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Posts posted by 5DogMa

  1. Muscle burns fat so you bet I'm exercising!

    My cousin lost a lot of weight like 150 lbs and didn't exercise. She looks like she melted. She has a hood of skin hanging over her knees from her thighs shrinking, but not much thigh muscle there. Same at her elbows. Looks weird. She hates exercise and refuses do do anything.Yikes!

    I'm doing the Les MillsBody Pump classes 3 times a week!!! It's so much fun!

  2. This is what Dr. Alvarez said on another forum about hiccups.

    "Not everyone gets hiccups after surgery but the people who do, it is normally a sign they are full or almost full. Some people get hiccups right immediately after surgery as a sign that the sleeve and tissues are swollen and then subside. People who get the hiccups after the initial postop phase is normally related to the irritation of the phrenic nerve that is very close to the esophagus or to the GE junction. I tell my patients who do get it to use it as a signal of fullness and stop eating. I hope this explanation helps a bit. I tried to put it in a not-too-cietific way.

    Congratulations to everyone with their sleeves!

    Dr. Alvarez"

  3. I was on line yesterday checking my claims on Blue Cross Blue Shield. The hospital billed over $51,000 for my 2 day stay and the surgery facility. Have not seen the claim for the doctors yet. Since I was back in the hospital the following week for 3 days I'm sure that will be another $30,000+. I can't believe it cost this much in the US. How can they do it in Mexico for $5,000?? Well, we're going to find out. For self pay people Mexico seems the only way to get help. I've heard enough good things and have done enough research to make me believe surgery in Mexico is a viable option.

  4. I've had esophageal spasms that felt like a heart attack. Very painful and some so severe I've almost called 911. Google it and see if that's what your having. There is medication for it. Also, severe acid reflux can cause esophageal spasms. Did you have an endoscope before surgery to see if you had damage to your esophagus? Do you have history of acid reflux? Hope you get help whatever is going on.

  5. I got a nasty cold 3 weeks post op and have been coughing for week now. My stomach hurts and I'm wondering if all this coughing has done any damage to my new sleeve. I am also experiencing nausea, but I think it's from the post-nasal drip. The cough medicine tastes really awful and burns going down so I'm not taking it like I should to control some of the coughing. Once the medicine hits the sleeve I feel my acid reflux kick in. It doesn't like the cough medicine. Thoughts anyone?

  6. I don't know that there is such a thing as normal. Everyone is different. I'm 4 weeks post-op tomorrow and I am healing very slowly. I can't eat and drink as much as some or most people at this same stage. Every thing has to be mushed up and real creamy, no chunks, and not too thick. Drinking is slow going with resting between sips. Lot's of girgiling, burping and hiccups. I believe my acid relflux is slowing things down and I take Nexium and drink Mylanta as needed during the day. My doctor does not allow coffee, says it's slows down the healing process, but I started drinking coffee with lots of milk and Creamer after 3 weeks. You are only 1 week out, it takes time and make sure you get in fluids. I was not a milk drinker before this surgery, but I am now. Skim milk goes down easy for me. You're in the hardest time right now, it will get better. Good that you're seeing your doctor tomorrow. Let him know your Fluid intake.

  7. Wow, that's scarry! We are going to Mexico the end of January for my daughter with Dr. Garcia. I have read good things about him on this web site, but now I'm worried if they are real patients telling us great things about him or his recruiters druming up business for him. We are going thru alma at Ready 4 a Change and she's been great to work with.

    Dr. Garcia patient,s please speak up.

  8. I didn't tell most people about my WLS, just my closest family members. I didn't want to defend my decision to people who don't or won't understand my choice. My choice had nothing to do with vanity. At 5'1" and 232 lbs high blood pressure and type II diabetes was breathing down my neck. Both run in my family and I saw what they went through. Not to mention physically I couldn't do much. My back and knees were killing me. I resent any remark that I would do this to get skinny, that was never in my mind. Only getting healthy so I can live to play with my grandchildren one day. I would love to eat more right now, but I can't and since I'm still not a month post-op I don't want to over-fill my sleeve and risk a leak or do any damage. I am taking Vitamins and I am listening to my body. I also want my weight loss to be slow because I don't want those who don't know that I had WLS to ask if I'm sick or worry something is seriously wrong with me. I don't want to look tired and sickly, but I do right now.

