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Everything posted by Jim1967

  1. Good post, good info. Thanks all. I have my surgery Monday and first fill visit is already scheduled for May 29th.
  2. Jim1967

    Success - Sometimes Bitter Sweet?

    It is really situational at times. I have been on both sides of the spectrum more then once. In 2003 I weighed 393 and doing low carb I lost 170 so I was walking around at 220ish. I don't know if it was more me feeling good about myself or people actually being different to me. I do know when I packed all my weight back on all the staring came back. One of the very things I remember when I was losing weight back in 03 is a co-worker (female) said to one of my buddies (another co-worker) "he is going to be so handsome when he loses the rest of the weight". I think there are some people out there who do not have weight problems and don't understand how those type of comments can be taken as insulting. I had another female co-worker say to me "wow your face is so skinny". Now I truly believe she meant it as a compliment however all I could think of is "wow my head must've been the size of a beach ball...." I think you find people who are down right rude and ignorant but yet when we carry weight we are not happy about we tend to focus on the negative then the positive attitudes.
  3. Jim1967

    Not Doing Good

    I would suggest a food and exercise journal. I know it's a pain in the neck to do it but it does help you stay honest with yourself and you always have records to go back to if you ever need to.
  4. Jim1967

    Banded Yesterday!

    Congratulations and the best of luck to you!!
  5. Jim1967

    Can Someone Fail A Sleep Test?

    Absolutely right there!! I have sleep apnea and have been using a CPAP machine for just over a year now. Sleep Apnea will not affect you qualifying in the eyes of insurance it will actually help your cause. Let your Doctor know every little problem you might have even if it seems minor. I have a touch of arthritis in one of my knees and they documented that to insurance. Sad to say but the more crap you have going the more they can use as ammunition to use on the insurance companies. Sleep Apnea is a good reason for needing the lapband so don't worry about not being able to get it because of sleep apnea. Good Luck..Jim
  6. I got denied the first time with Cigna. One of the reasons for it was they had my DOB wrong and said I was under 18!! It's been a couple decades since I've been a teenager...LOL
  7. I hope Carnie finally finds peace...It's people like her who help raise awareness on a national stage and help change societies views on obesity. Insurance companies are starting to come around as well. Great interview!!
  8. I just saw my Surgeon this morning and he told me going forward 2 meals should be 8oz whey protein shakes and then the other meal something small with veggies or salad. My surgery is next Monday.
  9. I see my Surgeon tomorrow and I suspect liquid diet will be ordered. My surgery is April 16 at 3:30PM and they want me to fast.....gonna be rough stint but I want it bad so I will make it happen.
  10. Jim1967

    Post Button Not Working???

    Having the same issue as the rest including trying to edit a post I made. I noticed I made a typo and tried to fix it but I get an error trying to save. Also full editor button didn't work in edit mode so I could not fix the post at all. Tried this in IE and Firefox results were the same.
  11. Jim1967

    Hello - New Member

    Hi Chris and welcome to Lapband Talk!! I agree with Stacy check out Bandwagon by Jean. It is available via Amazon. Great book and very informative. Also this forum is awesome. Lot's of great, helpful and inspirational people here. This site is such a valuable resource. I have been at this since Sept 2011 and just now I am a little more than a week away from surgery and I am still nervous. More you look around this board the more you will see this is normal. Good Luck..Jim
  12. Jim1967

    Anyone? Am I The Only One In April?

    thanks and good luck to you Mike. Look forward to hearing your progress. Hope to see you active on here.
  13. Jim1967


    I felt like a 10 year old on Christmas morning when I got the call saying I was approved...right after that I started thinking "oh crap this is real now".
  14. Jim1967

    First Consult On Thursday

    Hello all and welcome... One piece of advice I can offer is to ask your insurance companies for their bariatric policy coverage in writing. Over the phone they may dismiss you and tell you it is not covered but in reality the written policy may say something different. Don't take that initial inquiry as the end answer. I was told by Cigna it was not covered however their written documentation said they will cover it if it is medically necessary and certain criteria was met such as a 6 month minimum supervised diet and all documentation. Remember folks you're the customer and you pay for the insurance so don't hesitate to grill them for answers. Best of Luck,, Jim
  15. Jim1967


  16. I got the call today from Surgeon's that I have met all the necessary criteria and that they were submitting to Cigna today for approval. They are hoping it will go smoothly and look to have me scheduled for the end April. :-) Now the anticipation begins....
  17. Jim1967

    Banded Yesterday

    Congratulations Johnny!! I look forward to hearing your progress. My surgery date is April 16. Pretty excited to start the next chapter. Good Luck, Jim
  18. Jim1967

    Surgery Dates?

    I felt like a kid again and it was Christmas morning when I got the call telling me I was approved and surgery was two weeks away.
  19. Jim1967

    Got My Liquids..

    Hello Ladies I am starting to formulate a list so I can start stocking up as well. I don't see my Surgeon until the 10th and the Office couldn't say whether or not he wants me on a pre-op liquid diet. They told me he would tell me then. My surgery is scheduled for the 16th so at most I would be on a pre-op liquid for 5 days or so. Are you all taking vitamins? I am wondering if I should get chewable or look for liquid. They have me taking a daily multi and Super B-Complex along with Citrical. Good Luck to you all!!
  20. Jim1967

    Getting Insurance To Approve Me!

    I would begin by asking for their policy on bariatric surgery coverage in writing. Some insurance companies will flat out tell you it is not covered but in print it may indicate medical necessity needs to be shown. Most insurance companies want proof of past weight loss attempts. Also, have you already been in contact with a surgeon? If so typically he/she would have someone working for them who is familiar with the inner workings of insurance companies and can be your strongest advocate.
  21. Jim1967

    Surgery Dates?

    April 16th here..
  22. Jim1967

    Anyone? Am I The Only One In April?

    Just got word this morning Cigna finally approved!! Surgery date is April 16

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
