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Mandy Welch

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mandy Welch

  1. That is AMAZING! Congrats! I have been ttc with my hubby for 7 1/2 years, ever since the wedding night, and got diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago. We did 2 years of Clomid/Metformin, constant monitoring and 3 surgeries, and I finally decided to "take a break" and focus on my health. I think making the decision to have the lap band is the smartest thing I can do for my health, since all else has failed. I am having the surgery in November and I can't WAIT. I really feel that God is going to do the same miracle for us that he did for you! I am so encouraged by your testimony. Good luck with everything! God bless, Mandy

    SOooo... the recovery to surgery has been TOUGH and today I found out why it seems I have been sicker than most people have said they have been. I mean 4 weeks post op most people are excercising and feeling nearly back to normal right? Well I havnt. I have had constant nausea... feel so weak and so tired and have no energy at all, cant stomach much of anything and my gag reflex is super sensitive now.... so I went to see my surgeon today thinking maybe i had a slip.. They did an upper GI and said my band looks perfect. Said maybe its my gal bladder, then jokingly said "or maybe your pregnant."

    Being that I have tried to get pregnant for the last 15 years and underwent fertility treatments for nearly 8 years off and on, and adopted my son, I start to obsess about the thoughts of being pregnant when someone says something like that. So to stop the insanity in my brain I take a test to prove its negative and get my brain back to reality. So today thats what I did... took 4 test actualy... because one after another they all said POSITIVE! I am in complete and total shock. Based on my cycle this puts be between 6 and 8 weeks pregnant.. which means i was pregnant before surgery! I know they tested me so how is this possible? Havnt been up to much "action" since surgery so pretty positive it was before... I never would have dreamed this is even possible. I gave up on that dream years ago after I adopted my son. But 4 test cant all be wrong can they???

    So from what I read its of course not in my best interest to be pregnant now that Ive just been banded, but who am I to argue with a God who has performed a COMPLETE MIRACLE??? I of course have concerns and plan to talk to my surgeon and see my OBGYM ASAP, but figured it should wait till morning... Guess that explains why I have felt so sick.....

    Anyways, anyone else heard of such craziness?????

  2. Okay, so I took another test, and it was a big fat negative :( But you know, I am hopeful. By this time next year, I will have (probably) lost all the weight and possibly that will regulate my cycles and I WILL get pregnant!

    It wouldn't hurt to take another pregnancy test, just to be sure. I have gotten a negative result when I was 2 days late, then retested a week or two later and I WAS in farct pregnant! This happened with two different pregnancies. That being said, many times I have been late thanks only to PCOS, so I compltetely understand not wanting to get your hopes up :)

  3. I know why you wanna hide it. I am only sharing with certain people, because there is a level of discrimination/judgement. People think we chose it as a a "quick fix" or the "easy way out." What about it is EASY?? It is very frusterating. Even me, who is 215 lbs, I have a problem because people don't think I'm "fat enough" for surgery. I hide my weight well, granted, but a healthy weight for me is around 140 to 150 so I am definitely a candidate. Anyway, I understand completely. I am planning on getting my surgery in November and I can't wait!

    Hi all! I am having surgery next week and decided to keep it a secret from my friends and family..even my kids..i'm afraid if it doesnt work i'll be embarrassed. Can I hear some success stories and what should I expect ?

  4. One of the suckiest things about PCOS? Late periods! I was "due" to get my period on 7/23, and on that day, I spotted. Then nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have all the symptoms of PMS but no bleeding! I am now almost 2 weeks late. I took a pregnancy test over a week ago and it was negative. Should I do another? I just think, after 7 years, what are the chances I get pregnant NOW? I don't want to set my self up for disappointment. Besides, when I DO skip a period, I dread it because I KNOW that when I finally do get it, it is gonna come with a vengeance! Ugh. Anyone else deal with this on a regular basis?

  5. I started the process a few months ago, and I am planning to have Lap Band in November. I am 215 lbs and I feel confident (after 7 years of ttc) that after I lose the weight, I WILL get pregnant. PCOS will NOT steal my dreams any longer! I just joined this forum tonight after trying to look for other women who are going through what I am. It gets discouraging when everyone around you gets pregnant at the drop of the hat, and you are trying for YEARS without success. Us ladies just need to support one another in this journey. Best of luck to you, girl, and God bless!

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