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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BeckyJane

  1. A good day. I'm off benedryl from the allergis reaction. The fog is gone! Went for a 30 walk and then drive my car! Got some more Vitamin zero to drink as plain Water grows tiring.

    I have lost another three pounds. I read of those who have stalled so I'm preparing myself for the same. I do remember in my research that the first six weeks after surgery are not the time for regular weight loss. I thought it wasnt until our bodies recovered and we got a normal fill before weight loss became regular, so hang in there and stay on the diet you've been given.

    I'm not feeling hungry between my three meals a day but I have increased to 3 oz pureed meat and 1/2 c of veggies. So my calorie count is finally going above 600. I think once the carbs get added in I should be around 1,000 calories a day.

    Now I just need to get more active!

  2. Surgery 9/19

    I just realized I haven't posted for a few days! So, I got a UTI last week and the antibiotics caused a number of problems. First I had to go back on liquids because the heartburn happened for pureed. then I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. I woke up Tuesday with a red bloom rash on my abdomen. The doctor said to stop the antibiotics and start benedryl. So all week, I've been on benedryl 24/7. the incisions got it the worst and are still red from the reaction. The benedryl has slowed me down - can't drive, I'm foggy and I sleep more.

    I saw my surgeon on Wednesday - he is happy with how I'm doing and put me on pureed foods - Protein, veggies and canned fruits. I think that is it weren't for the benedryl, I'd be up and moving and going places right now.

    Hopefully, today or tomorrow will be the last days of benedryl.

    I'm finding that the band is working - my surgeon starts with a little fill - and I feel full and stay full on three meals a day. I'm still entering my foods on MyNetDiary and it shows that I'm eating about 500 calories a day. If get any hungries between meals, I have applesauce, Soup or Jello and that holds me until mealtime. The nutritionist says that its normal to eat this little after surgery. I'm assuming that as my body heals and swelling goes down, that I will have more hunger until I get a fill.

    I'm still working on patience and endurance to go thru this month of pureed foods and looking for ways to add variety. But I don't find myself thinking about food al the time, which I consider a blessing!

  3. Surgery: Monday, Sept. 19

    I've been a part of the Pre-Op September Bandsters, but found out today that there is a Post-Op September Bandsters!

    My doctor said I could do the pureed or liquid diet until I see him this week. I find that the pureed makes me feel so full, and seems to cause more GI issues, so I'm back on total liquids again.

    I ended up at my doctor's on Friday for a urinary tract infection, so now I'm on antibiotics. I seem to have developed a diarhhea problem since then and that is keeping me close to home, for sure!

    I can't have dairy [pre-surgery issue], so the yogurt and easy to obtain Protein drinks are out for me. I'm primarily on Isopure Zero Carb for Protein Drinks. I don't really feel hungry, but I know I have to get in my liquids and Protein, so I do make myself drink, slowly!

    Probably my biggest issue is that of walking! Staying close to a bathroom is necessary and it is raining and cold her for the next three days. I'm not driving yet, so going to a mall isn't an option yet. I just pace around in the house several times. Very boring!

    Healing takes time - I have to keep reminding myself of this truth! Patience, rest and not getting too involved in activities has to be a high priority. I know I've lost weight - but it seems to flucuate right now from day to day - I assume due to retaining fluids and gas? When I have my 1 week check up I'll see what the doctor's scales say.

    I know that this time of post-surgery is NOT the norm for the next couple of years! I am ready and keep reminding myself: I'm on my way to better health and a size 12!

  4. Jason,

    You've been through a lot! I've never heard the 6 month rule - my doctor does first fill at 6 weeks.

    Hang in there, and keep us posted on how you're doing, OK? there's lots of folks dealing with issues, sucesses, questions and suggestions on this forum. I know I've learned a lot.

    I was banded Sept. 19 and am still in post-op diet and limitations. One thing my doctor has required is that I first get my 64-80 oz. of Water in, get my Protein in, and stay away from carbs - which included the cereals you mentioned. But I've seen other bandsters mention cream of wheat as part of their diet, so this may just be my doctor.

    Medical insurance issues can be a real limitation! I'm glad you've found a doctor, gotten it set up and are on your way to success!

    Hi Everyone! I'm Jason and I'd like to join the group.

    Here's the twist. I was banded in December 2009. Issue is that it was completely devoid of any saline and was never filled until 2 days ago. The surgeon believed waiting 6 months before the first fill and in that time I lost my job and also my insurance.

