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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by helen098

  1. Am able to comfortable wear my size 14 pants today, no button marks on my skin, no gasping for breath.

    Am wearing a large light sweater and size 14 pants….life is good

    I am down to 183…..24 more pounds to go to goal weight 159

    It’s been a long sometimes difficult trip, had some setbacks but am generally very happy I got the band

    No way would I ever go back to pre band eating

    Feeling very good………even though I pulled a muscle in my side at the gym this weekend…no pain no gain…don’t want to miss the gym later this week……who I the heck am I ????

  2. I have been sick since dec 24, 2 antiboitics, over 30 days of prednisone ect

    Just starting to feel better, still very weak

    I noticed all of my clothes (underwear too) are too big

    My 16 pants are falling off but so far the 14 look horrible

    I was able to fit in to a large sweater and yesterday I was able to fit in a size extra large button down white dress shirt

    Wasn’t sure so I too a xl and a 1x and I didn’t even have to take the 1x off the hanger

    Was doing the very happy dance in the dress room of JC Penney

    The weird thing is the scale says 190 (was stuck at 192 for over a month)

    I don’t care what the scale says when my pants are falling off

    Feeling very good…can’t wait to go down to a large button down shirt and mabye a 12 pants (by the summer

  3. I had to unfill my last fill last month

    I had the fill on fri , started my period on sat, the the following Tuesday had a horrible stomach bug

    I ended up with an unfill (felt 80% better after the unfill), still had pain I ended up with a Cat scan

    And it showed nothing so I spend $180 (3 doc appointments at 50 each and the scan at $30) for a pulled

    Muscle caused by a stomach bug.

    I would wait another day and if you’re not better or throwing up every ½ hour with the bug I would call the office. I tried to be strong and waited a week big mistake I made myself feel worst for no reason

    I had to unfill my last fill last month

    I had the fill on fri , started my period on sat, the the following Tuesday had a horrible stomach bug

    I ended up with an unfill (felt 80% better after the unfill), still had pain I ended up with a Cat scan

    And it showed nothing so I spend $180 (3 doc appointments at 50 each and the scan at $30) for a pulled

    Muscle caused by a stomach bug.

    I would wait another day and if you’re not better or throwing up every ½ hour with the bug I would call the office. I tried to be strong and waited a week big mistake I made myself feel worst for no reason

  4. This morning I was 194 (up 2 pounds from last week), this is the first time since by band that I have had a weight gain. The scale has been stuck, not moved went down ¼ of a pound but at my offical Friday weigh in I never was more that the previouse week.

    I have had a few diviations from my “diet” the past week and am not as regular as I should be so I know it’s not a real weight gain but still I am disgusted. My brain understands all of the above but the scared part of my that worries that I will fail the band is stomping around saying I told you so ..why bother with all the pain, expense to just gain the weight back

    go eat something to make you feel better….i won’t listen to her I had Cereal for Breakfast, cup of vegatable Soup for lucnch and some nuts a little while ago as a afternoon snack….will have a normal dinner and try ti shut up the voices in my head……wonder if my screwed up relationship with food will ever be “normal”

  5. The gallbladder surgery was a lot more pain full than the band.

    The gallbladder pain itself was worst then my colon resection

    I had my surgery on Monday apr 2 and assumed I would be back to work the following Monday…no way I was still in a lot of pain and unable to move around.. you might want to check with your surgeon as 8 days after the surgery I had another “attack” scared the hell out of me

    Saw the surgeon and she did some blood work to be sure my liver was ok and lucky it was.

    She thinks that a small stone was still in my system which caused the pain

    I told a few other docs about this and they were like that is very common…don’t worry about it unless it continues then it’s another problem…

    I really didn’t feel like myself till about 6 weeks post surgery.

    Don’t know if it’s getting older, 2 surgeries in 8 months or my general health which has not been so great for about 10 months or so….

    On the bright side I haven’t had any more “attacks” the pain, weirdness has gone away and I am back to the gym…

    Even if I want to eat fatty foods I can’t…I feel nauseous and if I manage to eat it I have diarrhea right away..not fun but a big deterrent.

