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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jim1967

  1. Congratulations Cazzy!! You are truly an inspiration to me. As you can see from my stats I have a substantial amount to lose myself and reading your post only gives me more confidence that with the lapband and will power it is possible.
  2. Hello I started out my journey at 484 pounds. I am going through a center of excellence and the people I have spoken to so far has not even blinked at my weight. I see my surgeon next Tuesday but his staff of nutritionist, nurses assistants, psychologists have made no comments regarding my weight. I was required to lose minimum 5% of my weight as a program requirement but that is their requirement across the board for all who enroll. From my understanding most insurance companies and surgeons will ask you to lose some weight prior to surgery. 1. It shows you are commited to making a life change and 2. You need to shrink your liver as much as possible for the surgery. I agree with what Elizabeth says. Issue is not so much the weight but whether or not you are healthy enough to be put under the stress of the surgery. Good luck to you....
  3. Hi, I have Cigna and I am in the middle of the 6 month monitored diet at this time. Even at 484 pounds they would not make an exception. If you google "cigna bariatric requirements" you should be able to find the pdf doc with the entire coverage requirements and prerequisites. I would have linked you directly but I cannot get to cigna.com at this moment. Jim
  4. I meet with my Surgeon for the first time on Tuesday 13th. I was told yesterday by the Nutritionist that this particular Surgeon generally asks patients to lose a little more then the 5% weight they ask you tolose when you enter the program. I have to do a 6 month monitored diet for insurance so I still have plenty of time. I already hit the 5% goal.
  5. Wow sorry to hear all the troubles your having. This thread makes me think though. I didn't think about the possibilty of having to pay the difference up front before the surgery. My insurance covers 90% and I thought I would just be able to make the 10% in payments over time. I guess I better do some more research. - Jim
  6. Congratulations Tracie!! Your hard work is certainly paying off. I hope to some day have that success.
  7. Thanks all for your posts. I have my appointment on Thursday.
  8. Hi Kellysue, I've been told my Grandparents used to ask my parents "Aren't you feeding this kid?". I was apparently skinny little bag of bones when I was very young. Since I had my tonsils removed all hell broke loose. I am 44 and have been overweight since I was about 10 years old. I can remember being weighed in phys ed class in 5th or 6th grade and got teased because I weighed in at 150lbs. I have very vivid memories of this because I was also teased because of my man boobs or back then boy boobs. I would definitely say yes to being over weight my whole life. In 2003 I tried Atkins diet. I weighed in at 394 and I went on to lose 174 pounds in 19 months. With all diets though I got to comfortable in my new skin and started enjoying food again and all the weight and then some went back on. I weighed in yesterday at 463. I still sometimes get angry with myself for not being stronger and more disciplined for allowing myself to pack it all back on. I have not been banded yet but I am hoping to some day and hope that the restriction from the band will help keep my weight in check for the rest of my life. I am utilizing support groups as well and plan to do that long term. Losing for me is not so much the battle its keeping it off.
  9. Hi Rocky, I am going to echo what the others have said. It is perfectly normal to have reservations and fears. Best way to over come that is research and then evaluate for yourself what is the best course of action. Don't rush into anything. Seek out advice and opinions from your Doctors who know you best. What about your support at home? Have you shared your thoughts on this with anyone? My situation is pretty is clear to me. I am going to die if I don't take this weight off period. I am a walking time bomb. I started a 6 month supervised diet on Oct 12 tipping in at 486. I am 44 years old, I have had nightmares about dying and I have even had nightmares about dying on the operating table. Regardless of these nightmares I am pushing forward with this surgery as I believe it is really my only option to have a shot at a healthly life. I have a lot of faith in my doctors and I know they'll do a good job. My wife is 100% behind me on this and she is well aware of the risks but we feel its a risk that must be taken. I am not trying to scare you more Rocky. I am trying to encourage you and tell you do not let weight or fear dictate the terms of your life. You only get one go round in life. You need to research and make the best decision you can for yourself. We are all here for you to listen and offer up some friendly advice but at the end of the day you have to live with the decisions you make. Good Luck,, Jim
  10. Thanks abqann that makes me feel better. They have me all lined up for loads of testing and labs the Monday after Thanksgiving and this is one of them.
  11. They do it through the nose? Oh so not looking forward to that...
  12. Hi Diona and welcome to the board. I started recently myself and must also do the 6month diet for insurance requirements. I have Cigna. Weightloss facility I am using requires a 3 month diet as well and would like you to lose 5% of your weight before they will sign off on a surgery date. good luck, Jim
  13. Jim1967


