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Posts posted by MelissaAnd

  1. My doctor suggested one activia a day, which I eat at night. It seems to help with the acid reflux. I am also very sensitive to smells right now! Some of which, do make me gag and nauseous!

    I am suppose to take Nexium powder every day, but I can't stand the taste of it. It makes me gag horribly! I do eat a whole-grain cracker at night after my dinner, which has helped me a little as well.

    I am having some pain in my stomach, but I think it is from my acid reflux. Dr doesn't seem to be too concerned about it.

    My biggest complaint right now is my weight-loss stall. I haven't lost anything since my 1 week post-op appt. Seems strange to already be stalled, but seems to be normal from what I read on here. How has your weight loss been?

  2. I'd talk to the doctor about your concerns. If he has been performing gastric bypasses with the laproscopic procedure, then I am sure that the sleeve would be OK performed by him. Ask what training he has had. Tell him your concerns. I know that my doctor appreciates when I tell him my concerns. If after your talk with the dr you still have concerns, then change doctors.

  3. I am 4 weeks post-op but I am still too scared to try any. I miss my morning cup of coffee! I made the mistake of having something with a couple of pieces of Tomato hidden in it and I paid dearly for it for a whole day! I am so scared to try anything acidic or "forbidden" due to this!

    I am glad to hear that I may get to have my daily cup of joe again!

  4. I am also having some issues. I am 3 weeks post-op and almost 4 weeks. I still have no energy and I do still have some issues with certain foods. Smells are definetly an issue for me. I keep hearing it gets better and I hope everyone is right. I am frustrated right now for all of the reasons as well as my weight loss has stalled for 2 full weeks now! UGH! Trying to stay positive, but having a hard time!

  5. I have been stalled since post op week 2. I am on week 4. I did finally loose 1/2 lb, but i am trying to stay positive. I think our bodies kind of go through shock. It was a major surgery that changed our systems forever. I am staying focused and I know that I am still loosing even though the scale is my worst enemy right now! I was told by a good friend to measure myself and not focus on the scale. She was right! I am loosing inches for sure and I know that eventually I will break this stall and start loosing again!

  6. Stay focused on your own goals! I, too, was only 38.5 BMI and everyone told me that I didn't need to get surgery. I could just diet and go to the gym! Well, I did all that and then some and still was overweight!

    I am 3 weeks post-op and I am so happy that I did the surgery. Don't worry about the non-supporters. They will always be there and you don't need to worry about what they think. Look for support from you cheering squad (those who do support you) and remember that this is your choice and you will look great! I really don't care what anyone things about it anymore. It's easier to say that after you have the surgery. I was 214 and I am only 5'1". I was miserable. I am already down to 179 and I feel great!

    STay strong and know that there are many of us on here that will support you 100%:rolleyes:

  7. I would like to be included! I have hit a major stall and I am only 3 weeks post-op! Maybe this will help motivate my weight loss! I am going to set a small goal of just 14 pounds! I just started back at the gym so let's hope will everything that I am trying that I can meet the goal!

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal


  8. I also was only suppose to stay overnight, but ended up staying 3 nights! Be prepared, even if you think it will only be overnight. Sometimes complications happen and you just need a little extra time. Be patient and know that you are taking a big step towards a new and exciting life!

    Things that I took were: Chapstick, hairbrush and hair tie (I have long hair), slippers, my own socks, a reading book, and loose comfortable clothes for going home. I live over 120 miles from where I had my surgery so I had to stay an extra night in a motel just to be sure. I slept the entire time. BUT a pillow for the ride home was well worth it!

    I made sure I got up within 3 hours of being in my room. Then I got up every hour on the hour and walked a loop or two around the hospital wing where I was at. Then I would go back to bed, sip my Water and Protein and rest for about 20 minutes. Only to get back up and do it all over again each hour. I had a hard time sleeping in the hospital so instead of just tossing and turning, I would get up and walk my laps.

    My complications came from Xray giving me too much of the contrast and barium. My dr checks for immediate leaks by xray before releasing you. The stuff they made me drink made me very very sick even though I kept telling them I can't take that much in. Never go to any test without someone with you. I learned this the hard way and I am still recovery from it! AND don't be afraid to second guess anything they want or ask you to do. I was too much in the anesthesia fog to plead too much. I should have had my husband with me. He wouldn't have let them do that to me!

    Good luck and you will do great! Once I made it to pre-op room, my nerves were done. I was ready to just get it over with!

