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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cadence121

  1. Update

    Hi guys,

    Defill nurse was on holidays, she's back now and is seeing me today for a defill. Thank goodness. I'm fantasising about drinking a glass of Water.

    I think its really bad form that there's no back up or information even for if the nurse is away. I wasted money on a Dr who prescribed me all kinds of horrible expensive things that didn't work. And telling me to go to Belfast isn't at all helpful when you're incredibly weak and nauseous. There's just no way I would have been physically able to make the journey.

    For the first time I do regret having had the surgery abroad. I'd be much, much angrier though if Bart and Julie hadn't tried at least to advise me and get me through it.

    Anyone have similar experience of the band tightening so savagely so far from the last fill? 3 weeks of just right restriction, and now I can't keep liquids down!

  2. Update

    Hi all,

    Still feeling absolutely rotten. Defill nurse was on holiday and is going to see me today for a defill. Thank goodness. I wasted money going to a gp, who prescribed me 3 different things, none of which helped. I can't wait for mY defill today - I am fantasizing about drinking a glass of Water and keeping it down.

    Anyone had a similar experience? Of the band suddenly tightening so seriously, even though its a considerable time since last fill??

    Believe me when I say I want to do everything in my power to avoid this happening again.

    I'd be super angry with the team if it wasn't for fact Bart and Julie at least tried to get me through it!

  3. Hi ailbhe, delighted things are working out for you! I see from your last post that you were able to get an xray for 60 euro. I looked up their site and it says you need a referral - did you get an Irish gp to do this? My surgeon is Belgian and I wonder if they'd accept a referral from him...

  4. Hi guys, I'm super annoyed. My last fill was 3 weeks ago, but suddenly this week the band went bananas.

    I can't keep liquids down, not even melted ice cubes. I followed all instructions to try and get the band to loosen up, but I clearly need a defill.

    But the defill nurse's phone is turned off. I am completely miserable and really ill. Nausea nausea nausea and pain in my stomach and back. I'm throwing up despite the fact I've had NOTHING today.

    What's the point in an emergency defill nurse if they aren't available in an emergency??

    I have no idea what I'm going to do now.

  5. Hi guys, I'm super annoyed. My last fill was 3 weeks ago, but suddenly this week the band went bananas.

    I can't keep liquids down, not even melted ice cubes. I followed all instructions to try and get the band to loosen up, but I clearly need a defill.

    But the defill nurse's phone is turned off. I am completely miserable and really ill. Nausea nausea nausea and pain in my stomach and back. I'm throwing up despite the fact I've had NOTHING today.

    What's the point in an emergency defill nurse if they aren't available in an emergency??

    I have no idea what I'm going to do now.

  6. Hi All,

    I haven't posted in a while - hope you're all well!

    After nearly 7 months of feeling no restriction 9and having fills up to 7ml), I am now happy to report that I FINALLY feel something...LOL.

    Although I didn't feel much restriction after my last fill in March (to 7ml), when it came to my 'time of the month' (sorry fellas), my band suddenly cinched in to the point I could only manage liquids! After a week it relaxed a small bit - but I'm still nice and restricted and am happy to say that at last, it's starting to work for me.

    My only concern now is that if I go for another fill, what'll happen next time I'm due? Will it end up getting so tight that liquids will even be a problem? I tried emailing Fred but he never got back to me. Anyone else experience similar?

    Wishing you all well on your journeys!


  7. Hey all,

    Sorry for the delay and thanks for your responses. I think I have a 13ml band (but they call it a 7ml because that's apparently where most people get full restriction).

    I'm confused now over when I should be eating (3 or 6 times a day). I've been exercising more, including cycling in and out of town, walking more etc.

    I think I've maybe lost a stone since surgery, all through willpower versus restriction. Problem is my willpower has never been great, so when I realise I've no restriction I get all defeatist and eat badly. Am trying really hard not to, but it's a struggle.

    I think I feel a tiny bit more restriction after this recent fill, but nothing major.


    Congrats to all you guys though, such impressive results!


  8. Hi all,

    I'm having a bit of a vent. I was banded October 2011, am at 6.5 fills and just not feeling much restriction. I'm finding it so frustrating and am starting to feel like I've thrown my savings into something that's just not working. :( arghhhhhhhhhhh.

