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Posts posted by Mrs.Riene

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I haven't been on Vertical Sleeve for a while. Everything is going great. Ok where do I begin, my stats.

    Starting weight 250

    Current weight 163

    Goal Weight 150

    Overall everything is great I am now able to eat pretty much anything I want and with no side effects. I have tried everything to see if there is anything I can't eat, as of today I can eat everything. My favorite is fruit, sunflower seeds and my recipe for a mega Protein smoothie, for which I just love. As far as exercise, well I was going really strong during the hot months. Since it is cold where I live exercising is becoming none existence. The past couple of days I decide to break some of the exercises tapes I have accumulated over the past decade. Right now I am trying Billy Blank Tae Bo Boot Camp and boy, I am really sore, so I guess it is working. Also at my job they have a workout room that I can go to during my lunch break and work out there. I know some of you are asking why she hasn’t used her company gym when it got cold. Well to answer your question for the last couple of months our workout room was under construction. Now it is open I plan on using it with the combination of my tapes.

    Hey I was wondering if anyone is deal with friends who make comments or treat you differently since you lost your weight. Here lately some of my friends have been making comments like "you don't need to lose any more weight" or "you are trying to fit back into you teenage years". My favorite was "You must have done more than weights lose surgery because no one looks like that after losing close to 100 lbs. Sometime I just don't know where they are coming from. Am I supposed to be happy with these types of comments? I am not! They are really starting to get on my nerves. Especially because they are coming from ladies who I felt were in my corner. After talking with my husband who explained that some of their comments from some are genuine and those ladies do care, but the other are coming from jealousy place. The ladies who are saying the most are my friend that are overweight. They are constantly telling me not to lose any more weight or if you lose more weight you will become unhealthy. These are the same ladies who currently suffer from high BP, diabetes, knee issues and host of other ailments. I am not a rail I just feel good and am very proud I can shop at stores I like.

    Well enough on that, as I was saying previously I love my life and I am enjoying every moment of it from discovering I love to shop, especially boots to the fact that I can now walk up several flights of stairs without feeling like I am going to need some oxygen from an oxygen tank. My children are constantly telling me that they did not realize how big I was; when they look back on old picture they are amazed. Someone once asked me if I would have this surgery again and I told them yes and wish I had done it sooner. To all of my VSG beginners keep pressing your way to your surgery date. Life after VSG is amazing!!!

  2. Hey Guys! I haven't been by in a while. All is well. I am at 204.4lbs down from my starting weight of 262. I am excited as I am fitting into all these clothes I'd refused to throw out when I was too big for them. In fact I am finding that some that didn't fit three weeks ago are not a bit on the big side! I have to constantly remember to try things on so I don't shrink past the size without enjoying the outfits at least once!

    I have been having issues keeping up with my food intake. I try to do the Protein Shakes but I just can't seem to get at least 2 in...heck in the last few days I've been luck to get one. I am not just not hungry anymore. I get nauseated at the smell of a lot of different types of food. I am still trying out various things but very little seems to work and what worked last week is not guaranteed to work this week. I am currently sitting here with a glass of milk and some watermelon.

    I do need to keep up with my Vitamins too...swallowing pills is still a challenge unless its a small pill. The chewable vitamins may be tolerable one week and make me want to throw up the next! I do need to get on something to boost my energy levels though...maybe it's time I go see my primary care physician huh?

    Ref the cold...I have noticed that!! Less fat insulating us now I guess. Hope everyone is doing well!!

    Time2Lose I to have not been on the site in awhile. Just been very busy, with life. I have been losing but not as fast as I was previous. Only 1 to 2 lbs a week, I did hit onerland a few weeks ago and was very excited about that but since I a totally slow down to a turtle crawl. I have increased my excerising in hope this will jump start my weight lose again. Over all everything else going well.

    I do have one question for those who are in their 3 - 4 months stage. Alot of people talk about hair lose. I was wondering when did you start noticing your Hair loss? I am currently about 3-4 months out and have not notice it yet. I am a little worry about it and was trying to get a jump start on prevention. I have been taking Biotin, Fish Oil and my Multi-Vitamin religiously, I hope this helps.

  3. Hello Mrs. Riene...thanks very much for your comment. I'll look into my Iron thing. Currently I'm taking 56mg of Iron (ferrous fumarate) right before bed so I'm not sure where my iron levels are right now. The shivering is not as frequent as it was in my first month, but I still get them from time to time. Thanks.

