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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 5DogMa

  1. I am really feeling fustrated and discouraged! Everything is taking so long! I've been at this a long time going to my first seminar in February. It seems like my whole life this year has been about getting this surgery.

    I have gone through so much already and now the doctor wants 2 more tests. Upper GI and thyroid panel. I've had so many tests that cost thousands of dollars it's crazy to the point I think they are trying to discourage me from having the surgery. sleep study, endoscope, colonoscopy, various heart tests including a nuclear study, ekg, xrays, labs and more labs, dietian, psychological evaluation "Let's see how much more we can put her through until she gives up." I'm 57 years old so maybe they are extra careful???

    Now, I'm starting to doubt if I need the surgery since I am loosing weight on my own. I am penciled in for December 7th for VSG pending the outcome of these lastest tests and insurance approval. I'm not worried about insurance approval since I meet their criteria.

    More time off work and more $. This hospital wanted my 20% upfront to do the Upper GI test. They took the money out of my account before I even had the proceedure! Wow, so if you didn't have the $170 up front I guess you wouldn't get the test. I bet the hospital will do the same thing when/if I have the surgery. I've almost reached my maximum out of pocket for the year because of all these tests so I don't have much more to pay out. If it gest pushed into next year I'm not going to have it done.

    They don't make you go through all this in Mexico!!

  2. So what happened? Did you choose him? I checked him out and he got good reviews on Obesity Help. He's been doing it a while and looks like he has the experience and credentials.

    recieve this email due to an inquiry about jaime Ponce de leon.

    Here's the email

    The Package Includes

    $250 usd airfare credir

    All Medical Fees Pre Op testing 2 Nights at the Hospital (www.INTHospital.us) 1 night at our Recovery center

    What we can do to help you is the following on the top of our site we have a financing link

    www.drjaimeponcedeleon.com you can apply for financing and get an answer in 24 hours

    Total cost.......$4500

    I love the price but does this surgeon have a good rep.

  3. Ah, thanks for the reply. My insurance doesnt know what it's doing. Now they say I can use several doctors. Anyway, I am scheduled December 7th with Dr. Patching in Sacramento. However, my daughter has decided she wanst to get VSG also but does not have insurance so we are looking at Mexico. Tell me if you would please, have choosen a doctor there and how much it will cost. I'm hearing anywhere from $5,000 to $7,800. Big difference and I'm wondering why. Thanks in advance and I wish you much success in your journey.

    I live in Turlock and in order for my insurance to pay (which is only 50%) I have go to to Clovis Community near Fresno.

    I am going to Mexico instead.

  4. Go for it girl. Why spend the best years of your life miserable on yo-yo diets and spend thousands of $'s on diets that don't work. I'm going to help my daughter who's just like you but she's 28 years old get VSG next year. Why should this surgery be limited to the morbid obese with other health issues. Do it now before you get those health issues or you lose your self confidence because of your weight. Just know this is very serious and a life long committment. Not a fad or quick fix and you can complicate and ruin it and gain back the weight. Long term weight loss will all be on you, not the surgery. It's just a tool to help you get there and stay there IF you are willing to stay the course and change your lifestyle. Good luck to I hope it works out. I am scheduled to have VSG December 7th and I know I'm going to wish I had it done sooner.

    Hey everyone! This is my first post in the forum! Where to start? I am 26 years old, with a BMI around 29 or 30. To look at me you wouldn't think I am obese or anything, just overweight. I grew up as an obese child and have since lost 50 lbs, but keep on putting back the same 10, 20, 30 lbs back on my body. ITs so frustrating. To lose I feel that I basically need to starve myself and I gain back so quickly. Even though I'm only 26, I bet I have gained and lost 250 lbs over the course of my life! I have been dieting since I was 9, and thoughts of my weight, food, and how my clothes will fit consume my thoughts everyday. I feel as if I am insane sometimes. I can literaly gain and lose 20 lbs in a month. I can't imagine what I'm doing to my body, and I just can't diet anymore.

    I am consdering getting the VS survery. My dad had it as a severely obese man and is doing amazingly, but I am afraid to talk to my parents about it. I know they think I am not overweight enough. Has anyone else been in this situation? I know I'm ready, and I want to better myself and my life. I know this will just be a vicious cycle that will continue for the rest of my life. I need some guidance and thoughts.

    Thanks so much, and I look forward to getting to know some of you!

  5. I am seriously considering VSG instead of any other of the weight loss surgeries. Gastric Bypass seems too drastic, and the Lap Band to much maintenance. My BMI is 42 so my medical insurance will pay 80%. I would like to know if anyone has experience with any Drs in the Sacramento area and can tell me about what it costs. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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