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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lissa

  1. Lissa

    my story... my emotions

    Sylvia, I was sleeved on August 30, so I'm in the same stage you are. I started having some shoulder pain a few days ago and was walking, thinking the pain was gas. It turns out that, right now, my full signal is apparently shoulder pain. I certainly hope that changes to something else very quickly because that will stink if it continues. We made a huge change to our bodies in order to create a huge change in our lives. I haven't felt the depression others seem to have (yet), but that may be because I had a death sentence hanging over my head beforehane. It was lose weight or die for me. I'm definitely more about improving the co-morbidities more than looking better, although that will be a WONDERFUL side benefit!!!! Good luck.
  2. Lissa

    1 more day....

    Wishing you a great surgery, as well!!! I had my freak out about 3 weeks ahead of time. The weekend before, I made sure I spent time with my kids and friends. That helped so much that I was almost eerily calm when I went into surgery. You will do great, especially since it sounds like you have lots of loving support from your family!!
  3. The answer to How am I doing? is Fantastic! My doctor encourages early and often ambulation after surgery, so I've been up and about, walking (both by myself and with the dog). I even went to JoAnn's today...and drove myself! I still have a drain which I have to empty regularly, but it's not as much of a pain as I thought it would be. I have several small incisions (either 6 or 8) that each have a few stitches. I'm getting in my liquids and my semi-liquids (just cottage cheese and yogurt for now), along with my Vitamins. Haven't quite managed the 60g of Protein or 64 oz of Water, but I'm working on them. In short, I feel so much better than a person who had surgery three days ago should feel. My pain level after surgery never hit more than a 4, and I haven't used any of the pain medication I was prescribed. I did want one dose of it the night I came home, but couldn't figure out the conversion from mLs to tsp, so I didn't take any. I know now that it's one TBS to 15mL, but I survived without it. Anyone need a cough syrup bottle of Loritab Elixir? @@
  4. I agree with the others, visit other offices and make sure YOU are comfortable with the surgeon and his staff. You are putting YOUR life in their hands, so it should be the most capable, caring, competent hands you can find. I visited several surgeons before I chose mine (Dr Domkowski, Sebastian, FL) and I feel like I made the right choice. I was sleeved on Tuesday.
  5. Just doing a quick check in to let everyone know I'm doing well. Surgery was August 30 and I'm recovering at home. I will do a more in-depth post sometime this weekend, but I feel very energetic and I'm working hard to do what my doctor requires.
  6. Lissa

    Should I put off dating for a year?

    Jay, I see you've already gone on the date and it tanked, but that's not because of your weight, it's because of her personality (or lack thereof). I spent the last few days with a friend I've known for 14+ years, through gaining my weight, including the occassional weight-loss "success" that turned into a regain. He told me that he actually prefers me bigger, as I am now. However, he'll "adjust" to me at a smaller size, because he cares about me that much. THAT is the kind of person to look for, IMO. Someone who can and will accept you now and will accept you later, no matter what changes. I hope you find that person, but you are right that your journey (mine too) now includes being self-centered in a wonderful way! At our WLS meeting the other night, we were talking about how people's self-esteem changes as they lose weight. Most people have a better body image and, therefore, start being more discerning in whom they date.The consensus was that being thinner will definitely enable you (and me) to choose relationships with people who have more in common with us, simply because more people will be looking at us. Good luck!!!
  7. One of my aunts, the one who is 80% bliind, MO, diabetic and completely dependent on her kids for help with everything from grocery shopping to eating, made a comment about my getting to "cheat". I bit my tongue on commenting that SHE is my inspiration to have this surgery. I want to live long enough to be a burden to my kids, but not in my 50's!!! OTOH, one of my other aunts, who is raising an adopted daughter (12 years old) with weight issues, has been very supportive. They have been studying proper food choices and nutrition and this aunt actually calls me for help when she runs into problems dealing daughter's obesity. Because this aunt is not heavy, she doesn't understand the concept of "head hunger". Over the last two years, my cousin has lost a good bit of weight, partially due to the retraining on nutrition and partly because she has grown several inches. However, she's still battling the concept of "eat everything in sight because there may not be any tomorrow" brought on by parents who would buy booze and drugs rather than food. THAT is a tough issue to overcome for a kid. Other family and friends are joking that I'm the guinea pig. They're all watching to see how I do before they research having surgery of their own. THAT's when I'll have the last laugh on the nay-sayers. I'll be healthy and thin while they're still struggling with whether it's right for them.
  8. Jessica, With the new guidelines that say a BMI of 30 is sufficient, I can't imagine the doctors would really turn you down. Good luck with your process and keep talking to the docs and insurance people until you get what you need. I had a couple of docs tell me that, since I lost 50 pounds on Atkins last year, I shouldn't have surgery, but instead concentrate on dieting. That's great, until you consider that diets are a temporary solution. Once one goes back to "normal" eating, there goes the weight, right back on. I swear that weight is a magnet to me! I applaud you for being proactive and trying to find a solution before you are morbidly obese, 40 and diabetic or worse. Good luck to you and Kelly.
  9. Lissa