    Emy B you are so welcome. In the first months our body is really trying to figure out what the heck we did. So it is to be expected for you to experience some type of effect from the surgery. I would be more concern if the effect last long then the first month. By your reply I it sounds like everything is leveling out and your are starting to feel much better. I also kept taken all of my Vitamins, even the ones that were prescribe to me prior to surgery, D, Iron and Multi. Now since I had my first lab appt and I got the all clear. I now just take my multi, I will probably start my D up again in the winter, when the sun a less like to be full.

    Just take it easy and journal your issues. This was very helpful when I do see my doctor. It help me to ensure I told him everything whether I was still experience the issues or not.

  4. Hello Mrs, Reine and every other March Sleever!

    While I do not experience "feeling cold" it is probably because my previous anemia is no longer a problem since my recent menopause :). My 3 month blood work show a slightly elevated hemoglobin for the first time in forever! I also increased my thyroid dose a few months ago, so I am feeling warm and cozy at the moment! But, I do know the feeling of "cold" in the past due to hypothyroidism and anemia!

    My surgery was March 1 and to date I have lost 27 pounds since surgery(225 now down from surgery weightof 252) and 57 pounds total (from max of 282). I am thrilled and trying not to compare my rather slow and steady loss with the rest of you fast losers! I am trying to see the big picture and the long journey! I am so happy I did this though and feel for me it is easier than dieting without surgery by far. I suffered a lot while dieting, both from wanting to eat more than I was supposed to eat, craving carbs, overeating and feeling tired, and feelings of guilt and condemnation etc etc. I was never a big loser or fast loser, so I am trying to "be content in whatever state I am in". I wish I had practiced that more while I was struggling with dieting. It seemed no matter where I was on the weight scale from 4th grade on, I was never happy with my size. Now looking back, I was pretty cute at 160 pounds!

    One downside is that my bloodpressure is up since surgery so my BP med was doubled. My HA1c (diabetes sugar test) is also up to 6.0 from ptr-op of 5.7 before surgery and we are not sure why, but most likely a fluke from menopause happening at the same time. I would likely be worse if it had not been for the surgery. I am not discouraged but more determined than ever to keep up my exercise regime and make healthy choices.

    I struggle now most when I eat out or am at special meals. I tend to overeat and it takes only a teaspoon or two extra and I feel nauseated and it comes back up. Fortunately this happens infrequently. My brain is getting closer to my stomach.

    Here are a few things I have done since surgery that I have not done for a long time:

    1) Playing tennis with son and daughter

    2) Riding a rollercoaster

    3) Kayaking

    4) Bogie boarding in the ocean

    There is still much I am not doing, but I have the taste for living life to the fullest! Thanks for your support everyone!!!



    Thank you mambomama for sharing your story and information. In losing my motto is slow and steady. We all did not put this weight on a few short weeks and cannot expect it to shred overnight. Just keep on enjoying all of the new adventure, we are experiencing. The weight will start shredding and before you know it you will be at your goal weight. Mambomama you have the right attitude and outlook, enjoy your time with your family, especially your children. Keep on enjoying your new found life adventures.

  5. Hi =) ... I was sleeved March 26. Happy to have found this group. My experience so far has been surreal since I had been used to eating all day and even into the very late night, which is not happening now, thank goodness. I'd like to learn how everyone else is coming along so far and if anyone is experiencing that they are feeling cold all the time. I used to just wear shorts and a tank top to bed at night, but now I've been wearing full fledged pajamas because I find myself shivering quite a bit before I get to sleep. Has anyone else been experiencing this?

    It sound like you are suffering from low Iron (anemic). I used to have this problem during that time of the month and would have to take Iron supplements to ease the side effect of being anemic. Maybe you should see you doctor and let him know you are having this issue.

    Hope you start feeling better soon.

  6. Hit onederland this morning!!! Whoo Hoo! Sooo exciting! Now to just get the last 69 off!!!

    Congrats Kellie!!!

    Yesterday morning I hit onederland and was so shock and excited. I have been riding at the 202 - 206 mark for some time and wasn't sure if this was actual or my scale acting up again.

