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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ncgg-5

  1. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    I am drinking water, decaf tea and Crystal Light. I just forget to do it. Setting my phone timer so I can get more in now. Dos anyone know how much protein is recommended for Banders? Blessings, GG
  2. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome Jennifer, Glad to hear from you. I had my surgery the 25th. Your weight loss looks right on track. How is it going? We lived in Valdosta for 10 years and my husband went to HS in Jonesboro. Been gone from Ga for many years but go back to Villa Rica to visit his family. Blessings, GG
  3. Wow, you're doing great! Congratulations. I've only lost 10 lbs in 4 1/2 weeks including the 2 weeks pre-op. Come over to the A11 thread and tell us how the fill went. Keep up the good work. Blessings, GG
  4. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    I think I am going to start carrying my phone and setting the timer when I finish eating so I will remember to drink later. Maybe that will help. Blessings, GG
  5. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    I'm not going to watch. I started to watch a video of them placing a lap band and decided since I'm not a medical person it would probably scare me. I don't think it's a big deal so try not to stress. (Easy for me to say, you're going before me!) Blessings, GG
  6. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi everybody, Hope you all had a nice weekend. It seems a lot of us are having trouble with gas. The gas from my surgery got better then I realized the gas I was having every morning was probably from the protein shakes. I remember when I tried Fiber One bars and they did the same thing to me. I was doing Weight Watchers then and the folks on that forum said it would get better after a while. Not sure if that's true. From what I've read just keep walking, walking, walking. It's still too hot to walk outside here so I circle my den, kitchen, dining room, living room and around in the circle for 15 minutes 2 times a day if my back can stand it. I've tried our elliptical and did 5 minutes twice and nearly died. It will take some building up minutes again on it I'm sure. Everyone keep us posted on fills. A lot of us are about ready for the first one and it's unknown, therefore a little scary. I am going back to Dr the 20th and hope he will do one. I don't have much restriction and get hungry after about 3 hours. It doesn't take much to feel full, about half of what I used to eat, but I'd prefer to go longer. I have not lost any weight for almost a week and eat from 900-1100 calories a day. I'm not going to get discouraged, I'm not going to get discouraged, I'm not going to get discouraged. That's what always happened when I have dieted in the past and I will not do it this time. I've got my banded friend to help this time, right? Anyone else having trouble getting water in? I used to drink a lot with my meal and all day. Now I forget drink 30 minutes after I eat and then don't get thirsty until it's time to eat again and then I have to wait and forget again. I need to set a timer I guess. Blessings, GG
  7. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome Jess. You're doing very well! Keep it up. So glad to hear you fill was OK. I'm not crazy about needles either, I guess no one really is. I go back to Dr the 20th and don't know if he will do a fill then or not. Glad to hear it might not be too bad. I don't have much restriction so I'd like to have one I think. 3 kids by yourself is a lot. Try not to overdue. Blessings, GG
  8. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome! Wow you are really doing well!. I was banded 3 days after you and have lost 10 lbs. I'm happy with it, I'll be glad to loose 2 lbs a week. Sounds like you might have overdone all your chores. If it were me, and I'm no expert, I'd take it easy over the weekend and if it does not stop contact the Dr on Mon. Of course, if it gets worse I'd call him. Keep us posted. Blessings, GG
  9. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome to the Aug group. So glad to hear you're doing well. My Dr told my hubby to hide my scales so I could not weigh everyday. I think you are wise to wait until the Dr appointment. I need to only weigh once a week but I'm so excited to see the weight drop I can't seem to not do it everyday. lol Let me know how the fill goes. I have not had one yet. We should walk today at my house in NC. It's about 78, sunny and I'm on my screened porch watching the birds and enjoying the cooler temps. Blessings, GG
  10. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Congrats! That's great. I have not had a fill yet. Let me know how it goes. Do you feel any restriction yet? Blessings, GG
  11. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Thanks for the reply. I will check out almond meal in the health food store. It's got to be a good source of protein. I use soy milk, soy yougurt, a banana and strawberries. Are you concerned about a raw egg in your drink? We take heavy duty vitamins that are mixed just for us bit I will look into the minerals and oil you suggested. Blessings, GG
  12. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Does anybody use a protein drink that tastes good? I cannot find any shakes that I like and I'm not getting enough protein in every day. I understand there is a protein powder that you can add to your own shakes that has no taste. Does anyone use that? Help would be appreciated. Thanks, GG
  13. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi EJ, welcome. Hope you are feeling well and doing great. Keep us all posted on your progress. Blessings, GG
  14. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome bethnixon! Sounds like you are off to a great start. Hope you are feeling well and getting ready for mushies. Blessings, GG
  15. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Oh, bless your heart. I'm so sorry you are having a bad time. Hang in there, it will get better. Mushies are very good after a liquid diet and they stay with you longer too. If you continue to feel pukey you might want to speak to your Dr. Blessings, GG
  16. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    You are really doing well. Congratulations! Keep it up you must be doing it right! Blessings, GG
  17. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Mushies are great! Welcome and keep up the good work. Blessings, GG
  18. Hi, I'm in N Raleigh and we are almost the same age. It's good to see someone over 50 on the board. I see you have done really well so far. I agree, we are doing this for ourselves. My hubby is very supportive and I need to weigh less than him someday! I hope I can go wtihout fills too but won't know for a while. Im doing great now, not much appetite and eat very little to get satisfied. Sure hope it continues. Haave a great holiday weekend.

  19. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    GG here, 8 days post op and I'm doing well. Have lost 3 lbs since surgery and I am thrilled. I only lost 6 lbs during the 2 week pre-op Optifast so 3 more is good. My Dr let me start mushies Mon and so I am feeling great with real food. It's so strange that the Dr's have such different post op eating instructions. I did have gas and pain in my left shoulder. I thought the pain was from gas or maybe because they turned my head to the right when they put the breathing tube in or something. My Dr told me it was referred pain from surgery. Just like when you hear someone say their jaw hurt before they had a heart attack. He says that is the same. I thought that was interesting. How is everyone else doing? Blessings, GG

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