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Posts posted by thinkingboutVSG

  1. I love this post!!! Here are my 12 and these are gonna be really random

    1. Being HEALTHY and having more energy. I really hate the fact that I dont have the energy to be that fun and adventurous mom that I used to be. My daughter called me boring the other day sad.gif

    2. Stop taking pills for my heart and HBP.

    3. Stop using my stomach as a rest for my arms while I text and/or tweet LOL

    4. To look better in clothes


    6. Improve self-esteem and confidence

    7. Begin dating again and hopefully get married


    9. I can't wait to see my collar bone again (havent seen it since I was a teen)

    10. Start living and not just existing

    11. Learn new cooking techniques and healthy food choices

    12. Looking forward to the boob job and Tummy Tuck lol

  2. Congrats!!! Im so JEALOUS lol

    Ok so I am officially on the other side! I already feel pretty normal. I think it is probably the first time I have ever not been hungry!!! What a miracle! Recovery so far has been a breeze. I'm not even taking any pain medicine! My liquids are going down great and I am just trying to find a Protein mix that isn't sickening sweet or taste like chalk.

    I'll write more later.


  3. Great advice...thanks Meg, I like the way you think!!! DC, you will be fine. You are investing in yourself and your future. I am sure you are gonna love it!

    Ok. I haven't read anyone else's replies so I hope I'm not just saying what others are saying. I have my initial appointment with doctor next Tuesday and am paying for this out of pocket. So I think we are pretty close to being in the same boat. So here are my thoughts:

    First of all, if it was as easy as going to the gym for us to lose the weight, we'd have done that already. Right?

    Second, you aren't thinking one thought that I haven't thought. I'm not scared to die, so my philosophy is: when it's my time, it's my time and there isn't anything I'll be able to do about it. Therefore, the "death" thing doesn't bother me. BUT, I have a cloud that follows me wherever I go. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen to me. I'm terrified that I won't lose any weight. At the Seminar, the doctor gave the average # of pounds that are lost with VSG. He said some people lose more and some don't lose any. That FREAKED ME OUT! BUT, he said that if you don't lose, it's because you've haven't changed your eating habits. Changing my eating habits also freaks me out. I'm not an emotional eater, but I love fattening, tasty foods and I have a HUGE appetite. Like you, I don't see myself as big as I am. I was thin all of my life (until a couple of years ago), so I don't really see the "fat person" until I see myself in pictures. My stepdaughter graduated from high school the other night and I've only seen one pic that was taken of me. I don't think that I look that big in real life, but I could be wrong. I'll catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror or a store window and I realize that I'm bigger than I think I am. But, I still don't consider myself to be "morbidly obese". Since I was thin most of my life, however, I think I'll be able to handle my "new" self. Don't worry about feeling "normal" after losing the weight. You've felt "normal" after gaining weight, right?

    3) I worry about the skin, too. My sister-in-law had bypass surgery several years and you would have never known it. She was wearing a two piece the next summer and didn't have ANY loose skin. She's battled her weight all of her life so does that mean I'll have sagging skin because this is a new thing for me? I try to think that maybe my skin hasn't had enough time to stay this stretched out, so hopefully, it won't sag. I'm 37, so I'm also hoping that my age will prevent sagging. They say the key is drinking lots of Water and using a good lotion. Even if we have sagging skin, at least we will be able to cover it up in clothes. At the seminar, a nurse who had the surgery (and has also had several cosmetic surgeries to get rid of loose skin) said that when you have plastic surgery, you trade the skin for scars. She also said that the sagging skin should be last on your list of concerns. But like you, I worry about it too. However, I'd rather have loose skin than to continue being overweight.

    4) I'm not worried about a leak. I'm hoping that my doctor is good enough that a) this won't occur or B) if it does, he will know what to do. As a matter of fact, my doctor (who spoke at the seminar) said that it's important to pick a doctor who will know what to do in the event of a complication and how to know if a complication is really a complication.

    The bottom line is this: I'll bet that everyone who has had weight loss surgery, or is contemplating surgery, has the same fears. You don't need to do anything you don't want to do or don't feel comfortable doing. So ask yourself this: Is your excess weight causing you problems that have, or will, prevent you from being able to do anything you wanna do. If the answer is "Yes", then I don't think you have anything to lose by having the surgery- except bunches of weight!

    I hope I've helped you think about these things. I also hope that I've made you realize that you are not alone with regards to your fears. I have them, but my answer the question above is "Yes". I'm ready for a change so that I won't have anything standing in the way of doing what I want to do- whether that's being confident seeing people from high school (which I avoid now) or having my picture made (which I also avoid if at all possible).

    You're in my prayers. Keep me posted.


  4. I called the surgeons office today to speak with the nurse to see if I could do my consult any earlier than the 30th. Well she informed me that since it has been less than 6 months since I've been there that I didnt have to start my classes over....so that means only one more class...and I made my appt for that, its next friday 6/10....so maybe this process will be sooner than 6 months after all!!!


  5. Today I realized that I have completely isolated myself from everybody in my life. Not that I am Miss Popular with lots of friends, but those closest to me, my family. Its the first real holiday, the weather is beautiful and I am sitting here in the house feeling sorry for myself. I am not surprised I didnt receive any invites out. I have turned them down and faked them out so many times in the past that I would stop asking me too. My food addiction had me so wrapped up that I shut everybody out. All I needed was a pint of my caramel overload ice cream and I didnt need anything or anybody else. Even my daughter bailed on me today. Who wants to be stuck in the house with a boring fat mom???

    I am so ready for this phase of my life to be over. I am ready to become who I really am. I am ready to live. Even tho I have been here all day, I have only eaten fruit. I am tired of losing to this thing. So even if I am not out with friends or fam (which would only really consist of pigging out and getting drunk) I still wont lose this battle. This addiction and lousy attitude can kiss my ass, because slowly but surely I AM WINNING!!!!

  6. OMG....thanks everyone for your encouraging words....I am so happy I joined this community. The responses actually brought tears to my eyes (ok so I am pms'n too lol) But seriously, I wish I had found this place sooner. But this is my time. I am not looking back any longer. Every day it gets a lil harder to get out of bed and I know its because of the aches, pains, lack of sleep, and just feeling plain icky. My body is tired of this mass that I have been carrying around for all these years. Thanks again...I am home!

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