    backing out

    TJ, I am being sleeved on Tuesday, 8/30/11 and I've been through the thought process you're having right now. Two weeks ago, I was telling myself that I have so many health problems right now that doing this surgery on top of those health problems is dangerous. Now, I'm at the Bull*#@( stage on that!! If I don't have surgery, those health problems are going to get worse and worse until they kill me. With the laundry list I've got, I figure it will take a couple of years, but they will kill me. I have an aunt whose health has steadily declined as the result of obesity and diabetes. She's 80% blind (after a dozen eye surgeries), incapable of walking from the house to the car without assistance, can't drive, needs someone to help her prepare her food and eat it...and she's missing out on seeing the faces of her grandchildren or being able to play with them. My aunt is 53. In comparison, I'm 45, can't walk more than 1/3 of a block without gasping for breath, but I still have my eyesight and my independence. I can work and am a successful business owner. I have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to reverse almost all of my co-morbidities with nothing more than a small, laproscopic surgery and some redirection on how to eat properly. I'd be a FOOL to give up this chance because I'm a little scared. I consider this a completely selfish thing. Something I'm doing so that I don't end up like my aunt. I want to see my grandchildren. I want to be able to walk through a mall without calculating which is the closest entrance to where I need to be, and without constantly looking for the next place I can sit and rest. I want to wear cute clothes again instead of my current "tents". If this surgery can help me do that, even with some risks, let's go! I think you will get to the stage I'm at in a few days. Don't cancel your surgery yet. Give yourself a few days to consider what you're going to gain versus what you could possibly lose (some weight, maybe?). I keep thinking this is too long and wordy, but I'm hoping my thought process will help you get through the doubt and onto being excited at the thought of remakind your life!
  10. choripan, I get the hesitation to have a majority of your stomach removed. That was my major objection to this to start with, but then I had an epiphany... probably drug-induced because I was in the hospital with major pneumonia at the time.... I can continue to eat like I have and gain weight, or I can do something about it. Now, I lost 50 pounds on Atkins last year. It was a hard, difficult, PITA struggle. I busted my butt to lose that 50 lbs, turning down sweets, breads, potatoes, in short, everything that I liked foodwise. I subsisted on chicken breasts and salad, but I took off that dang 50 lbs. Once I did that, I took "my" next step and quit smoking. Within 10 days, I had pneumonia. On my first visit to the ER, the doctor prescribed antibiotics and high codeine cough syrup, warning me that if I took "one drop" too much, I'd end up dead. She treated me like a drug-seeker. I dutifully took the antibiotics, measured the cough syrup with a syringe, and ended up back in the ER 10 days later with an oxygen saturation of 70. The nurses there were shocked I was walking and talking. After six days in the hospital on steroids and mega-antibiotics via IV, I got out and gained all 50 lbs, plus a few extra back. Between the pneumonia and the blood clots I developed after such a long period of inactivity, I'm not allowed to exercise more than 5 minutes 3 times a week...and that at a "casual" pace. I'm now on three meds for asthma-like symptoms, blood thinners and a bi-pap machine. My health took a major nose-dive in less than a month, and I'm still struggling. My doctors have actually told me that I must take off a bunch of weight NOW or I won't live 5 years. At 44 years old, that's a tough pill to swallow. So, for me, the surgery is the way to go. I'm afraid, somewhat, of having that much stomach removed, but I'm more afraid of how much worse my health can get if I don't have this surgery and drop this weight. I listed my current co-morbidities earlier: sleep apnea, borderline diabetic, rheumatoid arthritis, breathing problems, pneumonia tendencies, etc. I am praying and hoping that this surgery helps to turn back the clock on these conditions so that I can live a long life and get to see my kids marry and meet my future grandchildren. Your reasons may vary, but I bet all of use want a couple of things: to feel better and to look better. The question we must ask ourselves is if we can get there without surgical intervention. For me, the answer is no, so I am moving forward. I hope my thought process can help you make your decision...and, whatever decision YOU make is right for YOU. Good luck!
  11. choripan, Who have you seen that doesn't seem to have lost much with the sleeve? Unless those people are being non-compliant with their diet (eating sweets and lots of carbs), VSG almost guarantees you'll lose about 80% of the weight you have to lose. Now, keeping it off after the weight loss slows down, and continuing to reach your personal goal(s), is a little tougher and requires discipline. Making goal AND arriving there in good physical shape takes even more work. I've spent a good bit of time on the Lap Band Forums because that was my initial WLS of choice. One of the things the "Elders" there preach is that you don't just band your stomach, you have to do the head-work too. (Called banding your head over there) I'm calling the mental work I'm doing "Sleeving my head". I know that the surgery is a tool, and, like any other tool, you can use it to fix things, or you can use it incorrectly and end up gaining back the weight. I know that my whole relationship with food MUST change. No more sweets, low or no-carbs, and much more diligence about what goes into my body. If you are interested, there is an awesome blog by a gal who had GB (Roux N Y) about 5 years ago. The girl, Cheryl, writes "The World According to Eggface" and she gave up all sweets, carbs, taters and Pasta when she had her GB. She posts tons of recipes using Protein powder, almond flour, and various ingredients that are compatible for most WLS patients. She made goal 3 years ago and posts daily about what she's eating, both to help others and to keep herself honest. She has a lot of valuable insights for those of us just starting the journey, IMO. I looked at your profile and I'm not sure where in South Florida you're located. If you're anywhere near me (St Lucie County), maybe we could get together and compare notes. I'll be thriilled to share my journey with you and to forward links to the bloggers I follow, if you're interested.
  12. Congrats! I'm also on for the 30th and getting nervous about the whole deal. I can't wait till we're both on the other side comparing progress!
  13. Lissa

