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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LovelyT

  1. I can see a change in my face as well. Not quite as round as it was. I am down about 23 pounds since the beginning of my preop diet, Sept 1. That is a lot of weight to lose in one month!! I am having all kinds of NSVs. Back in jeans for the first time in forever. I had refused to buy any larger AGAIN after ridding myself of the 24s and above the last time I lost it. So I just had to wait to get back in my 22s that I outgrew this time last year. My shirts that were tight are beginning to get a bit too lose as well. I love this part of losing weight. Also, I am finding it easier to shower and can reach parts of myself that had needed assistance. I may just retire the back brush in a few more pounds. that may be TMI, but it is a real NSV in my book.

    I know exactly what you mean! Clothes that I had put away in a box because they didnt fit anymore are starting to fit! Im so excited :) I have TONS of clothes that I kept from my "skinny days" & I cant wait to start fitting into them. Not only that, I had a bad habit of buying clothes that didnt fit me because I was always on a diet & thought I would lose the weight. We're talking brand new clothes with the tags still on! I have a whole new wardrobe waiting for me & its nice that I can look at them at know that I will be fitting in them soon instead of just hoping!

    Congrats on your weight loss! Lets keep it up & get rid of the back brush:)

  2. I'm glad I found this post op group too! I was banded on 9/22 so this is day 6 for me and have been struggling with this liquid diet bad! I actually ordered the unflavored powder and cant wait for it to get here so I can try to put it in Soups and juice. I am so sick of the shakes so its hard for me to get them down. Which is making me hungry since i'm not eating. I have had the shoulder pain and its much better but still there. My insision site is still sore its on my left side in the middle area. But i'm back to work because I was going crazy in the house. I have been up and down with emotions and breakdowns. But not only did I just go thru surgery Me and my boyfriend of 4 years broke up a week before my surgery. Its been a daily struggle for me and I'm just trying to take things one day at a time. Some days are good some are bad. I cant wait to eat more. I was making mac & cheese for my son last night and I took 2 bites and i felt like such a failure! But so far today is a better day.. Also drinking all the Water is hard because i'm not used to sipping i'm used to gulping. All of these changes are going to take time I know but I hope it gets easier soon!! Good luck to everyone and hopefully we can all rely on eachother for advice and support.

    I was banded the day after you! I too had a moment where I caved. I was so hungry that it hurt to stand up straight! I ate 4 bites of a piece of ham & cheese. I was so embarassed even though noone saw me, I felt HORRIBLE, & not because it hurt physically, but because I feel like I let myself down. Sounds a little cheesy (mmm cheese), but I just went through this whole ordeal with surgery, all the pre-op testing, & pain....& I felt like I was throwing it out the window. But, it happened & it WILL NOT happen again.

    Also, breakups are rough-let alone dealing with this weight loss process. This is your time to focus on you! Remember that, & look forward to him eating his heart out when he sees the "new" you! :)

  3. I'm getting Banded on Friday as well!

    Though Mine is Outpatient so i'm in at 5am surgery at 6am then out as soon as I'm able to walk and keep Water down!

    Has anyone else been banded as an outpatient?

    If so what time did you go in/out?

    I got banded at a surgery center as well. My surgery was scheduled for 10:30 but it got started a little later than that (the Dr. was running late). I got taken into the O.R about 10:50ish & I woke up from surgery about 12:30. They gave me some medication for the nausea & pain & made me "wake up". I was up & out by 1:15. It was actually a lot faster than I thought. They didnt even make me walk or go to the bathroom like I've read they had some other people do.

    The day after tomorrow for you!! How exciting :) Good luck!

  4. Hi all! I was banded yesterday & reeeeally feeling these horrible gas pains I've heard so much about! I've been using the Gas-x strips & trying to walk as much as possible, but still NOTHING! I've never wanted to burp or pass gas more in my entire life! (sexy, I know) sleeping has been tough. I cant sleep for more than 1-2 hours at a time or even just sit & relax. Its only day 1 though, so I know it may get worse. I keep telling myself that this pain & uncomfort is a small price to pay for health & happiness :)

  5. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kind words. Its funny how perfect strangers on the internet can comprehend me & my struggles more than friends & family that I've know for years can. The surgery went well. I couldnt believe that I actually did it! The nurses said the first thing I said when I woke up was "Am I skinny now?"lol...not quite! Excited for this journey to get the kick start that I need, good luck to you all!!