  9. My dr peeled my off at my post-op appt 1 week out. Now I have a small rash near each one. Maybe a reaction to the sticky stuff. I have a slight allergy to latex. I was putting Mederma on them, but stopped because the rash was getting worse. Now I just let them be and they itch like crazy! The incisions all look good and I nothing oozing from them. Just a slight rash and a little irritation. The strips are only there to help make sure the incisions close. I used alcohol swabs from my dr's office. The nurse gave them to me. they are the ones that they use before administering a shot. Worked good to get all the sticky stuff off. Might also be what irritated my skin.

  10. It is so hard to change our minds about eating! I am 21 days post op as well and I still fight my mind about hunger. I have been working really hard to try and eat about every 2-3 hours a small Protein meal. I can't do the shakes, so I have to use real food for my protein. I have had a few pains as well but usually because I ate something I shouldn't have eaten! I had a bit of a noodle from a lasagna Soup and I hurt for hours and throughout the night! however, it did go away and I am still here!

  11. I also have had a mishap and forgot I was sleeved! I think it is still because I am not thinking straight yet! I am glad I am not the only one who has done this. It made me feel so dumb! My family first made sure I was OK and then said, Wow, Mom, You are so BLONDE! It was definetly an uncomfortable time for my stomach, and the laughing didn't help! But, we all make mistakes and it is best to laugh at them and move on. That's what I did!:P

  12. Thanks for sharing your experience. I used to be a social drinker, but after destroying my career and almost my marriage, I am now just a one or two drink once or twice a year kind of gal! I was worried about when i try to drink again. At this point, I am not worried about it because it won't happen until probably this summer. I think as long as you know your risks and stay responsible, you won't hurt anything. The biggest lesson for me, being on 3 weeks post-op, is that my life as I knew it before surgery is done. I am on a new path to life and I hope to find new ways to have fun socially with my friends. Many of them are also now looking into surgery. I understand the high stress of your job! I was a middle school teacher and it was a struggle everyday!

    Hang in there and know that you will find more support on here than non-support. I think that most people are just worried about your well-being. Sounds like you are just testing your new parameters! Stay safe:)!

  13. I am also having trouble with a long stall! I am only 3 weeks post-op and I am still at the same weight that I was 1 week after surgery. It's hard because my husband, who had a roux-n-y said that I am eating too much. I am hardly eating at all!

    I started week 3 post op today with a 20 minute walk on a treadmill at my gym. I also had a wheat toast with some Peanut Butter on it, which I haven't even tried since surgery. I am hoping to have a good meat Protein with some fresh veggies for lunch. Plus I am trying so hard to drink Water. I know that I am not getting enough in, but I get closer each day!

    If I continue to stall, I am not sure what I will do. I really had hoped to have lost more by now. It is really frustrating! If anyone has some good advice, I will gladly take it! It is really nice to know that I am not alone on this journey!

  14. Man! This is tough! I am 2 weeks post-op as of tomorrow. My weight is quickly dropping, clothes are already falling off but I am struggling.

    I am on full liquids still but am not able to get much of anything other than Water and the occational greek yogurt down. I'm really feeling the affects of it right now too. My body is just very worn down. I feel nauseaous most of the time, the idea of Jello and pudding even makes me feel sick now. I can't tolerate the taste of cream Soups either. Protein drinks are a big no for my sleeve too. Today I did try a little instant mashed potatoes with gravy, maybe an 1/8 of a cup if that (had a few WLS friends suggest it to at least get something in) and still 4 hours later I have this feeling of fullness. My stomach has been rumbling non-stop for a week and its really annoying.

    I'm just not sure what to do or think, or if I am just being a whiney baby and need to suck it up. I know the first few weeks are the hardest but I was really hoping I could at least get some soups down or something.

    I am also 2 weeks post-sleeve, but I am on mushy foods now. I was very weak and had a very hard time with the liquids. I became very sick in the hospital after xray made me drink barium at full strength. So, I now have little tolerance for anything sweet. I haven't been able to drink my Protein shakes, Jello, or crystal light. The day I started eating mushy foods I began to feel better! I usually have a scrambled egg (only eat about 1/3), cottage cheese and peaches (sugar-free), Water and more water, applesauce, chicken broth or chicken Soup pureed in a Magic Bullet, yogurt (I can eat this!), thinly sliced meat such as chicken or turkey and I chew until my jaw hurts! Next weekend, my doctor said I can try cheese and potatoes and begin transitioning into phase 3, but slowly! I am very worried becasue I just can't stomach the shakes anymore. I have powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken soup and unflavored, but since my sleeve, I can't stomach these either!

