more as you lose weight, and sometimes when you sit a certain way, but it's not painful and you get used to it. Good luck!

  14. I was also banded on 10/7! I have had 5 fills, my first one being at 3 weeks post-op. I havent had one in the last few months because I am at a really good place and losing steadily. I am down 77lbs and just hit 199! WoOhOo! Don't stress about the fill. I know everyone is diff, but it's super easy for me. You do feel a poke, but it's diff than a normal shot/blood draw because they aren't going into muscle or anything. I barely feel it and I also hate needles. Congrats on the weight loss and keep us updated!

  15. It hasn't helped with mine - yet! I still have the hair on my chin that I have to pluck a few times a week. Ugh. It has helped with anxiety, but that's pretty much it. I never really had the acne or dark spots. My periods are A LOT less painful and flow isn't so heavy, so it is making a difference, I guess. I also don't break out when I shave above my knees anymore. I think it was a hormone thing.

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