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Posts posted by curvygirl68

  1. Congrats to those who have had the surgery and those who are due soon, you've made the right decision!

    I had surgery on 8/9/11 and have lost 62lbs to date i'm taking it real slow to help with the sagging skin issues.

    I suggest cooking normal Soups and blending it (watch the spices though!) Try to plan your 3 meals and choose foods accordingly say porridge for Breakfast, yoghurt for lunch and Soup for dinner with a fruit jelly as a treat

    I do a cardio work out 3 times a week and pilates for toning, also I swim when I can.

    My arms are ok not much loose skin, the breasts have lost volume and have drooped (i ain't gonna lie!) the stomach has a small overhang but i'm confident that will go by removing as much sugar from my diet as possible. I do have loose skin on the inner thigh which is where i was biggest so its to be expected

    What i would say is Spanx type garments hide a multitude of sins and are supportive so invest in some.

    I hope this helps

  2. Hey all

    Sorry I haven't been on in awhile

    Surgery went great haven't had any complications or pain. Still working on getting enough fluids in but i have my bottle of Water wherever i go!

    I am surprised at how quick and painless the healing progress is, so not pushing too far ahead to normal foods yet i've got another 2 weeks to go.

    Was 110kg on 08/09/2011

    Now 105kg!

    Happy days!

  3. OMG i am so pissing myself laughing right now these threads are too funny! Thank you so much i agree best thread EVER! pound.gif

    Fortunately i didn't experience any of the sharts but granted i had a colonic irrigation 2 days before surgery so that might have helped

    A heat pad really helps in the first few days to ease the gas pain thumb.gif

  4. You are so lucky only 2 weeks on the pre op diet! They make us do 4 weeks here in the UK. :(

    I don't know how well I've done to be honest all the scales I tried said the same thing which I don't believe as I feel different. I'm going with my heart in my mouth that they feel I've lost enough to do the op. I'm around 244lbs so not one of heavier patients I've been told.

    Have you got stuff for after the op? I don't have much in at all but I think its a good opportunity for me to get some exercise walking to the shops!

  5. name='curvygirl68' timestamp='1312665616' post='190716']

    Congratulations i'm pleased to hear your procedure went well.

    Thanks for the info i'll have a look for the Carnation one you've mentioned, i bet i'll find it online as i don't recall seeing that on our supermarket shelves here in the UK. I've been exercising and oiling my skin as much as i can so i hope i recover well.

    Tell me how quickly did they let you bathe after surgery? Is there anything you wished you'd known before you went in? How much fluids are you managing to get in?

  6. Good luck Shell77!

    How are you feeling, nervous or excited?

    I've cleaned my whole house and prepared my kitchen by throwing away all foods I won't be able to eat (surprisingly there wasn't much to throw away) so i'll be able to fully rest on my return home

    Hi Curvy Girl,

    My big day is on 8-9-11 too. I will be thinking of you and wish you the best of luck! This is a great site for support and answers. I look forward to sharing our journeys with each other. Good Luck!

  7. Thanks for the well wishes and advice I'll check google whilst I'm online tonight to see what i can find.

    Hello and good luck on your surgery. I am also lactose intolerant and if you use a100% whey Protein isolate, it's lactose free. there are a lot of them out there, just look up "whey Protein isolate and lactose free" on google and i found a lot. Good luck on your search and on the surgery!

  8. Thanks for chiming in Coops I welcome all responses

    I'm looking forward to being post op and familiar with the things i can and cant eat. I'l deffo be back to you with questions i'm sure. Please keep in touch

    I loved Wales as a child can't wait to visit again biggrin.gif

    Hope you don't mind but I thought I would jump on board ...

    I'm a year out now, and believe me it gets better and better... of course, I can eat a little more these days, but not a lot... My max is about 7oz, depending on the consistency of the food!

    if you have any questions that you think I might be able to answer gice us a shout... I'm just over the border in sunny Wales...lol =]

  9. Oh wow no preparation or support groups, I've been lucky then!

    Thanks for the advice Kermit will definitely let you know how my trip to the hospital goes!



    Good luck with your op!

    Don't worry about your post op diet. General rule is: first 2 weeks Clear Liquids, than on to mushes for 4 or more, depends how your new stomach is doing. There's lots of information on the forum. If you're a mum cast your memory to early days of your child, when milk diet was not enough any more. I had my surgery at King's in Denmark Hill on 16.07.11. We didn't have any classes to prepare us for things to come. One or two consultations with a surgeon and a long wait with no contact before your admission to the ward. Couldn't make any plans without knowing, even approximately, date of my big day. I had less than a week to ready myself for my Saturday event. Quite a shock after 6 months of silence! Most of my support and information came from people on this site and USA one. Let us know when you're back from hospital.

