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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ncgg-5

  1. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    chicholicious and ms lady, I am so sorry for your bad experiences. Some Dr's seem to be more aggressive than others with fills but eventually you will get out of Bander Hell. The good news is that I read that sometimes it takes a week or so for the fill to actually take effect. That's why they don't do them more often. I had my first one last week and last night I felt some restriction for the first time. In a perfect world that person giving the advice and doing fills would have been in our shoes and gone thru pre-op, post op, surgery & Bander Hell in order to deal with us. There might be a lot more compassion and understanding. Stay with the program and keep on keeping on, it will pay off. Don't weigh everyday, once a week is enough. Women's weight can fluctuate as much as 5 lbs up or down in one day my Dr told me. I do understand because and it's so discouraging to work so hard and then the stupid scale tells you another story. I've been the same weight for a week now and I'm walking, drinking and counting calories & protein. You know if you stay on the program it's goona pay off in the long runl. These few months are just a little blip in our weight loss journey. We'll be laughing at this next year. Blessings, GG
  2. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    So glad to hear it went well and 4 lbs is terrific! Congratulations. Keep up the good work. it is paying off. Blessings, GG
  3. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Be sure and ask the Dr how many calories and how much water and protein you should be getting. My Dr told me 1100 and 60 grams of protein a day. You might be putting yourself into starvation mode. Let us know how the fill goes tomorrow. Blessings, GG
  4. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Wow, you did really well too. Congratulations. i've eaten out several times and only do about half of my regular portions. Hubby & I usually bring half of our meals home. We both happen to like leftovers. LOL Yes I agree, I give Him all the glory all the time! Blessings, GG
  5. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Sounds like to me you did well eating out. When I attended Weight Watchers meeting they always said what we eat and when we exercise does not show up for 2-3 days afterwards. You had fun and now it sounds like you are back on track. Good job. Blessings, GG
  6. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    I had my first last week and it was not big deal. The lidocaine stung a little but didn't feel the needle for the fill at all. I'll say a little prayer for you. Let us know how it goes. Blessings, GG
  7. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Wow, you are really doing well. Congratulations and welcome to the A11 thread. My surgery was also on the 25th and I've lost 13 lbs so you WIN!!! Hang in there with us, we're all in Bander Hell. Blessings, GG
  8. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    When I went to my first support group meeting Tues they went around the room and everyone set a goal and then told what they had done and were proud of recently. These all concern our new lapband lifestyle. So, why don't we do that too? We are a big International support group. I will start. I am proud of myself for starting to walk again. I've basically no been able to do much the last 2 years. I had foot and knee surgery last year and the recovery from my foot surgery aggravated my back. Anyway, I have started walking in my house. At first it was 10 minutes, that's all my back could stand even with my back brace on. Now I am doing 2 15 minutes walks a day and when it cools off we will go outside. My goal would be to get in all my water everyday. I do not remember to do to it and need to set the alarm on my phone to remind me. We can all check in next Friday and see how we have done. Anyone else want to play? Blessings, GG
  9. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome back cakelady. I converted your kg and see you have lost almost 18 lbs. That's great. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged. Blessings, GG
  10. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    ms.lady You are doing so well, don't be discouraged. I would come put you out of your misery but you live too far away! LOL Seriously, can you eat more often or a little more each meal so you are not so hungry? How many calories a day are you eating and are they good calories and are you drinking? Blesings, GG
  11. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi Terri, Welcome. Welcome to Bander hell too. There are quite a few of us there with you so hang in there and drink your Water, exercise, and make good food choices. 18 pounds is awesome and you are doing great! Not very long now till the fill and it will soooooo worth it. Blessings, GG
