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Posts posted by x4achange

  1. I gained a couple of pounds when I went on solid food. My Nut told me to stop having the Protein drinks because I was taking in too much Protein. I did and started loosing again. I also found I had to change up my food for higher protein intake to keep from feeling hungry. I started having more nuts and cheese in controlled portions. Don't feel bad about the PJ sandwich, Try using one slice of bread not two.

    Best of luck on your journey!

  2. Today, I take one day at a time and plan my meals so I DON'T eat whatever and boy, I know the feeling!!! I asked myself did I go thru this surgery for nothing. Do I want to remain unhealthy because I am not out of the woods with my weight yet! Yes, it's great fitting into smaller clothes. Eating whatever I want but in the "SHORT" run and I do mean short, the weight will start creeping back on. You don't want to spiral down. Do the boot camp for 7 days. It wasn't easy but it got better. And let me tell you, STRESS will kill you, I'm sure you did this surgery to live a longer, healthier and happy life. Take a look at what is stressing you out in particular and see what you can do to adjust that situation. You may not get rid of it totally but you can change the way things are happening to make you stressed. It could be as simple as rearranging your time schedule, sharing the load or just getting or staying way from certain people, places or things. You can do it, you can get back on track!

  3. Please stay strong. I had complications after my surgery that took me 2 months to recover but not without my God, family, friends and this forum. When no one physically around me understood my pain, I expressed myself here and found some comfort from people who knew some of my pain and helped me heal by providing me with information, questions to ask my doctor, information on some of my symptoms...etc. My heart, blessings and prayers go out to you!

  4. You will definitely find what your body tells you what works for you. some days I take in 3 meals no in between and other days I do small meals every 2-3 waking hours. On those days, Im breaking up my 3 meals to eat during the day. I still make sure my meals meet the Protein minimum and get in my liquids.

  5. I can't imagine this being an issue as this is a tool to help you loose weight. You control your destiny by what you put into your body. Nutritional eating, and exercising to stay toned will be your later food plan, not a weight loose plan as it should be now. I'm sure your nut will place you on a maintenance plan at that point and time. I'm at a stall right now, for the last few weeks and I now need to revisit my calorie intake and exercise to get my body loosing again. Best of luck and don't worry, you'll cross that bridge when you get there.

  6. Hi

    I'm just curious how many calories you take in on a daily bases. I was never given a number only to be sure have my Protein first and intake must be a minimum of 86 grams per day. I'm at a stall with my weight loss and was wondering if I'm taking in too much. First let me say I am not a diet food or low fat eater and since the surgery, I no longer eat junk food or Pasta so my meal is mainly Protein veggies then fruits. My intake is between 1000 -1200 on a hungry day. Any advise on a daily calorie amount and how to jump start my loss again other than exercise.

  7. I've learned so much from the family on this forum. YES Water is so crutial during your first couple of weeks and take off as much time as you possible can. You need every bit of time to recoup as well as adjust to your new lifestyle and IT AIN'T THAT EASY. Old no drinking wait til later eating habits stay in your mind but you gotta start a clean slate and follow the guidelines again for the first couple of weeks. By the end of one month, you should have a since of your body and your new life style. I just new I wasn't going to make it but the forum kept me going. Thank You ALL!!

    Congratulations to you and your new body. Take good care of it!

  8. Ok, making a long story short, I was sleeved on Sept 14th. Since then, Ive had 3 more surgeries, one was an attempted stent to hold my sleeve open to heal. The successful stent and the stent removal. After all of this I am home taking nexium and carafate. The carafate makes my stomach bloated and naseau, drozzy, etc all the side effects. However it does coat my throat, Now I'm now having a problem that I believe is from being nicked when the breathing tube was placed because I got a clean bill of health on my sleeve from my surgeon.

    My problem and questions are below.

    My salivia glands are working over time especially when my sleeve is empty. Has that happened to anyone?

    Ive been on liquids and puree foods several times since sleeved. Im back to liquids. Liquids are not keeping me satisfied. Im having Protein Drink almost every 2 hours. I seem to be producing more fluids in my stomach as I get hungry. Anybody experience this?

    Does anyone know if stomach fluids decrease as the body heals?

    Also,the first sip of liquids hit my stomach like a rock. Will that ever stop feeling thay way?

    Does anyone get reflux even when taking your prohibitor?

    I get gas rising up from my sleeve when i sip anything. It seems to get stuck in the back of my throat until I can force out a burp. Otherwise it it goes back down my sleeve and cause bloating. Anyone getting this feeling?

    My sleeve makes all kinds of grumbling sounds and gases when I move around especially when bending or sitting at the edge of a chair. Any one feeling this?

    My powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein drinks are making me ill at this point. Any suggestions for protein that doesnot have a protein taste and leave a taste on your tongue?

    Any chances any of these feeling will disappear?

  9. And you allow these negative vibes around you for what??!!

    Haters will always be haters. Soon she'll really be hating you and talking about you so get over it now and don't have that discussion about your size any more. Just let them watch you shrink. That is when not just the green eyes but the GREEN MONSTER will show up. I say keep it to yourself and let them drool over your new found health and happiness.