    Now when I can’t eat a lot because of the band I tell people it’s the lack of a gallbladder and no one even has a full up question. Great excuse to eat small healthy amounts and to avoid fatty foods

    It will get better it just takes time

    The gallbladder surgery was a lot more pain full than the band.

    The gallbladder pain itself was worst then my colon resection

    I had my surgery on Monday apr 2 and assumed I would be back to work the following Monday…no way I was still in a lot of pain and unable to move around.. you might want to check with your surgeon as 8 days after the surgery I had another “attack” scared the hell out of me

    Saw the surgeon and she did some blood work to be sure my liver was ok and lucky it was.

    She thinks that a small stone was still in my system which caused the pain

    I told a few other docs about this and they were like that is very common…don’t worry about it unless it continues then it’s another problem…

    I really didn’t feel like myself till about 6 weeks post surgery.

    Don’t know if it’s getting older, 2 surgeries in 8 months or my general health which has not been so great for about 10 months or so….

    On the bright side I haven’t had any more “attacks” the pain, weirdness has gone away and I am back to the gym…

    Even if I want to eat fatty foods I can’t…I feel nauseous and if I manage to eat it I have diarrhea right away..not fun but a big deterrent.

    Now when I can’t eat a lot because of the band I tell people it’s the lack of a gallbladder and no one even has a full up question. Great excuse to eat small healthy amounts and to avoid fatty foods

    It will get better it just takes time

  6. Aug 22 was my one year anniversary. I spent it having a cat scan (to make sure my band wasn’t wrapped around my stomach) then pooped my pants and had to run across 2nd avenue to get more depends…got to love how exciting my life has been post cancer and post band

    Lucky the pain appears to just be a pulled muscle which is getting better but still hurts when I lift, in the morning and random times during the day. Will see the lap band surgeon on sep 14 for my escophogram and she will check the pain.

    Today I was 192 --- when I started I was 235 plus…. Am down to a comfortable size 16 pants and an extra large shirt---just beginning to venture back to the normal ladies department

    I am no longer afraid of sitting in the middle seat on the subway with 2 normal people on either side…

    I don’t get that look when I sit in the middle seat

    I am very glad I got the band..without it I am sure I would be on the very wrong (for me) side of 235

    Even though my brain knew it would still be a long difficult right a part of me was hoping it would be a easy fix. It’s wasn’t but it’s ok. I have made even more changes and like the fact that even if my brain turns off and I go crazy eating my band will painfully remind me to stop.

    I don’t always love the band I have days when I envy others eating what every they want….i get jealous especial eating out when your having a drink and everyone else is slurping down the margaritas and chips and I know if I try I will be in pain and end up throwing up---though I can just blame it on the drinks but I don’t ….. many time I am told why aren’t you eating my new response is I can only splurge on so many calories and I want the drink more than the chips….i find that ends the discussion and after a few more drinks no one is paying any attention to what I am eating/drinking.

    Sometime I get mad/sad that other on this board are losing so much more weight than I have..then I try to remember some people have a lot more weight to lose and every one’s situation is different

    I am happy so far and so are all of my docs…I figure if I keep constant by next time this year I will be at my goal 149 ---- or worst case nyu’s goal for me of 159 and a comfortable size 12

    When I fit into a smaller size or my clothes are too big I just smile and thank the band for it’s help

    If I could go back to the day before my surgery I would tell myself yes it’s going to be much harder than you thought but it will get easier you will see results and you will feel much better about yourself this time next year. Don’t’ compare your journey to anyone else’s

  7. I had a Cat scan last week of my abdomen and pelvis

    I was and still am having pain in my right side under my breast exactly where the gall bladder pain was.