    I'm thankful that I found a new job last summer and I love it, but it's a small company and the insurance covers NOTHING regarding the lap bands, not fills, not the doctor's visit, not even the cup of Water they give you when you walk out the door.

    So, I'm finally filled. I have the "big" lap band (14cc's I think) and he put 5.5 cc's in there under a fluroscope. He said with that, I should feel very uncomfortable if I continue to eat like I've been.

    2 nights before I went to a Sushi buffet and closed the place down. I've had ZERO restriction and could eat unlimited amounts of anything. Right now I'm on yogurt and pudding and tomorrow I can start with blended stuff. (or just scrambled eggs since there's NO WAY I'm blending food)

    Sad thing is that the day of surgery I weiged 290. The post op, mostly liquid and no carb diet brought me down to 251 at my lowest in March 2010.

    As of 2 days ago I was 319. That's a gain of 68 pounds since surgery. Needless to say, I'm ashamed. I've been able to save up over the last year and have found a new surgon who will take credit cards so I'm paying for follow up myself. This is motivator #2 or 3 for me.

    So for all intents and purposes, it's like I was just banded but worse because I don't remember the protocol very well. I found a new surgeon. I finally have Fluid in my band, and I'm scared to death of what lies ahead. The new sugeon's support groups start up again in 3 weeks so this site is all I've got.

    Please adopt me. :)

    ...and.... if anyone can tell me if oatmeal and or cream of wheat is a "heavy liquid" or a "mushie", that would be awesome.

    If anyone has any threads that are favorites, please let me know those too.

    I have to succeed. I'm 36 years old, fat, diabetic. have apnea and a 3 year old daughter I want to be around for.




  5. I'm still only on my iPhone fir updates as my computer is downstairs. I can read your posts but not reply to specific ones easily.

    I am four days post-op and on a combo liquid/pureed diet. I do like my Isopure zero carb shakes but can only do a half portion at a time right now. I sometimes add cinnamon or PB2 powder (google it-low fat peanut powder that is very tasty!)

    Tonight I had 1 oz pureed chicken and 1/3 cup chocolate banana tofu pudding. Yum! Recipe: 1 pkg silken tofu, 1/3 c cocoa powder, one small banana and 2t vanilla all in the blender until mixed. I can't have dairy so yogurt and sugar free pudding aren't on my list of options.

    Ended up at the doctor today for urinary tract infection. After first dose of meds, symptoms are relieved.

    I'm finding it much less painful to walk and the gas continues to pass every time I get moving.

    On my way to health and a size 12!

    I even went without Tylenol mist of today.

  6. My Lap-Band surgery was yesterday morning and all is well. I'm still in hospital and will likely stay another night. Yesterday was nothing by mouth. Today is Clear Liquids. My surgeon is conservative. He wants the stomach to rest and recover and then take it slow. This is fen with me!

    My lungs have needed breathing treatments every four hours. I've been up walking and am sitting Ina chair right now. The incisions hurt and I'm thankful for pain meds!

    Deep breathing is painful.

    All in all, the experience has been good and I lime my surgical and nursing team and the hospital. I will list again when I get hone and can catch up with everyone else!

    On my way to a size 12 and better health!

  7. Surgery Sept. 19!

    Pre-Op diet for 11 days now!

    I think I'm over my duldrums and looking forward to starting my life banded. In the home stretch now, for sure. I know I can do two more days. Got called to day and found out I'm scheduled for 8am Monday morning. I know I'm staying at least one night at the hospital. Got my liquid diet supplies and even some chicken "liquified" and ready to go. Getting the laundry done and getting my overnight bag packed. Ready to join those of you who have gone before this month. Thanks for all your input, thoughts, sharing and helps! It has calmed me down on more than one occasion!


  8. It's a busy day on Monday. I've been on a Pre-Op diet for a week and a half and have my surgery on Monday as well! Keep us posted on how you do!


    I am new to this site. I will have my surgery on 9-19-2011. I am nervous but so excited that it is finely here. I have been reading many stories and gained a lot of knowledge about the surgery. I feel so confident that we will all be successful in our journeys.

  9. Welcome! I have my surgery this Monday, 9/19. this forum has a LOT of info from those who have gone before us and those who are about to step into this change. Read up, ask questions, and keep up posted on how you're doing!


    Hello everyone. I'm brand new to this forum. My surgery is on Sept 20, so I am looking for support. I've been wanting this surgery for years and it is almost here. :) I'm very excited to begin this journey.