    I'm also getting a bit annoyed with conflicting information depending on who is doing the fill - has anyone else experienced this? Eg number of days to stay on liquids after a fill. Also, my handbook says we Should stick to just eating at mealtimes, whereas my last appointment I was told I should be eating 6 small meals a day.

    I'm so disappointed and frustrated. I've not lost much weight at all.

    I'm hoping against hope that I haven't developed a pouch, as I simply can't afford to start from scratch.

    I know this is a big moan, but I'm just going bananas here!

    Did anyone else experience little restriction at this point?


  9. Not sure of I count as recent- was banded in October last year. I'm super frustrated at the mo...had my third fill last week and went from 4.5cc to 6cc and feel no difference. :( so frustrated as I'm out if work right now and totally broke. Fred told me I should feel a real difference this time and it should last me a few months.


    Apart from that, no complaints, lol.

    Sorry guys, just frustrated today. I'm sure I'll perk up soon.

  10. Hey Guys,

    I'm in the same boat. I just had my third fill on Friday, and I'm now at 6cc in a 7cc band (though Dr was telling me that it's actually a 14/15cc band, but they call it 7 because that's when most people feel restriction? I'm so confused).

    Anyway, he told me I needed to go three days liquids and be very careful as I went from 4.5cc to 6cc and he thoguht I'd be very restricted. I've been really good with following the liquids/mushies before, but this time I just caved. I've just eaten a large amount of solid foods over the past 3 hours and I'm so ashamed and disappointed. Including fresh bread, which I can still manage FINE.

    I've NO restriction still, and I'm now worried I may have stretched my stomach? I'm just finding it so depressing right now, and I know a lot of it is me. But I'm out of work at the moment, and paid for this op myself...and I just feel like I've thrown away my savings at this and it's just not working.

    I'm also afraid to get on the scales, but I don't think I've lost much weight at all. Maybe 3/4kg.

    Feel so deflated. I can't seem to break my unhealthy relationship with food at all.

  11. Nearly there! Leave for belgium on Monday at 7am....slightly apprehensive but mostly excited.

    I've read the the most painful part of the surgery is the 'gas/wind' pains experienced immediately post surgey. So really I'm looking for advice on what sot of pain relief anybody used. I was thinking perhaps deflatine and/or windeeze as I know these to be very effective- just not sure if I will be able to use them? Also, in the hospital are you given anything for this type of pain or did you all have to self medicate.

    thanks again for all your advice and support to date,

    A, x

    Hey A,

    Congrats on making your booking! I was banded in October last year with Chris and the team. I was very lucky and didn't suffer any trouble with trapped wind at all, neither did the girl who was banded at same time as me. The hospital will give you pain meds as well as anti nausea medicine when you leave. I would strongly advise against self medicating- many over the counter meds like aspirin, ibuprofen etc can thin the blood and so shouldn't be taken after surgery. Paracetemol is what hospital give you, and it should be enough - if not, make sure you tell your pharmacist you've had surgery!!

    The team are great! Couple of things I'd recommend - bring a mug/cup if you can as the hotels only have paper cups...bring some smooth Soup for your post op night. Also try and get some smooth yoghurt to have in your hotel room. If you're staying in the campanile hotel, the surrounding area is pretty quiet so you might want to buy bits before arriving.

    One more slightly weird thing...bring a couple of sanitary towels! This was an idea of the girl who was with me. Before you leave hospital you have to have an x ray, and the Fluid they give you causes um, an upset tummy. For your flight it may just give you extra peace of mind. I was fine but my room mate was glad to have them with her.

    Sorry that sounds a bit grim, but forewarned is fore-armed!!

    The team are fantastic, they look after you very well and answer all questions. Good luck and congrats again!!!!


  12. Oh my goodness! I got banded on 18th October, and have found my back pain far, far worse than ever before. I used to get mild - unpleasant back pain coming up to my menstrual cycle, but this time around it's started WAY earlier (pain started mid-cycle) and got absolutely awful for first few days of period. It was so bad I couldn't bend over.

    If anyone has an explanation, please please let us know!

  13. HAha! Thanks! I'm nowhere near junior guru, I really have been eating junk for the past couple of weeks. Luckily I can already feel the effect of the band- have to chew so carefully...so stone cold food tends to be off-putting. Yay!