  7. Well March Sleevers,

    I am down to 200lbs, did not make it to my under 200lbs goal I have wanted prior to my birthday. But I am happy with the results. So far everything is great, I am losing alot of inches which is becoming more noticable. The clothes issues is still on-going and probably want be resolved until much later. I have now given all of my main clothes and some of the 2nd closet clothes away, with the exception of a pair of jeans I am keeping as a reminder. My 3 months Dr. Appt is Monday and I hope I can lose a few more lbs before. Overall everything is ok and processing as I should.

    I haven't heard from you all in quite sometime. Is everyone ok?

  8. I like wearing the workout tanks with the built in bras. The ones I have fit tight against the body, but not so tight as a compression garment. Do you think this would be comfortable post op, or would some that is loose and flowy be better?

    I wore loose clothes home from the hospital and for several weeks after. At about the 3rd week I could put on workout pants and workout shirt. With all of the bandages, I just wanted to ensure I wounds were able to feel properly.

  9. Thanks, Mrs. Riene, for your replies and insights. I stopped posting because I developed a leak and abscess 1 week post-op, and I didn't feel up to sharing about it yet. I was re-admitted twice - at 7 days and again at 14 days post-op. I'm home now, still healing. I haven't had any food or liquid by mouth since March 24th. I'm getting all my nutrition from a TPN - a bag that pumps liquid nutrition into me while I'm sleeping - through a PICC line in a vein. I have a drain installed through my upper abdomen that goes to the abscess to remove stuff - we won't go there. I'm going to have an upper GI later this week, and we'll be able to see how much progress the abscess is making in healing. Then I suppose we'll have some idea of how much longer this will go on. My doctor has been absolutely terrific. She calls me every Wednesday, sees me every Friday, and is available for questions all the time. I know this was not her fault. She has done so many of these surgeries. I'm just one of the 1 - 2% of people this happens to.

    I'll tell you one thing - I am SO grateful my health insurance paid for the surgery. I keep thinking about all the people who either don't have insurance or it wouldn't pay for their WLS. They would go bankrupt if this happened to them!

    I am healing, and I will be all better (and a LOT thinner) soon. Cheers!

    drumonkey23 I am glad to hear you are healing, just take it slow and heal right. As someone told me after I had a major surgery, you only have one time to heal and to heal correctly after any surgery. So take it easy and make sure you are getting all of your Vitamins, Protein and liquid in.

  10. At a stall for 3 weeks. I know it will pass but mentally it's frustrating!! =) I keep second guessing myself and that doesn't make it any better. Trying to stay motivated and positive! I did start working out this week so I'm hoping that will kick start me again.

    I've only lost a total of 42lbs since beginning this journey. Sleeved March 29th.

    The other day saw a video on Youtube regarding stalls and the individual was saying that if you can get in your daily allowance of Protein, the weight start shredding off faster. So I put it to the test and they were right. Yesterday I was at 210 which I have been at for the longest. I work hard to make sure I got in my daily allowance of Protein and liquid went to dance class. This morning I lost 2lbs, I am going to try and keep this up to see if I continue to drop.

  11. Well March Sleevers it has been several weeks since I last posted to this group. I am doing great. I am losing a lot of inches and some weight. I am now able to eat more different kinds of foods. I haven't had any real issue with food and pretty much eat whatever I feel I like. With the exception of sugary and fried foods, I have lost a total of 42 lbs. since I last posted, which I am really happy about. I am only 8lbs from being in the 100's which I haven't seen in a very long time.

    My clothes, well I had thought that I would be ok with the clothes I have in my closets, but I am not. It seems that when I try on something one week it’s too tight. The next week they are more than a little loose. I have given some of clothes to some friends and the other day I was looking at what I had left to see if I could coordinate something together, but no such luck. Then I decide to go a get me something, but I am not use to being this size and the clothes I can fit are not fitting me right. I like to look classy, so no tight clothes on me. The sale lady at Dress Barn was getting a little bit frustrated with me because everything she brought in I had a problem with it. What is wrong with me. I usually can find something I like in 5 min after entering a store, now it take me several hours. At the end of the day I purchased a pair of shoes and a hat, so unlike me. I start working out because I heard it help tighten up areas that are being a little stubborn. I hope I will start seeing the results soon, so I can get back into the clothes style I like.

