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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jim1967

  1. Thanks for mentioning this because I am still Pre-Op and this is an excellent question that I didn't think to ask my Surgeon. For some reason I didn't think they did fills at the time of surgery but if I can avoid 'bandster hell' that would be great.
  2. I think Allison pretty much sums it up for me. It's inspirational stories like these that motivate me and give me some drive. Thanks for sharing.....
  3. Adding a fill at the time of surgery? Isn't that a little unusual? I always thought you have the band put on and once you get through a healing process for a few weeks or a month then they do a fill this way any swelling would have subsided.
  4. Thank you for sharing your story. You are doing fantatic. I come to this forum often as I need the boost. I am involved in a class that is 6 weeks long (1 day a week) and discusses eating. I am in with 8 other people and I am the only one getting banded. All the others are getting bypass. I find myself questioning whether or not I am choosing the right procedure.
  5. I am hoping it wont come to knee replacement for me. Right now they crack and pop pretty good especially when I go from sitting for a long time to standing up. Once I am up and moving I generally OK unless I do something to put strain on them. I am hoping once this weight comes off the knees will feel better.
  6. Actually you could have arthritis in those knees and if so they can pick that up on an x-ray. I have a touch of arthritis in both knees and they were able to see it on an x-ray.
  7. I am yet to be banded..hoping for April or May so I have no answers for you but I would like to ask what was the reasoning behind the surgery to remove? Was there slippage or was it not placed correctly? And as far as trying again in a couple of months what it his plan or expectations that a second time around will be successful? Hope you don't mind my asking...your situation seems a little unique.
  8. I would recommend locating a local seminar you can attend to hear all the pros and cons surround the various procedures. There you can ask all the questions. Seminars are free as well.
  9. I definitely recommend you reach out to your insurance company and ask for their written policy surrounding weight loss surgery. Insurance companies can be a real pain in the butt. You and I could have the same exact insurance company but yet different rules may apply based on what your Employer purchased. That's of course assuming you are not a self pay patient....if you are then rock on!!
  10. Jim1967

    Lap-band A Factor In Divorce?

    My Wife tells me I sometimes see things in black and white. One of them namely is cheating. Once a cheat, always a cheat. If your husband truly loved you then the weight would not matter. Love is more then just physical attraction so clearly there is something more going on with him. His insecurity issues is not a free pass to get away with whatever he wants. Try your best to move on. You've clearly spent a great deal of effort to lose the weight so why waste your new found life on a loser. Your a beautiful looking woman and time heals eventually but you first have to cut the cord in order to let the healing begin. Good luck to you. :-)
  11. I cannot wait for these holidays to pass by...I am in the middle of a 6 month monitored diet to attain insurance approval and the holidays are hanging me up a bit. I am trying so hard to keep myself on the plan but it is tough. I question myself if the band is really for me as I cannot seem to keep my head on straight during the holidays. I was lucky enough to make it through Thanksgiving showing a weight loss and not a gain but the sweets around Chrismas making it challenging. I have also caught myself making excuses such as "Oh this is the last real holiday season food-wise that I can enjoy because once that band is put in its all new rules" "I have a 6 month monitored diet and i already hit the goal the surgeon asked for so I can bounce through the remaining months" I dunno I am really struggling. I do OK during the week for the most part but the weekends I've been tripping myself up a bit. Anyone else having a problem?
  12. Yea the program I am in they require everyone to drop minimum 5% of their weight in order to get their approval for the surgery. Insurance is a completely different ball game.
  13. Hi All, Thanks for the words of encouragement and advice. I guess perhaps I am being a little tough on myself and yes I am talking about the 6 month insurance required diet. Funny thing is when I saw my Surgeon last week that in his opinion he thinks the 6 month thing is far too long. He said he would rather operate on someone who spent two months losing 20 pounds rather then someone who did 6 months and loss 30 in the beginning only to just gain 10 back or more back before the 6 months is up. I think the real reason I am putting so much pressure on myself is I would like to be down to 400 before surgery day.
  14. I actually like the Body Fortress from Walmart. You can get the 2lb jug for less then 20 bucks. I take 8oz of skim or reduced fat milk and a bit of ice along with the poweder and 1 packet of splenda and it comes out great. I sometimes add a banana or some bluberries to change it up. Good stuff. I find the unjury vanilla leaves a bit of an after taste but Unjury's chocolate is pretty decent.
  15. Best wishes to you during this difficult period. Cancer does not care who you are or where you come from or how old you are. It is a nasty horrible disease and it attacks when and where it wants with no limit to its destruction of the human body.
  16. Hi Mike, I saw your post in an earlier thread and I just wanted to say that your doing awesome man!!
  17. Just curious is this Doc a non Bariatric Doc? My PCP is encouraging me to do this but my Orthapedic Doc has made similar comments that coincide with your Doc. I ended up telling him that it is not the lapbands job to take my weight off. Thats my job. Lapband's job is to help me keep it off.
  18. I don't have much to offer as the rest have stated it already but one thing I would like to mention is if your doctor is not part of a center of excellence then I recommend finding one. You find that the center of excellence providers offer support groups and they don't cost anything. You don't have to switch doctors or anything to visit those groups. I believe not only will the gym thing help but also a group support system where you can vent and have an outlet to release the stress.
  19. Hi All, I had my appointment this morning and it couldn't have gone any better. Surgeon basically told me if he had it his way we would set a surgery date today. Only thing holding things up is the mandatory 6 month monitored diet. He is very impressed with my progress and current weight loss. He told me I was very healthy for 460 pounds and that he is anxious to help me on my way to a healthy BMI. Bonus...I stepped on the scale and down another 2lbs. I am shooting for 400 by surgery date. thank you all for the encouragement and support!!!
  20. Well tomorrow is the day I meet with my surgeon one on one for the first time. I met him at the seminar I went to in September but only since have met with his team. I've seen the Nutritionist, Psychologist and Nurse Practitioner. I have reached their required 5% weight loss goal and continue to lose since I must complete a 6 month monitored diet. So far everyone on his staff that I met has offered me much encouragement and guidance. I just hope when we meet tomorrow my high BMI doesn't shy him away from taking the surgery on. I understand if he does shy away it just means he is looking out for me. But I just hope after all this wait I don't come out of there with bad news. Monday after Thanksgiving I went in for upper GI, cardiac echo, chest xray, ekg, ultra sound of the liver and blood work. They already told me I was Vitamin D deficient and have given me a prescription to get those levels up. I guess tomorrow the Doctor will go over the rest of the tests. I also attended two nutritionist sessions/classes and had my psych session.
  21. Jim1967