    Had my period and a stomach bug but the pain won’t go away

    When to the doc at nyu who sent me for a cat scan

    Usually stomach issues with the barium…possibly the worst in a few years had diarrhea for 3 days

    The day before the scan I placed myself on liquids thinking less in less out but no apparently the liquids make things faster

    The good news other than the very small hernia (that I have been aware of for a few years) every thing form the bottom of my lung to the top of my thigh is normal. They think the pain is a pulled muscle in my stomach from throwing up with the stomach bug I had a few weeks ago

    Makes me feel real old to pull a muscle throwing up but as we all know getting older is not scary any more it’s very much welcomed and appreciated

    Love that word normal

    Hope the onc will accept this scan as my yearly check even though it was done without contrast

    Didn’t have much scanxiety till I got to the little cold scan room then the fear came rushing back it’s colon, stomach ect cancer

    Life is good

  8. I also got a pair of sweats for around the house in extra large and they are too big

    Feels real good

    I have a few things down to a size 8

    Before I decided on the lap band I got sick of looking at stuff that I thought would never fit again

    So I got rid of most of them…at the time it was like of cleansing ..accept myself as I am kind of day

    Then I took all of the labels out of my stuff so I didn’t know how fat I was (well I knew but I pretended I didn’t )

    Tempted to hit the mall again this weekend…good end of season sales right

    No think I will save the money for a large or maybe a medium

  9. i am very happy

    but in me head i am still very big

    for me it takes a long time for my brain to catch up with my body

    when i was 152 on chemo i went to express for a shirt and just brushed off the sales person who offered me a size 8 skirt.....it did fit but in my brain i was a 16+

    don't expect to get doen to 8 without checmo but i would be very happy to be a size 12.......

  10. Went this weekend for a few thinks and decided to try the regular department

    To my surprise I was able to fit into a regular size 16 pants (no 16x,no stretch waistband) and normal 16 with a zipper and a button….also fit in a extra large shirt (it did have a little stretch but I am not going to complain) ……………I have been unhappy in the large department for the last 5 years or so

    I remember in the early 90 shopping in the big department and being happy …the shorted the skirt and the low the top the better…but not for a very long time

    Was tempted to buy a lot of stuff but it’s almost the end of summer and I think I will save the money for fall clothes….in the regular department….still smiling about that….would never have happened this time without the band

    So happy I just had to share

  11. The doc says it’s probably nothing just the stomach bug everyone has and i need an little unfill

    IT’s not a slip

    Though when I told her about the feeling of something squeezing my stomach --- she got very serious

    Said it’s not in my head, it could be that the band tubing is wrapped around an organ

    It’s not life threatening but can be very painful….she took out the last fill and by the time I left nyu felt better… the pain is about 85% gone but still hurts a little…I am supposed to call on fri and if I am still in pain she will order a cat scan…….

    Have been under a lot of stress (not band related) the past 2 weeks and wonder if the stress and the overfill are causing the problem….don’t want a scan if I can avoid it (since the colon cancer in 2006 I have had a lot of scans) but don’t want to be silly and miss a problem because of a scan.

    I think if I still have the pain tomorrow morning I will call and if the doc wants schedule the cat scan

    When does life get any easier?

  12. I have an appointment in a few hours with the surgeon but want to see if this is normal

    On aug 3 I got a fill – did the 2 days liquids – then when I started the soft food started to not feel so good. Stomach hurt and I had diarrhea I didn’t think it was weird because the liquid diet usually gives me diarrhea (I am missing a chunk of my colon from the colon cancer and have bowel control issued due to the 5 surgeries on my ass for the anal fistula) I also had my period (more pain, cramps and diarrhea) I was eating very little and feeling very crummy

    On wed last week I had bad stomach problems diarrhea so bad I couldn’t leave the house

    Got a little better by the weekend but still not normal…tried on sun/mon this week to eat real foods (not hungry though) and after a few bites I felt nauseous and stopped.

    I still have pain in my stomach were the port is, the pain is a dull constant pain that gets worst when I eat or drink. I kind of feel like my stomach is being squeezed (not sure if this is in my head or my stomach)

    Had diarrhea twice today at work after eating and still have the stomach pain.

