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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DawnH

  1. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    When I had my surgery they had liquid prevacid going in my IV. When I left the hospital they gave me a 3 month supply of Nexium (I don't have reflux) to help with the healing in the stomach. They didn't say how long I have to take it but I am going to check on Tues when I have my post op. Long story short, your dr may give you some sort of meds like prevacid or nexium..... That bowel prep was no joke!!!
  2. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    I totally agree about anything out of the ordinary freaking you out. I am right there with you.
  3. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Do you think maybe it was heartburn from tomato soup? I know all drs seem to have different guidelines but mine said no tomato soup because irritation or heartburn during the healing process. Did they give you any rx for heartburn? Mine gave me Nexium and I don't even have heartburn but they said it helps with the healing process.
  4. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    I don't remember who was asking about recipes but I found this website that had some yummy recipes for post WLS. It is http://www.livingafterwls.com . They had some good ones Can't wait to eat regular food, I guess just to have a bigger variety, lol.
  5. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Make sure you are clear about how long for clear liquids and when can you go to full liquids. I was confused and was still doing clear when I could have been doing full. That stunk, lol.
  6. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    There are a lot of good suggestions on the food section here on lap band talks. There is also a book 'Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies' that has tons of good recipes in it. Take care!
  7. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Okay, this is a silly question but for those of you that are post-op and still on the liquid diets is there something that you can't wait to eat when you get on the pureed/mushies part? I am craving refried beans! It is the weirdest thing but that just sounds so good. I go to my post op on Tuesday so I am hoping to advance them so I can have some, lol. Just a silly question
  8. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Make sure they are the Gas X strips and I wouldn't worry too much about getting fruits and veggies yet. It will be a little while before you can have those and they will probably go bad before you can have them. I would think the hospital will give you pain meds but my dr. didn't give me any rx for nausea meds once I left the hospital so you may want to check if they will give you some for once you get home. I know I could have used some at home. Good luck!
  9. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Good luck to all the people being banded today!
  10. I'm in Onederland :)

  11. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Sorry you had a bad night! The first night after I had surgery I had gas pains so bad I had to get up in the middle of the night and walk around the nurses station to make them go away. I would think the dizzyness might be from the meds. I know the liquid lortab they gave me said it can cause dizzyness. I hope you are taking it easy. Make sure you get plenty of rest so you can heal . Take care! Dawn
  12. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    So sorry for what you are going through! What crappy timing. I think they are all right that you should not cancel the surgery. Maybe the timing is just how it should be. Time to focus all on you. Hope you can make the decision that is right for you . Take care!
  13. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Congrats Eric, that is awesome! Can't wait till my post-op next week to see how I am doing. Did they advance your diet stage?
  14. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    I just told my husband he should be thanking me because that is just longer I get to live because I will be healthier
  15. I had my surgery last Monday and the dr put me on clear liquids for a couple days and now full liquids, cream soups, thinned cream of wheat, sugar free fudgesicles/popsicles, and stuff that consistency. Good luck!
  16. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Good luck today! I am sure it will go really well!
  17. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Mine is a little below the biggest incision. Now that the swelling is going down I can feel it when I stand up.
  18. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Mine was the exact same way! Supportive but then didn't want to talk about it and was questioning me about why I wanted to do it. Finally when I told him I was doing it for me and me only, because he kept telling me I was fine the way I am. I think that woke him up that it was something I was determined to do for me it was like a light bulb went off. Good luck!
  19. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Thanks so much guys! It is so nice to have people that are going through the same stages. I only have one other friend that has had it 2 1/2 yrs ago so that has been nice but it's nice this group is all in it at the same time. Dawn
  20. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Thanks for the reassurance. I guess I am just freaking out a little because I expected to be less sore and I am not pushing it either. I hate feeling out of commission. My husband is going back to work tomorrow and has duty (he is in the Navy) so I guess I am just sort of stressing about doing it on my own with 4 kids. I thought I would feel a lot better by now . Thanks for your help! Are you still sore some? I know we were banded the same day or a day apart right? I was last Monday. Dawn
  21. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    Hi all- Okay for those of you banded more than a week ago did you still have some pain? I am still sore up under my ribs. I don't know if this is normal or if something could have gone wrong. I don't know if I am just being paranoid and thought I would feel better quicker. Don't get me wrong, I am feeling better day by day but thought I would feel better sooner. Thanks! Dawn
  22. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    You totally sounds like me last weekend. I was banded last Monday and Sat and Sun prior I was a mess stressing out. I was so excited to have it, had been going through the process since May and then the weekend before, scared, questioning myself, nervous. I think it is a totally normal feeling and let me tell you once you are on the flip side of the surgery you will feel so much better about your decision. Just try and relax today. The only things I took were my nook, a brush, toothbrush and my own pajamas. The anesthesia.... they will just give you some medicine to relax you in the pre-op room and I am usually done by then so I don't even remember going to sleep. Next thing I knew they were waking me up telling me I was all done and they were giving me some oxygen to help bring me out of it. Like I said just try to relax today and think of where you will be in 24 hours. You will be well on your way to a healthier life. Good luck and keep us posted!
  23. DawnH

    September Bandsters

    I am all for a post op group too. This is a good place to vent, get suggestions and support. Good luck to the people being banded tomorrow!

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