  6. I Identify about the whole seating issue. Having to sit in the handicap seat at school,

    praying to God that I don't get assigned to the middle seat when flying.

    Hoping that the airline attendant doesn't pull me to the side and make me pay for being to fat to fly.

    Bathroom stalls, benches, seats at restaurant's, roller coasters, dentist chairs, seats in classrooms, folding chairs,

    I can go on and on but I'm leaving that old world behind and moving on.

    I pray that you're surgery goes smoothly and that you have a fast and event-less recovery!

    OMG, ALL of the above has happened to me. I always try to show up early to class to get first dibs on the handicap seat or at least find a seat before anyone gets there so they dont see me struggle to squeeze in the seat:( But I guess no more sad faces right? Thank you for your comment, & my name is Tanya too( And you even spell it the RIGHT way :))!

  7. Im sitting here 12 hours til my surgery & Im a ball of emotions right now. Excited, anxious, scared, nervous, hungry....

    Its weird because up until today I was pretty excited about what was gonna happen but now that its finally here Im finding myself surprisingly emotional. I feel like I have been waiting my entire life for this. I've been overweight since birth & have known nothing else. I know there is no guarantee that this will work for me & I got a hell of a long way to go, but Im ready to put in the work. Im tired of living my life this way & Im ready to say goodbye. Good bye to looking at chairs with dread & wondering if Im going to fit in them or break them. Goodbye to cardigans & jackets over everything to hide my fat arms.( Even during the hot summer!) Goodbye to turning down invitations to hang out with friends I havnt seen in awhile because I dont want them to see how fat I have gotten. Goodbe to hearing "you have such a pretty face" or "You would be so pretty if you lost some weight". Am I suppose to take that as a compliment?! Goodbye to hiding behind my camera. I went to Vegas for the first time 4 months ago & took tons of pictures of my friends having the time of their lives.Tell me why Im not in one damn picture? Any picture I took with myself in it got deleted when I saw how fat I looked in it. This sounds dumb, but I cant wait to update my profile picture on Facebook with a picture that's not from the face up & from 3 years ago when I wasn't as fat.

    Good bye to not being able to take a compliment from my loving fiance who tells I look beautiful, to only get my "shut up" or "whatever" response. Or even worse, that being together for 6 years & living together for 3, I still make him turn around or close his eyes when I change or I am naked. Goodbye to the looks of pitty I've seen in people's eyes. I was at a store one time & there was a lady & her child in the isle with me. When I passed them with my cart the little boy said "Whoa Mommy, she's faaaat!" . The woman mouthed an appoligy to me while looking embarassed & scolded her son. But no one was embarassed as I was. I sat in my car in the parking lot & cried. Did this 6 year old kid really make me cry? I felt like I was in grade school again. I never want to feel like that again. I'v lost 36 pounds in the last 2 1/2 monhs with diet & excersize alone & can't wait to have this tool to help keep it up. I guess my final good bye should be to the "old" me. The over weight, unhealthy & unhappy me. Im ready to start living the life I've always wanted to live & Im ready to show my body the love it deserves.

  8. Hi everybody! New to this thread but loved reading everybody's stories & experiences. My surgery date is Sept. 23! I am the most impatient person in the world & this is going to be the looongest week ever. I cant wait to start living the life that I've always wanted to live! Good luck to you all, its nice to know that we're all going through this together :)

  9. Hi everybody! Im new to LBT. My surgery date is Set. 23, & Im beyond excited! I just started my job not too long ago & dont have very much sick time accumulated. What should I excpect? Will I be in a lot of pain? I've read different people's posts, some say its not bad...and other's say its the worst pain in the world. I sit at a desk all day at work, so I dont move around a whole lot.

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