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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by h21

  1. I imagine that the plicaters that are a year or more out from surgery are out living fabulous lives with their svelte new bodies? Am I right? Where are you fattophat, chowchows? How are things going a year or more later?

    Today is my last day to decide/confirm surgery so I was hoping to hear from the brave pioneers that plicated first! You ladies have always inspired me with your bravery! How are you all doing?

  2. I am curious of how many post op plicaters include some component of psychological care/treatment in their program? The mental part of weight loss has to be the hardest part. If I go to Mexico for surgery there will be no aftercare, what have other Mexican plicaters done post op?

  3. For those of you postop that didn't get much sagginess/excess skin post op how much did you exercise preop, and was it more weights or cardio? Do you think it helped? Does age matter?

    I know losing slower helps prevent sagginess, just wondering what else I can do. Losing my hair and saggy skin is still better than being fat and unhealthy, but I would like to prevent this as much as possible.


  4. I have been tossing around having plication for a long time. I am sure most of you have been in the same boat, humming and hawing about whether this is the right choice or not. For me, I am having doubts about the long term success of plication. Is there anyone on this forum that has been plicated for 2 years or more and if so how many of you have regained weight? Also a question for everyone that has been plicated - does the "unknown" of long term consequences of plication worry you?

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks Tijuana Plication. I feel so bad for your situation and wonder how it could happen. I can't imagine how disappointing it must be to put all your hope into a procedure like this and not have it work. I sure hope this doesn't happen to me. Thanks for all your help. I hope your positivity and helpfullness to others on this forum will bring you some good karma and a happy ending.

    I don't recall signing off about anything to do with lack of restriction post op.

    I didn't contact the hospital re lack of restriction as I don't imagine that they'd do much about it. Especially given that they didn't email me scans of my post op barium swallow (which I was told repeatedly over the phone they'd do, until it was 2 weeks post op, at which time they said that they dispose of patient info like that).

    Looking at this thread here http://www.verticals...gh-restriction/ I'd already lost restriction at a month out.

    Dr Lopez told me that if you vomit in the first 3 weeks that can tear stitches and undo the surgery, but here I am 10 months out and I've not even come close to vomiting (ie I've not retched or anything like that), much less actually vomited.

    Sarah Elsekhawy who responded in the link I supplied got revised to VSG a year after getting her Plication as she never had much restriction either. She's now 2 months out from getting sleeved and doing well. She said that the sleeve didn't hurt more than the Plication (which I would've expected).


  6. I'm almost 36! I hope this isn't midlife for me :) For me financially this wouldn't have been possible when I was younger. Also I think I have just ran out of patience. When I was younger I always believed I could try harder, work out more, eat better. I had hope! Now I am just sick and tired of waiting for my weight problem to be resolved. I want to be thin while I am still young enough to enjoy it :)

  7. Thanks Tijuanaplication! Its good to know they will deal with the complications at the time of surgery. I know you have posted that you didn't get adequate restriction, can I ask how were they to deal with your situation? Is lack of restriction a possible risk that you sign off on before surgery?

  8. Chowchows - thanks you for sharing your path to bravery! Your absolutely right about taking time to think about what I have given up and what I won't do because of my weight. Focusing on fear and negativity is going to keep me fat. I don't want anymore of my life to pass me by either. I guess to put it in perspective I fear what I will be missing out on in life staying fat more than I fear surgery.

    Thank you again Chowchows, your story and success is really inspiring.

  9. What is/was your biggest fear/concern/worry about plication before you had the surgery and how did you overcome it? What do you still worry about after surgery?

    I worry about being "different" in social settings, instead of being the "good eater" I will be the weird picky eater...

    I worry this another weight loss gimmick, albeit a very expensive gimmick...

    I worry about complications, results like Lena800s, long term side effects and the "newness" of plication...

    I am not worried about slow weight loss, I would prefer it that way. I don't want saggy skin either chowchows :)

    I am not worried about the pain.

    How did you all overcome your fears? Where did you find the best research information? Did you just trust in your surgeon? How long did it take you to decide plication was for you?

    Every time I read one of the posters success stories I worry less... I wish more plixies would post!

  10. I agree with those who say there are trade-offs to all the surgeries. One difference that may account for some of the weight loss differences between plication and sleeve that I learned from my surgeon right before my surgery is that with sleeve and gastric bypass the metabolism seems to stay the same, but with lap band and plication (or imbrication) the metabolism seems to slow down. I wasn't happy to hear this, but I still did not want my stomach cut or re-routed. He recommended for my high BMI over 50 banded plication or bandication. I am only 3 weeks out from surgery so I can't speak to this personally. I hope to keep my metabolism burning high by the choices of foods I eat and exercise.

    TravelHappy - did your surgeon give any explanation as to why the metabolism slows down with plication?

  11. This forum seems kind of slow. Is this because plication isn't really a popular choice? Or is there a lot of people out there like me that are still deciding about wls? Some days I am 90% sure, other days 10%. I was coming on the forum for research but now support. If there is anyone out there that has been lurking for awhile because they are undecided about plication? I am looking for a plication partner in crime that is in the same boat as me. I'm in my late 30's, from Canada, according to science should lose 80lbs but would be happy with 50-60. I'm single, so I don't have the dear hubby that so many of you have relied on for a support system, and none of my girlfriends have to worry about wls. Anyways if anyone is lurking out there in the same boat, let me know!

    By the way, thank you to everyone that has already done the surgery that keeps posting whether good or bad experiences, it really helps.

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