  10. I was sleeved on 8/1/11 so i have just started on my journey and I had the same concerns as you.

    I feel better already, i am not achy when walking, my blood pressure is comming down ( this i know because when i take my meds my pressure drops)

    and I have more energy.

    I am praying that the skin isn't too bad. I have thick hair so i can take a bit of loss cause I know it will grow back.

    I am also lactose intolerant, I drink sugar free carnation instant Breakfast for Protein, i have some of the pre made ones when im on the go and the powder i mix with silk milk (its a soy milk and I truly like the taste)

    Congratulations i'm pleased to hear your procedure went well.

    Thanks for the info i'll have a look for the Carnation one you've mentioned, i bet i'll find it online as i don't recall seeing that on our supermarket shelves here in the UK. I've been exercising and oiling my skin as much as i can so i hope i recover well.

    Tell me how quickly did they let you bathe after surgery? Is there anything you wished you'd known before you went in? How much fluids are you managing to get in?

  11. Hi all

    I'm due to be sleeved on 9 Aug! after a year of appointments and support groups, so now I'm all packed and winding up things at work.

    I'm in the UK so no point in sharing surgeons details here, but wanted to chat with other sisters (and brothers) about their experiences.

    One burning question i have is how soon after surgery do they let you have a bath/shower?

    I'll let you know how i get on and how i'm feeling!

  12. Hi all

    i'm a newbie on here and i'm so glad to find some people from the UK to chat with

    My op is on 9 Aug at The Whittington Hospital in Archway, London. My surgeon is Dr Rahman, who i've not met as he is covering for my original surgeon Dr Sufi who is on leave.

    I don't think i've done as well on the pre op diet as they would like but i suppose i'll find out on Tue! I don't think i'm really prepared for the post op diet phase either i figured i'd "wing it" and see what works for me.

    How many of you had to go to the support group before getting the surgery and what did you think if you went? Are any of you continuing to go and give "pre sleevers" support? I think i might.....

    I'll post when i can if they did me and how its all going. unsure.gif

    Good luck to those yet to be sleeved and good job to those further along in the journey!

  13. WELCOME!!!!

    The concerns you have are normal. I was terrified when I would think about having most of my stomach removed. You know what though, you don't need all of that stomach! It just allows you to eat yourself to death. I am so happy with my sleeve and I love being able to stop myself from mindless eating. Lose skin is just part of the process. I have horrible skin on my stomach (that I hope one day to have removed). I am able to wear Spanx to hold it in and so it's not so noticable under my clothes. I will take the lose skin to be able to wear cute clothes! hair loss will happen, but it grows back. I was never a big fan of Protein shakes. The only ones I could really tolerate was the Premiere brand. I am sure if you shop around you can find one that is lactose free. There is something called Bene-protein that I used for awhile to add to foods. It is tasteless. Maybe you could try that. Congratulations on this new chapter in your life!

    Thanks Becca i'm going to embrace this!

    I'm so pleased the sleeve has worked well for you. I'm resigned to the fact i will need to remove the loose skin in a few areas in a couple of years, but i don't think i'll regret doing this smile.gif

  14. Hi curvy! I am August 8th myself. I am very excited! I have found some good Protein shakes but they wouldn't work for someone lactose intolerant. In you add Biotin to you Vitamin regiment that is supposed to help with hair loss. And my opinion is I would take lose skin over fat and not being able to breathe! I was starting to get winded myself.

    Thanks MeMeMEEE

    I'm getting more comfortable with this by the day as its comes closer. Good luck with yours I cant wait to hear your stories and I promise to share mine. I will look for the Biotin when i next get out.

  15. Hi all

    I'm new to the site, and nervous about my procedure scheduled for 9 Aug. I'm interested in all the stories (good and bad) so I have an idea of what to expect.

    I'm UK based so some things I say about the process we follow may differ to US, but its nice to be part of a support system outside of the ones provided on my programme.

    I've been on this journey for a year which started because of breathing issues. The Dr's can't figure out the cause even after extensive testing so suggested (quite strongly) that it must be weight related.

    I've agonised over the decision to have surgery as I really love my curves!!!! but my quality of life is so much more important to me.

    I'm concerned about

    Lose skin

    hair loss

    Finding a good Protein shake..... I'm lactose intolerant

    Any advice is welcome and I need creative ideas on how to get the Protein in, in the early stages.

    Current weight 111kg (244lb)

  16. Well , today is finally here. I did the 2 days of Clear Liquids. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My family and I went to Holiday World Wednesday. A little sunburned, but it made the day go fast. I have to be at the hospital at 9:30, surgery is at 11:30. I keep having second thought, but I know this is what I want to do. I just don't want any complications. I'm fairly healthy, but obese. I don't want anything bad to happen. I know everyone feels that way and it is encouraging to read your stories. Say a prayer that the doctor performs great and I recover well.

    Good luck I hope your recovery is swift, keep us posted!

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