    So I got the best Christmas present this year. A postive pregnancy test from my son and his wife all wrapped up like a Christmas present. My first grandchild is due in August, one of the main reasons I did this. I'll be the one pushing the stoller all over Disneyland instead of someone pushing me around in a wheelchair.

    I know things will get better just right now I'm tired and weak. I wish I could eat more and drink more, but I can't. Do you see a ticker tape below my posts? No, because it's not about losing the weight, it's about getting my health back.

  9. Me too, I didn't do this to get skinny, I did this to get healthy and I want a slow weight loss because of my age which is 57. I don't want my neck resting on my chest in a couple of months. As it is I already look tired and frail. So much of my weight loss is showing up in my and face and I don't look like me anymore. I'm looking much older and tired. I wish I could eat more, but right now I'm still on mushies and 1/4-1/3 cup fills me up and I have to eat real slow. Eating and drinking is a full time job almost. I think I am healing slower than most as I can't gulp fluids and have to wait in between drinks. Sometimes I'd love to just chug-a-lug some milk, but small swallows is all I can do now. I think I'm still pretty swolllen because of my acid relflux still acts up even though I'm taking my Nexium and drinking Mylanta as needed. I'd like to get my calories up to around 1,000+ daily. Before surgery I was eating around 1,200-1,400 a day and losing weight. I felt really good and could exercise and had lots of energy. I'm not trying to break any fast weight loss records, I want a slow steady loss that will allow my body to adjust and shrink. My health comes first, not the weight loss.

  10. How is your energy level on so few calories? I am struggling with extreme fatigue and weakness at around 500-600 calories a day. I am getting in around 60 grams of Protein. I gotta do something to get some energy back, it's depressing me. I want to walk, go back to the gym, just be normal again. My surgery was Dec 7th. I am taking extra B12 and all my Vitamins. So are you functioning well on so few calories?

  11. This forum has been my biggest support and teacher during this process. No matter what your feeling or what's going on with you, people are here to answer your questions, share their experiences, and calm your fears. Many have experienced what you will experience and tell you what they did or how they handled a situation.

    This surgery, although consider major, has less complications than other WLS. You notice very few people have had major complications because it's rare. You said you read a couple of stories, it's just a couple out of how many people on these forums? But you must always consider the risks. Everyone is different in how they handle pain, how fast they heal, and experience the changes in their bodies. It hasn't been easy for me that's for sure. I had major regrets the first couple of weeks. However, I must admit I was delighted that my new stomach was content with just a few bites of mushed up Christmas dinner and it feels good to know I can't and won't pig out ever again. So far I am never hungry and just a 1/4-1/3 cup of food fills me up. I'm getting some strength back and starting to feel almost normal at 23 days post-op.

    For me it's worth the risk to avoid high blood pressure, type II diabetes, hip and knee replacements, sleep apena and all the other complications caused by morbid obesity.

    Good luck in your journey and know this forum is here for back-up and support during the process.

  12. I'm 22 days post-op and am just starting to get some energy back. I took a walk outside today for the first time and I'm ready for a nap. Yesterday was the first day I didn't take a nap since surgery. I really struggled with being light headed and extreme fatigue since surgery. I would get all weak and shakey doing any minor physical activity. I think mine was caused from not eating enough. I started taking more B12 with my regular multi-Vitamins. I don't know that helped, but I definately started eating more calories and I think that's really helped. I'm probably up to 600-700 calories a day now and that includes 2 Protein shakes that are 160 calories each and 30 grams of Protein each.

    Suggestion when you are ready - Wendy's chili, mush it up real good and I can eat about 1/4-1/3 cup in about 30 minutes. Yummy!!! Good protein and good carbs for energy.

    You'll probably feel much better when you can get more calories in. It will happen.

  13. I had a Vitamin K deficiency. I had a brusing issue many years ago when I was a borderline anorexic in my early 20's. I had bruses everywhere and that's why I went to the doctor. That's back in the day when we took Phen/Phen to lose weight. Like you, I was barely eating anything and that was before we had all these great Protein drinks available. Did they check your Vitamin K levels?