  10. from my blog today:

    I got my PB2 today. Adding it to my Protein Shake makes a nice peanut butter/chocolate flavor. Cause I'm getting bored of just plain chocolate and vanilla. At GNC, they suggested adding cinnamon. Now that also makes a nice change to the flavor!

    It is a quiet day. I think I'll take a walk. I have a bit of shopping to do later today and a therapy session on my relationship to food. It's complicated, that's what I'm finding out. It does no good to get a band and then still struggle with the same old food issues that have caused me to become obese.

    Sometimes it seems like too much. This is lot of weight to loose. I've tried it before. What makes me think it will be different this time?

    A friend gave me this Bible verse: "For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope." Romans 15:4 AMP

    I need endurance and hope. Both have to come from God. That is my prayer for today, that the God-who-loves-me, Yahweh, will give me endurance for the race and hope for the finish!

  11. Had my pre-op testing yesterday. As far as I know, all is still a GO for next Monday!

    One thing I haven't seen anyone talk about yet - eating disorders, bad relationships with food, bad habits. That is what I'm going to think and meditate and pray on today. I am seeing a therapist [for about 8 weeks] and most of my issues seem to be when I confuse emotions with hunger. Mostly, I tend to "hide" the emotions, but act them out in eating. So we've been talking about how I feel when I eat. How I feel when personal relationships or life cause stress. How I eat when I'm stressed - and more. I hope to go for prayer ministry later today - I am a firm believer in the ability of God to heal us and restore us - so I'm thinking about these issues.

    Any of you gone to counseling? Uncovered any "reasons" for weight gain? Had any healing or restoration in your relationship with food?

  12. Surgery Date: September 19

    Day 3 of 14 Pre-Op Diet

    My best news so far - on day 3 of the 14 day pre-op diet - is that I can stop the metformin now rather than after surgery. Maybe my blood sugar won't dip quite as far these next few days!

    My not so good news: I have a sinus infection and a skin cyst, so I'm on anti-bitotics. Me and anti-biotics don't have a good history - when they upset my stomach, I eat carbs. But not this time! However, if the skin cyst gets infected, I can not have the surgery and it will have to be postponed. I'm not happy as there is really nothing I can do other than hot compresses and the anti-biotics. And patience.

    I'm really enjoying all that everyone has shared. I think it is giving me a more realistic idea of what to expect - but it also is giving me hope and encouragement. If you can keep on the diet, I will try to do so as well. If you are looking to forward to the new start, it reminds me of why I'm doing this. And if you are in pain from gas, I hear some of the solutions to try for myself!

    Thanks September Bandsters!

  13. Surgery: September 19

    Pre-op diet Day 1!

    The insurance company approved my surgery and I am no longer "penciled in". I will have the Lap-Band surgery on Monday, September 19. Today I started the two week pre-op diet: two Protein shakes, two very small Snacks and a small dinner for about 1,000 calories a day. Oh my.

    I didn't go "all out" this past weekend, but I did have some special meals with special people and I did ask for a few chocolates from my husband's secret stash, so I guess I splurged a little.

    So I begin my journey to a smaller me. And better health. And to a more active lifestyle. Whew!

    I feel prepared, educated about the procedure and life after as a "banded" person. This two weeks will be the hardest as I don't have the band, but I have to eat like I do. I have to say NO to the desire to eat and I have to live through any emotions of life without turning to food. Should be a good training run, I'm thinking.

    I can only do this with prayer and patience. From me and from you. The Lord will be my strength and I will walk through this change with Him at my side. Future, here I come!

  14. Surgery Date: September 19

    Pre-Op Diet starts September 7

    I just got the letter from my insurance company and I am approved! On Tuesday, I will call and make my penciled in date final. I start the pre-op diet also on Tuesday. I went out and got my Isopure Zero Carb powder and the things I need for my 100 calorie Snacks and the only "dessert" I'm allowed: sugar free popsicles and sugar free Jello with fat free cool whip. Yum!

    I go into to Chicago on Monday to have lunch with my daughter - last restaurant visit for a while. I have to make an appointment to see the surgeon one more time and I will see my GP next week for the 'health and physical' the hospital requires.

    Countdown begin!