  10. i had a drain tub inserted my corrective surgery and the dang thing kept leaking from the side. I was calling the nurses saying cleanup in room 8E. It was taken out the day I left the hospital. I asked will it hurt and was told yes. When removing the doc had me exhale while she pulled it out. What a strange feeling, feeling this tube pulling out of you. I declare there was about a good 12 inches of tube in me. I felt cramped for a few days, I still feel the incision healing.

  11. I'm 2 weeks out, I've been pretty upset since my surgery feeling like "why did I do this", angry at myself, depressed, sad and a bunch of other emotional changes. TODAY, I'm feeling a bit more positive, I think it's because I'm having puree food and I've some what learn how to eat and drink with less trapped air, NOT completly but an improvement. so here are some questions on my mind right now - -

    Will there come a time when I don't suffer with the air trapped in my throat?

    Does anyone ears bother them because of the trapped air?

    Im supposed to have 4 oz Protein i can only get in two in each meal. Im supposed to also drink 4oz of Protein shake between meals. Can't seem to do more than 2oz of that either but every time I try a little more. Is this a bad thing like will my organs shut down or something?

    Im behind on my progress, when I see the Nut, do I tell her and what will happen, will I have to stay in the same stage? Furthermore, can I stay at puree longer at my choice, is that something bad?

    Should I focus more on Water at this point?

    I like having water with my meal, besides it being filling, any reason why I can't have a sip to wash everything down once Im finished?

    If I mix my Protein Shake with water instead of milk, does the water count towards daily Fluid intake?

    Im down 20lbs I feel this is too much for the start of week 3 can i slow this down? (i know what your saying, I just don't think this is healthy) especially with the low food and water intake.

    When I take a table spoon of this or that I have a hard time believing that less amount of food is going to carry me keep me healthy. Is 60 grams of protein all that the human body need to survive?

    I wake up in the morning with a bloated stomach and acid reflux. I take a pil every day, however, I feel a liquid accumulated in my tummy and I can taste the acid in the back of my throat. Has anyone experienced this?

    Ive got this blocked feeling in the back of my throat doesnt seem to want to go away. it depresses on the back of my my tongue making me feel like gaging some times. Also making me salivate too much. I believe I would be able to release the air if I didn't have this blocked feeling, anyone experienced a felling like this?

    I think that's enough for now. I appreciate any responses.

  12. The Protein base is hydrolyzed collagen Protein as the first ingredient. This form of protein is the cheapest, and least absorbed protein form on the market. I used them with my band only because the nut told me I could, I couldn't tolerate them with my sleeve. The collagen Proteins are supposedly made from boiled cow hides. Not the best form of protein, and your body won't absorb the majority of it for recovery purposes.

    What about protica? your input on this one would be appreciated.

  13. Two weeks post-op and returning to work today...I feel pretty good but am still extremely anxious about how i am going to make it the whole day and then go pick up my kids at day care (husband is out of town on business) i have a desk job so that will help (as a side note, i am 13 pounds down post op)!!!!

    I hope the day went well for you. I've got a bit more time and happy that I do because I really dont have the hang of eating yet and its hard for me right now. I hope your day went well.

  14. Besides the incision pain, this was my biggest scare. It totally will go away. I am not ever really sure when mine went away, but it does!

    Thanks guys. I've never been more miserable and depressed in my life. Im feeling like I made the wrong decision doing this surgery and now I have to deal with this for the rest of my life. I have yet to find anyone talking about the discomforts of this surgery so people who are thinking about it can really understand this is a MAJOR life change. I'm pretty much alone on this journey. Very few people know I done this.

    And even though Ive dropped a dress size, I can't enjoy my weight loss if I am not feeling healthy and not seeing a life change improvement when I keep suffering from this feeling in my throat, the pain from the air being trappped every time I take in any flluids and the feeling of harm that could happen to me because I can't get in 70gm of Protein or 48oz of Water per day.

    Sorry to be so negative, just feeling so so down. My doc office said to give it until Wednesday if I still feel the same to call and I will need to have a camera placed down my throat and whatever other test they do for this situation to see if there is any blockage.

    Anyway thanks for letting me grieve and thanks again for sharing your experiences.

  15. I was just wondering, if anyone preferr to use regular mayo instead of lite. Regular ice tea instead of diet. sugar instead of the fake stuff. Is the only difference is in the calories and carbs? Are diet and low fat products "overly" sweet to anyone. Has any of the more experienced sleevers stop using diet products and found they are maintaining or loosing weight?

    This is all new to me and I've never been a diet or low fat eater. This is a little challenging.

  16. I don't know when you had your surgery, but i had mine on the 13th of Sept and had the same thing. My Uvula was so swolen from the tube put down my throat during surgery that it hung down and layed on my tongue for the first week. It has since subsided so I hope yours will too. I also had a hiatal hernia repair but don't think that had anything to do with it.

    Thanks Trina. My surgery was on Sept 15th. That could be the case. I will be seeing my doctor tomorrow. Thats comforting to know it may noot be a bad situation after all.

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