    I will get it back together though and I'm excersisibg more at least!!

    Thanks for your support, don't know what I'd do without this site!!

  14. Hey White-gurl,

    Really glad to hear you've gone back onto the mushies for the time being. I'm only a newbie too, but when the surgeon went through the possible results of trying to eat solids within the liquids and mushies stage (and told a scary story of someone who had!) I soon decided I wouldn't risk it.

    The reason you feel hungry is because the band is empty - it means that the 'full sensors' at the top of the stomach aren't yet being engaged (when there's a restriction, the small amount you eat fills the pouch quickly and touches on the sensors - which tricks them into thinking the whole stomach is full). When we're on the liquids and mushies, it passes through the stomach quickly, which means the sensors aren't getting hit - therefore we're STARVING HUNGRY! (That's how I felt anyway!)

    I'm no saint, I've been a terror over the past 2 weeks with eating bad food - my first fill is on Thursday (7 weeks post op, I had a LOT of swelling) - and I'll be kicking myself back into healthier eating then. I really want this to work, and I know I have to work at it.

    Good luck, and I hope you get hold of your nutritionist!


  15. Hey A,

    Yes sorry, as everyone else has clarified - it's the company you book through. Frederik is lovely (as are the whole team).

    The group here are definitely very, very supportive - they helped me make my decision to have my surgery done. And as for the soft drinks, I've been a hard core Diet Coke drinker since I was a teenager. I'm talking anywhere from 3 cans to 2 - 3ltrs a day. I, like you, had serious 'What the heck??' thoughts re quitting the soft drinks. At my 'last meal' in Belgium, I had at least 3 diet cokes.

    Since coming out of surgery, I have to admit that I haven't really missed it AT ALL. And 2 days ago, I bought a mini bottle to see how it went down....and I didn't like the taste of it at all! It sat there in my room for two days...mainly ignored!

    I got heavy at around 11 years of age, since then my weight has yoyo'd up and down for years. Lost 4.5 stone in college, felt happy and wonderful...then slowly put most of it back on again....then the cycle started again.

    I'm exhausted by the dieting now, which is why I made the decision to have the surgery. I don't regret it at all yet, and can already feel how it's going to help (if you have to eat slowly, you can soon grow tied of trying to eat a big meal...for example, I tried having chipper chips twice now...both times, even though I've no real restriction, I gave up halfway through. You have to focus so hard on fully chewing and taking it slow that you end up completely disinterested in the food (cold soggy chips anyone? Ewww..)


  16. Hello everybody,

    I hope you don't mind me jumping in?

    I am considering Belgium with Dr De Bruyne in January 2012! I live in the Scottish Borders so would be having fills in Edinburgh. I suppose I'm just looking for some reassurance and all you lovely ladies seem to have done so well!


    Hi A,

    Welcome to the forum! I got banded on 18th October this year with dr Chris. I haven't lost a huge amount yet, but my first fill is on Thursday.

    As for foods, the only thing I have had trouble with is tinned spaghetti. And that was the second week after surgery. Mainly problems occur from trying to eat too fast or when I haven't chewed properly.

    At the moment I'm fine with bread, but I expect that to be off the menu once I get my fill.

    Remember to book through ecfs directly to get the best deal including taxis and hotel.

    If you have any questions, pls feel free to ask!


  17. Hey Claire,

    Aww I'm sorry to hear that comment from your Hubbie- I don't think people realise how much of an effect their words can have on us.

    I did weigh myself, but got de-motivated as I made the mistake of daily weighing...and my weight bounced all over tge place! I think you're dead right, a weekly weigh in is a far better idea.

    I'm really craving junk food right now, ooops! I'm hoping I'll normalise soon and just be able to exercise and get a great routine going.

    Congrats on your success to date Claire, you're an inspiration! It sounds like you've got the loose skin under control too which is fab. :)

    Sade-sorry to hear about the lack of support you're feeling. Really glad you cane here, people are very supportive and give great advice. You've achieved so so much, hopefully you're family will come around, but even if they don't, you've made a great choice and are making sure you're on the road to a healthier life!