  15. Surgery [penciled in] Sept. 19

    Pre-Op diet starts Sept 7

    Well, the insurance company again has all my papers - they said they will have a decision within 5-7 business days, so I'm going to start my pre-op diet as scheduled next Tuesday. I got the diet my surgeon wants - two Protein Shakes a day, two Snacks [about 100 cal each] and a hi-protein/lo-carb dinner. I can't handle dairy, so getting my Protein in without cheese/yogurt or milk is hard. I have limited Protein Drinks I can have, but Isopure powder is on the list and I like the taste. I've found some 100 cal snack bars with good protein and with fruits and nuts will have the two snacks taken care of. Eating liquid/light meal for 2 weeks will be the hardest part of the banding - I think. It will take a great more discipline to reign in the eating without a band to help. But all of your comments have encouraged me. It is only two weeks. Oh, and NO caffeine, carbonation, sugar and the like. Those around me in the morning will be sorry about the no caffeine part :-)

  16. Hi fellow September bandsters! I am super excited to do all my pre-op stuff tomorrow and surgery on the 12th, 2 weeks! I am however getting annoyed at so many people that are so negative about the band... I was at the dentist and one of my molars is cracked from grinding my teeth but I told him I can't wear my night guard because of the CPAP mask I have to wear. I didn't know I had 'mild' apnea before all this testing and he was trying to sell me on the zone diet and almost begging me not to do the lap-band. Then he compared it to someone he knew that died from gastric bypass. Um, hello, not exactly the same thing but I can't really argue when my mouth is wide open for my exam, lol. My mother-in-law has been saying it is such a bad decision because, again, her sister had really bad problems after bypass! She is even telling my sis-in-law what a bad mistake I am making. Her opinion doesn't matter to me one way or the other but it is just irratating especially when you haven't done the research and don't really know what you are talking about. Have you guys run into any of those negative nellies?

    Negative Nellies abound. When I do tell someone about the surgery i have planned, I usually say that I don't want to hear about their opinions and that I've researched and have looked at the pros and cons. I ended my Facebook note with: "I know some of you will be of the opinion that this isn't necessary; that all I need to do is what a friend of yours has done. Look at the stats. The percentage of people who diet AND loose all the weight AND keep it off is not high. My aging body needs to loose now while I'm still young enough to enjoy the freedom and ease of movement. :-)"

    Sometimes you just have to head off the comments by holding firm to the research you've done and your life situation.

  17. I decided to just "check" the status of my pre-certification with insurance only to find out that they are waiting on more info and "lost" the requested materials that were sent 2 weeks ago. Glad I checked! In the meantime, I am frustrated by the fact that I can do nothing as it is my medical group that has to follow up and all I can do is wait patiently. I am still penciled in for Sept. 19. I did check to see if that was still valid and it is. I'm told I can choose to start the 2 week pre-op diet even without pre-certification [at my own risk of course] and have requested the specifics on the diet so that I can be ready to go, should the insurance come through. I've read all of your posts and know that this is a bit common. I thought I had all my ducks in a row so that when I made the decision to get banded, it would all go smooothly. NOT. So I wait. I guess I shouldn't count on the surgery for Sept. 19 until it actually happens!

  18. I'm penciled in for September 19, awaiting insurance approval. I would start my preop diet on Labor Day. Right now, all I can do is 'practice' not eating and drinking at the same time, continue to track and keep to the diet I've been on, and check up on the insurance company every week to make sure the paperwork isn't "lost". I've just found this site and forum and have been learning a lot about the day-to-day issues for banding, pro and post-op.

  19. My doctor has recommended the surgeon I'm scheduled with - but the hospital isn't a 'center of excellence' and since the surgeon is new to Illinois, he's not showing up on any 'list' of surgeons with feedback.

    I trust my primary care doctor, but have started second guessing my decision. How did you choose a doctor? Is the Center of Excellence necessary? Once you look at training and education, the selection process used by the medical group and a primary doctor recommendation, is there any other way to find out about the doctor's experience?

  20. I am scheduled for surgery September 19 - well, penciled in until the insurance company approves the coverage. Now that I've decided to have the lap-band, the wait seems a bit long. I did all my preliminary tests and procedures to qualify before I decided to go with the surgery. Medically I qualify, my primary doctor says I'm a good candidate, but I'm waiting.

    So how can I best use the time while I wait?

    I've tried to separate drinking from eating - biggest problem is with those that can't contemplate NOT having Water with their meals - like family and waitresses.

    I've been trying to find non-dairy options for post-surgery as dairy does NOT get along with my digestive tract. My latest attempt: Tofu chocolate banana pudding. Without sweeteners, but using a banana to conteract the bitterness of cocoa powder. So is 1/4 of a banana in a serving 'too much' sugars for post op?

    I'm trying to develop more discipline with exercise. Very hard behaviors to break and change!

    I'm seeing a therapist for eating disorders - to try to understand my relationship with food.< /p>

    What else would you suggest?

    Becky Jane

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