    The best advice I can give you is to hang in there and when you do finally get to have mushy foods, eat very slow. I give myself an hour and what is left, I throw away.

    I am now having issues with heartburn, which started at the hospital. Dr gave me prilosec to try and I couldn't handle it. Then Nexium and still no luck. Hopefully, you will have more success with heartburn than I. Best of luck to you!

  15. I had surgery 2/28 and I am also having problems with acid reflux. Dr. puts all patients on a prilosec or nexium powder. I tried both, but they make me so ill that I can't drink the whole thing. Not sure what to do. The pain is horrible! It had me up all night last night. Plus when I take my Vitamins, it makes it worse! I have tried to take them with food, with Water, with nothing....but it is always the same.

  16. Thx for the info Melissa, that's pretty expensive. I've definitely have to sit down and chat with my surgeon's office. I don't think I can do it if it is going to be that much. :-(

    Be sure to also talk to the hospital about their anticipated fees. I am hoping that mine will be less than what they anticipate. The program fee was the biggest chunk! I had to apply for CareCredit in order to do it, even though I am anti-credit right now! However, the surgeon I am seeing is the closest one to where I live and is 130 miles away. I don't have a lot of options. Besides, my health is worth it and my family supports it.

    Definetly do your research and talk to every facility and doctor that you will see. Your surgeon will be your best resource. I hope that you are able to find a way to do the procedure! Even though I am now in the poor house for awhile, I am still glad that I am able to find ways to get it taken care of. My surgery in Monday, Feb 28.

    Good luck and keep me posted!

  17. Subscribe.

    I too have a PPO Anthem Blue Cross. I don't mind going to San Francisco. I'm keeping a good eye on this forum as I have just passed my First Dr. approval ..my general doctor. He recommended someone who does Gastric Bypass, but the doctor called me saying that he wanted to preform his FIRST VSG with me........ummmm..well, no offense "Doc" but I may choose to travel to San Francisco "singing happy tunes" before I volenteer to be your "first" VSG patient. I appreciated the pep talk over the phone though LOL.

    Anyways, Nov 11th 2010 just months ago Anthem Blue Cross approved this VSG surgery and I'm glad my regular doctor is supportive.

    I'm READY to go the next step and I have a healthy jealousy of all you wonderful people who have had it done and having your life change. "I'm in".

    Kev :D

    I live in very far northern California and I have Anthem Blue Cross. The closest surgeon to me in 130 miles away in Chico, Ca. I chose to go with North Valley Surgical Associates: Dr. Ludwig. They have a program fee which is very high, but considering how far I have to travel, it is worth it. I hope you have success with the surgeon you found. It sounds like it!

    Best of luck!

  18. Hello everyone, I'm currently on my 5th month of my 6 month supervised medically supervised diet. I'm almost done and wondering if anyone had out of pocket fees even with insurance. I have BCBS in San Diego, CA. Thanks

    I have a large amount of out of pocket even with insurance. The surgeon I am going to requires a program fee of $3500. The hospital is anticipating their costs to be about $3000. The labwork, xrays, and EKG that was required are still being processed. So, it almost feels like I don't even have insurance with how much they expected me to pay! Every plan is different. I thought we had decent insurance, but I am finding out through all of this that it is a horrible plan and I probably would have been better off as a self-pay patient!

    I have Anthem Blue Cross California. My husband works for the state, so it is the Large Pers Group Plan. It is expensive and covers so little, so it seems!

  19. Hi Melissa!

    Wow, sounds like you really struggled to get qualified! ;) Don't worry about that on the serious side. I was sleeved in September and I was very restricted during the holidays - so I couldn't eat but a bite of this or a taste of that. I kinda felt I missed out on a lot. I'm happy you were able to enjoy one last Holidays with a normal stomach.

    You're also quite lucky you got your date so quickly! Get ready because it will get here VERY fast. Enjoy the ride!!!

    A girlfriend of mine also had surgery near the end of September, only she had the roux-en-y procedure. She said her holidays were pretty much like what you explained. We joked about it and I told her that I would eat all the "bad" stuff for her! We had a lot of fun with that. She said it helped make her stay more focused because she hated to see me have to go through all of that. It was very comforting!

    My family asked me who was going to cook next year, as I always make Christmas dinner. I told them that even though I will be limited on what I can eat and how much, that I still plan to make their dinner as special as always! I just might add a few items that I can have.

    So funny how people worry so much about food! I was one of them!

    The date is definetly coming up VERY fast! I am so excitied!

    Thank you and I wish you continued success with your weight-loss:)!

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