    Called the doc office at nyu and they said to come in this afternoon

    I hope it’s just the stomach bug everyone around me has…maybe I need a slight unfill

    Hope it’s not bad…I am deathly afraid of the port slipping

    Wish me luck

  13. At nyu it’s the same price, the surgeon makes you sign paper work that if she finds a hernia you are authorizing her to fix it….same out of pocket cost to the patient but I wonder if they get more money from the insurance company??

    At nyu it’s the same price, the surgeon makes you sign paper work that if she finds a hernia you are authorizing her to fix it….same out of pocket cost to the patient but I wonder if they get more money from the insurance company??

  14. My weight loss has been very slow, was sidetracked by my gallbladder for a long time

    I started last aug (aug 22 to be exact) at 230+ i didn’t even look the day of surgery as I didn’t want to know. This morning I weighed in at 194…..

    I try to keep myself from beating myself up for not doing better….i am trying to remember if I didn’t have the surgery last aug I would be up to at least 240 and miserable

    Bought a 1x shirt yesterday that is a little big…..i figure by winter I will be back in the regular department –look out credit cards

  15. Was 198.8 this morning

    It’s been rough, I had my gallbladder out on April 2 and still can’t eat normal

    When I try to eat Protein like we are supposed to first my stomach hurts and I get diarrhea sometimes almost immediately. So I have been eating more veggies (but then I am hungry) but it seems to be working I am down a total of 31 + pounds since aug 22

    Can’t go back to the gym till I see the surgeon on may 22 but have been waking

    Also will get my cpap for my very mild sleep apnea in 1 ½ weeks so hopefully that will

    also help as my pulmonary doc says the sleep apnea could also be messing with my diet and metabolism

    it’s been a long road but things are starting to look up--- won’t be able to wear the short shirt this summer but look out new years eve 2012

    Thanks for listening

  16. Doesn’t seem like my body likes all of this healthy living.

    As of today’s date I am down 26 and ½ pounds since last sep, very happy about this as I haven’t been this light (ha ha ha ) for about 3 years or so.

    I have gone down a size (yay size 16) but still on the wrong side of 200 (it will happen soon, it will happen soon)

    But I feel like crap….i am so tired all the time….am sleeping 9 hours during the week and at least 11 on the weekend and still want a nap when I wake up…..have no energy to do anything at all…can’t concentrate at work … am late a lot …. And in real trouble with the boss

    And have had 3 gallbladder attacks (one at thanksgiving then 4 weeks ago and twice 2 weeks ago)

    Have seen 2 internists, eye doc (had pink eye for a month—fingers crossed it’s gone) the weight loss department at nyu had tons of blood work (all normal except for Vitamin D I am at 26 and normal starts at 30) and a ultrasound ( not normal shows many small stones), talked to my pulmonary/primary doc and onc and they all say I have textbook gallbladder symptoms and it must come out---not an emergency but I have to do it…….i have an appointment with the surgeon who did my band on mac 30 (Dr. Ren Fielding) sure she will schedule surgery soon

    While I am upset about the gallbladder ---- this will be my 12th surgery and 19th time I am knocked out

    And wonder how much of this crap I can take? The fatigue is my biggest concern….

    All the blood except for the low Vitamin D- which all the docs says should not cause the fatigue but have upped it to 5000mg a day

    Next step another sleep study --- on mar 22--

    I feel almost as bad as during chemo …..

    At 5 years post chemo I expected to feel much better……I don’t

    Honestly I felt much better post cancer …. I was only 179 was eating anything I wanted (within reason)

    No exercise and felt good …..now I have neuropathy, poop my pants sometimes, arthritis, exama, gall stones, poss sleep apnea can’t have a glass of milk and a cookie at the same time

    Thanks for letting my rant, just feels like life stinks right now and am afraid of what’s coming

    I am only 47 and don’t deserve all of this I had the surgery to feel better and not feel worst

  17. I have been going to all of my follow up appointments, the crummy feeling has been there a while but I keep brushing it off …thought it was from the surgery, then the new diet then just normal stuff ( to much work ect)…but I now know something is definitely wrong and won’t stop till I get an answer

    I thought once I started to lose weight that I would feel better not worst

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