  12. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi stroganoff, I am having the same problem and told my Dr yesterday. I know Protein drinks do that to me and asked him if I should still be having so much gas. He said no. In some people the surgery and then a new diet for a few weeks actually changes the bacteria in the intestines and that's what's giving us so much gas. We need to get rid of the new bacteria and get back the old bacteria. He prescribed Flagyl for me and said it would work to get the good bacteria back. Here is the web info on it. Metronidazole or Flagyl eliminates bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections of the reproductive system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, vagina, and other areas of the body. Antibiotics will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. This medication is sometimes prescribed for other use. They gave it to my brother when he came back from a trip abroad with parasites from the Water and it works very well. So, you might ask your Doc if you can have some. Hope this helps. Blessings, GG
  13. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi bobrocky, Good to see you back. You know all of us girls hate you because you will always loose faster than we do, 35 lbs is amazing! LOL Seriously, it sounds like you are doing very well. Keep up the good work. In my support group meeting last night one of the ladies gets orange sugar free kool aid crystals and adds that to her Protein vanilla powder. She says it tastes like a creamsicle. Sounds good to me and I'll post if I try it. Keep in touch. Blessings, GG
  14. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi chicholocious, I'm so sorry you're having so much trouble. Try having some hot tea before you eat. Maybe that would relax your band a little and you would not get stuck. I read that a lot of the folks do that first thing in the morning if they have trouble getting things down. It's really strange how different Dr's tell us to do different things pre op & post op. I know some tell their patents to only eat 4 oz and some say up to 1 1/2 C. My Doc tells me to eat till I'm full and try to stay around 1100 calories. Does anyone else have any suggestions that work for you that might help chicholicious? Blessings, GG
  15. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Greeting A11 Banders, Yesterday was a big day with my first fill and my first support group meeting. I posted earlier about the fill and so far I am still doing well. There were 7 ladies at my group meeting last night and we had a great time. Lots of talking and comparing notes and stories. One lovely lady had lost over 200 lbs and gave us tips on how she did it. One great tip we got from her concerned eating oatmeal. We all know how good it can be for us but some of the ladies cannot get it down in the morning. She said she chops her oatmeal with a knife before cooking and thins it way down with liquid. Genius. We all begged her to please come back next month. Overall, it was a good experience and I intend to return next month. Does your Dr have a support group you can attend. It might be worth your time to check it out. Blessings, GG
  16. Any of you out there looking for a wonderful Dr in the Raleigh NC area be sure and check out Dr Scott Bovard. His office is in Rex Wakefield and I can't say enough good things about him and his staff. I had my surgery 4 weeks after going to his info seminar. He does not require an upper GI test. He says he will fix a hernia if there is one and it keeps his patients from undergoing another test. If you want a sleep apena test he will order it and if you want to borrow his apena testing machine and take it home and do the test first at home you can do that. He sees you for all the office visits and I have never waited for him. He does all the fiils himself. I have had 8 surgeries and this was my best and easiest. How many Dr's do you know that give you their cell phone # for weekend problems? I went to two other large practice info sessions and they both seemed like factories putting people thru the process. If you want personal attention and a really great office staff to help you try Dr Bovard. Email me personally is you need more info. I have been very pleased with my whole experience and wanted to share this great Dr with others that might be looking into having surgery. Blessings, GG
  17. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    So glad to hear from some new A11'ers. I think as a group we are all doing very well. I am going to adopt that cheer from Lisa Ann "Drop those pounds, drop those pounds". We can do it. I was afraid for a while no one was going to respond to this thread so I'm glad there are lurkers out there introducing themselves. This forum has been so good for me and I'm sure for others too, We'd love to meet you. I had my first fill today and it was not a big deal at all. Dr gave me some lidocaine and it hurt more than the fill. That put me up to 5cc's and go back in 2 weeks. When I asked him how much he put in he said he knew how we all compare CC's on the forums and reminded me there are no comparisons, people are different. We all need to remember that. I've been averaging 2 lbs a week so he thought that was good. I'm down 12.5 lbs. pre+post op. Slow but sure. You have to remember I am OLD and it takes longer to loose weight so I am told. LOL I am finding it easier to eat more and more often so he said we would let the band start doing it's job and gave me a fill. I