    Sleep Apnea

    Yes, you need to let your Doc know and they can schedule you for a sleep study. Sleep study is quite painless and I compare it to simply going for an over night stay in a hotel. Only difference is they hook monitors up to you and connect about 12-20 leads all over you. They also record everything audio and video. Like I said it is really painless. You have your own private room and bathroom. You just sleep and they collect all the data. After the data is collected and analyzed and they determine you do have apnea then they schedule a second round which is completely the same as the first only this time they fit you with a CPAP machine that blows air up your nose or mouth (depending on your needs). As you sleep throughout the night the Technician will take readings and adjust your air flow as the night goes until they find the right setting you need to achieve maximum REM cycle. After they determine your needs for a CPAP machine the doctor will typically write up a perscription for a machine from a supplier. Supplier will then arrange delivery of the machine and train you how to use it and clean it. I have had severe sleep apnea for years and finally did something about it and I am glad I did. I sleep so much better now that I actually have dreams again something I hadn't done since I was a teenager. I refuse to sleep without my CPAP. I feel so much better and I don't fall asleep during the day anymore and the work day is no longer a struggle to stay awake. Hope this info was helpful. If you have any questions let me know and I would be more then happy to answer if I can. - Jim
  22. Hi Erik, Sounds like you are making fantastic progress. My surgery is still a little ways down the road but they are stresing me to train myself now to eat very slow and eat without drinking. It is tough going but if I can get it down now it will just help me more once I am banded. I look forward to following your progress. Jim
  23. Hi Lisha, You are doing a great job from the looks of it. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Weight will come off in time and while it might take some time to come off it did not go on over night and at least your doing something about it now and not 10 years from now. I lost 174 pounds between 2003 and 2004 and gained it all back plus 80 additional pounds. I went through months of depression/anger after packing it all on. It took a lot of strength to get through but I have turned that anger into motivation and drive to get back down to the 219 pounds I was at on Christmas of 2004. I know I can lose the weight and have the will power to do it. It is my hope the lapband will help me keep it off by adding that restriction. I look forward to going back and doing things I was doing in 2004 that I cannot do today. Simple things like going to dinner and being able to sit in a booth or attending a sporting event or concert without the fear of not fitting in the seats. More importantly taking a walk with my wife without having to find a place to sit down every 10 minutes because my arthritic knees scream from the stress i am putting on them. I could go on and on.... I am not banded but I have lost a lot of weight before. My advice it to enjoy the journey while it's happening. Celebrate the movement on the scale, celebrate the size change of the clothes you fit into. Make mini goals and celebrate them as you hit them. If you do that it will make the journey not seem so long and at the same time when you hit the ultimate goal it will make it all that more memorable and rewarding. Best wishes...Jim
  24. Cazzy, I just noticed your signature indicates you were banded this year!! WOW that is some insane weight loss. Got any advice or tips? thanks, Jim

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