    I am so sorry about all you are going through. Keep us posted on your recovery and take care.

  14. Well, I believe you are correct! I looked up Ketosis and the symptoms and that's all me! I kinda suspected it, I remembered about it from my old dieting days of low/no carbs, but I though I was getting enough carbs. Well I guess I'm not. I thought you had to be a zero carbs to get to Ketosis. Although I like the idea of buring fat for energy, I really want to slow down my weight loss. As it is now, 40 lbs down my face is looking tired and droopy, well I am tired and droopy! I prefer a more gradual weight loss so I don't shock the heck of out people when they see me. I don't want to hear it from them. Especially the dreaded "Are you okay?" My Son said I look awful, tried and weak. Well Son, I am tired and weak, I'm freaking starving although I'm NOT hungry and have zero appetite. I got to start on soft foods this week. Yay, but nothing tastes good!

    So how many carbs do I need to eat to get out of this? I need to get my energy back and feel better. That's the whole reason I had the surgery!

    Thanks for all the feedback!

  15. Is this going to change? I am 16 days post op and nothing tastes good or smells good. Even my beloved coffee tastes horrible and the smell of it is like smelling an ash tray. I really thought I was going to grieve coffee. I've been drinking it since I was 12. Nope, don't miss it now. Everything is also too sweet or too salty. I have zero appetite and nothing tastes good so I am not eating like I should. I had some skim milk with a splash of egg nog earlier and I thought it was going to come back up. I even thought maybe they were sour or something the way my taste buds and stomach reacted to it. I had a small victory last night and got down about 1/3 cup Tomato Basil Soup watered down followed by Mylanta. I have thrown away so much food trying to find something that tastes good. I have about 6 or more different brands and types of Protein Drinks that I liked before surgery, but not anymore. They are all too sweet or leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    So now I'm going to be cooking for the holiday, the kids are coming tonight so I am making a pot of 15 bean soup, my sons favorite and the smell of it is grossing me out! I use to love that soup and made it all the time when the kids were living at home. Doubt I'll be eating any of that this evening.

    So tell me you experienced sleevers, do you get your taste buds back? Is this just temporary? Please say this to shall pass. I'd like to enjoy what little food I will be able to eat.

    Oh, and even the smell of perfume and room spray smell really strong and nasty.

  16. I HATED my drain! It was in for almost 6 days and I went to the doctors office and demanded it out. I sat in my car in his parking lot 2 hours waiting for him to come in from the hospital. I threatened to take it out myself. It caused me a lot of pain. Most of the Fluid at that point was watery pink and clearish yellow. I couldn't stand to put suction back in the blub after I would empty it. The pain from the suction hurt all the way into my left back shoulder. So he slowly took it out after he made sure it was the drain and nothing else causing me so much pain. There was like one or two stiches holding in. They didn't hurt and it didn't hurt when he snipped them to remove the drain. He took it out very slowly and I could feel a trail of pain as it was leaving my body. Well, after he put me in the hospital for 3 days and 2 nights because I couldn't swallow for almost 3 days and I was dehydrated. I had additional swelling caused from untreated acid reflux since I couldn't take my Nexium and I believe the forced air into my esophagus from my CPAP machine made it worse. They had me trying to drink Mylanta for my acid relfux, but I couldn't swallow it. It was a bad week. 4 days out of hospital and I'm doing soooooo much better. I can actually drink again!!! YAY!!!

    So, how long has the drain been in? Maybe you can talk, or like me demand, it come out sooner than the doctors planned? Take the pain meds every 4 hours to help cope with the pain. I know what you're going through I was just there last week.

    Man, that sucks out loud!!! Hope you get help and feel better soon. Good Luck!

  17. Wow, obviously you gotta neutralize the acid with some type of anti-acid followed by drinking lots of Water to delute and wash it thru. Probably take a liquid like Mylanta that soothes. I would just die if I did that, might as well drink acid. Make sure you stay on a PPI to stop your stomach from making more or too much acid. You probably should call you doc to let him know what you did although I'm sure he'll not be too happy. Hope your going to be alright and this effect doesn't last long. OUCH!

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