must say I love my Dr. My hubby went with me and he likes him a lot too. He thought the whole fill thingy was interesting. I didn't watch. Needles are not my thing after chemo. Does everyone know about those drops called Mlo? I'm not sure if it is new but it is new to me. I got two, berry pomegranate and sweet tea and I really liked them. No calories, no caffeine and I think they were $4.05 and have 25 servings. I found them near the Crystal Light in the grocery. Just in case any of you have not tried it. Going to my first support group meeting tonite. I guess do better with help and someone watching over me. I know from Weight Watchers meetings the folks that go to the meetings and stay for them do better and loose more weight. I'll see if it's a good group or a bunch of downers. I went to a cancer support group meeting once and came away so depressed I never went back. Are any of you going to your Dr's support groups? Blessings, GG
  18. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Aw, thanks and you are welcome. Exercise is hard for me too with my back. I've basically been a big slug the last 2 years but now our little dog is getting more and more walks too. As women, we are all caretakers and I think we tend to feel guilty about a lot of things we do for ourselves. We need to learn to take time for ourselves and learn to not feel guilty about it. You are doing this for yourself and it will work out. Just take it a day at a time and don't beat yourself up. This is your time. Blessings, GG
  19. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    So glad the fill was not bad. I might see first hand tomorrow. I think I heard it takes sometimes a few weeks for your body to register the fill. Don't get discouraged and keep up the good choices and measuring. It is paying off for you. I know we all hoped the typical diet like we all have done was behind us and it will be soon. 22 lbs since the 11th is amazing I think. Congratulations! Blessings, GG
  20. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome Kristina! 20 lbs is very impressive. Good for you. Have you had a fill yet? Blessings, GG
  21. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    You are very welcome. Hang in there, drink Water, take a walk, be good to yourself. Blessings, GG
  22. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    You are very welcome. Hang in there, drink Water, take a walk, be good to yourself. Blessings, GG
  23. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    You are very welcome. Hang in there, drink Water, take a walk, be good to yourself. Blessings, GG
  24. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Hi everybody, Hope you had a great weekend. It's finally cooled off here in NC and feeling like fall. Yeaaaaah! Now for a little pep talk. I'm 3 1/2 weeks post op and like others weight loss is slow. Since surgery I've lost 5.5 llbs and don't feel any restriction. I am eating a lot less than usual, counting my calories and getting in about 900-1100 a day. I'm trying to drink more Water and the last few days I'm doing better. I am walking 15 minutes 2 times a day and it is helping my back and arthritis in general. Since we are all newbies on this forum, we need to lighten up and remember we are healing and we should not expect much until we finish healing. From what I've read that will take at least 6 weeks and more than one fill. Give yourselves time to heal and keep up the good work while you are watching what you are eating and start exercising. If I can do it, a 61 year old grandmother with back problems and arthritis all over, you can do it. Almost all of you are younger and stronger and this is the best thing you have ever done for yourselves. We will look back on this time next year as truly "bander hell" like all of the folks that have gone before us have told us. It's a temporary time that will pass. If you have gained a few pounds don't stress, it will come off eventually. If the people that know you have had surgery ask how it's going tell them "slowly but surely, this is not a quick fix like bypass surgery and I'm in it for the long haul." They will be amazed how hard you're working to get weight off and admire your tenacity. Be kind to yourself and remember this can be a life changing surgery that can be used to achieve your goal of a slimmer more healthy you but it is not a guarantee. You will have to work hard and make good choices and if you do that this time your goal, that has never been reached, IS attainable and we will be amazed at our new selves next year and wonder why we were so stressed about a few pounds. Just keep saying to yourself, "I will not be discouraged, I will not be discouraged, this is a temporary problem, I will not be discouraged " I'm going back to Dr tomorrow and maybe he'll do a fill. Will report back. Have a great week. Blessings, GG
  25. ncgg-5

    Calling all A11s!!

    Welcome Kelly. You are doing really well! Isn't it great to start mushies? Never thought I'd love pureed food but after liquids for so long they are really great. Our kids are all grown and we have a sweet furry kid now too. She is 12 and a rat terrier/Jack Russell mix. Love dogs! Blessings, GG

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