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Posts posted by Mrs.Riene

  1. Hi March Sleevers! I'm really happy I found this site, especially this group! My surgery is March 15th and I couldn't be more excited! I'm definitely a little nervous, but as I get closer and closer, my outlook about my future just gets brighter.

    Looking forward to be going through this journey with all of you!!

    Glad you found us and welcome to the March Sleevers group.

  2. Well my fellow March Sleever. Yesterday I went to see my cardio for a checkup and was very surprise as to what she shared. All this time I taught she did not support my decision to proceed with the VSG. On the contrary she totally supported it. As a matter of fact she demanded the insurance company to approve me. In her letter to them she emphasis that I need this surgery to ensure my heart remain in the condition it is and she felt that if I did not proceed with the surgery and continue on the path I was on my later years would be feel with many heart complication. Boy, this puts everything into prospective when it come to my nervousness regarding this surgery. Her first question to me at the appointment was "When is your surgery scheduled?" I told her March 29 and she ask why so late. I then got scared as to why the rush, she simply state that she just feel that insurance company are guilty in pushing thing off for their needs and not the patience. I told her that was not the case that I choice that date because of my work schedule. Well to ensure my surgery is a success, I am going to start my road to a healtier me now, by being smartier in the things I eat and the amount of food I consume.

    On my way to a Healthier me!!!

  3. I am some what new to this forum. I have been a observer/reader of your posts and have to admit this group seems to be lot friendlier then some of the others I have read. Especially one I read this morning. It was one under tell "Your Story", can I say crazy and somewhat mean. But that is that forum. All I wanted to say congrats to all of the March sleevers. This is our month when our journey to a new us begins.

  4. Im in excruciating pain because of my cyatic nerve (sorry if my spelling is off) so i can't really exercise...

    Blackanese25 not sure about the insurance but I know a little about sciatic nerve problems. I always get them especially if I turn the wrong way in a chair. The best thing my chiropractor suggested to me when I feel them is to put ice compress on the area of your back were you sciatic nerve is (15 min off, 15 min on). I know this sound simply but it really works. Once the swelling went down I was able to function again. I hope this helps.

  5. Hello All:

    I have a surgery date of March 1st. I am not scared, just a little anxious. I'm not going alone, however my companion is also having surgery on the same day. I am just looking forward to the pay off.

    Time2Lose and Companion today is your day also! I just realized that you are Leederz were having your surgery done on the same day. I will be praying for you both that everything is successful before, during and after surgery.

  6. march 8th is my date, getting anxious,

    Congratulation, your time is during near. Only a week and three days away and you will be on the other side of your journey. I too have been counting the days down, but I can't say I am anxious yet. It's just that I have been inundated with alot of information about what my other doctors want me to try. I haven't share with them anything I am doing with the exception of my pcp. But it seems they all want to share some new weight management book. All I can say to myself is why now, for 15 years I have been trying to lose this weight and now that I have a date for WLS. Seems that everyone is trying to get me to go in another direction. One of my doctor told me to read a book called "Wheat Belly". I read the introduction and of course it is another book talking about wheat how it so bad for you, now. When just a few years ago everyone was saying eat wheat because it is the most healthy thing you can eat. Know wonder more people are having weight issues. Even the medical community is confused about what should and should not eat. I am just so tired of all of the fabs on weight diet and of advertisement about what is right then in a few years later they circle back around after everyone switch over to tell us what we are eating now is bad. I am just going to shut out all of the noise and do what I plan to do.

  7. yay for March sleevers!! I will be sleeved on March 20! I am super excited but also scared of a million things.....I love the VST boards for all the information and support! Thanks Mrs. Riene for starting the group so we can all follow each others journey easily!

    JayhawkJess33, glad to see you found our group. Welcome.

  8. In my younger days I was exactly 125 lbs and 5'6, were talking about 26 years ago. When I look at all of my picture back then I felt like I was to skinny and most of my friend would agree. My daughter comment when she look at those picture " Mom you needed a sandwich". In other words you were W-W-W-way to skinny. I just want to be in the 150 range, I think I would look alot healthier, not just skinny.

    Also food for thought when I was that skinny I had other issues that required me to eat a great deal, low blood sugar.

    My goal is to lose the weight I need to remain healthy not just skinny.

  9. Ok, I google to see if there was something out there that would explain the reason why they prescribe blood thinner with VSG.

    The following is what I found:

    The formation of blood clots is rare, but it is one of the potential gastric sleeve surgery risks, however it occurs in less than 1% of the gastric sleeve patients. A blood clot posses a big risk for the obese patients who are undergoing this type of bariatric surgery. A blood clot that breaks into the blood stream can be very life threatening or even fatal. That is why a blood thinner will be prescribed before the surgery and specially designed leg fittings are frequently used during the surgery. Early ambulation is also advised. To avoid blood clots from forming, it is a good idea to get out of bed and walk around a few times a day to keep the blood circulating properly, and avoid this as it is one of the more serious gastric sleeve surgery risks.

  10. Good Morning March Sleevers,

    To Mambomama, I total understand where you are coming from all of the naysayers and their friend stories. I have been on this journey of fulfilling all of the requirements to satisfy the insurance company. During that time know one express anything for or against me doing this. It is just now after all of the approvals are in and the date is set that people want to start commenting or share their "my friend" stories. They always share a story of someone who died or someone who has had many additional surgeries (plastic surgery) because of the weight loss. I told them if that is what makes them people happy then that is on them. I feel that we are all here to live this thing called life and that no one has the blueprint to tell someone else what they did wrong or right. So when I a confronted with a naysayer I simple tell them, “If you have not walk in my shoes or lived my life, then keep your comments to yourself."

    Keep your head up; you are making the right decision for you. When all of the weight is gone and you are able to enjoy life as you have dream, those naysayer will be that ones that say" Girl, you should have done that a long time ago"

    I am with you on organizing the house, plus I have a goal of painting every room before my surgery. I just want to start out fresh and new including everything around me.

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