    Dr. Domkowski

    lml, I don't know if I'll be able to make the Palm Bay meeting. I've got tons of doctor's visits coming up since I'm so close to surgery and have a bunch of co-morbities (Blood Clots, 2 pulmonary embolisms, borderline diabetic, severe sleep apnea, and pneumonia tendencies). They are running me crazy with doctor's appointments. One of the benefits I'm praying to see from the surgery is reduction or elimination of the above health issues. As for the psychiatrist, dr lynn williams, she claims she doesn't want to be my long-term therapist., I hope not, because I don't think I'd ever feel that I could divulge my deepest and darkest secrets to her. @@ At the support group meeting I attended, she was "encouraging" the attendees to be sure to buy organic dairy products ... "at least buy organic cheese if the budget is tight"... and she advocates buying 2% milk rather than skim milk because "skim milk is full of sugar". And, of course, both are full of hormones that are making "our girls grow up too quickly". I prefer organic fruits and veggies if I can afford them, but I'm not as crunchy granola as she seems to be. Thank goodness.
  14. Gatorman, You didn't have to stay in for 2 nights? I'm totally shocked by that, since it's the minimum my doctor does. I'm also gonna have a drain for a week (ugh). It will all be worth it when it's over. I'm starting to get really nervous now about what's going to happen.
  15. Howdy, all. I'm Lissa from Florida. I'm 44 and I've been heavy since I was 23. I did a major injury to my leg at 9 months pregnant and, since I was having a c-section, the injury went untreated. It's difficult to walk on crutches when you've been cut from hip to hip. So, I spent two years barely walking and gained a TON of weight. I've never been able to get it off and, instead, I've added a bunch more so that I'm now over 330 pounts. I've been exploring Lap Band Surgery for about six months, including going to a seminar and talking to a surgeon. I lost 50 lbs on Atkins and then quit smoking. A week after I quit smoking, I ended up in the hospital with drug-resistant pneumonia. After steroids, russian roullette with antibiotics and enough other drugs to kill a mule, I emerged from the hospital still sick. I lost another 40+ pounds in about 7 days, then gained it all back in 7 days, plus more. THEN I developed blood clots in my legs and a couple of pulmonary embolisms. Now I'm on blood thinners to take care of the PEs and not allowed to do any exercise except "gentle" walking. Not sure what that is.... I finally got into the weight loss surgeon and he is agreeable to doing the surgery, even with me on blood thinners, but he wants to do VSG instead of the lap band. I'm cool with his reasoning and it makes sense, but I need more information abotu what happens after VSG, which is why I'm here.
  16. Lissa