  12. Congratulations Jeni!! I understand exactly how you feel about eating. Sometimes I wish I could just take a pill 3 times a day and get all the nutrition I need.

    Thank you! I'm relearning my body, but the weight is starting to come off, so I suppose I'm doing something right. Congrats on getting down to your other closet!! Way to go! We have similar goals. I want to lose another 20 before my sisters graduation in June. When is your birthday?

    Stay motivated!

    June 5th

  13. Thanks Mrs. Riene!!

    I'm happy to hear that you are healing well! I've been using the ScarGuardMD and before my last surgery, it really helped with reducing the scaring. The good thing is she reused some of my incisions from the sleeve and went throught my belly button. the Upside is I finally have an inny (belly button)!

    I admire your will power to only weigh monthly. I'm having a hard time trying to go every two days!! Keep us posted on your progress.

    NaturalRhapsody33, glad to hear you are feeling better and that your surgeon was able to use your VSG cuts plus now you have a new thing to Celebrate a inny belly button. This sound like a win win to me.

    Today is one day short of my 4 weeks since my surgery and I am happy to report that I have lost drum roll please, 33 lbs total since the start of this journey. I lost about 7lbs prior during the liquid diet phase and 26 after surgery. I know I said that was only going to weigh myself each month, but I figure since tomorrow marks 4 weeks since my surgery, measuring myself a day before was not going show anything differently today then it would tomorrow. Also yesterday I walked 3 miles, it felt so good and then I went to dance practice. I woke up this morning feeling really good and refresh. When I looked in the mirror for the first time I noticed a change. So instead of pulling something out of my clothes were I have all of my big girl clothes, I ran to my other closet were I have my transition clothes of 16 and 18, I found a dress that I love and tried it on with my pj and was surprise it fit with clothes underneath. This dress is a 16. I guess I have some clean and reorganizing to do tonight. Moving all of my big girl clothes out of my main closet and bring my 16-18 down from the other closet. Boy, I feel really good. Now on to my next goal to loss an additional 30 lbs before my birthday.

  14. Update on status!

    It has been several weeks since my last post. Well I am doing great, my scar are healing nicely as a matter of fact some are almost gone, I have been using Medema since the steril strip fell off and it has really helped. The biggest scar is still there but I feel it will be a little less visible in time. My diet is going well, I have not had any of the awful side effect that some people have reported. The last time I was on here I had only lost about 22Ibs, I haven't weigh myself in a couple of weeks because I was getting very frustrated when I notice the scale would move up a pound and then back down. So I figure I would only weight myself monthly. I can definitely tell I am loosing because my clothes are fitting me differently and I already had to give some of my big girl clothes to a friend. My only problem is I won't to get more active but my doctor told me I needed to wait 30 days, which will be April 28th, boy I cannot wait. I just want to start working on my arms and legs to build muscle. In my younger days I had muscle because I ran cross country and track. I just want to get back to lifting and instead of running I am going to invest in a bike. I heard it was better on your body.

    Well I hope everybody is getting long well. Also NaturalRapadsody33 I saw your post regarding you gallbladder. I am glad to here you are out of the hospital and recovering. You take it easy and make sure you heal well. I will be praying for you on a successful recovery.

  15. Mrs. Riene,

    Are you talking about Silk soymilk? If so, I have used it with no issues. It's a good way to get in Protein if you have become lactose intolerant like I have.

    Thanks NaturalRhapsody33.

    Since my post I finally called my NUT to find out if it was something I can add to my list of items I can eat. She at first said the it contains a lot of sugar until I read the label and she them changed her mind. I told her that I use in my smoothies which additional Protein Powder. I am trying to get in 81g - 100g of Protein a day to help to ensure my hair loss in minimal. I eat a lot of tuna which has 23g of protein per serving, in addition I add an hard boil egg that I mash up to a point it is mush.

    Also sorry to here you were in the ER. In my research prior to the surgery I heard a lot of people talk about gallbadder surgery after the VSG. I was wondering if in all cases of the VSG this was a side effect. I have never had an issue with my gallbadder. So I was wonder if I would now that I had the surgery.

  16. Ok my March 2012 Sleevers,

    I have a question about a product I found in the store. It is call Silk Soy and Protein, which you can usually find in the Diary aisle. My questiion is in trying to ensure I am eating the correct items. I was wondering if anyone has heard as to whether this product was good for us or is this one of those product who claims to be healthy but it really is not. The reason why I ask is because 1, it taste so good and 2. it has 25g of sugar which the label say is evaporate sugar. I just want to ensure I am eating correctly and if this product is good for me to drink.