  18. Hey Claire,

    I haven't booked my first fill yet-was thinking maybe 1st December as I'm still quite swollen around the port site! If not then, I'll try mid-November. They had warned me that they may not be able to do the first fill at tge usual 4-5 weeks as my swelling was quite bad.

    I'm hoping it's fairly easy to get an appointment through Julie.

    Really looking forward to bring able to lie on my tummy properly! Funny the things you yearn for, lol!


  19. Hey all,

    Am in a panic, again. :( I've developed weird red streaks on my inner thighs, and I'm away from home so have limited web connection to investigate. Also miles away from a dr. Im trying to find the aftercare coordinators number. Could someone post it for me'? I'm sure it's on the forum somewhere but my connection keeps breaking.

    Any help/advice appreciated.


  20. Hi All,

    When I said exercising above, I only meant VERY slow walking, but 25-30 mins at a time, and yes, it was pretty silly in retrospect!

    I went to meet a friend yesterday, and skipped my evening meal as it was funny timing, but boy oh boy did I regret it! Felt REALLY ill and weak It's a lot to get used to, but I am really glad I took the plunge too.

    I haven't weighed myself yet - I actually have no idea how much I weighed going in to surgery even. I'm really looking forward to weight coming off (pretty please!).

    SlimSindy - I've heard Zumba is fantastic too (but get your knee checked first as it's pretty active!). I used to do a class a few years ago called Salsa Slims, and that was great I have to say. It was aerobic salsa, great fun and a weigh in at the start. I think I'll be trying yoga when I'm up to it - certainly more class based things as I HATE gyms. I'll also be using my Wii fit - which I've found is great fun (and I don't feel self conscious as it's in my own room!).

    Thanks Wannabe for always being so prompt with your replies and support!

  21. Hi All,

    I had my surgery on 18th, and in all honesty I feel like I've gone several rounds with Mike Tyson. Dr Chris told me on the check out day that I'd developed a haematoma on the surgical site that would make things more painful for me. When Bart came to check on me later that day he said I'd need to keep an eye on it as I was so swollen, and that they may not be able to do a fill after 4 - 6 weeks because my swelling may not have gone down.

    My spirits are ok, I'm a little scared in general I think. I was tearful going into the surgery (I'm such a sap!), and very depressed the following day (I had a bad reaction to the general aneasthetic - I still wasn't able to stand 24 hours after surgery without nearly passing out and serious nausea, they suggested I stay longer in the hospital but I couldn't face it!) - but Dr Chris was lovely and said it was completely normal.

    I do have a question though - I'm finding walking (eg walk to shops - 20 mins/30 mins) a real struggle. Shortness of breath. exhaustion (and I never experienced this prior to surgery, I walked an hour a day no probs). I had the same feeling when hoovering today. Did anyone else experience this?

    Was delighted last night as I was able to roll onto my port side while sleeping without to much pain. Still find sitting up a complete drag though - so sore!

    Pain is definitely decreasing a LOT every day, but my heamatoma is horrible. I know all the above sounds all negative - so anyone researching Dr Chris please note that the service was excellent, the staff very professional, and I am definitely an exception as regards the reaction to the general and the heamatoma - the other two girls were flying around the next day!

    So - anyone else have a rough time post-surgery as regards the exercise post-op? And I mean very low intensity - incredibly slow walking!

  22. Hey Wannabe,

    Thanks so much - was starting to really fret. I think it's probably normal to get a bit freaked out the week before surgery - but even though I've rationalised that, it hasn't stopped me from being all nutty and scared. Even though I read up on all the pros and cons, for some reason over the past few days all the cons seem MUCH worse. LOL. I really need to get a grip!

    Thanks for responding so quickly, it really is amazing knowing this forum is here.



    hi candence firstly calm yourself down and stop worrying you will be fine,they tell you to diet as it helps shrink your liver for surgery,you dont have to be crazy about it just cut down a bit,have your normal meals just smaller portions and dont eat in between and try cut out sugary stuff,to be honest hun i didnt do any diet at all i was on holiday the week before and did plan to eat good but the food was awful and i lived off mcdonalds and pizza hut,the night before surgery frederik will tell you to eat what you want and have a drink if you want as a last supper lol so dont worry hun just cut back a bit,i know when it was me i went through this whole thing of wanting to eat everything incase i couldnt after surgery lol good luck

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