    Dr. Domkowski

    I'll be at the Sebastian group next week, so hopefully we'll get a chance to say hello! I started my liquid diet this morning, prepping for the 30th.
  17. Lissa

    Dr. Domkowski

    lml, My objection to her is that it appears she's fixated on depression. she told me that I am severely depressed and have been for years...oh, and that I'm in big danger of becoming an alcoholic after surgery. Um, nope. Wrong on both counts.
  18. Eddie! I love the quote from your mother!!! LOL I hope your revision goes smoothly. Let us know how it goes.
  19. Lissa

    Dr. Domkowski

    And, I just spent some time watching you tube videos for Graystonia and several others about VSG. I'm amazed at the amount of information you guys put out there. I loved, loved, loved Mr Smiley's interview with Dr Domkowski.
  20. Lissa

    Dr. Domkowski

    Graystonia, I loved the nutritionist, but didn't care for the psyche doctor. Is the psyche doc at the Palm Bay meetings?
  21. Lissa

    Dr. Domkowski

    His support groups are the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6pm. They are run by the psychiatrist who does his pre-op evaluations. I'm not overly fond of her, but the group is great for support and the members seemed really nice when I went last month.
  22. Hello again to all. I now have a surgery date (Aug 30) and I start my pre-op diet tomorrow. I'm nervous and scared, but determined to keep moving towards my goal of a healthier me. My docs are all working together to get me through this and I'm really looking forward to waking up from surgery!!
  23. Lissa

    Florida Sleevers!

    I'm going to Dr D as well. My best friend is an ER nurse at Sebastian Hospital and raves about the way Dr D treats his patients if/when they come into the ER for anything. According to her, he's always there asap and takes excellent care of the patients. Personally, I love his bedside manner and his cautious nature. I'm higher risk than most because of some health complications I've had this year and he's been very thorough about making sure we minimize the risks to me during surgery. I feel like I'm in good hands. My surgery is set for Aug 30, so I'll let you know afterwards how it went.
  24. Hi, neighbor! I'm going to Dr Domkowski as well. My date is set for August 30, 2011. I'm nervous and excited and scared, all at once!! Did you "love" the psyche doctor as much as I did???
  25. Lissa

    Surgery Date

    AUGUST!!! 1 BigSexxy, MamaMcKinzie, heygirlfriendB, chelle622, rubyspring, newdaycomn 2 brookb, MissBliss, Gaylebco, Heatherr, Lynn225, TipsyNoodle 3 zetagirl210 4 Julie76, chelle622, skyblew, angel1 5 trizzy35, happyevraftr, BigManIndia 6 7 8 SunnyinSD, Ladybug86, MeMeMEEE, Kayla, Toyia, Casuzarry, Forensikchic 9 Wondering1, nurselisa22, LindaS, red dress girl, Shell77 10 Indymom, Happylife, Houston_Rich, Tarada9 11 Jimmy James, missjanab, PhatGurl80, hereigoagain 12 Ms.girl, sdorr 13 14 15 Treequeen,WyomingMountainGal, BroadwayBaby 16 Miss Hope, E.K., birdlady, ScentsyLady (Sonia), smiley2604,BigJoe102 17 ~winecountrygirl~, 18 19 Beach Baby, Shakin-n-Atlanta 20 buzydebb 21 22 JELLYBEANS, pamblan, blkhulagirl, mimimermaid, nurseteela, caycaye, Michelle Peruski, Slimming Sara 23 RachelinTX, LR6909 24 KristeyK, KristinaRN, Intime, Kami, laladotdot, 25 Jenny A., renogirl 26 27 28 29 eyemallrt 30 Lisha, CT Fats, Tallnlovely, beautyjunkie824, Lissa in FL 31

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