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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jennifer16005

  1. 1ST thing i thought was low blood sugar i got my dads tester out and i was 102 so i was good. I feel good today. I drank more Water. Took some pain meds to sleep and now i feel fine. I also had what people call sliming where my mouth over waters... i have had that twice now after my surgery last friday. Its weird and I am not taking any pills or eating a solids and really wasn't drinking enough so maybe it was my swollen tummy. all is well for now! I feel great today *knock on wood*

  2. I'm actually very happy with my weight loss so far (50lbs), it has been slow, but it was relatively steady. I've been at a plateau for about 6 weeks now. So I got a fill 3 weeks ago, and nothing. My calorie intake is 1100 on average, give or take 100 calories, but I had done no exercising. So last week in an attempt to plow through this plateau, I started a 1 hour bootcamp workout each day , and I've followed the advice of everyone and upped my calorie intake to 1500 (plan to do that for 10 days before going back to normal). Anyway, of course this is how it works for me, I've gained 3 lbs this week. I've worked too darn hard for that scale to tell me anything but some GLORIOUS weight loss. I've been more active than ever, and I am SORE from head to toe, but in that really great post workout way! But that darn scale! I used to hate exercise, but this week, I've enjoyed it, and look forward to it, but mainly because I'm so flippin' motivated! I'm determined to break this plateau! I have places to go and people to see and I'm tired to being FAT! I AM thin. I may be walking around in this fat suit, but I'm going to work my booty off until it no longer looks like someone threw a bag of nickels at it! Yeah, I said it. Someone tell me their plateau victory story! Or give me advice, or someone explain to me why the scale is going up!?

    GIRL screw the scale for now! WORK YOUR BOOTY off!!!! have fun doing it don't even give that scale the time of day! DONT GIVE UP! you might be loosing in inches! just have fun BREATH and being out the enter goddess you know is in there somewhere!! Have faith in yourself!! You are the only one that can do this! get you some up beat music to get your mood together and just kick @ss!

  3. My name is Jennifer. I live in the Dallas Fort worth area... 8 years ago I was trying to get WLS in the middle of all the testing for the insurance I lost my insurance and had to give up....

    Im back at it again! Pay cash out of pocket! I very excited, but I have been let down before. On September 30th I hope to be banded. I am getting a tax return back that I didn't file for (2009) and I am using it as a down payment. I have everything done such as blood tests breathing tests EKG everything done. Just waiting for the money part.

    I learn from the last let down 8 years ago to not be TOO excited.... so cross your fingers for me please!

    I am 27 years old. I weight 301 with a bmi of 51.4... i wear a size 26/28 jean and 3x-4x top

  4. I am reading more topics and seeing that someone my size 3x top 26/28 jeans say that their are now shopping at The Gap.... normal stores. That seems so weird to me...

    I was born fat! I only know FAT GIRL sizes! I can't wait to feel... i guess you would say "normal"

    Shop anywhere because all stores have your size... I have never been able to do that! I cant wait!!!!

  5. If you follow the rules and don't have your band too tight the chances of slippage are actually quite low.

    What if you went for a sleeve and had a leak, or a bypass and died from malnutrition ?

    or even worse

    did nothing and died young from obesity related illness?

    It's all relative, everything in life has a risk, you have to weigh it up and see if the risks out weigh the benefits or viceversa. We should try not to base all our decisions on fear. One of the most dangerous things people do every day is either cross the road or get in a car but they carry on doing these things.

    If you do get banded and at some stage in the future you have complications such as a slip then generally you may need the band to be unfilled for a while, you may need further surgery to correct the slip, you may need the band replaced or you may decide to revise to another surgery. Generally these situations are not particularly dangerous or life threatening. The only thing is you will need money to pay for whatever correction is deemed necessary.

    It is normal to be scared before surgery, you would be the exception if you weren't.

    But soon you will be on the other side and wondering why you were scared and wishing that you had done this sooner.

    All the best.


    Thank you! most the time the glass is always 1/2 empty with me! LOL

    thank you very much you made me feel a lot better!

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