  17. Ok, it is alomost my second completed post-op week. I am feeling amazing well and staples are out. Now I just have to wait 30 days to begin my exercise program. I have lost 29 lbs, so far and walking everyday to loss some more. My only complaint is that my arms are look a bit saggy and I was wonder what to do about that. I hope that they will not become more swagger before I can start my exercise program. I plan on attacking the weights hard to build up the muslces. I just do not want to be swaggy. In the meantime does anyone know of some exercises I can do right now that want mess with my healing process?

  18. With a week under my belt and today I get these staples out I am feeling really good. I went walking yesterday with some friends and my DH. Easter celebration was beautiful and what surprised me the most was that with all of the candy around me I was not tempted at all. I didn't expect that to be the thing I craved because I was never a big candy eater. But yesterday a freind of minds was having a serious craving with all of the candy. Her craving was so strong that she resorted to begging from the kids to get the candy she desired. Her VSG was over a year ago. Really strange how the mind plays it games, in addition she also went to McD's to get a chocolate shake and some fries. I know this is not the way we are suppose to eat to maintain our weight and I told her if she continue eating like this her weight will be back on her. She told me that she exercises everyday and she a easily drop her weight down if she wants. I said ok and left her do her.

    Now, I have been sticking to my diet and only eating the things the doctor suggested. My question is that I have been losing weight almost everyday. This morning I notice that I have not lost a pound. Is this what you guy were talking about the stall or is this just a little stall? So far I have lost 26 pounds, I wanted to loss 30 before my staples were removed. My goal is to loss about 15 pounds a month after the first intial 30 pounds. With would put me at my goal weight around the month of September. Is my goal reasonable or a stretch?

  19. That is interesting the doctor order me a pill for acid I have not had any acid issues yet but I think I will start taking them to ensure I want later. As far as feeling hurgry I am not, matter of fact I have to remind myself to eat to ensure I am getting all of the Protein I need for the day. I too don't feel I can offer you any advice I just had my VSg on 3/29, you are probably pass any of the challenges I am having.

    Also I am glad to see other starting conversation up this forum. Keep up the communication.

  20. My surgery was a success and recovery is somewhat slow then I expected. I have some pain but not a lot matter fact the only time I feel real pain is when I cough or sneeze. I having a hard time in getting Water in. But I am able to eat yogurt, Jello and Protein Shake. I will just be glad when I can get these staples removed. I also realize some of my clothes are getting big. I almost forgot is anyone having some tenderness in their legs I just noticed it today? Call my insurance 24 hr nurse line and she said that I can just keep on taking the blood thinner and everything should be ok. I will probably call my doctor's office tomorrow to be on the safe side. I will be glad when my life gets back to some type of normalize.

  21. Well March Sleevers, tomorrow is my big day. I am on a totaly clear liquid diet and drinking Magnesium citrate for lunch to prepare for surgery. I am now official getting more nervous about the whole thing. I just hope that I am one of those who has an easy receovery. I just don't want to feel a lot of pain, discomfort is okay. But pain is something else. You all just pray for me that the surgery is a success and my recovery is smooth and easy.

  22. I started my pre-op liquid diet on Thursday, March 22nd with the surgery date of March 29th. I would say that the first two days are the hardest, especially since this weekend my family had a lot of celebration from marriage to Goddaughter birthday. I was good with the exception that I had four bite of my cousin's lasanga on Friday at the reheasal dinner and very small piece of carrot cake on Saturday at the wedding reception. But nothing at my Goddaughter birthday. The lasanga made me sick to my stomache so it did not stay and the carrot made me a lttle bit nausa. Over all I feel I am doing all right. The one tip I can give you is try to fill yourself up before going to any event with the right stuff. If you are full prior you want be so tempted to indulge in all of the wrong foods. Get someone to hold you accountable for what you eat, my husband watch me like a hawk. He is the reason why I only ate four spoonful of the lasanga and a small amount of cake and not the whole bowl or a larger piece of cake. Keep thinking to yourself what you are doing is preparing for your future. Do not let food control you, you control the food.

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