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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by arkansasmom

  1. I researched until I couldn't read any more. Also spoke with a gal who works for my husband who had the sleeve. I think generally speaking they have about the same outcome as far as weight loss goes. The sleeve once you are done that's it. There are certainly less follow ups. I chose the band because I ultimately decided I wanted the control over how quickly I lose, and I can get a fill here in town. It was an all inclusive package so I get all my fill appt.s for the first year at no additional cost. I also liked the fact the band doesn't affect your nutritional intake.

    I have been banded just over a month, the downside I see is you eat something that doesn't want to go down, up it comes. It's happened twice to me, I'm not sick or anything I just urp it back up. If you have to travel any distance to get a fill, I would highly consider the sleeve. People won't drive to keep the fills up and it's important.

    Good luck in your decision, whatever your decision will be right for you.

  2. I am going to my consult next Wednesday. I am sure the doctor will talk to me about both the band and sleeve. My husband likes the sleeve idea for himself because it does not require fills. I am on the fence. We both are embarking on this journe together and we have been told that it could happen in 10 weeks or less. I value opinions so.... What are the pros and cons and I would like to hear opinions as to why you made the decision to do one over the order and are you happy with the decision or do you wish you would have done the other procedure? THANKS in advance!!!

  3. Well I am kind of like you. No one at work knows a few people close to me know including my family. Not sure what I will do when I get in your position, if they aren't really overweight and could benefit from lapband, I wouldn't tell them. Just my two cents! Your doing fabulous, keep going, it's for you not the rest of the world.

  4. Ok everyone, I have a question. I have some Phentermine left over from before I had my Lapband surgery, and for those of you who have taken it before, it gives you A TON of energy, and we are moving this weekend...Haha, So I was maybe wanting to take one for some extra energy, and I wasn't sure if it would be safe. I've tried to call my Dr. office but the answering machine is saying the office is closed. What do ya"ll think? I appreciate your feedback :)

  5. I got a small fill at 2 weeks 1cc, I am now at 4.5 weeks and feel like I could eat the house. Been doing well, but am hungry. I went for another 'fill this Tuesday' but doc would not fill any more since I had lost 8 lbs in the last two weeks and a total of 17 in the 4 weeks. I tried to explain to him it was because I just wouldn't let myself eat and that I am hungry all the time and don't feel much restriction.

    It was very frustrating and I'm still frustrated, I have to wait 2 more weeks and if I lose anything he won't fill me. I feel like I need the fill to help stop the hunger otherwise I'm going to slip and head to mickey d's.

  6. I've been noticing over the last month or so that I've been feeling kind of run down, hardly any energy, and sometimes my heart beats fast for no reason. My concentration is also worse than ever (if that's possible; I was tested for ADD three times). My brain just feels "fuzzy". Could I be anemic? I take Vitamins every day so I don't see how I could be, but I guess anything can happen. Anyone ever have similar symptoms? I'm trying to decide if a trip to the doc is worth it. Thanks!

  7. Well today I went into my monthly check up with my doctor and he tells me congratulations I am no longer morbidly obese now I am just obese, now I know to some people they might think , eeeh ok but to me I was in complete shock so happy aside from that I went from 340lbs to 319lb in 6 weeks so excited. I turn 25 in oct 2nd and would love to be 308lb by my birthday That wold mark a 100lb lost. Do you think the goal is achievable hhhmmm, working out 4 days a week is so tiring you know

  8. Thanks, I actually did call right after I posted this, I'm lucky that one of his front office people had a lapband done last October, she has lost over 100 lbs and is a great resource. She also said it is possible something is still stuck, but more than likely I'm still not chewing enough and need to really watch what I eat because I may just be doing the same wrong stuff over and over.

    I have lost 16 lbs. in the 3 weeks since my surgery, but the reflux is horrid. I also remembered that I stopped using my prescription reflux med. because my insurance thinks OTC will work as well. My co pay is $100/month. So, I'm filling it again, hopefully getting back to prescription strength and slow down the chewing will take care of this. Right now I can hardly sit up straight it hurts so much.