    HI Joyce and welcome to the forums. I am sorry to hear you are struggling as much as you are. I have not been banded yet so I cannot speak from experience but what I have been told and have read carbonated drinks is really not good for the band. It can actually stretch the pouch and cause more harm then good. I just saw my Nutritionist last week who told me this. For the gas pains I recommend Gas X. I find your Surgeon's advice to be a bit alarming and it does sound like he/she is moving you along very fast. I would seek out another opinion on this. It's your health and your life and you have to live with this. Sorry I could not be more helpful. Good Luck, Jim
  14. Jim1967

    new to te board

    Btw happy belated birthday!! I am right behind you. Today is my 44th...
  15. Jim1967

    new to te board

    HI Pendulum and welcome to the forum. Your looking for information on the lapband you definitely in the right place. One of the things you mentioned grabbed my attention right away "i Just want to sit for an hour without falling asleep". I have to ask have you ever been tested for sleep apnea? Do you snore heavily? I used to fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I would sleep all night then wake up and be tired. I would nod off at my desk at work. I finally got tested for sleep apnea and found I had a very severe case. I am now coming up on 7 months using a CPAP machine and I have to tell you it one of the best things I ever did for myself. Not only do I sleep great at night I no longer fall asleep during the day. As for the lapband I am also at the beginning stages to this journey and I am probably one of heaviest people on this board. I am 5' 6 weighing in at 484. Thankfully to this point I only have sleep apnea and a bit of arthritis in my knees but I do feel like a walking time bomb. You are not alone in this journey. There a many of us here with similar stories and we are here to listen and help. We can do this. You can do this!! I would like to recommend a good book worth checking out Bandwagon it contains lot of good useful information. Good Luck, Jim
  16. Is there a way to insert a blank line so all the info in my signature is not crammed? I tried [br] [/br] and [p] [/p] and neither worked. thanks
  17. It's strange Dave the enter key does not work for me....
  18. thanks Rachel that worked perfectly. :-)
  19. Jim1967


    Everyone has a different pain tolerance. I would rather have pain then gain!!! I am looking forward to the pain...BRING IT!!!
  20. Jim1967

    Seminar tonight

    I have to agree with this. It was mostly a Sales pitch on the different surgeries and a sales pitch on why their outfit was the best place to have it done. Again very informative and definitely worth attending but definitely nothing to be nervous about. They basically were not addressing individual personal questions but rather generalizing. Real fun begins from what I hear is when you have you very first one on one consult. At the end on my seminar they herded us like cattle to sign up for appointments. My seminar was Sept 6 and I couldn't get my first appt until Oct 12th because there was so many people. Further more my first appt I wont even be seeing a surgeon. I will be seeing a Physician's Assistant and a Nutritionist. It is hard not to get excited about this appointment but at the same time I know there is a long journey ahead to get to a surgery date. Good Luck in your journey.....Jim
  21. Jim1967

    Lost 100 pounds !!!

    Congratulations indeed. You're an inspiration to us newbies looking forward to the challenge ahead. :-)
  22. Hello All, Sept 6 I am attending a seminar in North Chelmsford at the Center for weight management and bariatric surgery LGH. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how their experiences have been and who they've had for a Surgeon. thanks, Jim
  23. Hi Guys, I am enjoying following all your progress as I hope to some day be banded myself. My first appointment is Oct 12 so I am just starting this journey. One of the tips I have picked up along the way is to have some Gas-X and a heating pad at home and ready to go after surgery. Gas pains are apparentley quite the norm after surgery. All the best, - Jim
  24. Caffiene is known to also cause sugar cravings for some people.
  25. Jim1967

    Hello! Just Joined the Forum

    Be careful Ladies you'll wake up the Jets fans. LOL GO PATS!!!

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