  9. I had my first fill of 1 cc last Tuesday. My doc told me fluids 24 hrs and soft food transition to regular food the 2nd 24hr. I was fine Tuesday and most of Wednesday, ate a very small amount of solid food at dinner wednesday night and within minutes felt like I had eaten one of those meals where you stuff yourself to the point of being sick. I couldn't get a good breath because it hurt so much to suck in the air. The pain was in my chest, my shoulder, back and stomach. It's gotten better, I went back to liquids, but if I take a bite of anything I get immediate pain in my shoulder and chest which I presume is acid reflux. I take reflux medicing every day and have for 20 years but it has never been like this. Should I continue to wait it out or check with doctor? I don't want to be a whiner but this sucks and I don't want to live the rest of my life like this.

    Advice anyone??

  10. Well, I did an even bigger no no. Went to church potluck last night, did not eat much, but had a small amount of Pasta. It got stuck, had air in there, felt like I just had surgery severe pain up in my left shoulder, got the chills and was in lots of pain for about 8 hours. I'm afraid to eat anything today! Still in pain today but mostly just sore. I didn't follow dr. orders after my first fill earlier this week.

  11. So yesterday, I had to go into work earley. It was too close to breakfast, and I was not hungery, But I was not going to be able to have lunch. So I had a hand full of almonds to hold me till dinner. Those almonds turned into an "elephant sitting on my chest plate". I sipped Water till they desolved and went down. I thought I chewed them up good and I only ate one at a time, but they got stuck anyway. I dont think I will be having almonds again soon.

  12. I am just over three years post op and I need help. I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life (I'm 27). I haven't followed the eating/drinking rules and due to a job that didn't allow me to take a lot of time off, I wasn't consistent with seeing my doctor. I know how upset I am with myself but still choose not to do anything. I've recently started going to a therapist who has been helpful so far, but I'mstill just really angry. I can't bring myself to take that first step in starting over.

    I was wondering if there's anyone out there who has gone through the same thing. If so, what helped you get through it? I don't want to go on living like this as I'm still young and I feel like my life is passing me by.


  13. I was banded on July 28th 2011. Today is September 14, 2011 and I have lost 42 pounds. My questions, which I hope someone can help me with is....

    1) My doctor wants us when we get to the "green zone" to eat a 1/2 cup food 3 times a day without Snacks in between, but I dont see how it is possible to get 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day with that. Right now I am eating 3 meals a day with 2 Snacks because I AM STARVING. I have had 2 fills and I guess there is just not enough solution in my band.

    2) I am only eating around 500-800 calories a day and I am also exercising 5 days a week, which 3 of those days I do ZUMBA which burns around 600-700 calories, so if the days I am doing Zumba I am working off more calories than I am taking in.

    My main issue is, now that I have had 2 fills I seem to be at a plateau, I am not losing as fast as I think I should, but then again I lost a LOT so quickly. I am wondering if my body is just in shock. I just need some advice as to what to eat, I have cut out bread, Pasta, sugar COMPLETELY.

    This is what my daily menu looks like:

    Breakfast: 8oz Protein shake

    snack: carrots and 1tsp ranch ( i know but its only a tsp, is that still bad?)

    Lunch: apples and a babybel cheese

    snack: 1% glass of milk (8oz)

    Dinner: 4oz Tilapia filet and broccoli

    Please any advice would be great, I dont know if I need to cut out the milk and cheese or what I am doing wrong, I just want to lose my weight fast (which I know is everyones wish)

  14. I had my surgery August 26th, sounds similar to you. Day of Surgery I was 235, went in to get staples out after 10 days and lost 11 lbs. Went today for my first fill and haven't lost anything else. My fill was only 1cc, I was hoping for a little more as I don't feel like I have any restriction. How much was your first fill? My dr. said 2 weeks he will add more. I was also disappointed that it stopped but after talking with some other people I think we have done pretty well. Good Luck.

  15. Had surgery on August 18th at NYU Medical Center. Dr. Kurian did the surgery & I have total confidence in her expertise. She told me she had to remove the band & reinsert it because there was difficulty with clamping it closed. I also had a hiatal hernia that was repaired. I was 236 the day of surgery, down from 250 from my first consultation. I am now ranging from 225-228 for the past 10 days. Sort of disappointing after dropping about a lb. a day for a while, but I know that's not normal nor expected. Had my first fill last Saturday. I will keep posting about progress & snags along the way.....good luck to all.

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